FH : 12 - Germany 1982 - Bound Bunch (m+f+/mmff)

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FH : 12 - Germany 1982 - Bound Bunch (m+f+/mmff)

Post by Canuck100 »

FH's stories
12 - Germany 1982 - Bound Bunch
Story index at the bottom


Wednesday April 5th 2000 01:49:39

These are the continuing stories of a holiday in Wittlesberg, Germany in 1982. See for the other parts the archives of this site.

On Saturday Helga (14), Sabine (Helga's twin sister, 14), Frank (16) and Marcus (11) would leave, so Friday was the last day we could play together.

After the previous hot days, Friday turned out to be a very wet day. It had started raining during the night and when I woke up it was still raining. It wasn't cold, the previous days the temperature had been up to 28 degrees Celsius, but even with the rain it was just above 20 degrees. It was expected to rain for most of the day and that's why my parents decided not to go out. My sisters stayed in the cabin, the more reason for me to leave, so I decided to see if Marcus was around. I was dressed in my swimming trunks and a T-shirt. Just as I walked onto the porch, Helga walked out, followed by Sabine. Both were dressed in blue shorts and white T-shirts and sneakers. Sabine's T-shirt was sleeveless.

They were on their way to the play area near the pool. It consisted of nothing more then a couple supports with a roof on top of it, but at least it would keep us dry and there were some games. I decided to join them and we ran to the place, trying to stay dry, which didn't work. Marcus was already there, so was Thomas (15), who's parents were already packing up the car as they would leave today.

We played some board games for a while, but got bored with them and it wasn't for long or we were talking about the bondage contest of the previous day. After a while this turned into making plans for the last bondage of the holiday (at least for most of us, I would have another experience with Kim in the next week, but that is for later on these pages). We decided it would be fun to all get tied up as tight as possible as a sort of goodbye party, but Thomas couldn't because he had to go away in two hours time. His parents already stayed two days longer then planned, mainly because their cottage wasn't rented until the weekend and the weather had been so good.

After some discussion it was decided that Sabine would be tied first, then I was to be bound, Helga would tie Marcus and then Thomas would tie Helga. He would stay until he had to go and then would untie one of us, who then could untie the rest. Now we needed a place to get tied up, because the play area was to open and we didn't want everybody to see us. I suggested the old farmhouse were we had played before and everybody agreed. Marcus offered to get all the ropes and other stuff that was hidden underneath their cottage and so we ran to the old shed, while Marcus got the ropes.

It wasn't raining hard when we started of on our run towards the shed, but halfway it suddenly poured down and we all got very wet before reaching the shed. Marcus arrived a little later, also soaked, and dumped the wet ropes and other materials on the floor.

"Okay Sabine, I will tie you." Helga said. Sabine didn't complain although she knew her twin sister would show no mercy at tying her tight.

We sorted out the ropes and rags and I handed Helga a 2-meter piece of rope. She used this to tie twin-sisters hands palm to palm behind her back. Several knots were tied and the final knot was out of reach of Sabine's fingers. From the expression on Sabine's face I could see that Helga had indeed tied her tight. Helga had learned her lesson from the time Marcus and I had tied the twins up, because she picked up a rag and stuffed the cloth in Sabine's mouth. Another piece of cloth was used to hold the mouth filling in. Sabine made some pleading sounds when Helga picked up a long rope and started on her elbows. While we were sorting out the ropes, Helga tied Sabine's elbows tight together leaving no room between her elbows.

I looked up when I heard Sabine make angry sounds at Helga. I noticed that Helga had wrapped the rope around Sabine's upper body several times and she had knotted it of at the ropes around her elbows. Now Helga was tying another rope around her middle and there was little Sabine could do about it. When Helga was done, Sabine could not move her arms at all. Helga guided Sabine to the old bed frame and helped her sit down on it. Then she tied her legs at ankles and knees. I thought she would be done by now, but Helga had other plans. The bed frame consisted of crossing metal wires with a distance of 5 centimeter between them, forming little squares. One of the legs of the bed was bit shorter then the others, making the bed wiggle a bit. Sabine was forced face down on the bed frame and Helga used a long piece of rope to tie her to the frame. From below her neck to her ankles Sabine was fixed to the frame. No way she was getting out of that situation without some help. As a finishing touch Helga grabbed another piece of cloth and blindfolded Sabine.

Satisfied Helga got up and turned towards me.

"You're next." She grinned. I was wondering what she had in store for me and I didn't have to wait to long, because she grabbed a piece of rope, ordered me to turn around and started tying my hands crossed behind my back.

It was the same story as with Sabine. Once my hands were tied, I was gagged, before she proceeded to tying my arms to my upper body. Helga wrapped a long piece of cloth several times around my head and between my teeth, keeping me from closing my mouth. I was not completely silenced, but it was not possible to make intelligent conversation. Marcus helped me sit on the floor and then Helga tied my legs at knees and ankles. My T-shirt was still wet and felt cold against my skin. The wet ropes were also making things more difficult. Not only didn't they feel nice; they were a lot harder to knot. I looked at Helga who was debating what to do and waited for things to come. Helga picked up another piece of rope, a short one, and came towards me.

"Roll over", she ordered me. I did and then the ropes around my ankles were tied to my wrists, in what I now know is called a hogtie. She pulled on them to get them closer together as I was trying to prevent her from making it tighter, in the end she won and my hands were only 10 centimeter from my feet.

As I lay on the stone floor I could see that Helga was selecting some pieces of rope and I wondered what she was up to. She also selected three rags. To my surprise she handed the stuff to Marcus and Thomas and told them to tie her up first. Then after Helga was tied, Thomas could tie Marcus up.

"This will give me less change of getting out", she grinned. I thought that was a great idea. Thomas was not very experienced at doing the tying and Helga might have escaped easily from his handiwork.

Now that Marcus could help him, she wouldn't get out so easy. The boys outdid themselves with tying up Helga. They used the same method as Kim had done during the contest, but this time Thomas and Marcus used a lot more rope and even tied her thumbs together, something I would never had thought of. Her hands were tied in front, her elbows were tied together, also in front and touching, and then her knees and ankles were tied. The rope around her wrists was pulled towards the rope around her ankles and fixed with a long line. This piece of rope was long enough to wrap it all the way from her ankles to her knees and even some wraps around her upper legs and her upper body were possible, creating a tight package.

Since Helga wasn't gagged yet, she kept complaining to the boys that they were doing a lousy job, which resulted in more determination from them to make it tighter. She finally stopped talking when they started tying her thumbs with a small piece of string. Then it was too late anyway, because Marcus grabbed a piece of cloth and stuffed it in her mouth. It was rather a large piece, he had difficulties getting it in her mouth, but finally Thomas was able to wrap another piece around Helga's head, covering the mouth stuffing. This gag really worked, as Helga was suddenly very quiet. To her own surprise the boys also blindfolded her, leaving her even more helpless. She struggled a bit, but gave up after a few minutes.

In the meantime Thomas had tied the hands of Marcus behind his back and it wasn't before long or he was also hogtied on the floor, almost identically tied as I was. Thomas was about to gag him when Marcus remarked that I wasn't blindfolded yet. Thomas said he would take care of that later and gagged Marcus with the cloth. Then the blindfold followed after which Thomas came to me and also blindfolded me. We were truly helpless. It felt great. I could hear the gagged sound of the others and the squeaking of the bed where Sabine was tied on. At least we could still move a bit, she couldn't move at all. I felt sorry for Sabine, since she was tied first and her sister had tied her very tight, even crushing her elbows together. That she was the only one who could do this was not really relevant, Helga didn't have to tie them together, but she had done anyway.

I think it was about 15 minutes later when we suddenly heard a car horn honk. We heard Thomas get up from where he was sitting and open the door from the shed.

"Oeps", he said. "I've got to go, my parents are leaving. I'll tell somebody you're here, so they can get you free. I don't have time to untie anybody. Thanks guys for a great holiday." With those words he left and closed the door behind him, leaving us four helpless behind.

I did hear some gagged complaints, but it was of no use, since neither of us was in any position to do something about it. Sabine on the bed was located in the middle of the shed against the back wall. Helga was sitting in front of the bed, while Marcus was lying close to the door. I was lying near the left front windows, about two meters from Marcus and 3 meters from Helga. Judging by the sounds I heard, Helga had fallen over on her side.

For about half an hour nothing much happened. I had tried to get a bit closer to Marcus, but not successfully. This had something to do with being tightly tied, a hogtie isn't the easiest position to be in for movement, as well as the fact that the floor was full of old and broken pieces of furniture and other debree and I was blindfolded. It was a bit scary, lying there tightly bound and no one around whom could help if one of us got into any trouble, but we never thought about safety. That would come much later when we grew older. I know that at least I didn't wait patiently for things to come. I did hear some grunts from the others, but neither of us was in any position to help the other.

In my try to get closer to Marcus I bumped into an old chair and I used it to try to rub the blindfold off, which after some trying finally worked. At least I could see again. I noticed Helga indeed lying on her side, still blindfolded, gagged and bound as she had been by Thomas and Marcus. Sabine was still on her bed and Marcus had tried to get a bit closer to Helga, but the blindfold had let him go in the wrong direction.

Suddenly we heard a tractor outside and even some voices. We made as much noise as possible, which wasn't much, due to our gags. With the engine of the tractor running, nobody outside the shed heard us and since they didn't know we were in there, they never looked. As far as they knew the shed was empty. After some time the tractor disappeared and everything went quiet again. Frustrated Sabine grunted in her gag.

It was quiet again for another 15 minutes in which I tried to get closer to Helga, when the door of the shed was opened and Frank entered. It took him a moment to understand what was going on here. Then he grinned. I suddenly had a feeling we wouldn't be getting out yet and I was right. Frank noticed that I had undone my blindfold and retied it over my eyes. I protested loudly, but to no avail. The others just knew somebody had entered the shed. When they heard me complain they didn't know what was going on and since they didn't know who had entered the room they all got a bit scared. All four of us fought against our bonds, but we were tied to well. I could hear Frank move around, probably testing our bonds, and then we heard the door again and everything got quiet again. Outside we could hear the rain pour down. Luckily the roof of the shed was still in one piece, so at least we stayed dry.

Several minutes later the door opened up again and somebody, now I also couldn't see anymore, entered the shed again. I presumed (and was proven correct later) that it was Frank again. He had gone to the cottage, picked up something to eat and something to read and then returned to the shed. He sat down on the bed next to Sabine, scaring her almost to death, and started reading his book. For a long time, I lost track of time, all we heard was the turning of the pages of the book and the occasional grunt of one of the captives.

I tried to move ahead towards Helga again, but when I was getting closer I felt myself being pulled back to where I just cam from, so I gave up and just waited for Frank to release us. After a while the ropes started to hurt a bit and much of the fun of being bound and gagged had disappeared. All I wanted was to get out. At some point the tractor returned near the shed and like the previous time, we were not detected.

After it had been quiet for some time I heard Frank move around again and wondered what he was doing. I could here Sabine making sounds and I heard ropes being undone, but I had no idea what was happening. Then the door to the shed was opened and closed and everything was quiet again. I had a feeling Frank had left again.

Sometime later the door opened again and somebody came in again. This time I heard Helga making noises and a little time later the door was opened and closed again. Another period of silence followed and somehow I got the feeling Helga and Sabine were no longer in the shed, because I didn't hear the bed anymore and also Helga's gagged complaints had stopped. After a while, it looked longer then the first time, the door opened up again and somebody entered the room. This time the person came towards me and undid the blindfold. As I expected it was Frank. He also undid the blindfold on Marcus, who in his attempts to get closer to Helga had almost reached one of the corners of the shed. Sabine and Helga were no longer in the shed.

"Here's the deal. You get one hour to free yourselves. Then you have to find Helga and Sabine, who I've hidden somewhere. If you don't succeed you will spend the rest of the day like this."

Marcus and I looked at each other. Frank grinned and left the shed, closing the door behind him. I tried to tell Marcus to get to me, while I tried to come his way, but the gag made it nearly impossible to say anything he could understand. Luckily he had the same thought, so after 10 minutes of movement we were close together. I turned on my side, my hands in his direction and tried to tell him I would try to undo his gag. He didn't understand at first, but after some more grunting he moved his head towards my hands and after a lot of fumbling I was able to undo his gag. We repeated the same action but this time he used his hands to undo my gag, but the knot was too tight and he couldn't get it out.

"Try to undo my hands. You're much tighter tied then I am, the knots shouldn't be too hard to get undone", he told me.

I grunted and positioned myself on my side again. This time I had to find the knots first, not being able to see where my hands were going didn't make it easier. I think we spend 15 minutes like this before I finally got some slack in the ropes around his wrists. It turned out not to be the rope that tied his wrists together, but the rope that kept him in a hogtie. At least he could stretch his legs again. Now I could get at the knot from the ropes around his wrists and another 10 minutes later the knot was undone. It still took me another 10 minutes to get the rope loose far enough for him to undo his wrists. From that point on it wasn't too difficult to get free and another 15 minutes later I was also untied. Marcus and my T-shirts were al dirty from the wet ropes and all the movement on the floor, but we didn't really care.

I opened the door and looked outside. Rain still poured down and judging by the pools around the sheds it had been raining all day, as forecasted. There was nobody around and Marcus and I had a talk about what to do next. We didn't have any idea where the two girls were and knowing Frank, they were probably well tied and hidden. We decided on first looking for them around the shed. I remembered the first time Frank went out with Sabine, he didn't stay away for very long, so she was probably around here somewhere.

We split up and searched the sheds. Nothing. Then we decided to look at the surrounding area. In between some trees and bushes behind the largest shed we noticed something white and it turned out to be Sabine. Frank had not even retied her, he just had undone the rope which kept her to the bed and had tied her with the same rope to the tree. She stood with her belly to the tree, lashed to it with rope from her neck to her ankles. She was still gagged and blindfolded and, due to the rain, soaking wet. I undid the blindfold and two teary eyes looked at me from over the gag. While I undid her gag, Marcus started on the rope holding her to the tree. I told her what had happened, because she still had no idea who had tied her to the tree. I won't repeat the names she called her brother, because the words she used are not suitable for print. Suffice to say she wasn't happy. It took some effort to get her free. Her sister had tied an enormous amount of knots in the rope while tying her and the rain had made the rope wet, which made it more difficult to undo. Eventually Sabine was free. The ropemarks on her arms were clearly visible. She excused herself and ran to the cottage, mother nature called.

Ten minutes later and dressed in a clean yellow T-shirt, she returned. In the mean time we had searched the rest of the place and were pretty sure Helga wasn't around. So we decided to search at the cottages and garages. While Sabine checked out the holiday house, Marcus and I looked at the cottages. At last the rain had stopped, but we still hadn't found Helga. Frank had also disappeared, so we couldn't ask him were she was.

Suddenly I noticed the plastic cover on the garden chairs move. That was a place we hadn't looked yet and when we lifted the cover up, we found Helga. She was also still tied the way she had been in the shed and also the gag was still in place. Quickly Sabine undid her gag, while Marcus and I went to work on the ropes. At least she had been lying in a dry spot, so it was easier to undo the ropes.

"I will kill that guy", Helga said. At least she had seen who had taken her out of the shed, since her blindfold was removed. I had to calm her down a bit.

"He, we wanted a special bondage day, well we got one". The others had to agree.

"It has been fun, although tough", Sabine agreed.

We went to the play area and talked for a while about the day. In the end we concluded that it had been fun and that it had been a great holiday. We also knew we would probably never see each other again, which made us a bit unhappy, but that was something we couldn't do anything about. In total we had been bound and gagged that day for 4 hours from the beginning to the end. It had truly been a fun day.

So much for 2 weeks of bondage fun with this German family. My last bondage experience that holiday will be published on these pages soon. Stay tuned!

NL (EK 2000 home)

FH's stories
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