Emma : 03 -The Bet (mm/m, mm/mf)

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Emma : 03 -The Bet (mm/m, mm/mf)

Post by Canuck100 »

Emma's stories
03 - The Bet
Story index at the bottom

By Emma

Tue Jan 16, 2007 8:52 pm

The Bet

Jason and I had become really close, we didn't say we were going out yet though. We were kinda playing everything by ear, neither of us were in any rush. We were in the early stages of flirting, teasing tickling hugging and mostly everything was like that.

We spent our time at the intramural program, all of us went, it had become our fun little place to hang out, mostly with Danny and Tyler.

We played basketball for a long time, and then Danny got an idea.

"Lets have a little fun" the he said with a smirk.

"It's a little shooting contest, with a twist, We'll do three rounds everyone shooting from a different area then, whoever gets the least amount of shots in spends the rest of the night tied up."

I've had a pretty hot shooting night [not to brag or anything haha.], so i agreed, Tyler did too and Jason eventually agreed.

First round. My shot goes in. Followed by Tyler, no luck for Jason and Dan.

Second. another for me, one for Dan and another for Tyler.

Third. We actually all got them in.. but Jason, was in last place with one shot in!! Evan though i was extremely happy that I was not the victim tonight I felt awful for Jason.

"Turn around!!" Danny said.

"All right, all right" Jason said and he turned around, but before they could touch him he took off across the gym. He ran so fast it was a blur. Tyler and Dan followed him and i walked away to play a game of one on one with some younger kids, and give them a few pointers. I figured they weren't going to catch Jason, he was a really fast runner, one of the best on the track team, so i didn't worry.

An hour or so had past. I went out to the soda machine and bought a Gatorade. While exiting, part of me began to worry about Jay, so i pick up my phone and I called his. it was answered and he said "Emma, I'mintheclassroom, do not c" and the phone was hung up. I figure he was telling me to stay away, so i decided to head over, just to see he was ok. I come to the door and see Tyler and Dan standing over facing the wall, Tyler, was holding Jason's phone. I duck down and sit next to the door.

"Think gotta think." i wanted to somehow save Jason, but how?

I suddenly get a genius idea. I walk a yard or two down the hallway, completely out of sight from the door. I pick up my phone and dial Jason's number.

"Hey Jayy.. It's Emma.. where are you exactly. I thought you said you were nearby the uhmm,, bathroom on the second floor.. where are you, I'm waiting, byee"

With that i hang up the phone. I sneek inside a classroom and watch my plan fall into motion. Tyler and Danny ran out of the classroom carrying rope and ducttape, those bastards i thought, though i knew this was coming. As soon as i see them gone, I run into the room. Jason layed there on the floor. His shirt was off, and tied around his mouth and eyes. His shoes were sitting in the corner of the room and he was lying on his stomach with his hands tightly behind him. I pull the teeshirt off my eyes and Jason jumps, thinking i was Dan or Tyler. I proceed to try to untie his arms, the knots were well tied and wrapped in tape, no wonder since Jason couldn't even escape from them.

I don't even get through a layer of tape when the door opens... I turn around...

I grunt as Tyler lands on me, pinning me to the floor....

to be continued...
tell me what you think. =)

Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:02 pm


Tyler had jumped on me, and sent me crashing to the ground next to Jason...

"Guys, i lost the bet, not her..." Jason said in my defense.

Danny responded by plastering some of the tape he was holding over his mouth. Jason gave me an "i tried look" and began to fight the ropes.

Meanwhile Tyler twisted my wrists behind me crossing them and started wrapping rope around them.

"OWW!" i yelled as he tied them tightly.

"Get over it!" he laughed. He knotted off my wrists with much protest by me. When Tyler tried to tie my feet, kicked Tyler..uhmm where it hurts.. =)

He fell backwards and started to curse, "You'll pay for that later..." he groaned...

While he fell over in pain Jay was laughing hysterically and Dan between laughs sat on my legs and tied them tightly.

"How did that hurt, it's not like there's anything there Tyler.." I commented.

"She totally owned you..." Dan laughed.

Tyler then grabbed the tape and slapped it on my face. He picked me up and sat me on a chair and proceeded to wrap rope around my torso, pinning me to the chair. They untied Jason except for his arms and forced him into another chair and tied him down to it aswell. After they pushed my chair back to back with his and they wrapped rope around both of us. They stepped back to look at their handywork, Jason would frantically struggle and i would be rocked back and forth with him. The shaking was starting to give me whiplash from my neck rocking back and forth so I was mmmphing for Jason to stop..

"Mmmhphhh" I yelled into the tape.

And he stopped and tried to look backwards at me. Still shirtless the rope was digging into his bare skin, I felt so bad for him. my knots weren't that good as far as placement, with a little twisting, i could definitely reach them with my fingers.

Dann ripped of another piece of tape and held it out with a devilish grin. I shook my head but he didn't respond to my silent plea, he pressed it into my eyes. I shook and blinked, nothing could get the tape off. Uggggh I sighed. Jason was putting up a huge fight, the chairs started to rock and i was afraid we'd tip over. He groaned and continued to struggle. My guess they had done the same to him. I had continued to reach for the knots, twisting the ropes different ways and trying to slip my wrists out.

I felt the laces on my sneaker loosen, i held onto my shoe with my other foot, to avoid what was inevitable. A finger tickled my socked foot and i released in an escape attempt. They pulled off the other one. and from what i knew had done nothing. i continued twisting my fingers and found the knot... I pulled at it but found it too small and tight, i began to pick at it more. Jason had started to struggle and laugh, rocking back and forth, on several occasions the chair almost overturned, but was held steady by a strong hand. my guess is Tyler, he was stronger than Danny by a lot. Jason stopped, i could hear his breathing start out heavy and become more relaxed. I feel my socks being pulled off, that slight motion made me flinch. In a burst of movement i felt a tickling sensation all over, my feet, my sides, the parts not covered by rope, pretty much everywhere. I screamed and laughed until my sides hurt. I thrashed and wiggled away, Jason kinda balanced out the weight so my chair was held completely still, there was nowhere to go, I struggled hopelessly and thrashed around. Jason was concentrating on his knots, i could feel his fingers working.
When they became bored of tickling they ripped the tape off of my mouth.

"Owwwchh!!" I protested.

They did the same to jason.

"What THE HELL!!!" he yelled.

"Oh nothing.. we just came up with a new game.." Tyler laughed.

"No more games!" Jason protested.

"Oh yes, another game..." Dan laughed.

"We're going to untie Emma..."

"Finally" i interrupted

"Ahem.. we're going to untie Emma FROM THE CHAIR, and hide her somewhere in the building.." he continued

"What?!?!" We both said in unison.

"and Jason, you need to find her, wherever she is.." Tyler added.

"are you kidding me??" I sighed.

"Nope" Dan said.

"and Jason, you need to escape and find her.." Dan announced.

"This is so stupid!! you can't just take me through the building!!"

"Well, you don't really have a choice in the matter.." Tyler laughed as he taped my mouth shut and began untying me from the chair...

"You guys are overdoing this!!" Jason said.

"Well if you escape and find Emma, we'll be done.,,"Dan said.

"Don't you dare touch her!!" Jason threatened.

"We'll be fine" Tyler said as he picked me up and walked out the door. He held me with one arm around supporting my head and the other under my knees. I mphhed and grunted as he ran down the hallway with me in his arms, we went out a door into the night air, i screeched into the tape.

"What's wrong?? haha. we're just playing a game."

We went up some stairs and returned into the building, he must have taken me outside to scare me. Then then we went down a hallway and around some corners. I was so dizzy, we went around in loops, and i couldn't see a thing. We walked into a room that smelt like bleach.

"Well we're here" Tyler laughed. as he placed me on the floor. It was a tiled floor, and against a wall, that was not the same stone material used in the basic walls, my guess one of the bathrooms stalls.

"Mmphh" i screamed into the tape.

Tyler ripped it off.

"What the hell Tyler!! where are we.?"

"I don't want to ruin the surprise" he laughed.

"Why can't you ever just PLAY basketball at these things" I sighed

"It wouldn't be half as fun" he said giving my foot a quick tickle.

"Ahh!" I jumped.

"That never gets old.." He laughed.

"It does to me.."

"Not that i don't want to stay, but i need to go talk to Dan, don't go anywhere." After checking the knots and reapplying the tape over my mouth, he shut my guess a stall door and locked it. He crawled out, i guess because i felt him on the floor at my level.

I sat there thinking..

Okay i'm guessing i'm in a bathroom, there are six in the building, the ones on the floor of the gym, the ones on the second floor and the faculty ones. Each has two a girls and guys. I'm guessing they weren't stupid enough to leave me in the main floor one, seeing as there were a lot of kids all over the area.

I continued to pick at the knot, and found a little success, i pulled and twisted and was able to slip my wrist out. I pulled the tape off my eyes carefully and did the same to my gag while my eyes adjusted.

I WAS right. I was in one of the boys bathrooms, because the walls were green. I untied my legs and rubbed feeling back into my wrists, after unlocking the door i slipped out of the stall. I hurried out of the bathroom, it turns out i was in the second floor faculty bathroom. I ran down the hallway and down the stairs. I pass the room and see Jason still fighting the knots, he was hogtied on the floor with tape layered all over him.

Ever quick to act i grabbed my phone and Danny's and entered the room across from the one they were in. I called Jasons number..

"Hello?" Dan had answered.

"Hey Danny, It's Emma."

"What the Hell!?! " he said, i heard Dan and Tyler's conversation in the background...

"She says she's Emma, but Emma's somewhere tied up... right?"

"When i left she was..!!!"

"Where are you?" he said.

After making sure the door was locked i responded.

"Look outside across the hall."

And i see through the window two bewildered fourteen year olds.. I wave and blow a kiss to them. They run at the door and try to open it. I stuck my tongue out at them and walked to the other end of the room.

"How Did You get free??" they asked into the phone.

"What can i say i'm good with knots."

"Why don't you come outside.?." they asked.

"Let Jason go first.."

"Why should we?" they laughed.

"Well, Daniel, I have something that you need " at that point i lifted his phone and waved it in the air.

"What the fuck" he said.

"Let Jason go... and you get your phone back." i stated slowly.

He and Tyler left and were gone a few minutes they returned walking Jason in with his hands behind him and tape over his eyes and mouth.

"Now untie him."

"NO wayy!! he'll kill us."

"Just do it."

Reluctantly, they untied his hands and he removed the blindfold and gag.

I unlocked the door and gave Jason a hug... i tossed Dan his phone and we left.

This was one of the, like only times i got out of a tie-up by myself.

Tell me what you think. kay?


Emma's stories
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