Emma : 04 - Camp fundraiser gone horribly wrong (m/f, m+f+/f)

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Emma : 04 - Camp fundraiser gone horribly wrong (m/f, m+f+/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

Emma's stories
04 - Camp fundraiser gone horribly wrong
Story index at the bottom

By Emma

Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:22 pm

Camp fundraiser gone horribly wrong

This happened last summer, i was a counselor at this day camp, the campers ranged from 5 to 13 years old. I was a junior counselor but in general we were glorified babysitters.

It all started with my friend Mike [.A different mike.]. who was sixteen, a lifeguard, and he was pretty hot. He was deeply tanned and had a nice body. He was a swimmer so he was pretty well built. He had white blonde hair and ice blue eyes. He was really pretty actually, like a boy china doll. He was from England, the counseling thing was his way to waste time while his parents visited their friends in the States. He and I hung out a lot because we went to training together.

It was a hot day, I was wearing a blue bikini with boyshorts and a tanktop. Mike had green hawaiian shorts and a white wife beater, he had his whistle around his neck along with some puka shells. We both were barefoot.

When Mike was off duty, my group and I were in the feilds around this teepee in the center of the camp, we were listening to music and talking when we heard loud squeals from inside the teepee.

"I'll get it." I sighed, standing up. I walked inside and i see this nine year old girl jill sitting on the floor with her hands and feet tied.

"Emma!! my brother mark and his friend Stevie tied me up!" she said.

I started untying the little girl when i was hit from behind and knocked on the floor.

"What the Hell!" I yelled.

"Mark!! Get off of her!!" Jill yelled.

I looked up and saw Mark. He was fifteen, with dark hair and freckles. I knew him from school, he was a junior counselor as well. I screamed for Mike to come, and when he did Mark immediately got off of me. I stood up and started untying Jill again. When she was free i told her that if her brother bugs her again, to come to me, because i knew how to deal with it.

"Mark, why are you such an ass! Don't do that to your sister ever again! You're supposed to be a responsible person." I said to him when his sister and all other children were out of earshot.

"Whatever. She was annoying me. Besides i don't need to listen to you. You're not a counselor to me, you're younger than me!" he said, which was true but only by a month or two.

"Very protective of the little ones.." Mike said. "I used to rope up my sister and her friends all the time at home... it's really not that big of a deal", he continued.

"Well it feels a lot worse under the ropes, when i was little i was always "roped up" by my mom's bestfriend's kids."

"Really?" he said with a new twinkle in his eye.

"Yeah really, and nothing sucks more than being tied up and tortured"

"Tortured? what in gods name did they do to you..?" he asked.

"They would tickle me and my sister until we nearly died."I said.

"That's weak. how on earth is that so awful."

"Well tickling is killer when your really ticklish" i said.

"oh well I' not ticklish, so i don't have that problem." he laughed.


After that, we continued with our day and sent the kids to the mess hall. We needed to prepare for our fundraiser carnival the counselors were throwing. We each chose a charity and whoever got the most tickets and money got to give the whole profit from the carnival to their charity. We chose to give money to a local wildlife group. And we wanted to have the best idea there could be.


Mike and I went to the lake to hang with the other counselors and the elder campers.

"Want to go for a boat ride?" mike asked.

"Okay, a short one though, i want to head to the arts and crafts pavillion soon." I replied.

I took off my tanktop, leaving me wearing my bikini top and shorts to keep it from getting wet on the boat. We entered the boat house and he said,

"I'll be right back with a flashlight, hold on a second."

I walked in feeling along the walls when a hand clamped over my mouth.

I screamed as i was pulled to the dusty floor.

"Shut up!" a voice said, as he pulled something that felt like a bandana around my mouth.

I felt my hands pulled behind me and they were wrapped in tape, wrist to opposite elbow, and my fingers were wrapped in the tape.

"uggh!" i groaned.

I heard a laughter i recognised, Mark!

"Marmghhh" I said

"Guilty" he laughed, turning on the light.

I looked over to the side and saw Stevie, he was five foot eleven and was wearing a sweatshirt and jeans. I Kind of knew him from school.

In walked Mike with more duct tape, he saw me and high fived the other guys and crouched down next to me .

"You okay he whispered."

"Mrgggggggh" was my response.

"Great" he laughed as he bean taping my ankles together tightly.

He scooped me up and carried me outside. When we reached the field where the carnival was to be, he sat me down on the grass. He went with Mark and Stevie and walked away, until i didn't see them anymore.

About five minutes later, they returned with a lawn chair from the beach.

He sat me on it and took out the bandana.

"Mike!!, untie me right now!!" I yelled.

"Not yet em! You haven't heard our fundraiser idea yet.." Stevie laughed.

At that point mark was taping a sign to the edge of the chair.

"It's a booth, but not just any booth, you see, Mike filled us in on a juicy little detail... ready??" Mark asked..

"Its A TICKLE BOOTH!!" they all yelled.

"WHAT THE HELL!! NO!! PLEASE. let me go!!"I yelled and struggled in panic.

At that point mike began taping my legs down to the edge of the chair, and Stevie unwrapped my arms and him and mark each taped one to an armrest. I was stretched on the lawn chair with only a bikini and shorts on.

"How about we do ring toss instead??" I said, nervously.

"But ring toss isn't half as fun as this.." Mike laughed poking my tummy.

"Nobody will want to do this, and you'll have to untie me." I said.

"Not true, we told the other counselors, they can't wait..." Mark smiled devilishly.

"Just so you understand how this works" Stevie began "people pay two tickets, or a dollar if its a counselor per turn and they can tickle you anywhere, they want for a certain amount of time..." he said

"This is so stupid!" I sighed.

"It may be. but it's also as fun as it could get,,,"

"Fine.. since the money goes to charity, do whatever.. but mike.. don't let anyone hurt me.. okay?" I asked.

{{i submitted, i'd rather cooperate and at least have Mike, Mark and Steve on my side than be completely defenseless after giving them a hard time, they agreed to give me a break if i needed it, and it was better than nothing in my opinion.}}

"I won't." he said sincerely.

Mark looked at his watch.

"It's 12:30, lunch is almost over, we need to finish up some extra things..." They put my ipod in my ears and left some music on. They then covered me with a sheet, in order too keep me hidden. After a few minutes i heard the announcements blare

"Attention all campers please report to the main pavillion."

That meant they would be dismissed to the carnival soon, my heart sank, i really did not want this.
Mike returned, he pulled off the sheet and took out the head phones.

"Hey. It's almost showtime, ready?"

"Honestly no."

"Relax, if you've had too much just tell me, say a code word... how about armadillo? he laughed.

"Armadillo?" I asked

"Yeah it's the safety word, when you've had enough, say it, we'll give you some water ,or we'll stick mark in your place.." "

"Is that a promise?" I laughed.

Within a ten minute period the empty field filled with counselors all whom laughed took pictures and made annoying comments when they saw me.

The campers arrived, and Mark said evilly.

"Should we tape her mouth.?."

"Nope" Stevie responded."we'd ruin our advertisement."

"What?" I said.

Then Stevie walked behind me and started to lightly tickle my sides, i started to scream and laugh, really loud, because we got an audience of many wide eyed campers.

Mark started to take kids tickets and form a line, while Mike oversaw the action.

First came this kid who was two grades below me, named Kevin. He was my basketball coach's son. He started to tickle my ribs and i shook and tossed and turned as best i could.

I was sweating and out of breath in no time, it's been less than a few minutes and i was already insane laughing.
Mike looked over and saw a girl ravaging my underarms, i shook my head and squealed. he crouched down next to her and said, "wanna know what really works? this.." and he softly tickled my upper body all over with spiratic light finger movements.

Great, he was giving them lessons!

After about a couple groups of kids i broke..

"Miiiike! Armadiloo??" i gasped.

"Excuse this slight intermission" he said and sent the kids away. He offered me some water and then said

"You weren't kidding, I've never seen someone laugh so hard! We've already gotten a lot of tickets and there is a long line waiting..." he said. That last part made my stomach take a nose dive.

"Ready?" Mark asked.

"What if i say no?" I said

"You get tickled no matter what." he laughed

"Uggh," I sighed. By now a lot of kids had left to play in the bouncy castles so i figured I've have a break. Wrong! The counselors, my friends, came over and were like "Em? are you okay?"

"Oh i am super" I replied

"Sorry, what put you in such a bad mood." my friend Andrew laughed.

"i dunno, tickle torture is something that would make anyone a little grumpy."

"Well, i think you should lighten up, laugh a little" he said handing Mark various dollar bills.

"ANDY! don't!" he started on my feet and went up my leg tickling under my knees and back down to my feet. He then went to my sides and tickled all over there. I was sweating and hot by the end, i felt like i had ran a marathon.

"Armaa-- Dillloo" I studdered, mike came over.

"Ready to be untied?" he asked.

"Yess!" I sighed .

He untied me and helped me up, i pulled on my shirt and then it dawned on me..

"Oh Miike??"


"Remember before what you said?" and i whispered to him "lets get Mark and Stevie."

Mike, being older and much stronger, overpowered them with some help from Andy. They sat them back to back in chairs and wrapped rope all around them. They finished the afternoon shift of the tickle booth, they went nearly insane from the tickle torture, and that wasn't the only good part, we won and we gave the money to the wildlife group. Also the tickle booth became an annual event at fundraisers in which we had a lot, though i hadn't been in the hotseat again.

Emma's stories
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