Stef : A Hot Summer (FF/m)

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Stef : A Hot Summer (FF/m)

Post by Soraka »

by Stef » Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:27 am

Part One

Tom is a dark-haired thirteen year old boy, slim and a little shorter than most of the kids in his age. Every year, he is sent to spend the summer with his grandparents, in a small, isolated village many miles away from the other villages and towns, and every year he's enjoying it! But this time is different; Now he's a little older. He was starting already to explore his sexuality, and was getting a little bored playing games with the other, younger kids. He realised he liked seeing tied up girls in movies, and felt aroused in the idea of getting tied up himself but never dared to try anything at home with his parents around, although a couple of times, he really wanted to!

A night like any other, a few hours after his grandparents went to bed, he was really bored and an idea came across to his mind!
"I'm wondering if there's rope around.. I'm sure there's somewhere.."
he started exploring the big houses's basement to find rope for his little experiment, and after a little while, he did! There were a few coils of old, thick rope hanging there, and a few rolls of duct tape around along many other tools and stuff.. He grabbed much rope and a roll of wide, silver duct tape and went straight upstairs, took a scarf from his room and went to the frontyard. He was wearing normal everyday clothes; short jeans, sneakers, and a red t-shirt.

The frontyard was big, and visible from the road outside the house as it was also the entrance to the big house. The house itself was isolated from the rest of the village and the road. No one was awake at that hour, and Tom knew that no one would ever wander around to see him.

He sat on a chair on the balcony, pretty excited about this whole idea, grabbed a coil of rope, and started tying his feet.. After a few minutes, he tested the bonds happily and then procceeded into tying his legs, below and above the knees smiling!
"Wow this really feels amazing!" He thought as he was experiencing for the first time, the feeling of rope tied around his body!
Then, he stayed a few minutes like that enjoying the moment, and hoped around his tied feet, a few times!
"I wouldn't go anywhere like that!" He thought.

He realised that from now on, he pretty much did all he could and there was no way to tie his hands behind his back, and that bothered him a lot. Then, he cut a strip of duct tape and placed it carefully on his mouth, feeling for the first time the tape keeping his mouth closed! He was aroused and turned red! He moaned a little on purpose just to see how it feels! Then he stood up from the chair, grabbed a coil of rope and the scarf, and hoped untill he was off the balcony, close to the door where he layed down, facing the ground. He put the scarf around his head, on his eyes blindfolding himself!
"This is a lot better! It's so good not being able to see!" He was thrilled with excitement!
He took the other rope, and tried to tie his hands behind his back.
"This isn't happening! I wish there was somebody here to tie me up! It's impossible!" He thought dissapointed
After a lot of tries and failures later, at least he managed to tie his hands very loose, and could escape that at any second. He was barely tied but he didn't care as he was just enjoying the situtation and fantasizing about the idea of being held captive!
He struggled playfully, pretending to not being able to free himself, and after a few minutes, he stayed calm enjoying every second of his situation!

Part Two

In the meanwhile, Tom couldn't notice that two strangers were walking silently by the house very suspuciouly... As the two strangers approached the house and saw from distance Tom lying there bound, pretending to struggle, they froze for a second feeling shocked, and then giggled at the sight of it! They continued walking towards him and opened the door to the frontyard. Only then, Tom realised he wasn't alone, and a second later, he quickly shook his hands violently to get them free but it was too late; in an instant, one of the strangers grabbed and held his hands in place!

He panicked, and tried to talk but couldn't! He couldn't even see a thing!
-"Shh dear!" One of them whispered; she was a woman! "You already made it to us really easy, now don't make it hard boy!" She added and the other stranger giggled! She was also a woman!
Tom struggled to free his hands but the woman, was holding them together stronger behind his back! The tape was almost off his mouth now due to his panic and sweat, and the other woman, with a quick notion removed it, and clapped his mouth with her gloved hand!
-"Mmm mm MMMMM" He tried to call for help!
-"Don't be afraid! cooperate and you won't be hurt" One of them said and he nodded positive after a few seconds, realizing that he was now at their mercy!
-"Very nice dear! Now let me help you with your hands!" She said and started tying them tight! "Now i'll show you how to do a better job at tying knots! He remained calm and kinda felt aroused again!
-"That will hold you now!" She added after she finished! He tested his bonds and realised he was now securely tied up! He didn't protest! The woman then tested the bonds on his feet, and legs
-"Really good job kiddo. But a poor choice for a gag! I'll show you a much better one!" The mysterious woman said and then she removed his sneakers and socks, leaving him barefoot. Tom was confused...
The other woman then removed her hand and little Tom was able to talk again.
-"Please you don't have to mmm" He said with a trembling voice but something violently stuffed into his mouth quickly, and then duct tape was placed to his mouth and all around his head five times securing the gag. Although he was a little scared, he liked being a captive!
-"mm mmmm" He moaned out of pleasure rather than fear.
-"Now that will keep you quiet! Those are your socks!" The other woman said and Tom moaned again! He wasn't able to make any noise rather than muffled sounds!

-"Go get the car" One of them commanded "I'll stay with our prisoner!" She added. Tom was calm, lying facing the ground, with his bare feet tied together, legs above and below the knees, hands tied securely behind his back, and gagged effectively by his own socks!
-"Now let's roll you over and.. Wow..! You're really enjoying it, aren't you?!" She said smiling to Tom after she saw that! Tom blushed!
-"You know, this is the easiest kidnap i've ever done.." She said to him. Tom felt very embarrassed and turned red!
"I'm glad you're enjoying it, you won't be any trouble" Tom agreed feeling strangely secure and comfortable at his captors hands

Part Three

As soon as the car arrived, the strange woman picked up Tom and carried him on her shoulders to the car. They opened the trunk and put him inside.
-"MMM MMMMMM" he protested.
-"Don't be afraid dear, we will take you a little drive!" The other woman said and closed the trunk. Tom moaned louder!

An hour later the car stopped, they opened the trunk to their helpless captive and carried him once again inside a small cottage in the woods. They sat him in a chair.
-"You must be tired" one woman said and started untying his feet and legs... Then they un-gagged him
-"Did you enjoy your socks?" She asked with a smile!
-"Please don't hurt me I'll be good, don't gag me I won't make a noise!" Tom said in both fear and excitement giving the hint, with his hands still tied behind his back and blindfolded.
-"Ok but you'll be still tied, we don't wanna lose you boy!" The other woman responded. They untied and retied him to the chair, with his short bare feet dangling off it. A small rope was connecting his tied hands behind the back of the chair, to his tied ankles! The bonds weren't as tight as before but still effective!
-"I'll be out taking a look at the car, stay here and watch him" One woman said to another and went out.
-"I'll go take a short nap, don't do anything stupid, or you'll be punished!" The woman who stayed behind said to the young boy and he nodded.
"I can't anyway! Punished? And why they didn't gag me? This is exciting!" He thought and started working on his bonds!

After a while later, he managed to get free! "That was easier than I thought!" he thought a little dissapointed, and then removed the scarf off of his eyes! "Now to the escape" He thought and climbed out of the open window.
He stepped outside in full view of the other woman who was a bit surprised!
-"HEY! Come here!" She said and started running towards him. He started running too..! The other woman got up, saw what was happening and quickly started running as well! He tripped on purpose a few feet away, and two seconds later, both women grabbed him!
-"Get the rope!" She shouted while she had him pinned down.
-"No please, don't tie me up!" Tom faked.
-"You'll learn your lesson brat" She strictly said. Then the other woman came back with a bag and then they started tying him up with rope. He was overpowered and loving it!
In a matter of minutes and without big protests, he was tied up tight, hands behind back, ankles, knees and thighs! It was all so quick that he didn't manage to see much before getting blindfolded again! He only did notice that they were wearing pants and boots but couldn't see their faces, it was dark and he was lying with his face on the ground.
-"It's too tight!" He complained in a playful way.
-"Not yet! I'll teach you a new trick since you like being tied up! You’re gonna love this!" She responded. Then she used a small piece of rope, and tied his hands with his feet, putting him in a tight hogtie! Tom was erected again... "Wow I'd never think of that!" He thought. He tried to move but was helplessly hogtied. He liked it!
-"You'll stay here with me now, on the ground while I’m working, and DONT MAKE A SOUND or else.." She commanded.
-“Or else what? Are you going to gag me?? Don’t you dare!” He said.
-"Fine! I got it! You leave me no choice!" She added. Tom smiled. He heard zippers opening...
-"Now it'll be my socks, and they're dirty! Open up!" She commanded.
-"No!" He said. Then she pinched his nose until he opened his mouth wide, and forced her socks inside! She took a rag and tied it tightly around his head, making it an effective cleave gag!
-“Try to talk now darling!” She said smiling.
-"mmmmmm mmmmmm MMMMMM" He tried to say.
-"That's cute! I know you like it, do you think that i can see your.. thing..? Now you better enjoy it cause you'll be staying like the whole time!" She said and started working on the car again, completely ignoring his protests!

"Now we’re talking!" He thought and started struggling hard and moaning loud, loving it! His struggles were hopeless!

Part Four

After a long hour, the woman stood up and said
-“It’s ok now I’m done here! Are you enjoying yourself?”
-“MMM MMM” He answered. “I love it!” He thought.
-“I can’t quite hear you… Oh! Sorry I forgot you’re gagged with my socks! Do you like the taste?” She teased him.
-“MMMM MMMMMMMM” He tried to say.
-“That’s what I thought!” She told him. “Are you ticklish??” She added
“Oh crap no!” Tom thought.
-“Let’s find out! HEY come outside!” She shouted for her partner. She started tickling his exposed bare soles, while he was kicking like crazy! The other woman removed her boots.
-“You didn’t taste my socks yet!” She teased him and placed her socked foot on his face forcing him to smell it! That went going on for almost half an hour! They tickled and teased him a lot during this time! He was all sweaty from the struggles and had tears to his eyes..! He enjoyed a small part, being helpless and overpowered by two women!
-“Enough! I think you’ll behave now” One of them said. Tom didn’t do or say anything, accepting his defeat and the fact that he was at their mercy!
-“We can’t leave him here like this. What should we do?” One of them asked
-“It’s time for bed prince! You’re not going to sleep like this, it’s impossible, but I think there’s a way to solve this” The other woman asked. Tom sighed of relief, he was exhausted! They carried him inside in a small room, and laid him on a bed, with metal posts!
-“Bring the cuffs off the bag” One of them said to the other. “Alright!” She said and they started untying him carefully… Two minutes later, he was completely untied but still gagged and blindfolded! They quickly cuffed each of his hands and feet, to a single post. He wasn’t exactly in a spreadeagle position, it was a single bed. Tom realized there was no point in trying to escape this! He felt the cold metal in his hands and feet and smiled through his gag!
-"Don't worry, you can have the key. Here!" Said one of the women and left the key which unlocks the cuffs, on his belly!
-“Goodnight darling” They both said and closed the door leaving him lying there helpless!
-“Mmm mmmmm” He tried to talk making metal sounds moving his hands and feet!

Part Five

An hour and a half later, while he was asleep, the door to his room opened.
-“Wake up! You’re going home!” One of the women said.
-“Mmm?” He moaned confused.
-“It wasn’t you our target!” The other one replied “Such a shame though, we were having such a good time together!” They un-cuffed him, and removed his gag but not his blindfold.
-“I—I’m really tired…” He said in a sleepy voice.
-“It was a waste of time…” She added. Then, they grabbed and led him outside to the car.
-“No more torture for you prince, you’re free but you’re not allowed to see yet!” One of them told him. They placed him inside the car and drove off… It was still dark outside but in a few hours, the sun would rise again.

After a little while Tom heard the engine stop, and the women grabbed him and led him inside the frontyard of his house.
-“We’re here boy. We’ll leave but don’t remove the scarf yet” The woman commanded.
-“Umm thanks I guess??” He said “But I won’t make any promises, you’ll have to prevent that somehow!” He added with a naughty smile.
-“As you said” They looked at each other smiling and led him through the yard, in front of tree. They sat him down, and started tying him up, first his hands behind the tree, and then, his feet and knees! Then they also tied his upper body to the tree using a lot of rope. When they were finally done, they stood up and said:
-“There you go!”
Tom tested his bonds and said impressed.
-“Now i can’t really do anything but I can still scream” He told them.
-“I’ve got a special gift for you then! Don’t go anywhere!” One of them said smiling and went to the car to get something. She returned a few seconds later.
-“Now open up prince!” She said and Tom did as he told. He felt a large ball getting inside his mouth, and some kind of leather straps at the sides of his head. Then the straps went tighter, pressing the ball deeper into his mouth! He couldn’t say a word or spit out the ball as it was tightly buckled from behind.
-“That’s my gift, a ball gag! You can keep it! It’s quite effective don’t you think?” She said smiling.
-“Aaagh aaaaaaaagh” He tried to speak happily as he experienced this new type of gag.
-“Just wait and see what happens next, you’ll be drooling all over the place!” She replied
-“Well goodnight boy! It was a pleasure! Enjoy yourself, in a few hours you’ll be free!” The other one said and both left leaving him sitting, helplessly tied up against a tree, and ballgagged!
After a lot of struggling and drooling uncontrollably, he was finally free in the morning after his grandparents found him in the yard. He was very happy about his experience, and loved the most part of it! He also kept his gift as a souvenir! “That was fantastic! And I didn’t even see their faces! I’ll never forget their voices in my head!” He thought.


A couple of weeks later, Tom was at the grocery store buying stuff for his grandparents! As he was walking around looking at the list he accidentally fell into some stranger woman and tossed her bags down. She was a very beautiful brunette, at her thirties probably, with a very sexy body and wearing tight jeans, boots, a shirt and sunglasses..!
-“Oh I’m so sorry, let me help you with these” She smiled and both started gathering the stuff off the floor. Seconds later, the lady picked up her bags and as she was walking way she said smiling.
-“Thank you prince”
It took about a minute for Tom to realize where he heard that voice before..! It belonged to one of his kidnappers..! He turned around but she wasn’t there anymore.
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Post by sockgaggedsissy »

Absolutely amazing
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Post by rohan@babu »

Good one
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