Dorain : 04 - Brice's Rude Awakening (m+/m)

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Dorain : 04 - Brice's Rude Awakening (m+/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Dorain's stories
04 - Brice's Rude Awakening
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By Dorain

Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:43 pm

Brice's Rude Awakening

This is a fictional story involving the tickling of minor boys and light bondage. However, there are no sexual or erotic aspects to this story. If you are looking for some kind of sex story, then you’ve wasted you time with this story. All characters in the tale are fictional; any similarity between them and anyone else, real or fiction; living or dead, is purely coincidental and is not intended by the author. Dorain©

Brice tried to stay awake, but he was just too tired. He and this three friends had stayed up until 3 a.m., watching really bad, “B”-graded horror movies. Unfortunately, the twelve year old just couldn’t keep his eyes open any longer, and started to drift off to sleep. In that twilight period where you are neither asleep nor awake, he replayed the day’s events in his mind. He had been so happy that his parents had agreed to let him have this weekend sleepover with his friends Chris, Grant and Eric; even though they had to go out of the country for two weeks. His eighteen year old brother, Vance, had agreed (reluctantly) to supervise the three extra youngsters for the three days of the sleepover.

Vance and Brice squabbled a lot, as most brothers were prone to do, but Brice could be a real brat at times; especially with his practical jokes. Now Vance really did care about his blond haired younger brother, but he didn’t have the genius that his sibling did for pranks. Vance often verbally threatened his brother, but it was always threats that were obviously impractical (“Knock it off, or I’ll hang ya from the chandelier by your toes!”).

He liked Brice’s friends, too. Vance could remember when he was that young, and didn’t really care too much about his “image”. He often got some real good laughs watching the younger boys’ goofy and uninhibited antics. He had feigned being reluctant to watch the twelve year olds, but secretly, he was glad. His girlfriend was away at a family reunion, and all of his friends were tied up with other things to do. Watching the kids would certainly give him something to do, and with those four adorably extroverted guys together under one roof, he knew that the weekend would be far from boring.

Early the next morning, very early, Eric woke up when he heard his little alarm clock radio playing loudly through his earphone. Turning it off quickly, he quietly woke up Chris and Grant. The three giggled quietly as they set their plan in motion. Before the boys had arrived at Brice’s house last evening, they had gotten together and made plans for their friend. Brice was a great kid, but he did have a couple of quirks that the guys found annoying. His pranks were funny and mostly harmless, but he had a tendency to do them far too often. He also had a bit of an attitude, because his family was well-to-do, while his friends were merely “Upper Middle Class”, to use his words exactly. Certainly, the words were meant as a joke, but since the boys were going to get even with him for other things, why not group that in with their grievances as well.

The boys slipped quietly out of their sleeping bags, and converged on Brice in his four poster bed.

“Pssst. Hey, Brice. You awake man?” Eric whispered in the sleeping boy’s ear as he gently shook his forearm. There was no response.

“See,” he said to the others in a whisper, “Ol’ Brice here is dead to the world when he’s asleep. Let’s get to work!”

The conspirators pulled Brice’s sheets down, and gently rolled their sleeping friend over onto his back. They each returned to their backpacks and returned with a fistful of bathrobe ties.

Brice awoke with a start when he felt something crawling along his foot. He giggled and tried to pull his foot away, but was shocked to find that he couldn’t! He opened his eyes to see Chris and Grant smiling down at him.

“Morning, buddy! We made breakfast for you,” quipped Chris. “And guess we made for you? A nice healthy serving of Revenge!!”

In horror, Brice looked down and saw that he was tied spread eagle to the posts of his bed. His Negro friend, Eric, stood at the foot of his bed, and waved cheerily as he held up a hairbrush, and then looked down at the helpless soles of Brice’s feet.

“Nooo, guys. C’mon! I’m sorry! I won’t play any more pranks on you guys ever again!” he begged. The boxer-style shorts and huge, oversized shirt combo pyjamas left him pretty vulnerable to what he was sure his friends had in mind for him.

“D’jou rememberr what you like to when d’jou’re not playing prankzz on uz?” Grant asked him in his thick Greek accent.

Brice could help but remember. He loved to ambush his friends and jab his fingers into their ticklish sides.

“Guys, noo! Anything but that! I’ll mow all you lawns next week if you don’t!” he begged.

The preteens seemed to consider that for a moment, and then said “Naw” in unison.

“Please! Look, it’s only 7:15,” he said nervously as he turned his head to look at his clock. “You’ll wake Vance, and he’ll be mad!”

“Well, then; you’re going to have to make sure that you don’t make too much noise and wake your brother,” said Chris with a grin. He used his hand to flip his dirty blond bangs off his face so that Brice could see his expression clearly.

“As for us; we won’t be making a single sound, so it won’t be our fault,” he taunted his friend as he raised and lowered his eyebrows repeatedly in a knowing gesture.

“That’s not fair!!” Brice begged in a hushed voice. “You guys know I’m insanely ticklish!”

“Yeah,” Eric said as he started moving the brush towards Brice’s right foot with a slow, exaggerated motion. “That’s why it gonna be so much fun!”

As Brice’s attention was focused on Eric’s dramatic prelude to his attack on the pinkish sole in front of him, he was surprised when he felt a hand slither down his billowy sleeve and start tickling his hairless armpit. He broke immediately into laughter and tried to squirm away from the probing fingers. Unfortunately, Grant, the owner of those fingers, was laying his upper body across the prisoner’s chest so he could reach into the other sleeve and tickle that underarm as well.

“Don’t wake d’jour brother!” Grant warned Brice as he continued to tease the sensitive skin of his friend’s armpits.

Brice clamped his mouth shut, and tried keep the laughter in. To his horror, he felt the long tail of his t-shirt being lifted up, followed shortly by the sensation of something soft and tickly moving around on his tummy. He managed not to laugh from this new assault, but loud giggles were escaping from him.

Eric watched in amusement as he saw Brice’s body writhe in protest to the merciless tickling they were inflicting on him. Chris’ gentle stroking with a feather was making the flat, pale tummy convulse and ripple. Eric decided it was time for him to get into the act. He grabbed the clenched toes of Brice’s right foot, and pulled them back, stretching the skin on his soft sole to be stretched tight.

Brice was trying to beg for the expected foot tickling not to happen, but through his clenched lips, it sounded like a puppy whining. When Eric starting running the soft bristled brush up and down the immobilized sole, Brice couldn’t hold it any longer and screamed.


The boys continued their revenge torment on their friend until they heard a loud banging on the bedroom door.

“Keep it down in there!” they heard Vance yell through the closed door. “What are you little spuds doing in there, anyway?”

“Vance, help! They’re torturing me!” Brice pleaded with a slight giggle in his voice.

Vance didn’t waste any time rushing into his little brother’s room. He stopped and stared when he saw the predicament that Brice was in.

“What are you doing to him?” he demanded, staring angrily at the unusual tableau. The eighteen year old had a strong muscular physique, so he was physically intimidating to the smaller boys.

Only Eric continued to smile.

“Nothing much, Vance,” he said confidently.“ Just getting a little revenge for all the pranks he’s played on us.” To demonstrate that point, he started moving the brush in little circles on Brice’s white arch. Brice squealed and broke into laughter again.

Vance watched in amazement. These little guys were ingenious! They had figured out a harmless way to get even with the little brat. The young man wondered why he hadn’t thought of this himself!

“How is this torturing you, buddy?” he asked as he strolled over to the foot of the bed, shooting a smile at Eric as the black youth continued to tickle Brice’s foot. “It sounds like you’re having a great time!”

“N-Nooo!! I can’t stand it! Hahahaheeheeheehee!! Stop!! IIIEEEEE!! PLEEEZZ!!”

“Nonsense, It sounds like you’re really enjoying yourself! In fact, do you guys mind if I join your game?”



“Not a problem”

“I p-protest!! Heeheeheehee”

“That sounds like three out of four!” Vance said with an evil edge to his voice.

With the teenager’s obvious assent on what they were doing, the other two boys resumed tickling Brice, as Vance joined in, tickling the formerly ignored sole of his brother’s left foot with his fingers.

They tickled and tickled Brice, reducing him to a helpless giggling puddle on the bed. Vance called it to a stop when he saw that Brice was having to struggle a bit to breathe.

Brice laid limply on the bed, still giggling, apparently oblivious to the fact that his restraints were being removed. After catching his breath for several minutes, he raised his sweaty head from the pillow and looked at the assembled torturers.

“Is everything even, now?” Eric asked.

Brice smiled. He had to admit; they had gotten him back good. He still tingled and shook a bit as he continued to feel phantom fingers on his most ticklish places. Now that he wasn’t restrained helplessly, he realized that the whole episode had been kind of fun. The tickling had a sort of pleasant sensation to it; it was just the fact that he was getting so much of it all over that he found unbearable.

“Yeah, for now,” he said as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up on shaky legs. He looked down, and saw the bare feet of his brother and friends, and his mind started churning with plans on how he could include feet tickling in his future practical jokes. It would be a win-win situation for him. He’s get to tickle those feet himself, and they’d probably decide to punish him for the new pranks by tickling him again.

He smiled benevolently at them, but inside, he was chuckling like a demented villain.


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