William F. Somebody : 01 - Don’t Bother Boys Playing (mm/f, fm/mm)

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William F. Somebody : 01 - Don’t Bother Boys Playing (mm/f, fm/mm)

Post by Canuck100 »

William F. Somebody's stories
01 - Don’t Bother Boys Playing
Story index at the bottom

By William F. Somebody

Tue Dec 05, 2006 4:09 am

Don’t Bother Boys Playing

Okay, I decided to write this story, because I really have no story worth telling, but all the other stories got me some ideas. I’ve tied a couple of people back when I was young, but I don’t think it is worth telling at all as it is too simple.

The story is totally fictional. Any resemblance to reality is totally coincidental.

It started one afternoon, after school.

Kimberly Porter, age nine, was bored. Her cousin, also named Kimberly, and coincidentally the same age, was busy at her house to come over, and she doesn’t want to be given chores by her aunt to do if she herself came over. Her dolls were sitting on the shelf. Normally, she would play them, but she wasn’t in the mood. She could study, but she wanted to have fun, and studying is not fun.

Then an idea came to her. She could bug her brothers!

Of course, it could get her to a lot of trouble, but she would take trouble anytime than be bored to death.

She had three older brothers, all near her age. The oldest was William Scott Porter XV, twelve years old, named after their father, William Scott Porter XIV. Then there were the twins, James and Timothy, age ten, named after their grandfather, James Timothy Porter. She has a younger brother, Henry, age seven, who was named after their mother’s brother, their uncle Henry Tyler. All in all, there were four boys and one girl in the family.

Her little brother was outside, playing with a dead cockroach. Henry’s new “toy” disgusted Kim, so she decided not to bother with him that day. She could hear the twins in the living room shouting and laughing and trading insults with each other, and she knew from the sounds coming from the television that they were playing with the play station. She couldn’t identify the game they were playing, not that she cared to know. She tried to play against her brothers once, and all she got was being laughed at for being so poor at the game. She stormed out of the living room vowing she would never play that game again, that it was for dumb boys, and that pretty girls like her would play more “mature” games like dolls or dress-up

As she approached, she could see that her brothers were concentrated on the game, the usual barbs and shouts and hollering notwithstanding. She sneaked behind them, climbed on the couch behind them, and, with a yell, which got totally unnoticed by the twins, jumped into the back of Timothy.

The distraction of Kim was enough to give the game to James.

“Kim! Are you nuts? I lost the game because of you!” Timothy shouted as his eyes couldn’t believe the screen showing that he lost

“Ha! I win again! I win!” James gloated.

“That’s because the brat here distracted me!” Timothy argued.

“Hey, I’m not a brat! I’m a cute beautiful princess, and don’t you forget that!” Kimberly, standing and crossing her arms, said, and then stuck out her tongue. “Besides, PS is stupid. Let’s play some other games!”

James ignored her and issued another challenge to Timothy, who gladly accepted. They were soon engrossed in her game, which peeved Kimberly, who didn’t like being ignored.

She then went and began pestering the boys with whines and questions. When she was ignored, she grabbed James’ controller.

“Hey, I lost!” James shouted angrily. “Why did you do that for?”

“Well, you weren’t listening to my story. Where was I? Oh yes—”

“Kim, not now!” James said, grabbing the controller, angry because he lost.

Kimberly just continued to pester the boys, grabbing their controllers, standing in front of the TV, removing the sockets and pulling the plug, covering their eyes, giggling and laughing all the way. She was having too much fun with her brothers.

“Will you stop it!” Timothy shouted.

“Only if you two would play with me!” said Kimberly.

“Sorry, we’re in the middle of a competition!” said James.

“Then I won’t stop bugging you, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me!” giggled Kim as she again began to act up.

Timothy suddenly dropped the controls and grabbed his bratty sister. Kimberly was surprised, as her hands were pinned by her sides by his arms. James looked at the two, and left the living room.

She began to shout. “Let me go you big bully! Let me—” but was cut off by Timothy’s hands covering her mouth.

“Now will you leave us alone?” Timothy hissed.

Knowing that they couldn’t possibly hold her forever, he shook her head, and squirmed under his tight grip, trying to get out. Timothy was stronger than his sister, and all her efforts were futile. She soon was giggling and laughing under his gag, plainly enjoying her predicament.

James returned with a couple of lengths of rope and a roll of duct tape.

“Okay Kim, if you don’t promise to leave us alone, we’re going to tie you up!” Timothy warned. “Now would you go back to your room and let us play in peace?”

Kim’s eyes widened at the sight of rope in James’ hands, but she shook her head and tried to squirm. She never has been tied-up before, and was curious at this point.

“Well, little sister, have it your way,” James said as Timothy put her on the floor on her stomach. Timothy kept his left hand on her mouth while James pulled her hands behind her and began wrapping rope. He hands were crossed with palms out. He wrapped it a couple of times horizontally, then a couple of times vertically, cinched it, and wrapped it tightly.

James then took a strip of duct tape. Timothy quickly withdrew his hand, and before Kimberly could open her mouth, James slapped the duct tape on her mouth, and smoothed it. She could still make sounds, she wasn’t totally quieted. Far from it. But any intelligent conversation for her was out of the window.

Timothy rolled and put her into a sitting position. Kimberly looked with wide-eyed fascination as her ankles were brought together and tied-off. Both his brothers then lifted her up and let her rest on the couch.

“There! You wanted to play? Well, you’ve got! It’s called ‘Tie-up my little sister’, and you’re the only little sister around here!” James said.

“Don’t worry! If you just sit tight, we’ll free you soon enough. After our game!” Timothy said.

Both boys then went and resumed their game. Kimberly giggled as she watched the screen.

However, she had no plans on just sitting on the couch behind her brothers and keep quiet.

William F. Somebody

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Post by Canuck100 »

Wed Dec 06, 2006 10:10 am

Part II

To say that Kimberly was happy was an understatement. She enjoyed every minute of it. Of course, she just couldn’t leave the twins be as they turned their back on her to resume their spirited competition, but she wanted to share her fun!

She tried to get out of the ropes, twisting and turning her wrists, but try as she might, she was unable to slip her hands free. She had to admit that they really tied her up good, and the knots are flawless. So most probably she would remain bound hand and foot until her dear older brothers untied her. She was just as unsuccessful in trying to remove the tape from her mouth, though her laughs and screams could be heard, it was not as loud as she wished it was.

After a few minutes of intense struggles yielded nothing, and she was angry. Not at being tied-up, or from not being able to get lose, but from being ignored! The twins were in front on her, sitting on the floor, completely engrossed in their game, completely ignoring her, even as she tried to shout and laugh as loud as she could behind the tape. The nerve of the boys, she thought. Ignoring her! Their cute little sister! They were playing the ‘tie-up my little sister’ game, and they should not play another game while in the middle of the another.

She decided she had enough. She was going to get the attention she wanted, even if it led to more trouble. She was tied-up, but being tied up only at the wrists and ankles meant that she had a lot of movement left in her. She stood on the floor, hopped in front of the boys, and let herself fall on the wires of the controllers. The controllers were ripped from the play station. She then sat with her back on the television, and used her hands to turn off the TV and the play station.

The boys simply stood with gaping jaws at the audacity of their bound and gagged sister, who was laughing behind the tape. She definitely now has their attention, as the boys stared at her in amazement and fury.

“Kim, why did you do that for?” an angry James asked. “I was winning!”

“Oh little sis, you’re going to get it!” an irate Timothy hissed.

“And we’re going to tie you up! For real!” James spat, then began making an evil laugh.

Timothy whispered something on James ear. It was too low for Kim to understand.

James nodded, and grinned. “So, you wanted to play, huh?” He then went and untied her feet, to her extreme surprise. She expected to be totally untied but instead was helped to a standing position. He then put one hand on her shoulder, and another on her bound wrists, and marched her up to her room.

She was quickly sat on a chair. The chair back was small enough that they were able to easily place her hands behind it. Timothy then bent down and tied her ankles together with a long piece of rope, followed by another at the knees. His brother then took a long piece of rope and wrapped it around her shoulders and upper body and the chair back, coiling it four times before knotting it off in front. He then wrapped a long piece of rope around her waist and the chair back, knotting it again after two coils. The effect of the ropes would be to give her an erect posture while sitting, preventing her from leaning forward or slouching while seated. Timothy then tied a rope to her ankles, threaded it under the chair, pulled it up behind her so her feet is not touching the ground, before tying it off the ropes on her wrists. The result is that she was unable to touch the floor with her feet.

Kimberly watched this process with fascination and curiosity, not even offering token resistance. The ropes tightening around her made her tingle, and she briefly wondered if the boys have any practice before this, as they are very good. She still thought she could get out of it if she was alone, notwithstanding her earlier unsuccessful attempt in the living room. She was enjoying this new game.

James disappeared from the door, and returned moments later carrying a glass of coke. He slowly pealed the tape from her mouth and offered her a drink. She nodded and drank from the cup. “Thanks,” she said. “So are you gonna let me go?”

“After we determine who among us is king of the PS!” Timothy declared, “which you so rudely interrupted! Maybe after about an hour.”

“Meantime, you just sit here tight and think about what you did!” James added. “I know you’re enjoying this.”

“Well, yeah, I’ve never been tied up before, and I’m kind of curious what’s it’s like to be!” said Kimberly. “Guess I know now!”

“And?” Timothy asked. “How does it feel?”

“And are you okay?” James added, concerned. “Because if you are hurt, we’ll untie you immediately and just lock you in a closet or something.”

“Well, I’m okay and having fun,” said Kim. “And it feels tight and snug.”

“It’s supposed to be that way!” laughed Timothy as he peeled off a strip of duct tape from a large roll. “Any last words?”

Kim looked at the tape and knew what was coming. “Well, if I get out of this before you finish your game, you promise to let me tie both of you afterwards?”

James and Timothy were intrigued by the offer. “I don’t know why you bothered. We both know you can never get that out of your own.” Timothy quipped.

“I can try!” said Kim. “So, what do you think? Could I tie you up if I get out?”

“Oh I don’t know,” Timothy replied. “In our rules, you got to tie someone up if you overpower him.”

“Oh come on!” whined Kimberly. “You know I can’t overpower you guys even one on one. I’ll always be the one to get tied up and I’ll never get to tie you up guys if you use that rule on me. Besides, I let you tie me up! So it’s only fair that I get a turn on you!”

Both boys laughed. “Did I ask your permission a while ago? ‘Hey Kim, could we tie you up?’ As I recall, you don’t have a choice in the matter!” James pointed out.

“Oh come on! Ppppllllleeaaasseee!” Kim pouted.

“Well, just this once. Seeing as you don’t have any chance of getting out, you can tie us up if you got out of the ropes before we finished our game downstairs,” James said. “But if you don’t get out free, well, if you want to tie us up, you’d have to somehow overpower us!” Both boys had smug smirks in their faces, knowing that their little sister would not escape their knots.

“Fine!” she finally said.

“Good!” said Timothy as he gagged her using a strip of duct tape.

“MMmmppphhh,” she growled loudly, communicating her displeasure with the rules, but otherwise having fun.

“See ya later!” both boys said before running down he stairs to resume their interrupted game.

Kim started to struggle as soon as she heard the boys footsteps bound down the stairs. It was a futile proposition, she knew, but she had to get loose, no matter what. It was a matter of pride! Twisting her wrists, her ankles, her feet, pulling and pushing against the ropes, all of this she did, all of it a dud. After ten minutes, she knew she was not going anywhere. She sighed in defeat, and instead, to pass time, she let her imagination run wild.

She pretended she was a princess that was kidnapped by two evil wizards for spying on their evil plans to take over the kingdom. She was in a dark dungeon, tied-up and gagged by unbreakable bonds so that she couldn’t escape. She imagined as a handsome knight in shining armor astride a white charger galloping towards the dungeon to rescue her. She imagined that the knight would enter the dungeon, free her and help her get back at her captors.

Suddenly, the door opened. It wasn’t a knight in shining armor but it would have to do, in her mind.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Wed Dec 06, 2006 10:12 am

Part III

A small kid, blond, seven years old, already with thick glasses on his face at that young age, Kim’s youngest sibling, and her only brother younger than her, entered the room holding a bottle in one hand and a book on the other. He seemed determined to remain quiet, as he opened and closed the door of her room, while keeping his feet on tiptoe.

Henry Porter turned to Kim, put the book on the floor, and placed a finger on his lips. “Shhh. I don’t want to disturb James and Timothy at their game. You know how freaked out they would be if they even hear even a single sound while they were playing,” the boy said.

Kim just stared at the little boy in front of her. She debated whether it would be good news or bad. Like most younger brothers, he can be annoying, but as they were only two years between them, they were in good terms. Still, she’s not sure if he was the twins’ confederate, but she just shrugged the idea from her head.

Henry run over to Kim, showed him the bottle. Inside the bottle was a dead cockroach. “Look, I finally found a dead one without it all being squished up!” he whispered loudly and proudly. He then took the book and placed it in her lap, and opened it on a page where there is a picture of the anatomy of a cockroach. He then began a lecture by showing her the parts on the book and pointing it on the cockroach.

Kim couldn’t believe her eyes. Her little brother was acting as if she wasn’t tied-up. He went on and on, babbling about the parts of the creepy insect. She tried her best to signal him to untie her, but he seemed not to notice. That is, until he asked something.

“So, that is the antennae, right, Kim?”


“Mmmpphhh? Huh? What kind of answer is that?” A perplexed Henry said, turning to look at her. “Hey, there’s tape on your mouth!”

Kim rolled her eyes, looking at Henry who was staring wide-eyed under his glasses. He blinked, took his glasses off, wiped it with his shirt, and put it on again to make sure he wasn’t seeing things. He then noticed all the rope around her and the chair. “Hey, are you tied up?” he asked.

Kim nodded to that odd question. How can you ask it if obvious in front of you?

Henry inspected her, unsure of what to do. Kim kept keeping up the loud sounds under her gag.

“Should I remove the tape?” asked Henry.

Kim nodded.

Henry then carefully removed the tape from her mouth.

“Thanks,” Kim gratefully said, even if it annoyed her to be listening to cockroaches for the past five minutes. “Now could you untie me?”

Her brother looked at her with curiosity. “Um, who tied you up? Did you get tied-up all by yourself?”

“No, James and Timothy did all the honors,” snapped Kim. “Now could you please untie me?”

“I know! I’ll call them both. I’m sure they’ll let you go,” said Henry, pleased with his own idea. But before he could leave, he was stopped by his sister.

“No! I don’t want them to know! I don’t want them to know that you helped me get loose!”

“So you want me to lie to them?” asked Henry. “But Mom said you should never lie.”

“No. I have a surprise for them! Yeah that’s it!” said Kim, making up stuff. “If you tell them that you helped me, then I can pull the surprise on them.”

“Oh boy!” I loved surprises!” squealed Henry in delight. “So what’s the surprise gonna be?”

“Now, if I tell you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, now would it?” replied Kim. “Now, please untie me!”

“Um, okay,” Henry said, and began tugging on the knots.

After several false starts, he managed to untie her completely after fifteen minutes. Kim stretched her sore limbs. She was glad to be out of the ropes. Although she had had quite a time, she didn’t liked to be tied-up for too long.

Now it’s time to get back at the twins. “Now Henry, go back and pretend you’re still outside looking for dead bugs,” Kim asked.

Henry took it as his cue as he silently disappeared. A minute later, Kim looked out the window, and there he was, running around the yard.

She picked up the ropes, a huge grin in her face, and went downstairs.

The twins were still playing the play station, with the sound so loud, and their voices hoarse with shouting that they did not hear, nor know, anything that happened in Kim’s room since they left to play. All they know was that their little sister was tied-up with no way to escape.

So the boys were shocked and stunned when they saw their sister standing behind them with a wide grin on her face, with ropes on her hands, and a vengeful look on her eye.

“Uh oh,” said James, forgetting about the PS game which moments before were wholly absorbing his attention.

“How did you— ?” Timothy stuttered. “It’s impossible. No one can…how did you…I can’t…”

“You’re lousy tiers! You’re lousy tiers! You’re lousy tiers!” she began shouting while dancing around the boys, using the ropes as pompoms, giggling and laughing, teasing the boys. “You’re lousy tiers! And that means I get to tie you up!”

James and Timothy, surprisingly to Kim, did not put any resistance to the suggestion to tie her up. Both knew that Kim hasn’t tied-up anyone before, and they could easily escape.

And they were not mistaken. Kim could not tie a knot to save her life. She tied their hands behind their backs, and both boys pretended to be dismayed, while inwardly snickering about her knotting skill. Whatever her skills in escaping, the boys thought, she’s lousy at securing somebody else. They all felt that this would be an easy escape, until the front door opened and their oldest brother William Scott, twelve years old, and his friend, Peter, also aged twelve, entered. They were sweating and they were dirty, and their clothes were muddy in some places.

They immediately asked what was happening and questioned the younger kids. The older boys then mercilessly teased and mocked the twins.

“Well, if you want them really tied,” William Scott opined as he looked over the knots Kim tied to the twins, “then you would have to redo this.”

“Why?” asked Kim.

“This knot couldn’t hold a horse,” laughed Peter, “let alone secure these two lunkheads!”

“Here let me do this for you,” William offered. “Watch and learn. He quickly untied the hands of James and retied it much tighter and tougher.

“Hey, why are you helping her!” James whined. “She not supposed—”

“Oh shut up, James,” William snapped and glared at both twins. “You agreed to it, lost, and now I’m just helping her do it properly.”

Timothy started backing up, easily getting out of the amateur knots of his sister, but bumped into Peter, who, a bit bigger than Timothy, easily held him while William continued tying James.

Both twins now knew that they were in a heap of trouble.

“…so Kim, that is how you tie someone up properly,” he droned, as he pushed James to the couch and started binding his ankles and knees and started lecturing her sister. Kim looking as she took every word in. He then finished tying a long rope around his waist and securing it to his wrists, effectively pinning his hands behind his back.

“Would you get something to gag these two,” he ordered Peter. Peter nodded and went upstairs to his friends’ room, while William started on Timothy, all the while lecturing Kim on the ways of the ropes. After he had tied him, Peter returned with a couple of handkerchiefs and bandanas. He wadded two handkerchiefs into a big wad and handed it over to William. James sighed as he opened his mouth to accept the wad. Peter took a bandana and tied it across their mouth over the packing, securing the gag inside. There were only a few faint sounds that left their mouths.

“Stuffing their mouths would make them more quiet,” William explained like a teacher to his sister as he did the same to Timothy.

He then helped both of them to lie on his stomach on the carpeted floor. “This is what is called a hogtie,” he explained as he took a short piece of rope and tied one end of it to the wrists. He bent the leg of his brother and tied the other end to his ankles.

Satisfied with his work, William and Peter took one last look at the hogtied twins before leaving. “Well, they’re all yours, Kim!” he laughed as both of them went outside to play in the woods just behind their home.

The twins tried to escape but it was futile, as their brother tied them all too well. Their sister was grinning, trying hard not to laugh at their bound and gagged forms.

Her younger brother Henry suddenly darted inside, holding a bottle with a dead beetle inside. He was going to show Kim his latest find, when he stopped and saw the two twins.

“You did that do them?” Henry said as he inspected the twins. “Whoa! You really got them good.”

“Well, William and Peter did most of the work,” Kim admitted as she recounted what happened.

“Well, I did some work too!” boasted Henry. “If I didn’t untie you back then, then you wouldn’t—” He stopped when he saw her sister’s expression. He then made it worst by his next statement. “Oops. That was supposed to be our secret. Sorry. I promise I won’t tell another soul that I was the one who untied you! Oops! Sorry.”

“Henry! They aren’t supposed to know!” Kim shouted.

“Ah, I think I hear William calling me!” he quickly said before running like a coward to his room, locking it up, fearing retribution from his sister.

Kim looked at the twins, who have angry and stupefied expressions on their eyes. She was screwed. Now the twins would get back at her, and most likely their eldest brother would help them for being lied to. The twins, on hearing Henry’s accidental confession, felt angry and stupid for not realizing it earlier. One thing’s for sure. They would get revenge on their sister for duping them like that.

However, they did not get their chance that day since their Mom arrived a few minutes after Kim sent Henry to untie the twins.


Well, that's it. I hoped you like it and enjoy reading it.

William F. Somebody

Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:35 am

Thanks Princess Garnet!

I got the idea from reading the stories in the archives, where a lot of tie-ups start when someone bugs another one while they were doing something else!

Okay, sorry about not describing the characters appearances with more detail.

Kim has fiery red hair, has blue eyes, and an inch shorter than Timothy and James. In the story she was wearing, um, let's see. A white shirt and pink shorts and white shoes. Sorry, I'm not really good at describing clothes, but I will try to describe it in the future.

Timothy and James are identical twins. They look exactly the same except of the color of their eyes. James has blue, Timothy has green. They have light wavy brown hair.

William Scott has red hair as fiery as that of his little sister, while a head taller than the twins. He also has blue eyes.

Peter has dark brown hair, with brown eyes, with the same height and build as William Scott.

Well, I hope that helps!

And one more thing. I won't try to be original in all my stories, as I have read hundreds of stories in Canuck's board, and some of the stories might get duplicated in my fiction writing.

Anyway, again, thanks for reading!! Very Happy

William F. Somebody
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