infmed88 : 01 - Dirty laundry and a bad guitar player (ff/m)

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infmed88 : 01 - Dirty laundry and a bad guitar player (ff/m)

Post by Soraka »

infmed88's stories
01 - Dirty laundry and a bad guitar player
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By infmed88

by infmed88 » Sat May 30, 2009 12:17 pm

Hi everyone my name's matt i'm 20 years old and in the army. Been reading posts here for a while now but this is my first and probably only story. A quick description of myself....5'6 dark brown hair, brown eyes, 140lbs athletic build, this particular story i was wearing blue jeans, sneakers and a grey t shirt.

Okay, so back before i joined the army and was still living at home I had a bad habit of tossing my clothes on, around, near, but not into the laundry hamper. My mom had asked and told me numerous times to make sure they made it INTO the darn thing. Being a lazy teenage boy i never did listen. On this particular day i had yet again tossed some shirts and other assorted dirty clothes where I usually did and thought nothing of it. About twenty minutes after doing so my mom( 5'7 small build with brown hair middle aged i guess) came into the living room and stood in front of the tv blocking my view. She had with her a small basket of clothes, my clothes to be precise. She dropped the basket down at my feet, "You're going to learn one way or another to not be so messy and lazy."
I leaned to one side trying to see past her towards the tv replying, "I'm gone in another three months mom it's a little late for that one."

Half paying attention to her and half paying attention to the tv i noticed that she started picking up some of the shirts and laying them off to the side, I didn't bother questioning it until she grabbed me by the arms and forced me down onto the floor. She managed to pull my arms behind my back while I was still in a state of shock and used the shirts to tie my wrists and elbows together. I was kicking my legs like crazy trying to buck her off but at that point it was too late. Once my arms were tied behind my back she sat down and pulled my legs into her lap, securing my ankles, knees, and thighs together with three more of my shirts that didn't make into the hamper.

"Are you serious mom?! These shirts aren't going to hold fore more than five minutes and gggrrmmpphhh!"
My mom wasted no time in forcing a hand over my mouth, laughing at me as she pulled a roll of duct tape from under the pile of clothes in the basket adding, "You need to learn when to shut up too."
She proceeded to reinforce my bonds by adding a good amount of tape to them. I spent most of that time complaining or barganing for my release. Once she had finished with the duct tape she stood up over me, looking down and laughing while I squirmed around trying in vain to find a weakness in her work.
"Maybe this'll teach you something for once."
I got about halfway through my next sentence apologizing to her when she grabbed one of my dirty socks and started to stuff it into my mouth.
"Sorry honey, you'll just have to learn the hard way."

With that being said my sister Katie show cased her ability to show up at the most inconvenient of times by bounding down the stairs. (Katie was 16 at the time with dark brown hair like me, 5'4 120lbs skinny build). She saw me tied up on the floor with my mom holding a finger over the sock she had just gagged with with and her expression went from one of surprise to one of glee. She immediately started giggling and ran over to my mother's side offering any assistance. Mom had her keep me from spitting the sock back out while she tore off four or five pieces of tape. She then applied them one by one, smoothing them out as she went.

"So why'd you tie Matt up mom?"
"If he's going to keep being lazy and messy this is what's going to happen from now on, isn't that right Matt?"
My gagged protests only brought more laughter from the two of them standing over me. They watched me wiggle around on the floor for a few more minutes before katie asked if she could take me upstairs and have me listen to her practice her guitar.
"NNNNMMMMPPPPHH!" I shook my back and forth violently to no avail.
"Sure, sounds like Matt loves that idea. You two behave now."
Grabbing me by the feet and dragging me towards the stairs katie's smile was still as big as ever, "Oh we will mom, i'll make sure of it."

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So at this point my sister had me hopping up the stairs towards her room, with my mom standing down at the bottom watching with no small amount of amusement. I tried hopping away towards my room once I reached the top but my sister quickly grabbed me and guided me into her room laughing, "awww don't you want to listen to me practice?"
I shood my head back and forth adamantly, knowing that my message had been conveyed many times before and would continue to be ignored. Katie shut the door behind her and turned to look at me, sizing me up as if she were determining how much effort this would require. She then wasted no time in laying me down on a bench she had in her room and had me half mummified in duct tape in about ten minutes. I kept trying to shout for mom, surely this was taking it a bit too far, but to no avail. She stood over me with her hands on her hips as if she had won a hard fought battle once she had finished wrapping me, "good, i can finally play my guitar for someone!"

For what i guess was about an hour and a half i endured some of the worst guitar playing i have ever heard, god bless she was trying her hardest but it was just plain bad. Mom would would pop her head in ever five or ten minutes to check up on us and make a few jokes at my expense, the gross overuse of the duct tape on me didn't seem to concern her very much. When Katie finally stopped playing and put the guitar down i thought i was home free, but she choose instead to remove my shoes and socks and begin tickling my feet. She was very aware of how extremely ticklish i am and i made no effort to hide it, i shouted through my gag trying to tell her to stop, almost tipping the bench over twice.
"What happened to the guitar practice?" Katie spun around immediatley, the both of us expecting she was going to be in deep trouble for this one.
"Umm...i finished...and matt picks on me all the time anyways!"
Crossing the room my mom started pulling the bench over towards the bed, "I know, but lets give him a break for now....i rented a movie for us to watch."
Ignoring my flurry of muffled and very angry protests they plopped themselves down on the the bed and stuck their feet up ontop of me, turning the volume up to drown out my gagged protests. I don't remember what the movie was, nor do i care, it involved a diary and women lacking any kind of acting skill. I was unsure whether it was me or the movie they were enjoying more, being subjected to the now common, "It's so nice and quiet," or a, "enjoying yourself matt?" every couple of minutes.

The movie had ended and i had now lost track of how long i'd been kept like this. Mom proceeded to unwrap me, i let out a sigh of relief that this had finally come to an end, "Mom what're you doing!? Can't we keep him like this a little longer? It's been soooo long since i've had a day without getting picked on and i want to show this to my friends!"
I didn't belive mom would actually go for this for a second, but a deal was struck that if Katie completed my chores for me then i could remain as such for a while longer. Jumping up and down exclaiming how much she loved my mom she ran out of the room determined to finish the work needed as fast as possible. I managed to make enough noise to get my mom's attention and gave her a puzzled/unbelieving/angry glare. She just looked down at me and shrugged, "this'll keep the both of you out of my hair for a night, besides it can't be THAT bad can it?"
I didn't bother replying, i was fuming at this point. Not wanting to leave me unattended in my current state, she stayed in the room with me talking about whatever topic came into her mind, sometimes expecting a reply out of me forgetting i was gagged.
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Has it really been two years since i last posted part of this story? Wow, well i guess i'll try to finish it off in case anyone who's interested in the ending is still around. Just to clear up any confusion, i refer to them as my sister and mom, but they're actually my step sister/step mom. So there my mom was, straddled on top of me going on about what she'd been doing earlier in the day, how nice it was to finally have me quiet for once, and pretty much any stray topic that crossed her mind. It didnt seem to bother her that she was carrying on a one sided conversation, i'm pretty sure she enjoyed listening to my failed attempts at speech. It took her about 45 minutes before she finally ran out of steam, but not wanting to leave me alone in my current state, she just grabbed some random teen girl magaize my sister had left lying around and began reading. Or rather began pretending to read while she stuck her bare feet up in my face. This lasted about fifteen minutes before my sister came bounding up the stairs and into the room. She swatted my moms feet from off of my face and plopped herself down onto my chest, planting her hands on her hips and saying,"chores are all done mom, so how long do i get to keep him?"
Mom stood up and looked down at the both of us, first at my beaming sister, then at me, the shocked beyond belief older brother before coming to the decision, "An hour and a half at the most, i think your brother has learned his lesson. Havent you sweey?"
They both giggled as i failed horribly at bucking my sister off of me. Mom started to head out of the room, pausing before shutting the door to add, "Oh, and matthew? Go ahead and bring your dirty laundry down once you two are finshed. You two behave."
An evil grin crept across Katie's face as she stared down at me, "Dont worry mom, we'll behave. An hour and a half is all i need."
The last thing my mom saw before she closed the door on us was a defeated boy and an estatic girl with a full makeup kit. To my sisters credit, she actually did untie me after the next hour and a half was up. But in that time she managed to coat my face in makeup. She plastered a new layer of duct tape over my mouth just to add a set of lips with her pink lipstick. I probably should've just let her have her way with me instead of struggling, since the alternative was winding layer after layer of tape around my forehead to keep me from jerking around so much. At the end of it all, the only movement i could do was wiggle my feet around. Once she was satisfied with her work, she stood over me in one of her favorite victory poses and smiled down at me.
"So big brother, what do you have to say for yourself? Hmmmm? Oh yeah! I almost forgot, it's picture time!"
I couldnt even shake my head back and forth as she grabbed her camera and began snapping shots of me all girlified. Finally after she had taken ten or fifteen pics, she threatened with blackmail before unwrapping me from my cocoon. Once free i made a bee line for the bathroom to wash off all the make up and take a shower after being bound for hours on end. That wasnt the last or first time i'd been tied up, and it wasnt the last or first time i swore revenge. Now that i've finished this particular story i might start posting some other prime examples of sibling rivalry
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