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New Tape (M)

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 4:09 pm
by kiwi
Saw recently someone posted about a specific type of tape called Tegaderm. (I apologize that I can’t find the post again for a proper shoutout!)

But did my research and found it’s a medical tape/bandage/fixture with a peel off back like a sticker. But let me tell you what, it’s one of the more interesting and fun/no pain gags I’ve tried and I’m 100% sold on it!

It’s got more stretch than would lead on since it’s so thin, but that gives it plenty of strength to hold in any packing when you try to push it out with the tongue (as you can see in the pic) The adhesive isn’t strong enough to irritate skin/facial hair, but strong enough to hold and be very difficult to remove without hands.

It almost acts like very sticky Saran Wrap with more stretch and not the tacky, self adhering property you get with plastic wrap.

Would love to see more of this stuff and will definitely be using in future games!

Re: New Tape (M)

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2020 10:58 am
by Wrappedmouth
Ive seen that stuff used to hold in IVs. Sounds great. Keep experimenting!