Mr. E : 07 - My Birthday Present(s) (m/m)

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Mr. E : 07 - My Birthday Present(s) (m/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Mr. E's stories
07 - My Birthday Present(s)
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By Mr. E

Monday, May 29th 2006 - 03:41:25 PM

My Birthday Present(s)

Once again, I apologize for being so long in between my stories. But I did move over the past months and the place I moved to didn't have stable internet. But anyway here's the story.

Alright, so it's been a long time. But the last time I posted, I let my friend Michael keep me tied up most of the day for his birthday present. At the end of the day, he Michael said that he had an idea or 2 for my birthday. I wanted to know what they were, but he wouldn't say. I suspected that he would let me tie him up, just as I did for him. I was eagerly anticipating it.

So finally, my birthday time came around. And it was after football practice. We were walking home, and when we split up with Stephen (pronounced Steff-en), I finally popped the question.

"So, do you still have that idea for my birthday present?"

"What?" he asked. But in his defense, he really didn't know what I was talking about.

"Are you going to let me tie you up?" I said bluntly.

"Oh!" he said with a laugh followed by a brief pause. "Yes. Of course. But let's freshen up first."

We went to his house, and since it was after football practice, we were still pretty sweaty. So Michael asked if I wanted some Gatorade. I told him yes please. A few minutes later, Michael came back with the Gatorade. Man, I was tired, but it was going to be cool to tie up Michael. He delayed though, and we sat on the couch talking. And I was only getting more tired. Then Michael said he wanted to see what was on TV real quick. I said ok, but then I fell asleep.

To make a long story short, when I awoke, I couldn't move. You guessed it, I was tied up. I was in Michael's room; I looked down, and saw that I was only wearing some khaki shorts and no shirt. But underneath, I could tell that I was wearing a jockstrap (again, it had a back, so it was like a brief). My arms were tied behind my back, and my feet and thighs had been tied together with white rope. Michael then poked his head out and started talking to me.

"Good think you're awake, now I can gag you," he said reaching for the tape.

"Wait! Wait! Please! Just let me ask you a few questions," I said in desperation.

"Ok, but make them quick," was the answer.

"Why aren't you letting me tie you up? You said you..."

"I said I had an idea, I never said that idea was letting you tie me up. Actually this was the way I wanted it. I never meant for you to tie me up. So when you asked, I was a little confused but realized that you thought you were going to tie me up. So then I slipped some Nyquil in your Gatorade. That's why you got so sleepy."

"But that's not..." I started to say but then he interrupted again.

"Ok, that's enough talking." He ripped off a piece and put it across my mouth. I could have gotten out of this simple gag, but he then put piece of saran wrap behind and on the side of my head, and took the tape and wrapped it around my head several times. (The saran wrap was so that the tape did not rip my hair out later.) I mmphhh-ed a lot into the gag, just to let him know it worked. So I just laid there on Michael's bed, tied up.

After he gagged me, he stood me up and stretched my hands over a rafter or something and handcuffed them there. My feet were barely touching the ground, and my feet and thighs were still taped together. He put the key of the handcuff in my pocket just to taunt me. He then blindfolded me. So I was really anxious, not knowing what he was going to do to me. I heard some noises, he turned on the stereo to drown out any noises, and then I felt the ice on my body, especially on my bare chest. It was now freezing. I tried to utter a protest, but nothing more than a "Mph." Then he started to talk to me.

"Do you remember the rules of the game?"


"Well, let's review. I give you the instrument of your escape, you have to try and free yourself."

What he forgot to mention was that he always put the object of escape in an impossible spot. With my hands above my head, there was no way I could get my hands into my pocket. Michael set the timer, when the timer was up, the torture would begin.

"You have 30 minutes to get free, and then I'll be back for some fun. Oh, and try to behave, otherwise, you'll ditch the shorts and we'll see that nice jockstrap"

And with that he left. I was left by myself. I struggled and mfff-ed, and twisted and turned, but nothing could it. I tried to pull on my cuffs, to bring my feet above my head in some crazy attempt to get free. But the cuffs caused to much pain on my wrists. So I kinda gave up. It was really uncomfortable, and I was losing feeling in my arms.

He came back not too long, and said that he tried to make it easy on me. But now the torture would begin. With my arms above me head, he took advantage of the situation and took a feather and started to tickle my armpits. And I was mfff-ing so loud that he had to turn the stereo up, and then continued. It was horrible. He then started to talk to me again.

"You must be really tired," he said. "All this time with your hands up, and now the tickling, you must be exhausted. Let's try something less strenuous."

He told me that he was going to undo my handcuffs, and that if I tried anything, he would strip me down to the jockstrap that he had put on me as I slept. So when he uncuffed my hands, I did nothing. He then took saran wrap and wrapped my arms and chest quite tight, and like a mummy. While I stood, he continued to wrap my legs in saran wrap. After he was done, I gently fell onto his bed. Once again, he left an escape instrument, this time a knife. And he took off my blindfold, and left me there, still gagged and wrapped from head to toe in saran wrap, with just khaki shorts on.
I struggled so hard, but I just couldn't move, let alone make a noise. I was practically mummified from my shoulders to my ankles. Michael then decided to let me stay all wrapped up for a while.

"Looks like you aren't going anywhere. So I'll be back in a while." And with that he left.

My natural reaction was to test my bonds. I wasn't able to get free. However, I wasn't blindfolded and this was pretty much my only advantage. I saw the knife lying on the counter, and I knew there was no way that I would be able to cut the saran wrap with that. But... there was a circular handle for a drawer in the room. Saran wrap isn't very hard, so I didn't need something sharp, just sticking out. So I decided to get off the bed and hop towards the handle. The tricky part was that if I fell, I would be stuck, and I would have no way of getting up or untied. I proceeded cautiously, trying desperately not to lose my balance. I was able to get off the bed fine, but hopping over to the handle was harder. I took my time, and got over to it. I looked at it and followed my plan. I stood on my tippee toes, and then pushed against the handle, putting the handle almost to where my hand was. So then I got off my tippee toes, and pulled down. It worked like a charm. It was able to rip through a small hole of the saran wrap large enough to get my hand out. I was then able to grab the knife and cut myself loose. That was it, I was free!

I quickly got changed and put my shirt and my boxers back on (and shorts of course). I was going to leave, but then I had an idea. What if I could get the drop on him and tie him up? I wanted pay back. So I decided that handcuffs would be the only way fast enough, so I picked them up where Michael left them, and quietly proceeded down stairs. He was in the kitchen, I could hear him getting in the fridge. I snuck up behind him as he drank water from the jug. And then, right as he was closing the fridge door I cuffed the hand doing the closing, and then quickly grabbed the other one. Michael of course, struggled and so I pulled back and brought him falling to the floor. I was able to get the other hand cuffed to his other hand behind his back at that point. He was saying all kinds of things, at first it was "Stop it! What are you doing?!" Then it turned to "No, no!" I told him to shut up and then I hand gagged him.

I dragged him back upstairs, still hand gagging him. And then, when we got to his room, I took some black tape and put on his mouth. He "mmpphh-ed" incessantly, but I didn't care. I was getting my revenge. I dragged him to the bathroom, and then I told him to listen. And remarkably, he did. I held up the jock he made me wear under my shorts, and said he had 2 options: wear the jock willingly, or I'd stuff it in his mouth. Needless to say, he agreed to the first option. I shut the door behind me and gave him 2 minutes. I thought he'd need both minutes to get his other clothes off and the jockstrap on with his hands cuffed behind his back.

He used both minutes and I went in there and dragged him out. There was one way of being tied up that I just knew that he didn't like: hogtie. We both thought it was the most uncomfortable tie up position ever. So what did I do? I tied him in a hog tie using rope and duct tape and laid him on his stomach. He hated it. However, I was going to play his little game, and leave an escape instrument, or rather 2. I left a knife and the key to his cuffs on the nightstand. There was no way he could escape, but that didn't stop him from trying. He struggled very hard. I watched him for a while, but then decided that I'd give him a few minutes as I would go check on how I would tie him up next.

I prepared some things for the next tie up, and then I went back into the room. He was still there hog tied and gagged. So I said that since he didn't escape, I would have to tickle his feet. He rolled around a bit, but when I got a hold of his feet, he was practically crying.

So then it was time for the grand tie-up. As I untied Michael's hands from his feet I reached for the saran wrap and started wrapping his legs and up. Still gagged, he muffled in protest. It was good that he was only in the jockstrap/brief, otherwise he would have died of the heat. And after he was wrapped from ankle to shoulder in saran wrap, I went over it with duct tape. Now he was completely immobilized. I then tied a rope around his covered ankles and put it over a metal bar. Then I was able to use the bar to hoist him up, feet first. He was now completely mummified/cocooned and hanging upside down. He struggled and mmpphed to show his distaste. I knew he couldn't handle it for long, so I let him down after only a few minutes. However, I left him completely immobilized for a while. I even made him watch a movie tied up and gagged. Anyway that's all that really happened. Hope you enjoyed.

Mr. E

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