Vicki : 01 - Escape Challenge (FF/m)

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Vicki : 01 - Escape Challenge (FF/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Vicki's stories
01 - Escape Challenge
Story index at the bottom

By Vicki

Wednesday December 15th 1999 06:01:32

I am not sure if this is the appropriate forum for what I am writing about, but I came across this site while I was doing some searching for answers and it seems to be the closest to what has happened in my household. I have read the stories about boys tying up their mothers with interest, because recently my son asked me if he could tie me up after we were watching a TV show where a woman was held hostage and was tied and gagged. This is not about my son tying me, because I have absolutely no desire to be tied up. And besides, I do not want my son to think that it is OK to tie women up. But this is about a mother who has been lured into tying her son up instead. If this is not appropriate here, I apologize in advance.

I am divorced and 33 years old and my son, Robert, is 12. We live in a condominium complex which doesn't have many children, except for infants and much younger children. This makes it hard on my son as he doesn't have anyone to play with locally. So we spend a lot of free time together. When we were watching TV that night, Rob told me that it looked simple enough to escape and she should just be able to walk away. I said, "Rob, I'm sure that since this is only television, you're probably right, but in real life the girl would be tied very securely and she'd never escape." Rob asked me if I thought I would be able to break free of the ropes. I said I'd try my best but I didn't know. I wasn't anticipating that he'd ask if he could tie me so we could find out if I could. When he did ask me, I told him that it's just not right to want to tie somebody up, but he was very persistent. Not wanting to be tied up myself, I finally had enough of his whining, and I told him that if he was so curious , I would tie HIM up and see how he'd like it. Also, part of my motivation was that I didn't want him asking girls at school if he could tie them up.

It was still an hour or so before it was his bed time, so I had him sit on a chair and tied his hands together with electrical cord. (I didn't have any rope around the house). I wrapped the rest of the cord around his body and the back of the chair, hoping that would hold him upright. I had another electrical cord and tied his legs and feet together too. I stood back and said "How does that feel?" and watched him struggle to get free. I have to admit, I did not tie him very tightly as I had never done anything like this before. He was able to wiggle and squirm out of the bindings within minutes. All I wanted to do was to show how helpless a person would be being restrained like that. I didn't think he'd escape so quickly however.

We talked about this before he went to bed, but he said it was too easy for him to get out of the bindings. Not really wanting to, I told him I would tie him up again another time and that I'd to make it more difficult because I would use rope next time and I would also practice my knot tying. After Rob went to bed, I was on the phone with a girlfriend of mine, Kathy, and I told her about the events that occurred and how concerned I was about Rob wanting to tie up girls. She laughed about most of the story and told me that I was right about being worried about his sudden interests. She also thought it was an interesting approach that I took in attempting to tie him to demonstrate what it's like to be at someone's mercy. But she agreed that this just might work. Kathy went on to tell me that if I do decide to tie him again, that I should make it as escape proof as possible. She also said that I shouldn't untie him when he wants me to. That should show him that it's not a game. I told her how uncomfortable I was about tying him up and that I obviously didn't like seeing him like that to begin with, but she insisted. She said that I should keep him tied for as long as possible, the longer the better. I still wasn't sure about that, then she said that if I wanted, she'd come over the next day and help me tie Rob up. Except for the embarrassment of seeing my son tied up, I didn't see any harm in it, and also, Kathy would provide some strength in me to NOT untie him immediately. For the next half hour, Kathy talked about her boyfriend, but she said that she'd be over for lunch the next day.

The next morning, while Rob was playing with some friends, I went out to the store and bought some clothesline rope. When I got home, I started practicing tying knots and Kathy arrived shortly thereafter. We started talking about what we going to do when she wanted to know how we were going to tie him up. I thought we'd just tie him to the chair again, but Kathy suggested that he should really be made to feel helpless, vulnerable and defeated. We started talking about different ways and what would be impossible for him to escape from. I have to admit, that we came up with some outlandish ideas. That's when I jokingly said, "we could always stake him out?" I didn't think that Kathy would build on that idea, though. She suggested that we find a place where we could lay him out flat and spread eagle him. I wanted Rob to be comfortable, since I know that we'd keep him tied for a long time, but our beds don't have posts. Kathy thought that with some minor rearranging of the furniture, we could have Rob laying on the floor and tie his wrists to the legs of the sofa and his feet to could be tied to two heavy chairs. At first, I couldn't picture this, but Kathy seemed to know what to do. So I went along with her idea. Together, we moved the coffee table aside and we moved the chairs directly opposite the front of the sofa about six feet away. That's when I envisioned my son laying in between the furniture and I'll have to admit that I was feeling a bit uneasy about this. But Kathy reassured me and even encouraged me a bit.

We cut off four lengths of rope about six feet long each. I told Kathy that I wasn't very good at tying knots, so she took my wrist and tied one end of the rope to it. She showed me how tight to loop it around the wrist so not to hurt, but also so the hand wouldn't slip through. She also showed me how to best tie a knot. I must have been a fast learner, because I tried it on her, and she said I did good. We went to fix lunch in the kitchen, when Rob came home. I fixed him a sandwich and while he was eating, Kathy said, "Your mother told me that you are a pretty good escape artist....." Rob became somewhat quiet. It may have been because he was shocked that I would tell my friend, but he certainly didn't expect me asking him, in front of Kathy, if he still wanted to be tied up again. I told him that Kathy would help this time and he seemed a little wishy-washy about it, but he finally said OK.

After finishing his lunch, we led him into the living room and had him lay down. I could see that he was wondering what was happening because this was so much different from the night before. I reminded him that I did say that the next time was going to be more difficult, but this was a total surprise for him, I'm sure. Kathy and I both got down on our knees beside him and grabbed a wrist and started wrapping the rope around them. Soon each wrist was tightly tied and when we pulled the rope around the legs of the sofa, it stretched his arms straight out tightly over his head at about 45 degrees. We tied the other end of the rope off against the legs of the sofa. Kathy crawled down to Robs feet and started tying one of his ankles and I looked down at my son and asked him if he still wanted to be tied. At this point he smiled, which was a turn-around from 5 minutes ago, and he said yes. Then I joined Kathy by tying the rope around his other ankle and together, Kathy and I pulled our rope tightly around the legs of the chairs spreading his legs apart and slightly stretching Rob out, which gave him minimal movement. We tied off the ends of the rope and we knelt beside him next to his chest. I asked if this was too tight, but he said "no, it was OK." I asked Kathy how long we should keep him tied and she looked at Rob and asked "What do you think? An hour? Two? What if we go shopping and we completely forget about you?" Rob looked shocked which upset me, but I knew what Kathy was doing. So I said that we'll see how he was doing in 30 minutes, and we'll decide then.

We both stood and watched my son struggle for a few minutes. Rob would twist slightly and pulled on the rope, struggling with a passion. I thought that maybe we didn't do as good of a job as I thought, but he was unable to reach any of the knots. After about five minutes, Rob completely relaxed and looked up at the two of us. I asked with a playful smile "giving up, already?" Rob stared up at me and said "NEVER!!!" In a way, that determination made me proud. Kathy said "I guess we now know how long he's going to be our prisoner" and then we both let out a chuckle. We left him to struggle, while we went into the kitchen. About a half hour later, I went to check on him and to give him a drink of water. He was still just as tightly tied down as before. I asked if the rope was too tight, and he said it didn't hurt so I said that was good, because I wasn't going to release him for at least another hour. Thinking that all this was a game and that I wasn't serious, he told me that he'd be free soon anyway, so don't even bother thinking about untying him. I looked down at him with my hands on my hips and said, "Are you sure? because you could be there an awful long time" He responded yes. I went back to the kitchen and told Kathy, but she thought that was just tough talk. I agreed. We sat in the kitchen talking, when the phone rang and my sister Lori called to say she was coming over to return some clothes that she had borrowed. I certainly didn't want her to see my son tied down, especially by his mother!! She would have to wonder what kind of mother I was. I tried to tell her that she didn't have to come right now, but she was very insistent. She only lived a few miles away, so I didn't have much time.

As soon as I hung up the phone, I told Kathy that we had to hurry and untie Rob and move the furniture back fast. We went into the living room where Rob was and told him that his Aunt Lori was coming and we have to untie him. Surprisingly, he said no and that he wanted to stay tied down. I said we'd do it another time and Kathy and me started untying him. Panicking, neither of us could untie the knots fast enough and I ran back to the kitchen to get a pair of scissors. I came back, and cut the ropes releasing Rob. Stuffing the rope under the seat cushions, I told Rob that we would make up for this and tie him up again another time. Just as Rob got back on his feet, Lori walked in the back door and called for me. I started to panic and said I'd be right there, but Lori followed my voice and walked in the room seconds later as we were moving the furniture back. She asked if we were rearranging the room. I said nervously that we were, but she seemed a little suspicious. Rob went in to his room after greeting his aunt, and Lori surprised both Kathy and me by telling us that she knew what we were up to. She said she saw the rope marks around his wrists and asked if we were playing cowboys and indians with him. Lori knew these kind of marks left on wrists and ankles, because she used to tie up our younger brother. I never knew what the attraction was, but my brother liked being tied up too. He'd occasionally ask me to tie him up, but I always refused, thinking it was weird. But Lori almost always agreed. I guess because they were closer since they were only a little over a year apart in age. I'm almost 8 years older than Lori. I spent the next 30 minutes confessing to Lori what really happened. I can't express how embarrassed I was, but Kathy always seemed to bring humor in to the story. That made it so much easier for me.

Lori didn't seem fazed by what we were doing. As a matter of fact, even she made a joke out of it. I guess because of all the times when she tied up our brother, she was used to it. But this was new to me, and especially because it was my son who was helpless and vulnerable laying at my feet. I told both Lori and Kathy that I really didn't like doing this. Kathy then asked me "Vicki, didn't you ever play cowboys and indians or cops and robbers when you were young?" She said that tying up Rob sort of reminded her of those times. Lori said that I shouldn't feel bad about this at all. She knows that Rob doesn't have many friends to play with and this is probably just a phase that he's going through.

I hope that she's right, because in the two weeks since, Rob asked me to tie him up 3 times. I did tie his hands and feet while he laid on the bed once, but I was too tired at night the other two times. I should add, that I had much more success than the first time. Also, while baby-sitting last Saturday afternoon, Lori also tied him up when he asked her. When I came home from shopping, Rob was laying on the floor on his stomach with his hands behind his back and his feet tied together. Lori was sitting on him and was tickling his ribs playfully. I didn't like the sight of this, but when Lori got up, Rob looked up and said "is that all?" Lori saw the look on my face and said, "you know he likes being tickled. He wanted me to." I looked at Rob and he said that he had. I couldn't be mad at either, but it seemed like torture to tickle someone like that.

Rob still badgers me, and I told him that I would tie him up this weekend. He asked if Aunt Lori and Kathy would also be there. I asked him why he wants them there and he said that they were fun people, which is true. I said I'd ask them to spend the afternoon with us if he really wanted them there. I haven't talked to either, but I have a feeling that Rob wants them there so he could be tickled while being tied down again. I don't know if I'll allow that, though. A tickle fight is one thing, but tickle torture is another.

Please don't think I'm strange. But I want my son to enjoy life and be happy. Yes, I do wish that he would express interests in other ways, but I agree with my sister in that this is only a phase that he's going through. I would appreciate comments on whether others agree with the approach that I'm taking in humoring my son. Thank you for reading.


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Last edited by Canuck100 4 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by gaggednbarefoot »

older women tying up a younger willing male victim is one of my favourite fantasies. He has to be willing and the scene non sexual. Loved this story.
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Mommy's Naughty Boy
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

I have always loved this story as well! I enjoy stories that feature mature women tying up the boys for fun.
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Post by Bondage93 »

Fun story, did Vicki ever post other stories?
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Mommy's Naughty Boy
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

I believe she did if I can remember correctly. But that was a long time ago
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Mommy's Naughty Boy
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

AuntMary, thanks for posting these! I haven't read them in many years. Brought back a lot of fun memories re-reading them!

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