Laura : 01 - Kidnapped from School (MM/mf)

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Laura : 01 - Kidnapped from School (MM/mf)

Post by Canuck100 »

Laura's stories
01 - Kidnapped from School
Story index at the bottom

By Laura

Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:56 am

Kidnapped from School

I suppose it's a bit redundant, but this is FICTIONAL. And also my first story on here...Let me know what you think!


Every Friday after school, I usually go to the gym with a few of the girls and have our own volleyball practices, since official practices can't begin until the end of summer. We usually stay for a few hours, and i call my dad when i'm ready to go home. This Friday, a few of the guys stayed in the weight room while we practiced. Around 4:30, all of the other girls left, as did all of the boys except for one, Mike.

Mike was around 6'0, and VERY well built. I've liked Mike since the beginning of the year, and since our class is so small and so close it was no major secret, so he usually used it to his advantage.

He came into the gym with me and threw the ball up so i could practice my hits, that lasted for about a half hour. Eventually we just sat on the stage, which looks out over the gym, untill we heard the janitor coming. As quietly as we could, we alked over and hid behind the massive stage curtains.

We heard the janitor open the door the girls locker room and announce that she was locking the place down, so if anyone was still there they had to leave. She continued to do the same to the boys locker room a short ways down.

She then turned off all of the lights in the gym, leaving only the lights on the stage left.

Her cell phone rang just as she was walking up the stairs to the stage.

Only a few feet away from us, we obviously heard all of the conversation..

"Yeah, im leaving now...yeah, the doors are all open, and the alarms are me when you have it"

We were too nervous about getting caught to really care about anything she said, so we just brushed off the "doors are all open, and alarms or off" remark.

She walked over to the curtain we were hiding behind and reached her arm behind it. I was sure that she knew we were there, and was ready to turn us in. But Mike wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back into his chest. Right where my head had been was the light switch. She flicked it off, leaving us in total darkness, and walked down the stairs, and out of the gym. As soon as i heard the door shut, i exhaled with complete relief.

I turned my head and looked up, "Thank you...If we got caught be probably would have been suspended for a few days..."

"Yeah, yeah, you're welcome...i only did it so i could get my hands on you," he winked and smiled as he replied.

"Ha, yeah i're not too smooth with the ladies, so you gotta take what you can get," i snapped back with a grin.

He laughed and huffed as he walked down the stairs towards the locker rooms.

"I think i'm gonna go shower quick...But since were alone, wanna come with?? My arms are sore from lifting...I dont know if i'll be able to reach my back..." he said jokingly, i think.

I laughed and told him that would never happen in his wildest dreams, and walked down to the girls locker room.

I took off me sneakers and knee pads, so i was just in those short cheerleading shorts and a wife-beater tank top.

I hopped onto the big counter thing in front of the mirror and got my ipod out. The headphones were all tangled, and it took me about 5 minutes to get the knots out. Just as i was putting the earphones in, i heard Mike yell my name. Thinking it was just another one of his bad plans to get me to see him without a shirt on, i turned the music up full blast.

I layed down on the counter, and shut my eyes...I was fairly tired.

Just before i dozed off, someone pulled one of the earphones out. I opened my eyes and almost screamed as i sat up.

Mike was being pushed chest first against the wall by two men, duct tape wrapped around his mouth and head about three times, and his wrists taped together behind his back.

A third man was standing in front of me, pushing his coat back with his hands on his hips revealing a small gun tucked into his belt.

"You really chose the wrong day to sneak into the school..." He sneered.

Just before i could scream again he pulled me off of the counter, covered my mouth with his hand, and twisted my arm behind my back.


Sorry it took so long to get to the good part...Let me kno if i should continue.

Sat Mar 17, 2007 8:05 pm

part two

Any requests as to what you would like to happen?? specific ties? anything?


He held me infront of the mirror, almost wanting me to see how helpless i was. The more i faught, the harder he twisted my arm, the more Mike struggled, the harder they heald him.

"You were really not part of the plan...And right now, i cant decide if your for the best, or the worst..." the man holding me said as he loosened his grip on my twisted wrist.

He looked down at his gun, then back up to me in the mirror and said, "Now im gonna take my hand off of your would probably be a good idea not to scream, or i'll have to take uneccesarry measures with the boy," he glanced at Mike, "Who actually put up a pretty good fight...Ya know, if he never screamed for you to run, we would have never known you were here...It's ironic things like that that really keep me doin' this job...And nice young things like yourself, of course."

He removed his hand, and placed his now free arm around my waist.

"Lets go for a walk," he said as he drug me out of the locker room.

I was trying to resist best i could, so his hold on my waist tightened as he had to resort to nearly carrying me. I looked back and saw Mike still struggling, the two men each holding one of his upper arms dragging him out behind us.

The only thing i could think was God, i wish the janitor caught us and sent us home...

We "walked" across the courtyard into the lounge, where the 2 men pushed Mike onto one of the bigger chairs and held him there. The man holding me told me his name was Jeff and he needed me to find a few files for him.

He pushed me into the office, lead me to the Principles office, and forced me into the computer chair.

"Open the income files," he sneered.

I heard Mike try to yell best he could through the tape and i started to cry a little. He kept yelling, it was obvious they were hurting him in someway.

"P-please....Tell them to stop. T-tell them to leave him alone."
"Not until you get the files i need."

I'm usually a wizz with computers, but i started to shake and couldn't focus. It took me awhile to even locate the files he wanted, and he was getting very impatient. He whipped the chair around so i was facing him and pulled my hair so i was extremely close to his face. Once again, Mike yelled into the duct tape.

"You want them to stop hurting him? Stop your crying, and find those damn filed." could i argue with that?

It took me a few more harrowing minutes until i sent the files onto several discs. I handed them to Jeff, he put his hand on my cheek, smiled, and said "That's a good girl."

He walked to the door and held it open for me, i walked past him trying not to look him in the eye.

As soon as i got into the lounge, i saw Mike hunched in one of the corners. His wrists still bound behind him, and still gagged. He was breathing ridiculously heavy through his nose, his hair was ruffled, and his shirt was ripped at the collar. I ran over to him and knelt by him, once again starting to cry a little.

I stroked his face and said "I cant do this without you..."

Not in the sense of, your probably not gonna make it, and its gonna suck when your not here because i dont know what i'm gonna do, but in the sense of i'm not smart enough to get us out of this one.

He mmmphh-ed something through the tape, then rolled his eyes because he knew i couldn't understand. He tried again, a lot harder. I still couldn't understand him. He gave up with the "words" and nodded towards the wall he was leaning on. Just above his head was the fire alarm.

"Should I?" I whispered.

He nodded weakly. I reached up and closed my eyes as i pulled the handle.

The alarm blared, and within seconds Mike and I were being drug out of the building and thrown into the back of a black van.

"You have NO idea what you just got yourselves into!" Jeff yelled back to us from the drivers seat.


TBC =)

Mon Mar 19, 2007 8:36 pm

Part three

Sorry this is taking so long...I'll try to speed it up!


I didn't quite capture what was happening untill we were about a block away from the school. It all happened so fast.

What the hell is going on?
Were we just...kidnapped?

I snapped back into it when one of the other two men made his way to the back of the van.

"Tie her up good, Justin, she deserves it," Jeff called back to him.

I later found out the other mans name was Adam. Atleast i could put names to the faces now.

Justin made his way to a large duffel bag situated next to Mike, who had propped himself against the wall of the van, observing all that was happening. I crawled to the far end, getting as far away from Justin as I could, obviously only gaining atmost 3 more feet. He made his way to me carrying a small amount of rope, plastic zip ties, and duct tape.

I started to plead with him fairly frantically. We were in the back of a van, where could i possibly run? There was no need to gag me, no one could hear me, anyway.

He flashed his gun the same way Jeff first did in the locker room, and that was enough to get me to shut up.

He didn't speak much as he roughly grabbed my hands and bound my wrists infront of me with one of the plastic ties. Every "click" adding more pain.

He looped the rope through the tie and knotted it, then looped the other end up through one of the handles near the ceiling, pulling my arms straight above my head. I had to hold my arms up, because if i let them hang the rope pulled on the tie, which dug deeper into my skin.

I asked him to losen it, please, but he didn't answer.

He proceeded to zip tie my ankles together, nothing fancy. Then put 3 or 4 pieces of tape over my mouth.

That was a new feeling...Total helplessness. I no longer had any power whatsoever over the situation...Not that i did to begin with, but this was totally different now.

I couldn't move, streaks of pain were shooting down my arms, and i could only mutter Mmmmphs, and I had no idea where they were taking us.

Adam turned back and said, "Ooooh, you're gonna love it there...conditions will be a little more...tight...We'll be there soon."

That made me Mmmmph a little harder...


Sorry to cut it short again!

Next one iwll have ALOT more bondage, for Mike and I both.

I promise!

Sat Mar 24, 2007 1:30 am

Part four

"We have to make a quick stop...." Jeff called back from the front of the van.

Adam had just gotten done tightening the zip tie on my ankle when the van stopped. I couldn't see out the windows, they were painted black, but i hoped we had stopped someplace extrememly populated.

"We're gonna be right back out...If you try anything, this entire ordeal will be alot worse for you. Trust me," Justin said as he flashed Mike a quick grin, almost to assure him he wasn't lying.

The passenger side door closed, and we were alone in the van. We both started Mmmmph-ing immediately, and i started to test my bonds.

After a little struggle, i managed to get myself to my knees, pulled my arms down best i could and painfully took the tape off of my mouth.

"Are y-you okay?" Mike shook his head yes, "I'm gonna try to get out of this.....Mike...Who are they?"

He shrugged his shoulders, and starting twisting his wrists to loosen the tape. I worked on untying the rope around the zip tie with my teeth, and eventually got it. Mike made no progress. He wriggled his way over, his back facing me, and after about 2 minutes i managed to get the tape off from around his wrists. Before removing the tape from his head, he leaned in and hugged me. I started to cry a little on his chest, but kind of julted up because i realized we probably didn't have a lot of time. I help him get the tape off as quickly as possible, and he moved to the duffel bag to get the scissors.

"Just cut my ankles loose, i can run with my wrists tied."

I started to panic...They would be back any second now.

He cut the zip tie, and put his arm around my waist to help me to the from of the van. We made it to the drivers seat just as the passenger door was being unlocked.

"No wait, Adam...Just put it in the back with them," i heard either Jeff or Justin call out.

Mike opened the drivers door and quickly lifted me out. We ran at least 4 yards before they caught us.

Justin wrapped one arm all the way around my waist and the other my upper chest. Jeff and Adam nearly tackled Mike, grabbing hold of his arms and holding them behind his back. I managed to scream once, as loudly as i could, but Justin quickly clamped his hand over my mouth. Mike got out half of a yell before Jeff used his free hand to point his gun at me. Mike stopped yelling.

"That won't do you any good, no one will hear you," I looked around and realized it was true...We were in the middle of a massive parking lot to what seemed to be an abandoned factory.

"Take 'em to the back of the van," Jeff ordered.

This time all three of them got in the back with us. Justin threw me onto my back and picked up the scissors to cut the zip tie around my wrists. Once again, i started to cry.

Mike started to plead with them as they pushed him onto his chest.

"We're just kids! Please...Let us go, we won't tell anyone...You can't do this..."

Justin flipped me onto my chest and twisted one of my arms and i let out another small scream.

"Stop hurting her!" That was the last Mike got out before they wrapped several more strips of duct tape around his head. They duct taped his wrists behind his back like they did before, and now above and below his elbows; completely straining his arms behind his back. They took off his sneakers and taped his ankles and thighs together.

The only thing i could think of as Justin taped my mouth shut was how badly i wanted to be in school. Doing anything. Taking mid-terms. Giving a Speech. Presenting a project. Anything. I didn't want to think of home. My parents, my siblings. I couldn't. I would totally lose it... I could barely breath as it was, my nose was getting slightly stuffed up from the small amount of crying i was doing already. I had to think productively. How could i manage to get Mike out of all that tape? What if i can't? I can't carry him...What if they separate us when we get to wherever they're taking us? What if i never see him again? What if i never see anyone again?

I was too busy flooding my mind with a million questions to notice what was happening to my body.

My arms were zip-tied behind my back, my ankles were zip-tied together, and they were working on tying a rope from my ankle to my wrists.

I knew what was coming. I hated hogties. This would be impossible to get out of.

They tied to rope as tight as they could. Now i was completely incapacitated. There was absolutely no slack in the rope between my limbs, and i could grab my ankles with no strain at all.

I started to wince and Mmmmph in great pain, as Mike did the same next to me.

Jeff kneeled beside my face, "So it feels good? We were gonna go easy on ya...But you left us no choice. But don't worry, when we tie you up when we get there, we'll take into consideration those nice long legs of yours...You really shouldn't wear shorts THAT short when people plan on kidnapping you..."


=) TBC

Sat Mar 24, 2007 9:57 pm

Part five

My body started to hurt befor they even got the car started. There was no use in struggling; the more i moved, the tighter the rope between my wrists and ankles got.

Jeff was driving, Justin and Adam were in the back of the van with us making sure we didn't try anything else.

I caught Mikes eye, but he turned away almost ashamed of what was happening to us.

No one spoke the rest of the car ride, there was only the occasional grunt and moan from Mike or I when we hit a bump in the road.

15 more minutes and the van stopped. I was dreading the noise of Jeff turning the engine off the entire ride. As far as i was concerned, i was safe in the van. So was Mike. They wouldn't do anything else to us while we were driving...

Adam took two bandanas out of the duffel bag, and blindfolded Mike. He made his way over to me to obviously do the same.

One of them, i assumed it was Adam, pulled me out of the van by my legs, picked me up and carried me a couple hundred feet. He layed me on the floor and removed the blindfold. We were in what seemed to be a massive warehouse, but there was a small living room kinda thing in the middle of the huge room.


Ha, sorry for the whole cliche warehouse thing, but i'm a big fan of it ;).


The other two men carried Mike in, layed him on the couch, and took off his blindfold. He frantically looked around until he saw me on the ground, and kind of let out a sigh of relief. I know it was a petty thing at the time, but knowing he was worried about me made me feel a little better about the whole situation.

Our three captors shot off about we should have stayed in the van and been good little kids. They rearanged a few things in the "living room" as they assured us we had a good time awaiting us.

Justin kept reminding what a bad idea it was to wear such short shorts on a day like this as he cut me free of all my bonds.

The second the zip tie snapped off my wrists, i swung around and punched him as hard as i could right in the jaw. I am just a freshmen in highschool, but the element of surprise is always powerful. He dropped the knife he used to cut me free and i grabbed it just before he could. I heald it up and Justin backed away with his hands in the air. I ripped off the tape from my mouth with one painful pull.

"Cut him loose," I nodded towards Mike.

Jeff and Adam both slightly raised their hands into the air.

"Now, now...No ones gonna get hurt, just put the knife down, and we'll cut him loose."

I may have been a good 15 years younger than him, but i wasn't THAT stupid.

"Untie him!"

Jeff went to pull the knife out of his back pocket and i jumped a little, my hands started to shake even more, but he leaned down and started cutting the tape around Mikes legs. The longer it took, the calmer i got, and the easier it was to hold the knife still.

As he was cutting the last bit of tape above his elbows i started to think about how this wasn't going to work at all.

There's no way they're gonna let us walk out of here...
It's in all the movies...this never works.
We're not gonna get out of here.
I should just give them their knife back and put my arms behind my back for them.
This is ridiculous.
This is gonna make them so much more mad.
What am i doing?

As soon as the tape was off of Mikes arms, he jumped up and ripped off the tape from his mouth.

"Laura, give me the knife," he said as he started to walk towards me, keeping an eye on the three men.

Before he could get to me, Jeff lunged at Mike, grabbing one of his arms and twisting it behind is back, holding his gun to his head.

I knew it...Just like in the movies...What have i done?

Mike yelled for me to run, but i knew better. That would never work, either.

I shook my head, and dropped the knife.


More to comeeeee

Note from Canuck : If there are more parts, I did not find them in the archives

Laura's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section