roper527 : 01 - Fun with the Babysitter (mm/F, mm/FF)

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roper527 : 01 - Fun with the Babysitter (mm/F, mm/FF)

Post by Canuck100 »

roper527's stories
01 - Fun with the Babysitter
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By roper527

Fictional TUGs Stories

Wed Jul 04, 2007 9:02 pm


Carly Johnson sat on the kitchen chair trying to figure out how she had gotten into this situation. She was on one of the kitchen chairs with her hands tied behind the back of it. Her legs were tied together above and below her knees and at the ankles. Her ankles were also tied to the cross rung on the chair. Rope had been wrapped around her upper body and the chair pinning her to it. Rope had also been wrapped over her lap and around the chair. A scarf was tied over her eyes and another was tied tightly in her mouth.

Carly was a 22 year old college student. She stood 5’ 5” with blue eyes and light brown, shoulder length hair. She was dressed in the clothes she had worn to school. She had on a mid thigh length denim skirt, a red blouse, tan pantyhose and 3” tan heels. She took babysitting jobs at night during the week to make extra money for spending. She didn’t need it for school. Her parents had paid for the college.

The more Carly thought about her situation, the more she felt she had been set up by the 2 boys, ages 10 and 12 that she was watching. They had been watching a TV show that showed a damsel in distress. She was tied sitting in a chair. The rope was tied loosely and the gag was loosely tied over her mouth a cloth was tied over her eyes.

Johnny, the 12 year old, said, “That is so fake. I think I can tie a woman up better than that.”

“Yeah,” said Mikey, his younger brother. “I could too!”

Carly said, “You couldn’t do any better. It takes a long time to learn how to tie good knots. Besides, they don’t want to hurt her.”

“True,” Johnny said, “But they still could have tied her better. She could get out of that easy.”

“That’s right.” piped in Mikey.

“I’ll make a bet with you 2. If you think you can tie someone up and not let them escape, I’ll let you tie me up. If I get free, then you have to do what I tell you right away with no arguments every time I watch you. If I don’t get free, you can tie me up every time then.”

Johnny and Mikey looked at each other and smiled. “It’s a deal.” They said together.

“Ok then, how do you want to tie me?” Carly asked. “Just like on the show.” Mikey said.

Carly got up and walked into the kitchen. She pulled out one of the kitchen chairs, turned it around and sat down. “Ok hotshots. Lets see how good you think you can tie.” She said with a smile, sure she would be able to get free in no time.

“Dad has some rope in the garage. I’ll go get it.” Johnny said. “Mikey, you go get a couple of Mom’s scarves. One for a gag and another for a blindfold.”

“Wait a minute.” Carly said. “Who said anything about a blindfold?”

“We said we were going to tie you just like in the show. She is gagged and blindfolded in it.” Johnny said.

“Well, Ok, but if I say stop, then that is it.” Carly said. The boys agreed.

Carly did not know it, but both boys were in the Boy Scouts. They had learned how to tie knots that were hard to get loose. One they learned would get tighter the more the person struggled with it. She also didn’t know that they both tied up their mom a lot too.

Johnny came back from the garage with several pieces of rope and Mikey returned with 3 scarves. Johnny set about tying Carly’s hands behind the back of the chair while Mikey started to tie her legs together above the knees. As soon as the first knot was tightened, Carly knew she was in trouble. These 2 did know how to tie, but a bet was made and she was going to stick with it.

Johnny finished tying her hands and started to wrap the rope around Carly’s upper body. He pulled it tight so she had to sit back and she said, “Hey, not so tight. You don’t want to cut off my circulation do you?”

Johnny just said, “You said this was a bet on if we could tie you up so you can’t get free, right? Well, the rope has to be tight.”

Carly answered, “I guess so, but just be careful.”

Mikey finished tying her legs above and below the knees and at the ankles. He then tie her ankles to the cross bar of the chair. Then a rope went around her lap and under the chair.

They stood up and Mikey took one scarf and walked behind Carly. He placed it over her eyes and tied it tightly. Johnny took one of the scarves and balled it up. He had Carly open her mouth and then stuffed it into her mouth. It wasn’t that big so it didn’t bother her too much. Then the last scarf was tied over that one and between her teeth to hold it in place.

When the boys had finished, they stood back and admired their work. They couldn’t believe their luck. Johnny had wanted to tie up Carly since she had started babysitting them 2 years earlier, but didn’t know how to ask her. Mikey had just become interested in tying up girls. Now it seemed their dreams would come true.

Johnny said, “We’ll give you 30 minutes to get free. Is that ok with you Carly?”

Carly nodded her head yes. Johnny set the timer on the stove for 30 minutes and said, “Your time starts now.”

Carly immediately started to struggle. It was soon apparent that she was tied better than she had expected.

Johnny was tempted to walk over to her and run his hands up and down Carly’s legs, but didn’t think she would like that. Maybe some other time he would include that in their tying games. He loved the feel of nylons when he rubbed his Mom’s feet and legs after she got home from work.

Both boys could feel the strange sensation come over them as they watched Carly struggling. The idea of having this woman completely at their mercy made them feel strange.

Before she knew it, the timer went off and Carly had lost the bet. The boys jumped for joy and laughed at her. They took her gag out of her mouth and she said, “Ok. You 2 win. Where did you learn to tie so good?”

They told her about being in the scouts and then she laughed at herself. “Ok. Time to untie me.”

“No way!” they said together. “You stay tied now till we want to let you go. You made a bet, remember?”

“Yes that is true.” Carly said. “Ok. You can keep me tied up, but you have to untie me before your mom gets home. I don’t think she would understand this bet.” Johnny put the gag back in her mouth and said, “Don’t worry. We will.” He said.

Carly didn’t know how long she was in the chair. She could hear the boys walking around her and once she felt a hand slide across the top of her thighs. One of the boys said sorry. I lost my balance and the act wasn’t repeated.

Carly heard the garage door begin to open and she tried to tell the boys to untie her. She could hear them in the living room and she began to panic. What would their mother think?

On that, Carly needn’t had worried. The boy’s mother came in the door and saw Carly tied to the chair.

“I see the boys found someone else to tie up besides me.” She said. “Maybe now they won’t be tying me as often now that they have you.”

This statement shocked Carly. The boys then entered the room with more rope and told their mom that it was her turn. Mrs. Jensen sighed and sat down on a chair. The boys then proceeded to tie her up as they had Carly tied.

The boys kept them both tied up until 9 pm. They then untied their mom, gave her a kiss and went to bed

The boy’s mom started to untie her and once the gag was off, Carly said, “I’m sorry Mrs. Jensen. I made a bet with the boys and as you can see I lost.”

“Let me guess.” Mrs. Jensen said. “They bet you that they could tie someone up so they couldn’t get free. If you won, they had to do something for you all the time. If you lost, they got to tie you up all the time. Am I right?”

“How did you know?” Carly said.

“They used the same line on me. Now they tie me up at least 3 times a week. Have they started touching your legs yet?” Mrs. Jensen asked.

Not wanting to get them in trouble, Carly said no.

“Don’t worry.” Mrs. Jensen said. “They will. It is harmless stuff. Just rubbing the nylon on your legs. They do it to me all the time. Oh, one other thing. See how you are dressed now? That is how you have to dress every time now too. They like a woman in nylons and skirts.”

Carly asked, “How long have they been tying you up Mrs. Jensen?”

She answered, “It’s been about 2 years. They started right after my husband died.” She moved closer to Carly and whispered to her, “Don’t tell anyone, but I kind of enjoy it. Not being in control has a kind of erotic feeling to it.”

Carly looked at her and smiled. “I know what you mean. It was kind of exciting. Maybe I’ll try it with my boyfriend.”

They both laughed and then Carly said good night to them all and left. Yes she would try it with her boyfriend.

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