Viking : The legend os st. George (M/F)

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Viking : The legend os st. George (M/F)

Post by Soraka »

by viking » Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:53 am

back in somewhere between the year 200 - 300 AD a dragon had captured an entire kingdom and wanted a living sacrifice for every day. one day the king would have to let go he's own daughter for the sacrifice. as the princess was crying a knight passed by and wondered what was going on. the princess told him everything and he promised in the name of god to help her and the rest of the kingdom to kill the dragon. when the dragon showed up he pulled up a holy sword and used his holy cape to protect himself from the dragons breath of fire and killed it. when the king saw the knight returning with the princess alive and heard the dragon being dead he got so happy he wanted to reward the knight with all the money they had. but the knight did not want any reward, instead he spread the word of god and then left.

the knight is known as st. george.

now why am i telling you this? and what does that have to do with my experience in tie up games?
well you see, once every year scouts all over the world celebrates this legend (the legend is various in different areas by the way) and in february 2008 i got a phone call from one of the scout leaders if i wanted to help preparing this years st. george scout camp. witch meant i had to take care of the camp fire entertainment, a roleplay about the legend, and some different activities. before i knew it i was preparing a manuscript with oddbjørn. we wanted to make it a little funny as well and different from previous years. we had about two months and that was all the time we needed.

later we agreed with the rest of the rover theme who would be in the different roles.

when we finally started the camp we had to go trough some preperations with the rest of the rovers.
"okey guys, here is the characters role list for those who forgotten" i said as everyone was getting togheter a little outside the camp area. "you are the potato king" i told one of the guys and picked up a potato that i had brought along. "potato king? what?" he seemed a little confused and i said "you are having potato nose, so we make a hole in that potato and stick it to your nose" i looked back to the list and kept reading up the roles that included a queen, princess, an angel, and finally i told one of the girls "you are the the story teller dude..." she suddenly interupted me "don't you mean a narrator or in my case narratress?".
"...whatever!" i continued "oddbjørn is of course the AMAZING WONDERFULL SUPERHEROIC idiot HERO! and i'm the ugly dragon, is there any question did'nt think so let's get started".
i looked trough the bag and dragged out some various stuff like costumes and a rope.the king and the queen would have to wear a cape and newspaper hats, the angel got a white cape and some paper wings while the princess got a pink towell to wrap around her so it looked like a skirt. off some reason george did not get any spesific costume as long he remembered to wear some loose pants, while i had a hooded coat of some kind that covered half my face. but we did'nt wear the costumes during our practice.

so the narratress started to read the story as we practiced the whole act. the king and the queen was showing off as i arrived and grabbed the princess, i took her with me and grabbed the rope as the angel was giving her message to the hero.
"okey, we'll just do a simple tie. just relax and let tour hands down" i told her as she said "okey, just hurry and get over with it".
i started to wond the rope her body. it went around her about 4-5 times and pinned her arms to her body. she was wearing a brown fleece sweater and green field pants. she had blonde long hair and blue eyes just in case anyone was wondering.
we kept up the act as george rescued the princess and knocked me to the ground.
then we untied the princess and started over again. after we practiced a vouple of times and everyone knew they role well enough (it was only a 3 minute act, so it did'nt take that long) we took a brake and did whatever we wanted untill the leaders called for everyone to some meeting where they would give some information and we would show the role play.

luckily i had a friend to record the whole thing on my videocamera. so i added the show on youtube and i keep writing just so can understand what they are saying. here's the link ... annel_page

everyone was dressed up and ready. the act started as the narratress walked in between the bid circle of audience.
the narratress: we are now going to tell the story about the time when st. george kicked some dragons butt. it all started in the country of farawayville where the potato king ruled with hes queen.
-the potato king showed up with the queen and was wearing the potato on his nose. as they waved to the audience the narratress continued:
and they had a lovely princess by the name princess.
- the princess walked in
but one day a dragon came and stealed the princess.
- the dragon sneaked in and grabbed the princess and lifted her in the air while the king and the queen tried to get her back, the dragon escapes and starting to sing the norwegian version of the american dragon.
the narratress: the king was so shocked that he wrote an angry letter for the story writer.
- the king did as the narratress said and george walks on stage.
N: (i'm getting tired off writing the narratress so i just write a big N) meanwhile a knight by the name george is watering hes flowers and an angel comes to him with a message:
A: you have to rescue the princess in distress, take this sword.
-george walks around and drops hes sword and shows up at the dragon.
N: st george runs toward the dragon but he forgot the sword and decides to use hes fist instead. but for use.
-george tries to hit the dragon and hurts hes arm. the dragon turns around and gives an angry look while getting ready to drop the cooking book and attack, but george runs away.
all of a sudden he runs into the angel.
N: st. george escapes but meet the angel again that tells him to go back and fight for justice.
-george comes back and try to get the dragon again but this time the dragon tricks him (check out the video, that's funnier).
N: george get's angry and knocks out the dragon.
-he does as the N tells by using the cooking book and brings the princess back to the king and the queen.
N: the king wants to give a reward but george refuses to accept any reward and starting to spread the word of god instead.
- the dragon awakes and seeks for revenge.
N: and that is why st. george is a legend that is celebrated by scouts all over the world today... and you can also learn by this story that a belt is always usefull.

and that was the story about the time when we told the legend about st. george in a little different way than usuall.
right after the show we went backstage (or something like that) and i got the honor of untie the princess.