K.C. : Looking After the Cousins (mm/ffm, ffm/mmf, mm/fff)

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K.C. : Looking After the Cousins (mm/ffm, ffm/mmf, mm/fff)

Post by ffixwarrior »

It was another one of those nights where Anita had me over to help babysit her brother, only her 3 cousins were also staying over. When I got to the door, I was greeted at the door by one of the cousins, Karen (14). She was wearing a pink T-shirt and black sweatpants. She had a kinda skinny figure (almost too skinny), had shoulder-length black hair, and small brown eyes. Typical Chinese girl stereotype.

“Who are you?” she asked.

“Oh, I’m one of Anita’s friends, K.C.,” I replied.

“Anita! There’s someone here to see you!” she yelled behind her. I heard a pair of footsteps behind her.

“Hey! You got here so fast. Come in, come in!” Anita said, opening the door for me to come in. She was dressed in long sleeve white shirt and black leggings and had her hair tied up in a ponytail.

I left my shoes near the door (customary for Asians) and hung up my jacket on the coat rack. I noticed that Karen had gone upstairs, probably to join her siblings and cousin.

“Hey, so what’re you up to right now?” I asked Anita, following her to the kitchen.

“Making dinner for everyone…wanna help?”


I helped her cut up some vegetables as she was preparing some sauce for the beef.

“Mmm…smells good. But you taste even better,” I said, giving Anita a kiss on the lips.

“Hehehe…silly. Hopefully this all turns out okay. My cousins can sometimes be picky about food.”

Just then, we heard some running down the stairs. Lily (11), the youngest of the cousins, came running into the kitchen, followed by Sam (12), Anita’s brother, and Brian (12), the middle child of the cousins. The two boys were dressed in a plaid button shirt and blue jeans with bandannas over their mouths, while Lily was dressed in a bright blue T-shirt and green pants. I noticed that each of the boys had a water pistol in their hand and a length of rope in the other. Lily and Brian had stopped running when they noticed me in the kitchen.

“Who’s that?” Brian asked.

“That’s Anita’s boyfriend,” Sam replied, in a matter-of-fact fashion.

“Ooooooh, do you guys kiss and stuff?” Lily asked.

“No…it’s not like that at all,” I started to say.

“That’s none of your business,” Anita added in. “And why are you guys running around the house like that? You can get hurt. You’re old enough to know that now.”

“They were trying to tie me up like they did to Karen. And I didn’t want to get my shirt wet,” Lily explained.

“We were only playing…plus, it’s not like Karen didn’t want to…” Brian countered.

“Yeah, it’s just a game,” Sam said, defending his cousin.

Anita angrily went over to the two boys and grabbed their water pistols, emptying the water out in the sink.


“You guys ARE NOT getting water all over the place in the house. UNDERSTAND?”


“And you two better not hurt Lily. If she doesn’t want to play, you better not force her to, okay?”


“Now head back upstairs and play nicely until I finish dinner. K.C., can you keep them out of trouble and check to see if Karen’s ok? I’ll finish up here.”

I took Sam and his cousins back upstairs, where they lead me over to Sam’s room. There, Karen laid on the floor in a good old fashioned Western hogtie. The boys had done a good job of tying her up. Her wrists were tied securely in a criss-crossed pattern behind her back. Her ankles were encased in multiple loops of rope and anchored to her bound wrists by a short piece of rope. I guessed that there was about 6-7 inches of slack in between her wrists and ankles. She had also been gagged detective-style with a large handkerchief.

“Hey, are you all right?” I asked, removing the gag.

“Yeah, I’m fine, my brother’s like this all the time,” Karen said.

“See, they were going to do that to me,” Lily said.

“No…we would’ve just tied your hands and that’s all,” Brian replied.

“Yeah, you’re no fun, Lily,” Sam added.

“Do you want to be untied?” I asked Karen.

“No, I’m ok. Brian’s tied me up much worse before. This is nothing,” she replied, tugging on her hogtie rope with her feet.

“Yeah, our sister’s pretty flexible,” Lily said. “She takes gymnastics and dance. She can almost touch her feet to her head.”

“Oh wow, that’s a pretty tough feat,” I said.

“Hey, since Anita won’t let us use our water pistols…can we tie you up instead?” Sam asked me.

“I dunno…Anita told me to keep you guys out of trouble…”

“We’ll be good, plus she already took away our water guns…and we’ll leave Lily alone if she doesn’t wanna play,” Brian chimed in.

“Oh…all right…plus, dinner will be ready soon anyways,” I said, after some consideration.

“Yay! Okay, put your hands behind your back,” Sam said, as he started to wrap the rope around my wrists.

Within a couple of minutes, I was hogtied on the floor in the same way as Karen was. I could tell that they had done a good job as they were careful with tying the knots tightly and out of reach.

“Wow, you guys don’t mess around, huh?” I said, squirming a bit in my ropes. “I can barely move.”

“Try to get out, but I doubt you will,” Brian said gleefully.

“Can I play too?” Lily said, feeling left out.

“I thought you said you didn’t want to be tied up,” Sam said,

“Not like that,” she said, pointing at me and Karen. “Here”, she said offering her hands behind her back.

“Are you sure about this?” Brian said

“Uh-huh. Go ahead.”

“Be gentle on her, Brian,” Karen said.

And with that, I glanced up from my hogtie and saw Lily getting her hands tied behind her back by her brother.

Just when he was about to tie her ankles too, Lily jumped back out of reach.

“That’s enough for now,” she said.

“Okay…we’ll come untie you guys once dinner’s ready. See if you can get out till then,” Sam said.

And with that, Sam and Brian closed the door behind them, leaving us to struggle in our bonds.

To be continued...

Part 2:

Once they had left, I renewed my efforts to try to get loose from my hogtie. But, being a guy, I lacked flexibility, so the best I could do was roll onto my side, back or stomach. I tried to force my hands through the loops of rope, but they held tight.

“Any luck getting loose?” I asked, rolling onto my side and observing the girls’ efforts.

“Ugh, still trying,” Karen said, who was able to arch her back and easily pull her feet close to her hands to pick at the knot keeping her ankles tied together and the knot for one of the ends of the hogtie rope. She would occasionally try to look back over her shoulder to take a look at her bonds. It appeared like she was only able to pick at the knots with one hand at a time since her wrists had been tied criss-crossed behind her back.

Meanwhile, Lily was standing up trying to get her wrists free from behind her. She was taking a more brute force method to this as there were a lot of grunts coming from her. Eventually, she knelt down on the floor and raised her arms behind her to see if she could get any more leverage in slipping her wrists loose.

Karen called her sister over to her for some assistance to help her up. She then rolled over onto her back and tried to bring her knees as far up as they could go to rock herself up, while Lily stood over her and twisted her hands from behind her back to try to catch hold of her arm or shirt to hold Karen steady. After several attempts, Karen was able to get herself up into a kneeling position as Lily was able to get a hand on her shirt to keep her steady. Lily then knelt down behind her sister to position herself back to back.

“Hold still,” Karen told Lily. “I can feel the knot.”

After a couple of minutes…

“Shoot, it’s too tight, I can’t untie it with just one hand. Do me instead.”

“Okay, I’ll try,” Lily replied.

“Sorry, we don’t know you too well,” Karen said over to me. “That’s why we’re just working together.”

“I understand…” I said, still stuck in my hogtie.

“I think…I got it!” Lily exclaimed.

“Ugh…ugh! No good, the ropes are still holding. They must’ve tucked the ends into the loops,” Karen said, as she struggled to pull her wrists free.

“Ok, hold still again,” Lily said, as she attempted to loosen the coils. “Try now.”

And with that, Karen was able to get out of her wrist bindings. She then turned towards her sister and worked on untying her wrists. Once they were free of all of their ropes, they worked on getting me loose.

“That was pretty impressive,” I said, remarking on how easily they got out.

“Well…it’s not the first time our brother’s tied us up,” Karen said modestly. “Hey, you wanna help us get them back after dinner?”

“Sure, as long as they don’t mind. I’m just a guest,” I said.

“They’ll be fine,” Karen replied.

Once I was free, I rubbed the circulation back into my wrists and stretched out. We decided to go back downstairs to see if dinner was ready.

“Hey! How’d you get free?” Sam asked, as we passed through the living room.

“Your cousins are some little Houdinis,” I replied. “You guys better watch out later.”

“Okay! Dinnertime!” Anita called from the kitchen.

Edit*: To be continued...

Part 3:

After dinner, we decided to rest our stomachs and watch a little TV while Anita was cleaning up in the kitchen. During one of the commercial breaks, Sam had gone upstairs to use the bathroom.

“Hey, you guys wanna get Sam and Brian back for earlier?” I whispered to each of the girls.

“Okay, so what’s the plan?” Karen asked.

“You two go get Sam upstairs. I’ll keep Brian distracted down here.”

“Sounds good,” Lily said.

“Hey! I’m trying to watch!” Brian said.

“Oops. Sorry,” Karen said. “Me and Lily are going to get changed upstairs. We’ll be back.”

As Lily and Karen headed upstairs to get Sam, I chatted with Brian a bit about his hobbies and school, even though he only gave me one word answers while he was watching the TV show. However, during the next commercial break, he began to get curious.

“Hey, where’s Sam?” he asked.

“I don’t know. Why don’t we go see?” I replied.

When we got to Sam’s room, we saw that Sam had been hogtied on his bed by the two girls, with a strip of duct tape across his lips. They had even used one of Sam’s scarves to blindfold him.

“Hey Brian,” they said with a sneer, each holding a piece of rope in their hands.

“Uh oh,” Brian replied.

“Have a seat,” I added in, leading Brian over to the desk chair.

The girls began by tying each of Brian’s wrists to an arm rest; Lily tying the right wrist and Karen tying the left one. Karen then ripped off a piece of duct tape and placed it over her brother’s lips while Lily tied Brian’s ankles to the chair legs.

“How’s it feel now boys?” Karen taunted.

“Mmm,” the boys grunted, dejected from being tied up by two girls.

“Hey, you guys wanna get your older cousin too?” I asked.


“Okay, lemme go get her.”

As I went back downstairs, I noticed that Anita was turning off the TV that we had left on.

“Hey, what are you guys up to?” she asked.

“Oh…nothing…come upstairs, your cousins have something to show you.”

“Okay…” she said, and followed me upstairs to Sam’s room.

“Oh wow! You girls tied up the two boys?” Anita exclaimed.


“Uh huh.”

“And now it’s your turn,” Karen said, holding out a piece of rope.

“What?!? *sighs* Fine…go ahead,” she said, offering her hands behind her back. I grinned to myself, watching these two girls enjoy tying up my girlfriend (and their eldest cousin). Karen had crossed Anita’s hands together and wrapped the rope about 7-8 times before cinching it and tying the knot while Lily had bent down and used a long piece of rope to tie Anita’s ankles together. It looked like she had wrapped the rope multiple times around them (maybe 10-12 times?) before tying the knot in front. The rope encased her legs from the end of her leggings to close to her knees.

“Hehe, let’s hogtie her too,” Lily suggested.

“Okay,” Karen replied, as both girls assisted Anita to the floor. “Here, lemme do it.”

“Where’d you guys learn to tie people up?” Anita asked, looking back over her shoulder as Karen was tying one end of the hogtie rope to her ankle bindings.

“Oh, Brian’s the one who started it,” Karen replied, as she pulled Anita’s feet back to connect them to her wrists. Once Anita’s feet were about 6 inches away from her wrists, Karen tied off the excess around her wrist bindings.

“Ugh…wow, that’s pretty good, I can barely move,” Anita said, squirming in her ropes. “So…whose idea was this?”

Both girls pointed up at me.

“What? Hey, you can’t put all the blame on me. You guys wanted in, remember?”

They both just shrugged their shoulders.

“You’re a sneaky one,” Anita said to me. “Just wait till we get back…” She stopped herself before she revealed too much information to her brother and cousins. I just grinned widely back in response.

“All right, let’s see if they can get out. We’ll be back in about 15 minutes.”

To be continued...

Part 4:

“You guys wanna go back down and watch some TV?” I asked.

“Uhh…I think I’m going to take and quick shower and start getting changed for bed,” Karen said.

“Oh, that’s a good idea. Yeah, I’ll change into my bedtime clothes too and while you shower, I might torture Sam and Brian a bit, hehe,” Lily said.

“Ok,” I replied, shrugging my shoulders and heading over to the living room couch to watch some news.

“Oh yeah, thanks for helping us get back at them,” Karen called out.

“Yeah, yeah…” I said in reply, grinning to myself.

As I was watching TV, I remember Lily passing by at some point to go grab a glass of water before heading upstairs again. She had changed into a Disney T-shirt and a comfortable pair of loose knee-length pants. After about 25 minutes, I got a call from a friend to meet with him to head out somewhere. It was then that it finally hit me that I should head back to release Anita and the boys. But before I could do so, I saw Brian and Sam heading down the stairs holding some lengths of rope in their hands.

“Payback time!” they said.

“Whoa…hold on there. I’ve gotta be heading out soon,” I told them. “How’d you guys get loose?”

“Lily sucks at tying ropes,” Brian replied. “I got loose and then untied Sam.”

“Are you sure you can’t stay longer?” Sam asked.

“Yeah, I was just about to head upstairs to untie you guys and to tell your sister that I was about to leave. But it was fun playing with you all.”


“You guys stay down here for awhile and watch some TV while I go say goodbye, ok?”


When I got to Sam’s room, I found that all 3 girls had been tied up and gagged with duct tape by the boys: Karen was tied up similar to how Brian had been tied in the desk chair, Lily was tied up in a loose hogtie (her legs were only bent at a 90 degree angle) on the bed, and Anita was still hogtied on her stomach on the floor. I headed over to Anita first, since she had been tied up the longest and was struggling furiously to undo the knot of the rope that kept her feet anchored to her wrists. When I knelt down beside her, I noticed additional ropes had been tied around her arms and body and around her thighs as well.

“What happened?” I asked her, peeling the duct tape from her lips.

“Bleh…I dunno, somehow, Brian just got loose and untied Sam. And when Lily came in to check on us, they just grabbed her and tied her up on the bed. But when I tried to convince them to stop, they just gagged me with the duct tape.”

“And I see they added all these extra ropes too?” I asked, as I started to untie her feet.

“Yeah, I actually managed to untie one of the knots for the rope that kept my feet tied to my hands while they were tying up Lily. But eventually they noticed. They sat me up and tied all these extra ropes around my arms and thighs. Then, they rolled me back over and retied my hands and feet together again, as you can see,” she replied, pulling on her hogtie rope a bit with her bare feet to demonstrate.

“Sucks…well, goes to show that boys rule, heh,” I said.

“Dream on,” Anita remarked back.

I eventually got her feet free and then untied the rope tying her thighs together. Finally, I untied her wrists and removed the ropes from her arms and body. I then went over to untie Lily from her hogtie (which was quite uncomfortable for her, but she couldn’t say anything about it since they had tape gagged her already – although this wasn’t her first time, as Brian had tied her up like this before (Lily’s words)) while Anita untied Karen from the chair.

Finally, I said my goodbyes to everyone and headed out to go meet with my friend.

The end

K.C.'s stories
Last edited by ffixwarrior 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.