infmed88 : 07 - A lesson for the road (ff/mm)

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infmed88 : 07 - A lesson for the road (ff/mm)

Post by Soraka »

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07 - A lesson for the road
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By infmed88

by infmed88 » Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:18 pm

Hello again everybody. I've got enough free time/energy to try and post another story, i hope you all like it. This particular instance took place after I had graduated highschool but before I left for basic training in the Army. For people who haven't read my earlier posts, my name's matt and at the time of this story I was about 5'6 120lbs, brown eyes/hair with a skinny/slim build. My step sister 'Katie' is two years younger than me and was about 5'4 dark brown hair, athletic build and weighed a few pounds less than I did. My friend 'chris' was about 5'8 dirty blonde hair, and an athletic build. "Lauren" is the same age as katie, about an inch taller with an athletic build and blonde hair.

So I had just recently successfully gotten revenge on Katie several days prior to this moment, and was feeling pretty good about myself. I figured I would leave home having gotten the last laugh in our sibling rivalry, though i'd soon learn that Katie had other plans. I'd just left the house in my swim shorts and t shirt to wait for my friend Chris by the pool when I was stopped by Lauren wearing a pink bikini that had me trying very hard to maintain eye contact with her. She began playfully flirting with me, which wasn't suspicious since we'd had a few intimate moments in the past. I was too busy thinking with my 'other brain' to register that she was guiding my hands behind my back, and it was too late once I felt plastic zip ties tightening around both of my wrists.

Lauren rolled her eyes and smiled saying,"I can't believe how easy you made this!"

"I told you it'd be stupid easy!" My sister's voice rang out from behind me.

"No wait we're supposed to be evenmmpphhhhh!"

"Oh that's not how this works. We're gonna make sure you know who runs the show before you leave for good, isn't that right Lauren?"

Lauren kept her hand firmly planted over my mouth while responding, "I think i'm going to miss this!"


With my hands secured behind my back, I could do little other than begrudgingly cooperate with the girls as they forced me to the ground and began trussing me up with white rope. I had already been in an excited state from when Lauren had been fake flirting with me, and it had only gotten worse when she straddled my chest to help tie the ropes, but was saved from facing that humiliating since my shirt hung low enough to hide it.

I used the few moments I was able to speak promising death to both of the girls, knowing that there was no way I was going to talk them out of their plans. I was only able to wish death upon the both of them three or four times before Lauren grew tired of hearing my empty threats and straddled my face, reducing me to nothing but muffled grunts once again. I began writhing violently around beneath Katie and Lauren as i fought for breath, which made it even harder for Katie to finish tying my legs. After several more moments of me desperately bucking around under Katie and Lauren, they both dismounted and stood over me, admiring the rope wound all over my upper and lower body.

"We were finally even you bitch! I'm going to kill you!"

Lauren knelt down next to my head and grabbed a sock from the pile of clothes the girls had been wearing before dressing down to their bikinis and stuffed it into my mouth saying, "That is no way to talk to your sister!"


After securing the sock in my mouth by tying one of their tank tops around my head, the girls were only able to spend a few more minutes laughing at my efforts to escape before we heard Chris calling for me from the other side of the house. I began shouting as loudly as I could through my gag, thrashing around on the lawn. Lauren quickly ran into the house, leaving Katie standing over me as Chris came around the corner. He looked at the two of us and rolled his eyes, having gotten used to the sight of me tied up.

"Really, again?"


"Heeeyyyyyy Chris. Oh ignore him."


I shouted through my gag angrily as I watched Chris walk over and Katie begin flirting with him the same way Lauren had flirted with me. I flopped around on the ground trying to get Chris's attention but it was no use. Katie had turned on her charm, and was also wearing a bikini, which were apparently the only two things required for Chris's, and to be fair my, attention. When I tried standing myself up I was forced back to the ground with Katie's foot pressed against my face. I was now livid, having my friend ignore my situation in favor of flirting with my now death-marked sister.


Unlike me, Chris wasn't wearing a shirt with his swim trunks, and it was glaringly obvious he was enjoying having Katie lean in close to him. The worst part for me being that I had to watch the entire thing from under her foot. By the time I saw Lauren sneak back out of the house with more rope, I actually welcomed Chris's inevitable demise. It sure beat having to watch and listen to the two of them hit on each other.

"What the-heymmpphh!"

Lauren forced what looked like another sock into Chris's open mouth and helped Katie pull him to the ground. With Katie's foot off of my face, I was free to resume my squirming as I watched them tie Chris up even tighter than they had tied me. The girls were all smiles as they took their time looping coil after coil around Chris's chest, listening to the both of us as we protested through our gags.

"Hmmm, hey Katie, we've got a bunch of extra rope left. It'd sure be a shame if we let it go to waste don't you think?"

Ignoring our collective protests Katie responded with, "Oh I completely agree, don't you boys think so?"

The girls decided it would be fun if they had a contest to see which of them could put us in a hogtie the fastest. With the both of us still wiggling around on the ground, they split what was left of the rope and straddled us at the same time. Lauren rolled me over on to my stomach and pulled my feet back, giggling at my grunts of discomfort as Katie went through similar motions with Chris. We were both facing each other at this point, so I took the opportunity to shoot Chris the angriest glare I could manage.

Katie was the first to finish with her hogtie, triumphantly standing on her knees and patting Chris on the head, "Done! I win! How close are you to being finished?"

"No fair! You get way more practice than I do!"

"Here, i'll help you."

"Mmmmpphh Mpphhhhh."

"Oh that reminds me, we need to get them matching gags."

After happily assisting Lauren in pulling my legs back even further and binding my ankles to my wrists, Katie disappeared into the house to find new gags for the both of us boys. In the few minutes she was gone Lauren stood over the both of us, watching as we rocked back and forth while wiggling our bare feet helplessly in the air.

"So, I bet you boys are going to miss this just as much as we are huh?"

We both shook our heads back and forth, looking at each other then back up at Lauren. She kept her hands on her hips and watched us struggle at her feet, rolling her eyes when she caught me looking her body up and down.

"I'm back! Did they give you any trouble?"

"I tried having a conversation with them, but they just sit there and stare at me, so rude!"

The girls laughed at our angry protests as they knelt down to replace our gags. Katie had returned with two apples and a mostly used up roll of duct tape. Both Chris and I attempted to protest when we were able to spit out the socks in our mouths, only to be re gagged mid sentence when the girls wedged an apple into each of our mouths.

Katie and Lauren used the last of the duct tape to secure the apples into our mouths before standing up and high fiving each other. They made a slew of stupid boy/girl power comments while we barely rocked back and forth staring straight ahead at each other.

"So guys, would you just have let us do what we want this entire time if we'd been half naked? Why didn't you tell us earlier!? Things could've been sooooo much more peaceful."

Lauren giggled and poked at my flailing feet with one of her big toes, causing me to shout through my gag.

Lauren's grin turned into a full blown smile, "Are you ticklish!?"

Katie leaned down and ran her fingers over Chris's wiggling feet, getting a similar reaction from him.

The girls looked at each other and smiled, wordlessly agreeing upon what our fate was going to be. Chris and I gave each other worried looks and began rocking as much as we could on our stomachs when the girls turned their gaze down to our exposed feet.

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Post by Soraka »

Ignoring our frantic grunts, the girls straddled both of our shoulders, forcing our heads down onto the ground. I could move my head just enough to see Chris attempt to buck Katie off of his back before she began tickling his feet. The sounds of his laughter were drowned out by my own gagged hysteria as Lauren dug her fingernails into my sides. Both of us boys began to violently spasm while the girls joined in with laughter of their own. I could hear them talking to each other and mocking us, but could hardly hear anything else over the sound of my own muffled screams. My face felt as red as Chris's looked as Lauren ran her fingers from my sides up to my helplessly wriggling feet. I wanted desperately to give Chris another evil glare to make sure he knew this was his fault, but it wasn't very effective with the both of us uncontrollably laughing.

The girls halted their wandering fingers after what I can only guess was 15 or 20 minutes, Chris and I panting heavily as we tried to regain our composure during this very welcome break. It was already difficult enough to breathe with Lauren straddled atop of me, but with the tickling it was almost impossible. It was during this break that I was again thankful for being face down, since having Lauren on top of me in a bikini was having embarrassing effects on me.

"Are those tears running down your face big brother?"


"I think your brother wants to be tickled some more."

Chris let out a series of muffled protests, only to have Katie shush him and pat his head, telling him to be quiet. After less than a minute the girls resumed their tickle torture, making fun of us throughout the entire ordeal. This time they didn't let up for what seemed like an eternity, Lauren's hands constantly shifting from my feet back down to my armpits and ribs. The girls eventually flipped up onto our sides to tickle our stomachs, only to find that we were both a little excited from having girls on top of us.

Katie was the first to react by saying, "Again!? What is wrong with you boys! Can't you control yourselves just once?"

We both angrily grunted into our gags, jerking at the ropes while trying to roll back onto our stomachs. The girls giggled at us and began discussing what to do next, ignoring the two furious boys writhing around at their feet.

Lauren raised her voice to drown out our gagged demands for freedom saying, “Maybe we should pour some honey on them and leave them to the ants?”

The girls found our muffled protests to the suggestion far more entertaining than the actual idea, and continued to provoke us into shouting through our gags and yank violently at the ropes. After spending another few minutes brain storming ideas Katie and Lauren had decided our fate. Despite our garbled shouting they pushed us together on our sides and tethered us together at our waists. Satisfied that no amount of squirming would allow us to shift our ‘excitement’ away from the other boy, the girls dragged us over to their towels and used our heads as foot rests.

I tried telling Katie that this wasn’t funny anymore, but her response was only, “Isn’t this like….the hundredth time you two have wound up humping each other? I bet you’re going to miss being able to do this in the army huh Matt?”

Had Lauren not been rubbing her feet over my face Katie would have seen just how furious I was at her. I silently strained against my bonds, refusing to entertain the girls any further by grunting gibberish through mg gag. My hands and feet waived around in the air behind me as I arched my back, pressing myself even harder against Chris. The constant friction wasn’t helping either of us control our excitement, but we were both far too angry at the girls to give up squirming.

“What’s that Matt? Finally nothing to say? Or are you just too busy have a special moment with Chris? Or maybe you can’t breathe with Lauren’s feet in your face.”

The most noise Chris and I made were short grunts as we continued to tug at the ropes, both of us having silently agreed to refrain from letting the girls laugh at our gag talk. We would occasionally make eye contact with each other as we awkwardly shifted our hips around, causing even more grunting from us.

“Let this be a lesson to you brother. I’ll always own you, no matter how tough you think you are. So try not to get all cocky when you’re in the army. And Chris, we’ll have to find another boy for you to get intimate with!”

Both of us lost our cool and let loose a slurry of gagged shouts, causing the girls to bust out laughing. After another hour Chris and I lost our spirit to resist and just sat silently while the girls sunned themselves with their feet keeping our heads pressed to the ground. They took turns posing over us in different victory stances while the other would take pictures. We spent the rest of the afternoon as their footrests, only being untied after we nodded in agreement to a list of outrageous claims of how awesome they were.
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