Eoshi : 01 - Truth or Dare (F/fff)

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Eoshi : 01 - Truth or Dare (F/fff)

Post by Canuck100 »

Eoshi's stories
01 - Truth or Dare
Story index at the bottom

By Eoshi

Wednesday October 18th 2000 11:42:59

Kathy; a short, cuddly girl with shoulder length, curly blond hair and just barely nineteen; sat on one of her aunt Tammy's kitchen chairs, facing the window, watching the sudden afternoon downpour that knocked out the electricity, and listening to her two cousins, Andrea and Beth, in the living room.

Kathy's twin cousins were a year younger than she, and they wore their dark brown hair long and straight, it made them seem taller and even more slender than they really were. Kathy happened to be staying with her Aunt and cousins at their trailer while she attended the local college. The twins were set to graduate high school in another month.

On this day, all three young women wore swimsuits, from when they'd been sunning themselves in the yard earlier that day. Andrea wore a pink bikini, Beth, a red one, and Kathy, a floral one-piece suit. Andrea, lying on her belly, on the carpet, looked up at her sister who was lying on the sofa, and asked, "So, now, what are we supposed to do?"

Beth, who'd been just listening to their portable radio and lightly dozing, shook the hair out of her face and shrugged her shoulders, as best she could. "I don't know, truth or dare maybe?"

The twins' mother called in from the kitchen, "Sounds like somebody's bored, I haven't played truth or dare since I was fifteen, it's nice to know the game's still around."

"Yeah, but, did you ever do any dares?" Andrea asked. "Or did you just ask each other questions?"

"Oh, some of our questions could get kind of far out there, but we came up with a good dare once in awhile." Tammy said, "but, you'd have to take it to find out."

Kathy decided she was bored enough, and padded barefoot into the living room and sat next to Andrea, "Ok, I'll play too, I'll even go first, dare me."

Tammy thought for moment, "Ok," she said at last, "I dare you to let me tie you up until you get loose by yourself."

"That's a good one Mom," Beth said, "I bet we have enough rope around here to tie her up for the rest of her life."

"I'd only get loose," Kathy said, "You know I was sort of good at it when we were little."

"You were lucky and we didn't know what we were doing," Andrea said, "that's another game we haven't played in like forever, tie up. Did they have that one when you grew up, Mom?"

"Yes we did," Tammy nodded, and walked into the living room, "In fact, by the time I quit playing, if I tied you up, you could bet you weren't getting loose."

"Yeah, but when was the last time you tied anybody up, Mom?" Beth asked, "that was years ago."

"It was about six years ago," Tammy said, "Do you remember when you asked me for help that time you wanted to tie Kathy up so she couldn't get loose and I said I'd show you?"

"I remember that," Andrea said, "you had me and Beth tied up so good we couldn't even move, but you never did show us how you did that."

"Yeah you never did," Beth said, "You tied my arms all back behind me, and blindfolded me before you started tying my legs. I never even saw how you tied Andrea up."

"At least she waited to blindfold you until after she had you tied up," Andrea said, "I started out blindfolded, then gagged. Did she gag you too?"

"Yes." Beth recalled, "She said she had to make sure we got untied by ourselves if we did."

"So, if she ties me up so I have to get loose by myself," Kathy reasoned, "then, you guys would have to be tied up, too. If that's the case Aunt Tammy, go ahead and tie me up. Just, please let me use the bathroom first."

"Go ahead and freshen up dear." Tammy said, "I need to get the ropes and things any way."

Kathy nearly ran to the bathroom, while Tammy went to her broom closet for the ropes and then to her bedroom for some of her knee high socks and three of her ex-husbands neckties in it. Tammy returned with the bag and started sorting out the ropes on the kitchen table.

"Mom, you aren't really going to tie all of us up, are you?" Beth asked, eying all the rope. It looked like a good mile of it to her. She implored, "Kathy made the dare, not me."

"Oh come on, Beth," Andrea asked, "What else do we have to do? I think it sounds like fun. You never know, we might get loose, and then it would only be fair that we get to tie Mom up."

"As long as all that happens to us is we get tied up, and no tying us up again if we start getting loose," Beth said, and Tammy nodded yes, "I'm not sure about this, but, ok."

"Oh, really now, and if you can't, what would it be fair for me if we make that kind of deal?" Tammy asked, and thought for a moment.

"This seems fair to me, I'll give you two hours to get loose, that'll be dinner time anyway, if you're untied by then, you can tie me up after dinner as long as the dishes are done. If I have to free you though, you have to let me tie you up for two hours anytime I want to."

"But, any time we get loose we get to tie you up and the bets over," Beth asked, "right?"

"That's right," Tammy nodded, "is that fair to Andrea?"

"Yeah," Andrea said, "it's cool with me."

Kathy came back into the kitchen, and Beth left to use the bathroom, Tammy explained the rules she and her daughters agreed on.

"The three of you will be tied up, you'll have two hours to get loose, if you do you get to tie me up, you don't I get to you all back up again for two hours any time I want. If that's fair to you, you can come over here and put your hands behind your back."

"Sounds like this should be fun," Kathy said, as she practically bounded over to her Aunt, and offered her hands for tying. "I'm glad you came up with rules. They sound fair to me. I never even thought about how long we were going to be tied up for. I guess that seems weird."

"Not really," Tammy said, "let's start by putting socks on your hands like we did when you had poison sumac. It'll keep your wrists from getting marked up too bad."

"It'll keep us from using our fingers," Andrea cried, "How are we ever supposed to get untied like that?"

"You aren't supposed to get untied," Tammy said, "you're supposed to be tied up so you can't get loose, imagine being tied up by a burglar or something."

"I guess you want me to put the socks on my feet too," Kathy said pulling on the socks, "let me use my own, they'll fit me better."

"If you want to," Tammy said, "Andrea, when it's your turn to go to the bathroom, bring back some socks for you and Beth, two pairs for each of you."

Beth came back into the kitchen and Andrea left, "You tied Kathy up that fast?", Beth asked her mother, "That ought to be easy to get out of."

"I haven't even started yet," Tammy said, "She's putting on her socks, I sent Andrea to get some of yours, too. We can get you blindfolded and gagged until they get back, though."

"That time you tied us up, when Kathy was visiting at the old house," Beth began, as her mother placed cotton balls over the girl's eyes, then used a necktie knotted behind Beth's head to hold them in place, "did you have her tied up with us then?"

"No, I thought it was sort of mean, you wanting to tie her up," Tammy said. "I just wanted to show you it isn't that funny when you really don't want to be tied up and can't get loose. I'll let you say one more thing and then you get gagged."

"Gagged, that's the worst part. Please wait until we're all tied up to gag us." Beth said, "At least tell me what with," as her mother gently but firmly pushed a ball of cloth into her daughter's mouth and knotted it at the base of Beth's neck. Beth said something, but her mother could only guess she said, "jerk."

"Just a sock balled up inside another sock," Tammy said, "and if you think I'm a jerk now, you better hope you can untie yourselves."

Kathy came back, and laughed when she saw Beth standing in the kitchen gagged and blindfolded.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Tammy, but she looks so much like a chipmunk with her mouth like that." Kathy explained, "and here I am wearing sock puppets. I know you want my hands behind my back, but any special way?"

"If you can grab your left elbow with your right hand, and your right elbow with your left hand, we can start from there." Tammy said, "Yes, she does look like a chipmunk, doesn't she? Just remember you will too, though."

"Do you mean like this?" Kathy asked complying with her Aunt's instructions, "That's neat, if you tie them like that it'll be like you put my arms in a box back there."

"Exactly, dear," Tammy said, tying Kathy's wrists to her opposite elbows, then tying her forearms together in the middle of her back.

Tammy then took shorter ropes and wrapped the windings at each location at right angles between her arms, cinching them and drawing out any slack Kathy might hope to find. Tammy continued with a longer rope going around Kathy's body, twice above and twice her niece's breasts. This rope was knotted behind Kathy and cinched up also where Kathy's arms met her body. Tammy ran another short length of rope from her niece's forearms to the body wrap and a longer cord from Kathy's left arm, across her back through her right armpit, across the back of Kathy's neck and then back under the other arm and down to where Kathy's other wrist and elbow tie was. From where this rope crossed behind Kathy, again a rope dropped down to her bound forearms, and those ropes pulled that much tighter.

"I hope that isn't too terribly tight on you, but remember, a real burglar wouldn't care."

"It's snug," Kathy said, bending forward, trying to get a look behind her "I can't move my arms at all, and even if I knew how and where you put all the knots I can't get to any of them. I guess you're going to make me look like a chipmunk now."

Tammy blindfolded and gagged Kathy, just as she had her daughter, when Andrea appeared wearing her socks, and carrying Beth's. Without giving Andrea much of a chance to see how Kathy had been bound, Tammy blindfolded and gagged her other daughter, and bound Andrea in exactly the same manner as Kathy. Tammy put Beth's socks on her other daughter's hands and feet, then bound that girl the same way as the other two. Tammy spun her daughter around quickly three times one way then three times the other, and then helped her sit down in a kitchen chair where Beth's legs were folded into a half lotus, her ankles bound to its opposite knee and then her ankle to knee ties secured to the unions of the front chair legs to the seat. More rope held Beth to the chair at her lap, and lastly one passing from the knot in her daughter's gag, to the center of the lap rope behind her. After arranging two more chairs so that all three faced in toward each other Tammy then bound Kathy and Andrea in the same manner.

"All right, girls its 4:30 now, you have until 6:30 to get loose. I'll have dinner ready by then, so have fun until then", Tammy said as she kissed each girl on the forehead, then settled to work in the kitchen.

Beth furiously worked her tongue and jaws trying to push her gag out, while Andrea made a few pointless circles in the air with her hands and feet testing to see if there was any way out. Kathy tried pulling her arms free but only managed to rock herself slightly from side to side. At some point all three girls would try the same methods, with the same amount of success, none. They did at least manage to talk among themselves to a limited extent just by figuring out that they each had different syllabled names, but even that was mostly to indicate a lack of progress.

Kathy had tried most energetically to get loose at first, and was the first girl to give up and try to get as comfortable as possible, just shifting her body until the ropes seemed to settle to where they bit her the least. By quarter after five, the twins came to same conclusion, and hoped that maybe if they held still long enough, only changing position slightly to ease the pull of the rope on their legs, around the laps and the ones pulling their gags deep into their mouths, maybe Tammy would show some mercy and let them go sooner.

The day started out unseasonably warm, but had become now somewhat cool and damp since the storm passed through. There was the heat from the oven, but Kathy felt warm and sweaty. Tammy looked at her motionless daughters and her perspiring niece. Tammy had just dropped some ice cubes into a large tumbler, when there was a knock on the door. Tammy answered it, at the door was her daughters' friend, Tina. Tina stood shorter than Kathy even, and was even more thin than Tammy's daughters.

"Hi," Tina said breathlessly, having run up to her friends' house from hers, "we just got back home and I came over to see if all the power's out or if it's just our house."

Tammy said, "Come in you'll get soaked, the electricity is out in this whole park, phones are dead too. There must be a pole down."

"Thanks, I'll just hang out here with Andy and Beth awhile then, if its ok with you," Tina asked, "Where are they any way?"

"All tied up playing a game with their cousin in the kitchen," Tammy said, letting the girl in, "I'm sure they'd let you join them, if you want to."

"Sure," Tina said stepping into the house, "Are they playing, monopoly or something?"

Tammy shook her head no.

"Well it is something," she began, "but I'll have to explain it, they're really tied up, you'll see."

"What game is it that's that hard to figure out, one of these new games?" Tina asked. "Hey guys," she called, "Save me a seat, I'll be right in."

"You'll see when you get to the kitchen." Tammy said, nodding her head, "actually an old game."

"Oh cool, you're all playing tie up," Tina said brightly, when she saw her friends, "It looks like whoever tied you up is going to win, too. Do you know what happens when they lose?"

"Two hours' worth of being tied up again after dinner," Tammy warned, "If you're going to keep looking at them, you'll have to be tied up yourself."

"I know, besides, I already said I'd play," Tina walked in further and saw the rest of the rope on the table and said, "Wait a minute, if Kathy's tied up too, then how did they all get tied up like that, unless someone else is playing?"

"Someone else is playing," Tammy asked, "You said you wanted to play, remember?"

"Ok," Tina said, sitting in the remaining kitchen chair, "but if Kathy's playing too, who tied her up, and who's going to tie me up?"

"Well, me." Tammy said gathering up the last of the rope, "Hands behind your back, please, Oh and put some socks on your hands like the other girls did first."

"Ok, can I put some dry ones on my feet too? It looks like you've got enough." Tina said, pulling on the socks, "It looks like they're tied up really good, too."

"I think so too," Tammy said, "What about you, girls? Do you think I did a good job of tying you up?"

All the girls nodded yes as best they could, even Tina, who had just finished having her arms bound behind her.

"I'm dead," Tina said as she positioned her legs and feet like her hopelessly bound friends.

As Tammy continued tying Tina to the chair, Tina said, "Well I'm all tied up now, too, if that makes any of you happy. How much longer do we all have to stay all tied up before you let us give?"

"Another hour and a half," Tammy said flatly, she to untie the girls at 6:30 so they could eat. "I'll get permission from your folks so you can stay for dinner. You can stay overnight if you want to."

"Thanks, I think," Tina said, flexing her fingers inside the socks on her hands, "but if I give up, that means you get to tie me up again anytime you want to, don't you?"

"Well unless you get loose." Tammy said, "there is that hope for you."

"I'd never get out of this." Tina said, "This is hopeless."

"I don't even have you gagged and blindfolded, like my kids, yet," Tammy said, "I'll get the stuff to do that with, and then you can tell me how hopeless it is."

"How can I do that if you gag me?" Tina pleaded, "You don't have to do all this."

"No," Tammy said, "I don't have to, but I want to."

Tammy had her necktie blindfold, leaving Tina to try talking to the other girls as best she could with the gags in their mouths. Before Tina could even figure out how to scoot the chair across the floor. Tammy returned and quickly gagged and blindfolded Tina, and had her head pulled back like the rest of the helpless young women.

Tammy turned back to her work at hand and remembered she wanted to give the kids a drink of cold water. Kathy felt the gag pulled from her mouth and her head released so she could bring it upright. She started to croak "thank you," but had the glass brought to her lips, and was told by her Aunt, "Sip. Don't gulp, and nod when you've taken enough."

When the bound girl nodded her head, Tammy felt her niece's forehead, and said, "You're burning up, should I let you go now, are you ok?"

"I'm Ok," Kathy said, trembling when her Aunt touched her, "just that this really feels strange, but sort of good. Besides, if you untie me now wouldn't I just owe you more time?"

"Only if something isn't really the matter," Tammy said, looking knowingly at her bound niece, "Are you done with the water, or do you need more?"

"I'm done, thank you," Kathy said, working her jaw and lolling her head. "I guess you're going to tie my mouth and head back up now. Hi Tina, have fun trying to get loose. We've only been tied up for a half hour already."

Tina grunted into her gag, she imagined at least she'd be able to keep track of time by the half hour water breaks. Tammy whispered into her niece's ear softly so the other girls couldn't hear, "You really like this don't you, just nod yes, or shake your head no."

Kathy blushed and nodded.

"As long as you are Ok being gagged again," Tammy said.

Kathy tilted her head back and opened her mouth to accept the gag, a little shiver running through her body as she did, "Thank you again for the water."

"You're welcome, dear," Tammy said, putting the gag back in place, and tying the rope to Kathy's blindfold to keep her head tilted back.

Tammy kissed Kathy gently on the forehead, and gave her niece a playful hug, before proceeding to her daughter Andrea.

"Thanks, Mom," Andrea said when the gag was taken out off her mouth and her head undone from the seat. "I'd like some water too, please."

"Well you learned your manners again. I might have to tie you up more often." Tammy said to her daughter, "Still think you're going to tie me up?" holding the glass for her daughter to drink from.

"Um, "Andrea nodded, "No ma'am," she said as the glass was taken away. "Is Tina really tied up like us or are you just playing?"

"Tina's just as tied up as you are," Tammy said, "I just wanted to make sure you're all OK before I go ask Miriam if Tina stays over, if you and Beth want her to."

"Just don't lock yourself out of the house like you did the last time you tied us up and left us," Andrea said with a smile and a wink, "I don't think Tina could stand being tied up for five hours."

"I don't think you could either," Tammy said as Kathy and Beth laughed into their gags. "Would you like to find out?"

"Depends," Andrea said, "would you keep Beth, Kath and Tina tied up so they wouldn't cheat for me?"

The other girls began complaining into their gags, and shaking their heads no when they heard this.

"I guess I'd have to," Tammy said, reluctantly.

She didn't want to punish all four girls, just Andrea, but she knew her daughters' friend Tina would untie Andrea before five hours were up, and knew Beth would untie Tina the minute Tammy turned her back. Kathy was an unknown, but might not mind being tied for that long, she seemed like she was enjoying the hour and odd minutes she'd already spent tied up.

"And then if I can stand being tied up for five hours, instead of being tied up for the two hours, and I can go without asking you to untie me, then we get to tie you up for five hours?" Andrea asked, "And then we're even unless you can't handle it?"

Tammy saw the trap laid now, too late. To accept was the only fair thing to do for Beth, Kathy and Tina if Tammy still wanted to teach Andrea a lesson; declining, would make Tammy seem weak and abusive.

"Only if the other girls agree, Andrea," Tammy said, as all the other girls, nodded or mumbled assents to Andrea's idea. "They seem to have a lot of confidence in you, of course if you can't take the five hours, then let's see how you do at this, I get to tie you up any time I like for two hours until you ever do get loose, as long as you live under this roof; of course this only applies to Tina if she's here."

"Do you mean if I give and ask you to let me loose before the five hours are up, it'll always be our turn to be tied up, and it's whenever you want to play?" Andrea asked. "But it's just a two-hour tie up, and if we get ever do get loose we get to tie you up for two hours whenever we want to, unless you get loose, then we're even."

"That sounds fair to me," Tammy said, and the other girls signaled their agreement as best they could. "We'll start your five-hour session after the dinner dishes get done, then."

Tammy gagged Andrea again tighter than she originally, and tied Andrea's head back further than Tammy had at the start. Tammy now walked over to Beth, undoing her gag and the seat to head rope.

"Mom, please leave that thing out of my mouth, I'll do all the dishes tonight, and all this week," Beth pleaded, "If there's any water left, may I please have some?"

"Do you think that would be fair to your sister, your cousin or your friend?" Tammy asked, holding the glass for Beth. "I used to hate being gagged when I played too, honey, but it is part of the game. If you really had a problem breathing with it there, you know I wouldn't let anything happen to any of you."

"I know, Mom," Beth said almost at the point of tears, after she'd drunk her fill, "but not all of us really wanted to play tie up in the first place, I only agreed to this because everybody else did and they'd only hold me down for you to tie."

"And I only tied you up, because admit it, Beth, you'd untie everybody if you weren't tied up, and how fair would that be to the girls who really did want to play." Tammy added, "the gag is just to keep you from using your teeth really, and to keep you from screaming something in play and having someone overhear you and call the child welfare people."

"I guess you're right Mom," Beth continued, "but, just remember how you felt about things you didn't like about being tied up when you tie me up, please."

"I do remember some things about being tied up that I absolutely hated, and I'm almost afraid to mention now." Tammy admitted, "That's one reason you all got water. There were other things I won't mention because if your sister has her way I'm going to be just as tied up as you are now."

"Just please don't, all of our deals are on just tying up, and nobody can do anything to anybody who's tied up," Beth said, "The water was a nice idea though, I wasn't expecting any, thank you."

"You're welcome, Beth" Tammy said, tousling her daughter's hair, "ready for your gag again?"

"If you really have to, Mom," Beth said, "I couldn't hope to stop you tied up like this."

Tammy tied the gag back in her daughter's mouth and retied the rope keeping Beth's had tilted back. Tammy walked over to Tina who sat in the one chair on the other side of the kitchen table.

"I know I just tied you up, but fair is fair, water?" Tammy asked, and Tina nodded, Tammy undid Tina's gag and head rope, and Tina took just a small sip.

"That wasn't very much."

"Well I haven't been tied up that long to get thirsty," Tina said, "So I'm going to spend the night here tied up?"

"No dear," Tammy reassured, "only five hours. I only wanted to tie Andrea for trying to scare you but now I have to tie all of you."

"But after Andrea ties you, won't she have to tie Beth so she won't untie you, and then tie me so Beth stays tied up?" Tina asked, "Isn't that how it works?"

"Oh Tina, you're right," Tammy said, "it was sneaky of me to get you tied up like this, If you want to go home, you can. I'll untie you."

"Even sneakier the way Andrea gets to keep us tied up all night." Tina said, "If I back out now I'll never hear the end of it. Go ask my folks if I can stay over, and ask my Mom for my sleep shirt, the black one, if they say yes."

Tammy stuffed the gag back in Tina's mouth and tied Tina's head tilted back, made sure she had her house keys, put on her raincoat and walked over to the next trailer down the court. She knocked on the door and explained to her neighbors that their daughter Tina wanted to sleep over with her own daughter's and that she had come for Tina's sleep shirt she wanted.

"Why didn't she run back over and get it herself?" Miriam, Tina's mother asked.

"She and the other girl's got to playing a game, and you know how kids get." Tammy explained, "especially ours."

Miriam nodded and returned with the garment in a plastic bag.

"Thanks Tammy, at least we won't have to worry where she is."

Tammy rushed back to her trailer, opened the door and was relived to find it still standing and that none of the girls had fallen over.

"Ok girls. I'm back."

Dinner was almost ready, and setting the table would be much easier without four bound teenagers sitting in the way of things. Tammy untied Tina first and said: "Untie the rest of them and then go talk or do something else, while I get the table set."

"That wasn't even an hour, thanks." Tina said, "Can I untie Andrea last?"

"If you can tell them apart with their faces covered like that." Tammy said, opening the oven and getting dinner ready to serve. "Otherwise it doesn't matter."

"Well I know which one Kathy is at least, but I really wanted to untie Beth first," Tina said, "She never cared much for this game, I guess that's why we never played it very much. This is really good, did you play this often when you were our age?"

"I think I was tied up almost every weekend when I was around thirteen or fourteen. Beth is the one in the red suit." Tammy said, as she continued setting the table. "Some times it is truly amazing that some of the little useless things you learn that stay with you."

"I don't know, you never know when you need to tie your kids up," Tina said, undoing Beth, "Especially the two you've got."

"Hey," Beth said, "it wasn't my idea for you to say, sure tie me up and gag me for the whole night long."

"I know," Tina said, "but you agreed too."

"Like I have a choice with Kathy, go ahead and tie me up, sitting there, and these other two, oh well we'll just go ahead and tie you up anyway." Beth said, "Thanks for getting me out first anyway."

"You're welcome Beth," Tina said, "Do you want to untie Kathy and I'll undo your sister?"

"Take your time," Beth said undoing Kathy, "At least I finally get to see how Mom tied this. Thanks for making wear these socks first it's bad enough we'll all have to wear long sleeves for a week to hide these marks."

"Ten more hours, too, Beth," Andrea reminded them when her gag was taken out, "five from Mom and then five more from me. Unless Mom gets loose, then its two hours from Mom any day she wants to tie us."

"She'll tie you up too, though, so you won't lose on purpose." Beth pleaded. "And I'm sure Kathy would have better things to do than be tied up with us."

"I don't care if she ties me up, I like seeing how you worry about it though." Andrea told Beth, "I thought you were going to start crying about it. From the way Kathy acted I think she'd about rather be tied up than do anything."

"Maybe I just wanted to be tied up so I wouldn't have to drive anybody anywhere in this storm." Kathy said, "It was fun though, although I fairly well quit trying to get loose after your Mom gave us the water, but ten hours like that, I'm not sure I can stand that. Since the bet is only between Andy and Aunt Tammy, can the rest of us at least not be gagged?"

"I might make a little easier on you, Tina, and Beth," Tammy said, fixing each girl a plate of food, "unless you give me any trouble. "

"No way, Mom," Andrea reminded, "If I get gagged so should they, and they get tied up the same way I do."

"I hate to say this, Miss Tammy, but Andrea's right." Tina said, "You have to be fair, so that Andrea will be fair."

While the other girls heartily bantered that and some other points back and forth, Beth picked at her food, somehow knowing that she'd spend more time tied up than just the next ten hours.

Suddenly, Beth had an idea, "We all know Mom can tie us up so we'd probably never get loose in five days, but she is fair at least to everybody. So, let's get Andrea to tie us up next, that way she has to play fair."

The other girls accepted and Beth at least ate her dinner somewhat confidently with the hope that at least then ten hours tied up would be over and it wouldn't be something she'd have to worry about anymore.

Ironically, her own idea would actually make it worse for her than she imagined.


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Post by petkata41 »

Lucky girls, the best truth or dare game ever.
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