Big B : 03 - Once in a Lifetime (m/F)

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Big B : 03 - Once in a Lifetime (m/F)

Post by Canuck100 »

Big B's stories
03 - Once in a Lifetime
Story index at the bottom

By Big B

Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:26 pm

Once in a Lifetime

It was late summer 1974. I was eleven years old and absolutely obsessed with Damsels in Distress. The sight of a woman helplessly bound and gagged had excited me for as long as I could remember.

I fantasized often of tying up pretty women in our neighborhood, as well as some of the teachers at school. In my fantasies, the women were always wearing a skirt, heels and hose. I imagined sneaking into their homes, tying them up, and watching them struggle as I robbed the house. Never, ever, ever, did I believe that something like that could actually happen. But one day, it did.

I was home alone that early evening when a knock came at the door.

Her name was Helen. She was about 5'8" and in her late 40's. She wore glasses and her shoulder length black hair was beginning to gray, giving her a distinguished look. Helen's husband had passed away several years earlier and she never remarried. She wasn't a knockout, but she was pretty. She was very smartly dressed in a business skirt, blouse and heels. She was wearing pantyhose, as all women did in those days, and her legs were very shapely. My heart jumped up into my throat at the sight of her.

Helen and my folks were friends. She had recently begun selling encyclopedias door to door and had been visiting with my parents about buying a set. She smiled warmly and asked if Mom and Dad were home.

"Sorry, Helen", I said. "They went to the store."

"Do you know when they'll be home?", she inquired.

"Not really. They just left a few minutes ago.", I replied. "I think they'll be home in about half an hour."

Helen looked at her watch as I looked at her beautiful legs. She thought for a moment, smiled again, and asked, "May I come in and wait for them?"

I sprung to life. I had already been scheming for a way to get her into the house.

"Sure, you can come in", I said and threw open the door. Mom and Dad knew Helen fairly well. I knew they wouldn't be upset if she was there when they got home.

Helen came in and sat down in our living room. We talked for a while as she asked me about my school and my interests.

Now, during that conversation, my mind was racing to devise a plausible way to tie up Helen. Unfortunately, my excitement kept me from thinking very clearly. I couldn't come up with any good ideas. The real prospect of tying up this smartly dressed and attractive woman was almost more than I could bear. And I really had to fight the urge to stare at those legs.

Helen glanced at her watch again and asked some more polite questions. That's when she slipped up. Helen asked what games I enjoyed playing.

Without thinking, I named a few board games...and then it hit me. This was the opportunity for which I had been waiting. My heart was beating hard in my chest. This is it, I thought. Opportunity is knocking.

"I really like to play Cops and Robbers", I sputtered.

She smiled quietly, but didn't take the bait.

Even at 11 years old, I knew a chance like this would never come again. I swallowed hard and tried a more direct approach.

"Would you like to play Cops and Robbers with me?", I asked timidly.

Now it was Helen's turn to be anxious. She probably had a good idea of what I was planning to do. "Well, your parents will probably be home in a few minutes," she said.

I must have sensed weakness in her answer because, to my amazement, I persisted.

"Please, Helen?" I asked. "They said they'd be gone for at least half an hour."

"Well...", She said nervously. I smiled at her...and she gave in.

"Why not?", she said confidently. "But only for a few minutes."

"Great!" I leapt to my feet. "Wait here a minute!" I had dreamed of this moment for years. I knew exactly what to do. I ran to my parent's bedroom and grabbed a few of Dad's neckties from the closet. Then I grabbed a toy gun from my room, tucked a clean blue bandanna in my back pocket, and raced back to the living room.

"What would you like me to do?", Helen asked.

I laid out the complex scenario that I had spent many long hours plotting.

"Well, you're in the kitchen when you hear a loud noise in the living room," I told her. "You come out here to see what it is. That's when you find me breaking into the house."

"Are you a burglar?", she asked.


She gestured to the neckties. "Do you plan to tie me up with those?"

I stopped dead in my tracks. "Would that be OK?", I asked sheepishly.

She hesitated, but only for a moment. I think she could see the color draining from my face.

Helen smiled again. "Yes, that would be OK." She got up and walked into the kitchen. I could hear her humming as she was opening and closing cupboard doors, pretending to be cooking.

I was drunk with excitement. I had dreamed of this moment for years. I placed the neckties on the couch and gripped the toy gun in my left hand. I stood near the entrance to the kitchen where Helen wouldn't see me. Then I loudly thumped my fist against the wall.

Helen's humming stopped abruptly. "Is someone there?", she called from the next room. I could hear her walking toward the living room. "What was that, I wonder?", she asked tentatively.

Helen entered the room. She seemed genuinely startled for a moment when I thrust the gun in her back and grabbed her arm. I badly wanted to put my hand over her mouth, but she was taller than me and it would have been awkward.

"Who are you? What do you want?", Helen pleaded.

"Be quiet," I said. I started pulling Helen over to the couch. "Sit down over here," I commanded, thrusting the gun toward the couch.

Helen sat down meekly. "Look, take what you want, but please don't hurt me," she begged.

Now that Helen was sitting, I clamped my hand over her mouth and ordered her again to be quiet. I'll always remember the feeling of Helen's warm lips against my hand that day. She gave a few good "MMMPPPHS" and then quieted down. I removed my hand and she dutifully put both her hands behind her back.

I grabbed a necktie and went to work binding Helen's hands. When I was finished, I pulled the bandanna from my pocket. I had rehearsed this scene in my room a hundred times. I grabbed each end of the bandanna and twirled it into a gag.

But then I hesitated. I was eager to gag Helen, but was afraid she wouldn't go for it. I stood there for a moment. My heart felt like it was about to explode right out of my chest. My excitement must have been palpable because, at this point, Helen decided to jump in with both feet.

She looked helplessly at me, knowing I was itching to gag her. "Let me go or I'll scream," she said. "I'll scream for the police, you nasty burglar."

That snapped me right back into action. "Oh no, you won't", I said, raising the gag over her head.

Helen's eyes were suddenly full of fear. "No, please don't gag me. I'm sorry. I won't scream. Please don't gag me." She continued pleading with me as I placed the bandanna between her lips. She strained against the gag as I knotted it behind her head.

When I bent down to tie Helen's ankles with another necktie, she really started squirming and pleading for help. When she realized how much her muffled speech was affecting me, she poured it on.

I grabbed a final necktie and looped it around Helen's legs, just below the knees. She struggled and pleaded and begged for help as I pulled the final knot tight. I stood back to take it all in.

At that moment, Helen was truly beautiful and she knew it. She seemed to realize that I was completely under her spell. I was mesmerized by her beauty and her helplessness. I suspect she was flattered that I found her so exciting and lovely.

I stood there, unable to move, as Helen went to work. She pulled against the bonds and twisted her legs to get loose. She leaned forward, straining against the gag, pleading to be released with the most helpless expressions on her face.

This went on for about three or four minutes. It was pure heaven...UNTIL...Dad's truck pulled into the driveway. Helen's fear became genuine at the thought of being found bound and gagged in my parent's living room. Fortunately, Helen's squirming had loosened the knots. She worked her hands free with very little effort and quickly pulled out the gag. I was rushing to untie her ankles.

The back door opened just as the last tie came off. I quickly threw the ties and gag behind the couch, to be retrieved later that evening.

I ran out to tell Mom and Dad that Helen was waiting for them. They were glad to see her. My parents never found out what transpired that evening. Helen was completely unphased and one cool customer. Nobody would have ever believed she had been bound and gagged only moments before. By the way, my parents bought encyclopedias from Helen that night. Those books were a constant reminder to me of that unbelievable experience.

I waited for Helen outside as she was leaving that evening. I said goodbye and thanked her for playing. She smiled and put a gentle hand on my cheek. She said, "Let's keep it our little secret." She got into her car and drove off. I'll never forget Helen or how she indulged me that day.

I saw Helen many times after that, but we never had another chance to play 'Cops and Robbers'. That experience, however, did embolden me to tie up an attractive neighbor lady a few years later. Stay tuned for details....

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