markusthe1st : 02 - Dear Diary... (mm/F)

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markusthe1st : 02 - Dear Diary... (mm/F)

Post by Canuck100 »

markusthe1st' stories
02 - Dear Diary...
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By markusthe1st

Thu Sep 09, 2010 10:14 am


Dear Diary:

So much for a relaxing summer day. I decided to take on a summer job babysitting my neighbor's two boys, Mark and Jason. As far as I know, they seemed like good kids, but they were new to the neighborhood, and I had spent the last few weeks studying for finals. It paid off, but I spaced on finding a part-time job for the summer, so at least some babysitting would provide this girl with some needed cash for playtime and shopping. Besides, with the economy like it is, babysitting is always a safe bet for an 18-year-old girl - I was lucky to have it.

It turned out the boys were twins, but not identical. Mark was kind of cute - for a young teen anyway. I remember the first thing he said to me, because it made me blush: "You're real pretty." I was always kinda bookish, but in the last year I guess I filled out a little. Strange how it took a kid's comment to make me notice. Okay, I'm lying to myself - I look in the mirror every day, and measured every quarter inch my breasts grew. I guess there will be no more "flat-chested wonder" comments aimed at me, since my old stick body finally had some curves!

But with my luck, the same thing probably happened to all the other girls at school too. Being a teen that's a week into being an adult in Southern California sucks, what can I say?

The first couple of days babysitting went great, like a dream job. I couldn't believe I was getting paid for having so much fun. The boys had a nice home with a pool, and I pretty much hung out in my bikini by the pool, working on my tan, most of the day, with Mark and Jason helping out with everything. We played cards, Monopoly, Guitar Hero, and Marco Polo; typical summer stuff. Time went by so fast. But today I got stupid. Real stupid.

Here's why: Mark asked me to help him with a school project, so of course I said, "Yes." He said he wanted to try his hand at acting.

I was always too shy to try out for any of the school's plays, but some play acting actually sounded like fun to me. Besides, getting out of the sun for a little while also sounded good. So I followed Mark into the house and into the kitchen, where he asked me to sit in the chair and put my hands behind me. I never even thought to ask why, I was just trying to be miss go-along to get-along. I just wanted to help out.

In just a couple seconds, Jason came from behind and started tying my wrists together, behind the chair. He did it so quickly - and snugly - that I had the feeling I wasn't the first babysitter he had tied up.

I decided to play along, as it was just some play acting and the boys never gave me any indication that I shouldn't trust them. If anything, it was the opposite. I was still thinking about my great "Dream Job". Mark looked so sincere when he asked for my help and all. When he told me it was for a school project, it should have made me say, "But summer just started," but I didn't.

Pretty soon though, Mark was helping him, and I was getting really tied up, and really helpless in the process, really fast. My ankles, knees, elbows, and new breasts all now had rope wrapped all around them, and to the chair as well. I tried to struggle, but it was getting harder by the second. They used a lot of rope, and I just sat there, trying to be 'nice'. Nice and stupid, actually. I wish I had at least changed out of my bikini!

It had occurred to me that it was all just a ruse to keep me out of the way - for whatever the boys had planned for the afternoon. Maybe they wanted to sneak out or something. My first instinct was to start screaming "Untie me now!" all angry and such, but the problem was that since I just sat there and let them tie me up so well, that getting angry only gave them an excuse to keep me tied up as long as they wanted. I have older brothers and cousins, I know what boys do.

I mean, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror on the back of the laundry closet door and I looked like I was as tied up as I felt. Lots of white rope wrapped around my wrists, upper body, knees, and ankles. These boys were quite the little Boy Scouts. I'm sure they got their merit badges for knot-tying and all. It reminded me of kidnapped girl in an anime show I saw before - well, a lot of anime shows; I can't get enough of the stuff.

So, while they were putting the finishing touches on me I finally asked, "So, what's my part here, you know, my motivation. The way you two tied me up, I'm guessing some kind of kidnap scene or something."

Mark answered, "That's exactly right. Kinda like a version of 'Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's All Tied Up and Gagged." Very funny I thought. A real comedian, but I'm not gagged. He picked up a bandanna and started rolling it up, corner to corner. He continued, "It's for school."

"Yeah, right," I thought to myself. School for Scoundrels, maybe. Boy, was I stupid. But so far, I was just tied up - they had used a lot of rope, for sure, and while I couldn't move very much, it didn't hurt at all.

"Okay, I said, but you have to untie me as soon as the scene is over. I sure don't want to stay like this all day." And that's the last thing I said for the rest of the day. Mark gagged me with the bandanna - the little shit even tied a knot in it and made me bite down on it as he tied it behind my head. I tried to struggle - a little at first - but I just couldn't move a whole lot. My wrists were tied to the ropes wrapping around my breasts, which were tied to the chair, and it all made it hard to struggle, let alone get free.

At one point I almost tipped the chair over in the process, but when that happened, the boys came over and 'relocated' me by untying my feet and chest from the chair and making me walk - knees and wrists still tied - into their parent's bedroom. I made a lot of noise, yelling at them through the knotted bandanna, but they just ignored me.

Once in the bedroom, they retied my chest all anime-like, sat me down on the bed and tied my feet together. Next they tied my feet to my hands, and just left the room. So much for any play acting. As an added insult Jason blindfolded me too.

It's not like I've never been tied up before. One of my older cousins used to tie me up every time we visited them. It was not like this, though. He would play games, mostly where I was some kind of princess and he was the evildoer and rescuer, but not at the same time. Some of the time I could untie myself, but not always. He used to call the way I was tied up now a 'hogtie'. I remembered because he did it to me before using his mother's belts and scarves one day when we were alone. Strange how they have names for this stuff.

No, these boys knew what they were doing, and I had no idea what they were up to in the rest of the house. I just hoped they weren't trashing it, because I'd be the one that got in trouble. At least they could have left the blindfold off and put the TV on for me. Lying there on the bed, all bound, gagged, and blindfolded, it was impossible to judge what time it was or how long I had been tied up.

After what seemed like a long while, Mark came in and started whispering in my ear, all quietly: "Listen Ashley, it's me, Mark. You've been captured by an elite military outfit, and we want your cooperation in exchange for your release - got it?"

I nodded, and he took the gag off me. What a relief! "Look," I said, "Just untie me now and I won't tell your parents what happened today. You tricked me into tying me up, but just let me go..."

Mark stuffed the bandanna back in my mouth. I was getting pretty ticked off, but whatever power trip this kid was on didn't seem to be going away, and I was totally helpless. Like it or not, I needed this kid. He continued, "I'm a double-agent. Shhhh they might hear you. They have cameras all over this place."

"Oh shit," he said, "...cameras." If he filmed this whole thing, I had proof of what they did. Besides, it was possible that his parents had a Nanny-cam and these little shits would get theirs once the day was over. I made noise for him to pull the bandanna out, which he did.

I whispered, "My hero. What do you want me to do?"

To be continued...

Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:28 am

PART 2...

"Well," he answered, "If I untie you now, they'll know I'm a double agent." I felt him slip a small pocket knife into one of my hands, which were still tied behind my back. He gave me a sip of water, and then left, after gagging me all over again.

I started trying to use the knife to cut my wrists free, but the way they were tied crossed behind me made it hard to reach the ropes and forget about the knots, I tried already. I could only apply fingertip pressure, and they had used a lot of rope to tie me with. At this rate, it could take a while. I focused on my ankles, but it was the same problem there too. It didn't seem like the knife was doing anything!

I was startled when Jason whispered in my ear, "What are you up to?" I dropped the knife and rolled onto it, trying to keep him from finding it. He stood over me, and said, "No funny stuff - you got it?' I mumbeld a muffled "Yes" through the bandanna, and he left - I think. With the blindfold, it was hard to tell. For all I knew, they were both watching me.

I rolled around to find the knife, which had slipped away from my body. I panicked a little, because at first I couldn't find it. Damn blindfold! Finally I felt it against my thigh, and squirmed around to grab it. At this point, I realized I was playing along with these brats, even though I didn't want to. The whole good cop-bad cop thing they were doing had my brain a little rattled, especially combined with being totally - I mean totally helpless for so long. The blindfold and gag really isolated me.

I worked on cutting the ropes around my wrists, and again I heard someone walk in. I dropped the knife again, and soon I heard Mark whispering in my ear again.

"You have to do exactly as you're told got it?" he said. I nodded and he started untying my feet. Finally, I was going to get out of this mess. He undid the hogtie, untied my knees, and helped me stand up, but the little shit didn't take off the gag or blindfold, or untie my breasts. It felt great to have my legs free, though. At this point I made a promise never to babysit any kids older than like eight years old! Since Mark and Jason were only four years my junior - and almost as tall as me they could have overpowered me if I hadn't been so stupid as to just let them tie me up so well. I also made a promise to myself to also get a real job once the day was over and I was out of this house.

Mark walked me out the bedroom door, and all around the room. I was getting disoriented because he kept making fast turns and telling me to "Duck" and "Watch out for that..." He lead me up a staircase, and sat me down in another chair. This one seemed more like an office chair, as far as my bikinied butt could tell. I expected them to start tying me up with more rope, but instead, he took off the blindfold.

In front of me was a computer screen - a pretty nice one too. On the screen was a girl in a bikini, all tied up and rolling around on a big bed, trying to cut herself loose with a knife. It took about ten seconds before I realized it was me. The little shit had been recording the whole thing! Another window opened and it was me, letting the boys tie me up in the kitchen, being gullible and stupid. All I could do was to moan through the bandanna.

Mark said, "I told you they were watching us." I know he was trying to threaten me with the videos, after all, I never put up a fight at all. I let them tie me up, in my bikini, all scantily clad, and then do it over and over again as the day progressed.

What's worse, I was on tape calling Mark "My hero" and saying stupid stuff like, "You'll untie me when your done with the scene." The video I thought would save me was actually incriminating AGAINST me! He was busy editing videos while I rolled around all hogtied on the bed trying to get free, removing the part I said about tricking me and telling his parents.

My shoulders slumped, despite all the ropes tying my breasts, elbows, and upper body together.

He continued, "It's okay, I can save you. I'll untie you and you can get dressed - right before my dad comes home. Just come back tomorrow like nothing ever happened." The little fucker. I rarely swear, but this little shit was blackmailing me! I started to stand, but he put his hand on my shoulder and pressed me back down. He started making copies of the video and put them on some flash drives and even burned a friggen DVD! What fricken' evil possessed this child?

I looked around the room - it was a typical thirteen-year-old room, but there were a few things that stood out. First thing was the martial arts trophies - about twenty of them and some were huge. He had pictures of sailboats on the walls. After a closer look, I realized he was driving the sailboat with his father. The next thing was a big coil of rope peaking out from the closet. Sailboats and rope go hand-in-hand, so his parents would never had thought a thirteen-year-old with a ton of rope hanging around was strange. Boy, was I stupid! I was tricked, but I still should have put up a fuss when they started tying me up the first time. Note to self.

His alarm clock read '4:05' - that meant his parents would be home in about an hour. Only an hour to go! Just then, Jason walked in the room. "Do we have time for one more?" he said to Mark. Mark nodded, and grabbed me by the rope tied around the back of my right arm, pulling me up. He was pretty strong, and almost as tall as me, as I was a little slumped from being tied up. I decided to play along and make the best of it, and made noise again for him to take off the gag. He did, and I said, "You'll never get away with this. Once my unit realizes I'm gone, they'll send a whole battalion after me!"

Mark smiled, not sure what to make of what I said. Jason, on the other hand, played right along, grabbing me and saying, "We have ways of making you talk." I smiled, and said, "The elbows, a little tight, getting sore..." and Mark stuffed the gag back in my mouth. But this time, he didn't tie it behind my neck. Jason started untying my elbows and breasts, and I felt like a huge weight came off me. Whew!

So, there I stood in my bikini, with my hands tied behind me and a bandanna stuffed in my mouth. I looked in the mirror and thought I looked silly - but my bikini - and new body - looked great! I had a real body now! Strange how you make revelations sometimes! Mark pushed me into his closet - it was huge. There was a small storage room at the end of it, covered by a curtain. Was this kid some kind of serial killer in training? My mind started to race. How many other 'babysitters' went through this? He seemed to have it down to a science. I actually felt relieved when I saw the room - it was decorated like a child's tree house - there was even a sign that read, "No Girlz Allowed!"

They sat me down and untied my hands for the first time in hours (another huge Whew!), but told me to tie my own ankles and knees together with some rope they gave me. I did, but really loose. So they told me to do it again. After the third try, they seemed satisfied and tied my hands (in front of me this time) and then to my ankles. If these boys were anything, they were thorough. One other thing they didn't try to take off my bikini or touch me anywhere sexually. I began to think this was their version of the same game I played with my cousin, only much more elaborate. I guess Internet-savvy kids have more detailed capture games?

They started talking about the huge honor I had being in their clubhouse, and that they had to keep me tied so I wouldn't spoil it with 'girl germs'. I laughed, and at one point grabbed the bandanna in my mouth by reaching my head down to my hands. At first they let me, looking at each other like they weren't sure what to do. I spoke up, "You can trust me - I won't tell anyone about your secret clubhouse."

Mark smiled and said, "Oh, I trust you." He started playing cards with his brother, a game of Go Fish, while I just sat there tied hand and foot. I knew it was getting late, and soon my ordeal would be over. Just then, the phone rang. Mark ran out of the room and back in again with a cordless phone in hand. He had a copy of the DVD he made earlier in the other, a constant reminder, and put the phone up to my ear.

It was his father, and he was running late. He wouldn't be home for another hour! Since their mother was out of town, he asked me to stay, and promised to pay me overtime. My heart sank. The boys seemed really excited with the news, big shock there. I just said, "What now? You gonna tie me to the railroad tracks now? How about a buzzsaw?"

Mark started untying my hands and feet. Finally, I was free, after being tied up all afternoon. I wanted to run out of the house, but his video collection made me keep my promise for now anyway. "You can go change now if you want, but you have to come right back," Mark said. I promised and did, although changing just meant putting a tank top and pair of shorts over my bikini. When I walked in the room, he grabbed me from behind. I just put my hands behind me at this point, and he tied them again. Only this time he led me over to his computer, and sat me down. Jason tied my feet together, and Mark gagged me again - this time with some cloth tape. He fooled with the mouse for a few seconds, and brought up a YouTube page. It was a list of videos, all babysitters, all tied up by their charges.

Then he brought up another video - this one was a tutorial on how to tie up a girl! Mark turned up the volume and I watched as it showed how to tie hands, feet, and even hogtie a woman 'properly' and 'safely'. Their little anime-style ropework was in there as well.

Mark said, "This is where I got the idea for today - and I gotta tell you, this is the most fun I ever had! I can't wait for tomorrow! Can you wear some heels?"

Just then, the door downstairs opened, and I heard his father call out. The boys untied my VERY quickly, and shut down their computer even faster. Mark tossed the rope in his closet and pushed me out the bedroom door, following close behind me.

Their dad was cool. He always paid me daily, and even gave me an extra 20 bucks for being like 20 minutes late, which was kinda cool. I looked down at my wrists - they were sore, but there were no real marks on them. It had been over an hour since they untied my breasts, so any marks there were gone too. No evidence, even if I wanted to complain.

Mark spoke up, telling his father I was the best babysitter ever. When their dad walked me out, he whispered, "I think Mark has a crush on you." I wanted to say, "You have no idea," but I just smiled instead. "Boys will be boys," was all I could muster at this point. This was one of the strangest days I ever had.

Besides, I had to do some YouTube research myself. Heels, huh?

Southern California

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Post by quietman »

Fantastic story I love these kinds of stories! Hope this author wrote other stories I really enjoyed the first two. Loved the gag and blindfold
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Post by takimn22 »

I really wish there was a part 2 to this about the next day!
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Post by Trammel »

Great story but what about the rest of the summer? LOL
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Post by Dpsiic »

Great story, wish I had got to tie up my cousins when they babysat me and my brothers
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