capturechick : 02 - Wrong Place...Wrong Time (MMF/ff)

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capturechick : 02 - Wrong Place...Wrong Time (MMF/ff)

Post by Canuck100 »

capturechick's stories
02 - Wrong Place...Wrong Time
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By capturechick

Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:38 am

Wrong Place...Wrong Time

I was basically in the middle of a late morning nap when suddenly my cell phone rang. I recognized the number, it was Jasmine, one of my best friends.

“Hey Jas, what’s up?” I said half-groggily

She told me to meet her outside in a few minutes. I rolled my eyes and got up. Staying at my grandparents’ house for the summer, I basically came and went when I wanted, which was suprising, because I was only sixteen. Jasmine was a year younger, but was the daughter of Sheriff John Sanchez. Maybe that was the reason my Grandparents trusted me so well.

After rolling off the couch, I put on a pair of white ankle socks and then slid on my sneakers, which basically covered the socks. Putting my black hair in a ponytail, I looked outside. Sure enough, up rode Jasmine on her ten speed bike. She was wearing a white T-shirt, jean cut-offs and sneakers. I went to the door and opened it.

“Okay what’s so important that you woke me from a nice nap?”

“It’s Saturday morning Suzy…look how pretty it is out here…let’s go riding”

Jasmine was a very pretty Hispanic girl, who was close with her father. Sometimes I feel too close, for she seemed to know a lot about the cases he was investigating. To call her a nosy brat would be too much, she wasn’t a brat, just nosy or curious might be a better description.

“Okay, okay you talked me into it. Nothing else to do around here at this hour”

“Yeah my dad is looking into some big robbery ring in the area”

“Nice to know” I responded rolling my eyes

I hopped on my bike and we started to ride away from the area.

About an hour later, we stopped near an old warehouse district. We both got out our water bottles and took a drink.

“You think we should be heading back Jas?”

Jasmine said nothing but stared at something in the distance. I then moved my hand on front of her face

“Earth to Jasmine”

“Oh sorry Suz…hey don’t you think it’s strange that some place that’s supposed to be closed down has a truck in front of it?”

“No, not really”

“What if it had a person walking from it and into the building?”

“Jasmine Sanchez, you’ve been hanging around your father’s office too much”

“Come on, let’s see what’s up”

I gave in and we rode down a small hill and parked our bikes near some bushes.

“I don’t like this Jas”

“Where’s you sense of adventure Suzanne”

God, I hated being called by my full name. Jasmine though, was determined to see why the truck and person was there. I followed Jasmine to where we were close enough to the truck. We knelt behind an old pile of wood that was adjacent to the place. Suddenly I saw a man taking a piece of what looked like art, inside.

“It’s them!” Jasmine half-shouted

“Who? Who’s them?”

“That robbery gang, I’m sure of it!” She then got out her phone. “I’ve got to call my father”

Suddenly her phone rang and it was loud enough to get one of the men’s attention! If we didn’t get out of where we were, we were going to be in trouble. My heart started to pound as I grabbed Jasmine, who dropped her phone.

“Come on run!” I yelled, but suddenly one of the men had circled around and blocked our escape!

“Well, well what do we have here” he sneered “A couple of snoopers?”

The other man showed up and grabbed me from behind! He held me tightly

“Let me go!” I yelled before his hand clamped over my mouth silencing my yell

Jasmine showed some of her martial arts she knew as she gave the one guy a 360-degree kick that sent him backwards! Suddenly I felt an object jammed into my ribs, was it a gun?

“Okay chica, that’s enough” the thug holding me snarled “Unless you want your friend here hurt”

I looked at Jasmine as she saw something held against my ribs. She then shut her eyes. The other man then grabbed her tightly

“Got quite a kick there missy…but very stupid!” he sneered as he hand gagged her to keep her from yelling. “Let’s get these kids inside now!”

Jasmine and I were in big, big trouble….


Fri Feb 23, 2007 8:09 pm


The two thugs forced Jasmine and me inside the warehouse. To say I was scared would have been an understatement. We came to a big office space where a woman was. She had long dark hair that was pulled into a ponytail. She was also wearing blue jeans and a flannel shirt

“Look we what we caught Linda” the thug holding Jasmine sneered

“They were snooping around the truck” the thug holding me added

“We didn’t see anything, I swear” I said sort of stumbling over my words

“Shut up!” Linda ordered “I guess we have a little problem here”

My heart was pounding so hard I could hardly stand it. What were they going to do with us? I gulped at the thought of it.

“What do you want us to do with em?” Jasmine’s captor asked, taking pleasure in holding her rather tightly

Linda then looked at Jasmine kind of funny

“Oh man!” She snapped “Do you know who she is?”

“No, just a nosy kid to me”

“She’s Sanchez’s daughter”

“Sheriff Sanchez?” my captor shot back

“Yes Einstein. Obviously we can’t let these two go free, or her daddy will be all over us. But I think these two can make a couple of good hostages for us, to make sure nothing goes wrong”

“You won’t get away with this! My father will see to it!” Jasmine shouted before the thug clamped his hand over her mouth. Jasmine probably made things worse, but we weren’t going anywhere anytime soon anyway.

“You have a smart mouth on you Miss Sanchez…. Frank, you and John tie up and gag our two Nancy Drew’s in the stockroom. After that, check outside and make sure the brats didn’t leave anything laying around”

“Come on!” John sneered pulling my arm as they led us down a hallway and into a bigger room with lots of shelves. Frank tossed rope to John before he pulled a black cloth into Jasmine’s mouth and tied it tightly behind her head.

“Look you donnmmmppphhh!!” I tried to protest before John cleave-gagged me the same way.

“That should keep the noise down a little” He snarled as he tightened the knot behind my head. He then jerked my hands behind my back, Jasmine was getting the same rough treatment from Frank. I felt rope going over my wrists, feeling it pulled tighter as John made sure it was secure. We were then made to lie on the cement floor where our bare ankles were bound next. The rope stung as John tightened the knots. I felt my wrists, but I could tell an expert tied me up.

“Get comfortable kids, we’ll be back to check on you in a while”

The men said nothing more and left shutting the door as they left. I rolled and twisted, hoping for any slack in the ropes, but only succeeded in tightening them even more.

“Jjjjmmnnn!!” I yelled into the gag “Ayyynnnllkkk”

I was trying to ask her if she was having any luck, but the cloth between my teeth made it all a garbled mess.

“Sssssyyyy” She said back, or tried to “ttrrrmmm bbkktttbbkk!”



I got a grasp on what she was trying to say. She wanted me to sit back to back with her. Maybe we could work on the other ones bonds. At least it was worth a try…
I pushed my self over to my friend and made my way to where I was sitting behind her. A few sweaty minutes later, I found her wrist ropes. I felt this wasn’t going to be easy. Even if we could get free, we still had to escape the building…and who knows how that was going to work out. I could blame Jasmine on her headstrong ways, to say that we got caught because of her. I wasn’t like that, she was my best friend and I loved her. Hopefully her father would figure out she was missing and look for us. Jasmine pushed her back harder against mine as she tugged on my ropes, trying anyway she could to loosen at least one knot. Suddenly I felt one of hers loosen, at least I think.

“Jjjssmmm…Trrrrphhh urrrrhnndddsss”

I could feel Jasmine twist and squirm. A few seconds later I sensed she was free. Then I had confirmation.

“Suzy! We did it! let me untie you”

Jasmine freed the gag from my mouth and then started on my wrists

“We did, didn’t we…now to get out of here” I said as I rubbed my wrists after they were free. After untying my ankle ropes, We helped each other up.

“Now what?” I asked knowing those men could return at any moment and tied us up again

“Let’s look around, another way out”

I followed Jasmine down a long hallway that was connected to the stockroom. Then it got pitch black

“Jasmine, slow down..Jasmine…Jasmine!”

There was nothing but silence, where was she? My heart started to pound as I got really frightened. Suddenly the light switched on. There I stood with John in front of me. I screamed, but a rough hand clamped over my mouth from behind. It was Frank!

“Going somewhere Missy?”

“Your friend is around here someplace….but we’ll find her…with you as bait!”

I gulped. Jasmine was somewhere hiding, but probably not for long….


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