barefootpollster : 02 - Me and 2 girls... (m/ff)

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barefootpollster : 02 - Me and 2 girls... (m/ff)

Post by Canuck100 »

barefootpollster's stories
02 - Me and 2 girls...
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By barefootpollster

Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:21 pm

Me and 2 girls...

A few weeks ago, I was at my girlfriend Sarah's house. We were sitting on the couch watching a movie when her sister came home. I was wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and was barefoot, and Sarah was wearing a denim miniskirt and a tight sleeveless t-shirt and flip-flops. Her sister, Kirsten, was wearing capri jeans, a sweatshirt, and pink ankle socks. She was older than us, 19 and we were 17. Sarah and I had tied each other up before, but Kirsten had never been involved.

She saw just sitting on the couch watching the movie and said "Aren't you bored?" I kind of was, but Sarah just said "No."

"Well I am" said Kirsten. "You want to play a game?"

Sarah and I looked at each other with devilish smiles. I knew that she was thinking of tying up her sister, and I wasn't against it. I turned to Kirsten and said "Sure."

I learned later that Kirsten and her boyfriend were familiar with tie-ups, and she had a TUG in mind. What transpired, however, was far beyond what I imagined at that time.

It would be everyone for themselves. When one of us had the other two tied up, he or she could do whatever they wanted to them for the rest of the day. We agreed, and went to gather supplies. In the garage we found lots of rope and I grabbed an armful, but the girls took all the tape before I got any.

We all went to different corners of the house and counted to 60. I started in the kitchen, and when I reached 60, I stayed there, waiting for my victims to come to me. As I was waiting for them, I formulated my strategy. I knew I could easily overpower Sarah, but I didn't know how strong Kirsten. I would have to take her by surprise.

I heard approaching footsteps accompanied by the unmistakable sound of flip-flops. I stood inside the doorway and grabbed Sarah by her waist as she walked into the room. With little trouble, despite her struggling, I wrestled her to the ground, making sure she didn't hit her head on the hard tile floor. She was screaming, but I let her, thinking that Kirsten would come to look for her, bringing my second victim to me. I tied Sarah's wrists together behind her back then tied her ankles and knees together. I completed the hogtie by tying her bound wrists to her ankles. She is very flexible so I tied it extra tight.

"Sarah, are you in here?" I heard Kirsten's voice just after I finished tying Sarah. The elder girl walked into the room, and I tackled her in the same way I did Sarah. A moment later I had two beautiful girls hogtied on their kitchen floor.

"Well I guess your mine for the day. Lets go to the basement." I said. I picked up Sarah and threw her over my shoulder. I carried her to the unfinished basement and left her on the ground. I then returned for Kirsten and took her to the basement.

There was an old bed frame in one corner of the basement. It was unfinished and all one big empty room. I carried Kirsten over to it and untied her but kept a firm hold of her. I pulled off her socks leaving her barefoot. I then pulled off her pants to expose her pink thong. I pulled off her college sweatshirt and the t-shirt under it to expose her matching pink bra. She didn't struggle as I did this, but smiled at me playfully. I tied her spread eagle on the bed frame. She did thrash around as I did this. I shoved one of her socks into her mouth and covered it with tape.

I walked across the room to where I had left Sarah, still hogtied. I carried her across the room towards the bed frame. I untied her and pulled off her flip-flops. She flinched when her bare feet met the cold concrete floor. I pulled off her skirt to reveal her blue thong. I then pulled off her shirt to reveal a matching blue bra. Finally, I gently pulled out her hair scrunchy, letting her brown hair fall down her mostly bare back. I tied her wrists together in front of her and told her to raise her arms. She did, and I tied them to a hook in the ceiling, stretching her out until she was standing on her toes. I gagged her with Kirsten's other sock and tape. I kissed her over the tape, then addressed both the girls, saying "I'll be back in a while to start the torture. Don't go anywhere"

Both of them glared at me, and I smiled back before climbing the stairs and locking the door.

More to come...

Tue Feb 27, 2007 4:21 pm

Satisfied with how my captives were tied, I went back upstairs. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 2:00. I would leave them tied up until three then return to torture them. I already had some ideas for how to do this, but I waited to refine my ideas.

I decided to kill some time on this forum for ideas. I went upstairs to Sarah's room to use her computer. I knew her password was my middle name, so I logged in. What I saw on the screen made me gasp. Her wallpaper was a picture of me tied up in just my boxers with her tickling my feet. This had been during one of our previous games, but we agreed not to take any pictures during our TUGs. I then searched her computer for any other pics of me. Sure enough, in a folder marked "Mike tied up" I found pictures of myself tied up in every game with her that I could remember, and some picture of Sarah tied up. By now I was more angry than surprised. I vowed to torture her senseless come 3:00.

I began gathering supplies. From her room I took two big feathers that she had displayed on her bookshelf. She told people that she found them and they were just for decoration, but they were actually tickle devices, and very familiar to my feet (Wink). I also took a couple pens from her desk and a leather belt in her closet.

Her mom liked sewing, so I went to her sewing room and took some pins. I didn't plan on using these on the girls, but would threaten them with them if I had to. I also took some wooden clothes pins. From her dad's office I took some metal binder clips, the black metal ones with silver handles. I went to the kitchen and checked the ice bucket in the freezer. It was full. I left in in there so it wouldn't melt. In a cabinet I found some chili powder. This might be a little extreme, considering what I had in mind, but I added it to my pile.

It was now 2:30, so I killed another half hour watching TV. When the clock hit 3, I grabbed my materials and headed to the basement. The girls were just as I had left them. Both of them started thrashing and mmmppphhhing as I entered. Because they were so scantily clad, this was very enjoyable for me (Wink). When they realized this, they shut up, and I said to Sarah, "Did you take those picture of me with your camera or your cell phone?" She seemed to know what I was talking about, and resumed trying to speak through her gag. "I bet it was your phone, wasn't it? Well anyway, we agreed from the beginning that we wouldn't take pictures. So I was going to just leave you tied up, but I guess I'll have to torture you. You too, Kirsten." I said. They both stayed quiet this time.

I grabbed two pieces of ice from the bucket and put them down Sarah's bra, you know why I used 2, lol. I repeated this for Kirsten. Both of them began mmmmppphhhing and struggling oh so beautifully. Next I took four wooden clothes pins and put two on each girl, very close to the ice (Wink). Next came the metal clips, one for each toe. Putting them on Sarah was considerably more difficult, because she was standing on her toes. She let out an adorable little grunt through her gag as I put on each one. Kirsten responded similarly.

I then gave the girls a choice. I could put chili powder down their thongs (Wink) or put needles under their toenails. After I said this, they both started grunting in protest. I told them to grunt once for the chili, twice for the needles. Both of them mmmmpppphhhhed once, so I ripped open the packet and put a pinch down each of their sexy thongs. This must have been really painful, as they really thrashed around after I did this.

All of this happened in less than 5 minutes. Both Kirsten and Sarah were now incensed, and it showed in their eyes. I made sure that their bonds were tight before proceeding. Now I would begin the tickling. Kirsten was in a great position, but Sarah's soles were almost inaccessible. To solve this, I pulled over a chair and guided her into a kneeling position on it. I tied her thighs to the back and tied each of her ankles to a leg on the front. This position wasn't nearly as sexy, but it would do for a while.

I decided to start with Kirsten, because I would tickle Sarah longer. I walked over to the bed and started tickling the elder girl's bare soles. I had never tickled Kirsten before, but I soon found out she was as ticklish as her little sister. Even through her gag she was screaming. After about 15 minutes, I stopped. She was breathing heavy through her nose. The ice had fallen out of her bra, so I put in 2 new pieces, sending her thrashing. All the clips on her tits and toes were still in place. I didn't bother putting more chili pepper down her thong, once was enough.

Sarah had been watching all this with fear in her eyes. I walked over to her and kissed her over the tape, telling her I wouldn't kill her. She had the disadvantage of not being able to see her feet, so she had no idea when I would start tickling them. Sarah's toes were her weak spot, I knew very well, and I started with a light swipe of the feather across them. This merely made her wiggle her toes.

I paused for a moment to let her anticipate the tickling to come. I didn't wait too long or she would think I wasn't going to do it. When the time was right I mercilessly attacked her soles. She was soon hysterical, screaming with laughter through her gag and moving around so violently that I was afraid she was going to pull the hook that her arms were tied to off of the ceiling. She didn't, and endured the tickling like this for exactly 29 minutes. It was great fun for me, the tickler, seeing my nearly naked girlfriend writhing against her restraints as I viciously tickled her.

When the time was up, I dropped the feathers on the floor. I then grabbed a roll of ducttape and proceeded to wrap Kirsten and Sarah's hands in it. I didn't expect them to be able to escape, but I didn't want to take any chances. I then remembered a game we had played about a year earlier. Sarah had actually untied a knot with her toes! I then wrapped their feet in tape so their was no way they could escape and turned to face them. "I'll be back in a few hours to continue. Sarah, you still have hours of punishment to endure for your offense. Kirsten, if you behave I may release you soon. But anyway, don't go any where. I'll be back." I said. I turned around and walked up the stairs, blowing them kisses over my shoulder.

I walked up the stairs and sat down on the couch in the family room. I started watching TV when I heard the front door opening. Joe, their brother, was coming home! I ran to the front hallway just as he stepped in.

"Hey Mike, how you doing?" he said.

"Hey, you know where Kirsten is?"

I stared at him for a minute, considering my options. Should I say the girls went out and hope that Joe didn't see them tied up in the basement, should I tie him up, or should I let him in on the game? More to come...

Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:51 pm
part 3

Joe was staring at me and said "Well?"

"Uh, she went to her boyfriend's house." I replied.

He seemed to buy it and said "Ok, thanks. I guess I'll call her cell phone then. See ya."

I breathed a deep sigh of relief when he turned around and left again. As soon as his car was out of the driveway I returned to the basement. I brought with me Sarah's computer (it was a laptop).

Both Sarah and Kirsten were exactly as I had left them, except the ice in their bras had melted. What I was about to do would be the most extreme torture that Sarah has ever endured while tied up. I was determined to make her pay for what she had done to me in taking those pictures.

I first took out my cell phone and took a few pictures of her tied up. Then I turned on the computer, and while it was starting up, I told Sarah what I would be doing. For every picture of me tied up that I found on her computer, I would whip her soles once with the leather belt. I would then make her promise to never take pictures of me tied up, and if she refused, I would leave her tied up all night.

I opened the folder marked "mike tied up" and counted the pictures. There were 22 pictures of me tied up. How she took all these without me finding out I don't know, but it sure got me mad. I informed her of these 22 pictures, and prepared to commence the punishment, removing her gag and tying her bare feet together, rather than on opposite sides of the seat of the chair.

What I was about to do to her was called bastinado, the beating of the soles of the feet. It is very painful and an extreme form of torture. I didn't intend to hurt her, but it would definitely cause her pain. I grabbed the belt, pulled it back, and brought it down across her soles. She instantly writhed in pain, and screamed louder than I had ever heard her scream. I continued whipping her feet, and she kept screaming louder and louder. When I had gotten to 11 strokes Sarah was begging me to stop.

I thought about it. She was really in pain, I could tell, and I really enjoy causing her pain. She had definitely learned her lesson, so I did stop. I then picked up the computer I had left on the floor and deleted all 22 pictures of myself tied up.

"Sarah, I'm sorry for punishing you, but we agreed form the start that we would not take pictures of each other tied up," I said, " I hope this has taught you your lesson."

"I'm sorry!" she cried, and I instantly hugged her.

"Will you promise not take any more pictures?" I whispered into her ear.

"Yes! I'm sorry, Mike." Sarah said between sobs.

"Okay. Then let's get you untied." I said.

I untied Sarah from the bondage she had been in for several hours. She was still wearing only her bra and thong, but she decided to just get changed upstairs. She tried walking but her feet were still in too much pain. I lovingly picked her up and was about to carry her up the stairs when we heard an mmmmpppphhhhing from behind us. Kirsten! I'd forgotten all about her.

"I'll be back later to untie you" I said over my shoulder, and Sarah and I went upstairs.

I did return to release Kirsten, but not before I "comforted" (Wink) Sarah (i.e. massaging her breasts and feet, kissing her all over, cleaning up the chili powder, helping her get dressed) (Wink)

This was by far the best bondage experience Sarah and I have ever experienced together. She really likes being tied up, and so do I. She did get revenge on me, but it was just as enjoyable for me as it was for her (Wink).

The end.
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