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Embarrassing Moments

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 8:13 pm
by RotiferTape
A little over a year ago I got a message on Fetlife from someone who wanted more practice as a rigger. She read my profile and saw how I am into non-sexual bondage so she thought I would be perfect to practice on. She asked if we can meet in a coffee shop and discuss more details. At the time I was much more shy about my love of bondage so I nervous to meet in public but it was wise to do so for safety reasons so I agreed. I met her a week later and the coffee place was crowded. I was at the table first, she gets her drink and when she sits down the first thing she says is "SO YOU LIKE BEING TIED UP!!! THAT"S COOL!" There were definitely some stares and snickering, and I was pretty mortified. Has anyone ever had similar experiences?

Re: Embarrassing Moments

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 9:02 pm
by Deleted User 9820
Ah man, sorry that happened!
Something similar, yeah, but more irritating.
So I am unusual, in that I use ropes to teach lessons, and discipline folks. It's a variation on a sub/dom relationship, but I have found it can be very helpful for folks, to work through some issues, if for no other reason than it helps them focus. (Helped a fella with adhd learn to focus more, for instance, by tying him, and helping him get into a different mental state.)

So it so happened that two fellas I had tied were meeting up for the first time in a while, with myself, and a friend of theirs who I...did not care for. Lol. The first fella had transferred to a different college, and we were all visiting him.
The fella I don't like apparently heard from them about my unusual method of teaching, and blurts out "I'm the only person here you haven't tied up!" Luckily the topic shifted soon, but it was really uncomfortable. He had no idea the significance and the bond (no pun intended) that came from that process. No idea hoe much it meant to me or the others involved.
We were able to talk about it later, and I made sure he didn't blurt that stuff out again. Luckily he didn't do it out in the open, but I would not be surprised if he would have...

Re: Embarrassing Moments

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 11:38 pm
by David Han
Wet myself when I was tied to a chair in front of a gorl I was going to say my love to

Re: Embarrassing Moments

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:53 pm
by Emma
I went to work once a few years ago in a brand new outfit, a short sleeved dress with a modest hemline. When I arrived, several of the men gave me looks of approval, while a couple of the women just glared. I was confused, the dress was, I thought, quite lovely, but not suggestive.

About half an hour into the day, my immediate superior's secretary took me aside and told me he asked her to tell me I needed to go home and change. I was shocked and a bit angry, since there was nothing wrong with my outfit. She told me, and she was embarrassed herself to have this chat, that I had rope marks all over my arms and legs...and I did!

I was mortified, I was embarrassed, and I did return home to change. And when i got back the same men still gave me the knowing, approving looks while the same women still gave me the knowing glares.

Re: Embarrassing Moments

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2020 5:15 am
by sagitarium
I think it was 6 or 7 years ago, I did some selfbondage that included a very tight scarf cleavegag with a scarf that was a bit thin. I didn't think much of it at the time, but next day at work as I was using the restroom I accidentally looked at my face in the mirror and noticed some very clear and visible markings at the corner of my mouth where the scarf had dug into my skin. The rest of the day was spent trying to figure out what to say if any one should comment or ask what happened. Luckily no one did as I really had no idea of what to say.

Re: Embarrassing Moments

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2020 5:59 pm
by RotiferTape
Emma wrote: 4 years ago I went to work once a few years ago in a brand new outfit, a short sleeved dress with a modest hemline. When I arrived, several of the men gave me looks of approval, while a couple of the women just glared. I was confused, the dress was, I thought, quite lovely, but not suggestive.

About half an hour into the day, my immediate superior's secretary took me aside and told me he asked her to tell me I needed to go home and change. I was shocked and a bit angry, since there was nothing wrong with my outfit. She told me, and she was embarrassed herself to have this chat, that I had rope marks all over my arms and legs...and I did!

I was mortified, I was embarrassed, and I did return home to change. And when i got back the same men still gave me the knowing, approving looks while the same women still gave me the knowing glares.
Dang that sucks! That reminded me of another embarrassing time when I worked night shift at a restaurant. I had a bondage session one morning and had to work that night. However, I didn’t know I still had duct tape residue on my face until a few hours into the shift.