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Sean : A Childhood Misunderstanding (ffff/m, m/ff, ff/m)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 2:41 am
by Fordman
A Childhood Misunderstanding
By: Sean

Hey folks it's Sean. Well, I asked you guys if you wanted me to post another story here. So, I am going to. If this story is well received and I decide to post more maybe I will get my own account rather than using Jens. I wasn't sure which story to go with. But an old friend and I were chatting. She gave me a one that I had almost forgotten. Thus I guess I am going to start with this one. I hope you all enjoy it.

It was the fall, I am not sure which month even. Probably sometime in October, but it could have been late September or early November. I was 12 years old when this story took place. I remember that because of my outfit. It was a Saturday night a little after 6:00 pm. I was sitting on the bench seat in our living room. When I had been 10 years old we used to have a small love seat in addition to our big couch, coffee table and several reclining chairs. I broke it pole vaulting over the back of it with a broom handle. After a good scolding my mother end up replacing the small couch with the third row seat from a van of all things. She picked it up from a garage sale for 10 or 15 bucks. I really don't remember. It was an extra seat the seller hand. I was cloth lined bench seat designed to seat 3 passengers. The cool thing I liked about it was it still had the seat belts attached to it.

There was the middle lap belt and two side belts that retracted into the side of the seat. This was the late 1980s. There were still a lot of cars without 3 point belts in the front seat. Most back only had lap belts. It was cool because I could sit and watch TV and be strapped in at the same time. It felt almost like being tied up to me because I couldn't go anywhere with it fastened. That was the case of the current situation. I was seated on the left side of the bench wearing a lap belt. However, my wrists were also tied behind my back. Nothing too fancy. I had asked Mary if she would tie me and she did. They were wrapped horizontally 6 or 7 times and cinched off in the middle with a 10 to 12 foot piece of white clothesline. Mary was in the kitchen setting up to make some popcorn for the two of us. My mother was off visiting my Aunt Bonnie. She had taken Jennifer and Scott with her as well for the weekend. This was 4 years before Amy existed.

There was going to be a movie on at 7:00 that would run 3 hours with commercials. Normally, my bed time was 9. Mary said I could stay up and watch it if I was ready for bed. So, after an early dinner, I began getting ready for bed. I don't remember what we ate or what the movie even was. It's not important to the story as you will soon see. My outfit was a set of two piece pajamas at current. They were light blue and quite faded from a lot of wear. They had originally been Mary's but, she had outgrown them about a year ago. I still had some room to fit in them. So, they had been a hand-me-down from her. They were constructed of a medium weight light blue fleece. The pajamas were very soft and quite warm. Especially fresh out of the dryer like my sister had gotten them for me that evening. I had just climbed out of the bathtub before putting them on. So, I was quite comfortable.

My aunt had actually made them as a Christmas gift to my sister when she was 12 or 13. The top was like a sweatshirt almost. It had ribbed cuffs and even a hood. The bottoms had an elastic waist band and the leg ended in built in pajama feet with the little white no slip bottoms. Overall, they were quite warm and comfortable. I was wearing a dull red bathrobe overtop of them. It was made of terry cloth with long sleeves. It came down to my mid-calf range and closed in the front with a belt at the waist. Mary had set the thermostat rather low. My sister was still in her day clothes. So, I was quite comfortable. I suddenly heard the phone ring in the kitchen.

After a brief pause. "Sean it's for you." My sister yelled from the kitchen.

I worked my hands around my side and unbuckled my seatbelt. Then I walked from the living room to the kitchen with my hands still tied in back. Mary dropped the phone onto my shoulder. I cradled it between there and my head so it wouldn't drop. "Hello", I stared.

"Hey Sean, it Kristen." A female voice on the other end replied.

Kristen was the younger sister of a boy I hung out with. I will call him Jeremy. Jeremy was a year my senior and Kristen was a year younger than me. We had moved to our current house when I was 10 years old. We lived in a cul-de-sac type neighborhood about half way down. If you went across the street and then round the next block. That is where there house was located. The family also had a third child. Jennifer named her Amber in some of her older stories. Jeremy and I were both in the same Boy Scout troop. Sometimes I had gotten in to TUGs with him both in the scouts and at home. His younger sister watched sometimes. However, Kristen didn't like being tied up.

"So, what's up Kristen?" I replied.

"Not much we're having a sleep over tonight and I wanted to know if you wanted to come?" She answered.

"I was going to watch a movie with Mary tonight and my parents aren't home to ask." I explained.

"Ok, never mind then. Have a good night" Kristen ended the conversation and hung up the phone.

(Just a side note. There was a lot more to the conversation than that. But, I don't recall any of what we actually said. Also, I want to keep it short as this is going to be a long story to begin with.)

"What was that about?" Mary inquired. I repeated the gist of the conversation. I also explained my reasons for declining.

"Are you sure you don't want to go? After all it's just a movie and I am sure mom wouldn't mind. You sleep over with him regularly. I could drive you over so you wouldn’t have to change out of your pajamas." Mary offered. "If they get back before I pick you I will just tell them in the morning."

"Yeah why not?" I replied.

"All right, do you want me to untie you before you go?" Mary offered. I declined. I had played tie up several times with Jeremy at his folks place. His parents were cool with it. So, I figured I would just leave my hands the way they were for the time being. Mary helped me slide some tennis shoes one over top of my pajama feet for the drive over. Then she took me out to her car. It was a brown beater of a car. My dad had picked it up for about 40 bucks from a neighbor who was getting ready to scrap it. It probably had more bondo on the sides of it than it had car. We joked that if the floor rusted any more than it currently did. Then we could kick it out and power the silly thing like the Flintstones. Most of these things were exaggerations and it served as transportation for my sister. Mary seat belted me in the back seat. Then she threw a sleeping bag next to me. After that she fired up the old rust bucket and we were off.

The drive to Jeremy's house was about 2 minutes. Mary helped me out of the car and shouldered my sleeping bag. We made our way up the sidewalk onto the porch. My sister rang the doorbell and we waited. A minute or so later, Jeremy's mom answered the door. There was a look of surprise on her face when she saw us. However, she opened the door and beckoned us to enter. She looked me over and my outfit explained my intentions. However, she asked what I was doing there.

"Kristen called me and said she and Jeremy wanted me to come sleep over." I explained while I was in the process of kicking my tennis shoes off.

"Oh! So, you are who she was on the phone with a little while ago. I wish she had asked me first." She explained with a little surprise in her voice. "But, I suppose you are welcome to stay if you want. They're in the living room. Try to keep things down, Amber is already asleep."

"Thank you." I said with a quick nod.

I finished working my tennis shoes off of my pajama feet. It took a couple of minutes with my hands tied behind my back. Afterwards I started heading towards the living room. It was a slow process. Their house was decently sized. It took a while to navigate it with my hand tied as well. Meanwhile Mary set down my sleeping bag and was having a conversation with Jeremy's mom. I didn't pay attention to the first couple sentences of it and after that I was out of ear shot. I didn't care anyways. It was most likely why I was tied up and what time she would be by to pick me up in the morning. They both laughed a little, but I didn't catch the substance of their discussion.

When I arrived at the living room, it wasn't quite what I expected. Kristen was sitting on the floor in the red flannel pajamas and care bear slippers. There were 3 other girls sitting in a semi-circle with her also in pajamas. I didn't recognize any of them besides Kristen. Upon seeing me they stopped what they were doing to look at me.

"Sean? What are you doing here?" Kristen asked.

"I thought you and Jeremy wanted me to sleep over. That's why you called and invited me?" I replied.

"I thought you said you couldn't come?" Kristen replied.

"Mary said it was alright and dropped me off." I explained. There was a look of real confusion on Kristen’s face.

"Jeremy is off hunting with my Dad this weekend. We're having a slumber party." Kristen explained. "We were playing truth or dare. I was dared to call and invite you to come over. I never expected you to show up. Especially after our conversation on the phone."

The realization of what had happened began to sink in while I was standing there. I looked down at the girls for a moment or two longer while I was finishing analyzing the situation for what it was. I turned around and quickly made my way back to the kitchen. Well at least as quickly as I could with my hands tied in back. I arrived a minute later. The kitchen was empty. My sleeping bag was sitting on the floor by the door. Mary and my tennis shoes were gone.

After my situation began to sink in, I went back to the living room. Jeremy's mother had gone upstairs. The way to their second floor was through a door. I didn't want to wake up Amber. So, I figured the first thing to do was have one of the girls untie me. That way I could use the phone to call Mary to pick me up. I rounded the last corner and found the girls where I had left them. They were talking playing some game when I came in. They stopped and shifted their attention to me when I entered.

"Hey Kristen," I began. "This is just a misunderstanding. Could you untie me?" I asked.

"Yeah, come over here and sit down so I can reach you." She replied.

The request was simple enough. She was willing to help me. But she wasn't willing to put in the effort of crossing the room. I made my way over to them. I turned around with my back to Kristen and seated myself on the floor. She shifted her position slightly to the right. Then she reached down and began looking for the knot binding my hands.

"No! Don't let him loose!" Another girl shouted. She got up and ran over pushing Kristen away from me. Before I could react, she shoved me downwards onto my back. Then she laid across my waist pinning me to the floor. I was pretty strong, but I couldn't lift her off of me with my hands tied behind my back. Kristen got up looking pretty mad.

"What's the big idea Nicole?" She shouted.

"Think about it. If you untie him, then he is going to call his sister. Then your boyfriend will leave. Right now we have if completely unable to do anything." Nicole replied.

"He's not my boyfriend!" Kristen replied.

"You said you had a crush on him. That's why I dared you to call and invite him. I just never thought he would actually show up." Nicole replied. "I'll hold him down. Can you go find something to tie his feet together with?" Nicole replied.

Kristen's expression began to change. "Yeah I probably could find something. Keep him there I will be right back." She explained.

I will take a minute to name and describe the rest of the girls. All of these names are made up. Nicole was another 11 year old like Kristen. She had blue eyes and short blond hair that ended at her shoulders. She was dressed in a one piece set of blue footed pajamas with a snowflake print on them. Tina was a slightly shorter girl probably a year younger than the others. I never decerned her true age. Her skin was tone was a little darker, probably somewhat Hispanic. She had brown eyes and long black hair that she wore braided in a long pony tail. She was wearing some green pajama pants and a short sleep white t-shirt. Beth was some place in between Kristen and Tina in size. She also had long black hair that she wore loose down the majority of her back. Beth was dressed in a yellow nightgown that came down to just above her ankles. Beth and Tina were both barefoot.

Kristen returned a few minutes later carrying a white jump rope. It was probably around 8 feet long. The rope was cotton and white in color with a black spiral mixed in. There were two plastic handles on both end. I had been squirming against Nicole without much success. Kristen knelt down and tried to grab my ankles. I stopped squirming and put them together for her. It really didn't matter. As long as my hands were tied in back I couldn't reach the phone anyways. So, I figured the sooner then tied my feet together the sooner Nicole would get off of me. Kristen wrapped the rope around me ankles half a dozen times and then cinched it off in the middle. Jeremy had her tie him up a few times we both wanted to be bound at the same time. She knew what she was doing at least to some extent. Once the main binding was in place she knotted the ends together. Then Nicole finally let go of me. It took me a minute, but I managed to sit myself back up.

I took a moment and tested the ropes. The ones on my wrists were still tied the way Mary had applied them. The new bindings on my ankles were not quite as well done. But, I wasn't going to wriggle loose with my hands lashed behind me. I struggled back and forth against them while the girls watched. After a few minutes of watching me squirm, they seemed to lose their initial interest in me. They resumed the round of truth or dare they were playing. I don't have the slightest recollection of what they put to each other as they took turns around the circle. The musings of 10 and 11 year old girls didn't strike my fancy particularly at the time. I was focused on trying to free myself from the bonds that held me in place.

"So Sean, truth or dare?" Nicole suddenly addressed me.

"What?" I responded.

"Truth or Dare! It's your turn, you're here so you might as well play." She explained. I looked down at the ropes I had on.

"I guess I had better choose truth. I am not sure I could do a dare like this." I responded.

"So, who do you really like?" Nicole blurted out. It was a childish question I had no real interest in answering.

"Nobody at the moment" I said plainly.

"I know your lying." Nicole replied.

"Maybe I do have a crush, maybe I don't. It's not anybody you would know anyway. It's not Kristen if that is what you are getting at." I replied forcefully. Nicole listened to my response, but her reaction didn't appear to be too happy.

"Well, if you won't answer the question truthfully, you have to do a dare. That's how the game is played." She replied.

"Fine what to do want me to do." Again, I turned to my side and showed her my tied hands.

"I dare you to give Kristen a kiss." Nicole laughed.

My first response internally was this was stupid. But, I decided not to make a big deal out of it. After all, they were holding me captive. Giving them something to look at was easy enough. I scooted my way across the floor to where Kristen was sitting. I leaned forwards and gently gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. It wasn't anything grandiose or meaningful. It was just like I was giving Jennifer a kiss good night from her big brother. Kristen immediately pulled away from me. Her face was turning a bright red color in the dimly lit living room. The girls all gave her an "Ahhh" reaction. They seemed to get a lot more out of her reaction than they did out of mine. Maybe she really did have some feelings for me. Either way I really didn't care that much at the moment.

I got to ask truth or dare next. Beth was my victim. Nicole made sure she wouldn't get asked back by me. Beth chose truth to avoid the obvious request to untie me. I really don't remember what I asked her. It was something stupid that fit the mood of the game. Afterwards, she gave an equally dumb answer and the game continued. I continued to squirm back and forth as the group made their next pass around the circle. It was about the time that Kristen was hopping on one foot singing the alphabet backwards. I managed to finally pull one of my hands free from the coil of rope that Mary had originally tied me up with. That sort of tie wasn't meant to hold me for the whole night. It was there to placate the idea that I wanted to be tied up. I was meant to escape on my own at one point.

I loosened the center cinch on the remaining rope. Then I was able to pull my other hand free from the binding. The rope fell onto the floor and began to unravel. I took a moment and leaned back before I brought my hands around to the front. Kristen finished her absurd little stunt. The group began to shift its focus to the next contestant. But, Nicole suddenly realized that I had freed myself. She jumped to her feet and began to rush towards me. My ankles were still tied together with the jump rope. Not overly well, but I wouldn't be able to free them before she arrived. However, this time she didn't catch me off guard and my wrist weren't connected behind my back.

When Nicole closed on me I caught her left wrist pretty easily. I used her forward momentum against her. I used my other hand to grab one of her legs and bring her down to the floor. She was pretty fast for her age. But, I had 6 inches and 30 pounds on her. I had done some rough play while I was in the boy scouts. I could play wrestle someone to the ground who was 2 to 3 years my senior. The girl didn't offer much of a challenge. I pinned her down on her tummy on the floor. One arm pinning her left hand and the other on her right shoulder. I looked over my shoulder for a second to see how the other girls would react. If it was just Nicole, I had pretty much won this already. If the other 3 joined in I would be completely outmatched.

Nicole tried to get up, but I held her down for another second. I shifted my grasp from her shoulder and took hold of her other wrist. I pulled her hands together behind her. Then I grabbed hold of them with one hand. I used my left one and started reaching for the piece of rope Mary had tied me up with before I arrived. I tied an overhand knot around her left wrist pulling it tight. When she realized what I was doing she put up another hard struggle. But, I held on to her pretty well. Two minutes later, I was tying the square not on the top of the cinches between her hands. I let go of her hands and she began pulling against the ropes. She tried to get up, but I kept one hand pinning her down in the lower back to prevent it.

"Kristen, in the hall closet there's a blue bag. Could you get it for me? I think Nicole needs a time out." I asked.

Kristen knew what I was talking about. To my surprise she got up and went to retrieve it for me. A few minutes later she returned with the bag and deposited it on the floor next to me. Nicole was watching with a worried look on her face. The bag was a collection of ropes that Jeremy and I had collected. I also contained a few other things. I dug out a short piece about 5 or 6 feet long. Then I went to work wrapping and cinching off Nicole's ankles. I took a third piece of rope out of the bag. I wrapped it around the center cinch on her hand and knotted it off. Then I drew the tail outwards and looped it around the middle of her tied ankles. Next, I pulled on it drawing her feet upwards into a snug hogtie. I wrapped her hands and feet together a few more times. Finally, I knotted it off on the top of her ankles.

I stepped back for a moment and took a breath. Nicole was out of the equation. I left her lying on her stomach squirming quite a bit. She struggled pretty hard for a few minutes. But after she realized she wasn't escaping she relaxed and watched things unfold. The first order of business was to get my robe off. Kristen's house had the thermostat set higher than mine. I was getting pretty warm between the robe and my pajamas. Wrestling around with Nicole didn't help anything. I undid the sash and slipped my arms out of the sleeves. At this point, Tina got up and started across the room towards me. Her pace was slow and careful. I met her eyes with my own and prepared myself for another battle if needed. She stopped a few feet short of me and looked down.

"Sean, could you tie me up too? It looks like fun and I would like to try it." Tina elaborated.

"I guess so." I replied. "Do you just want me to do your hands?"

"Like you did to Nicole." Tina responded.

I nodded and gestured for her to come over. The girl cooperated pretty nicely. She walked over and turned around. She put her hands together for me behind her back. I began digging through the bag looking for a good piece of rope for the initial tie. Unlike the clothes line me and my siblings used. Most of the rope in the bag was of a rougher quality. It was some combination of hemp and nylon. Tina's shirt had short sleeves. I didn't want to tie her with something that would dig into her bare skin with a hogtie. After a few more seconds of looking I abandoned the bag. I reached over and took the belt out of my bath robe. It was made of the same soft fabric the robe itself was and nearly 6 feet in length. I used it to wrap and cinch the girl's wrists behind her back. Afterwards and I dug out two pieces of brown rope. I used them to secure her feet and perform the hogtie.

Tina rolled back and forth on her side next to Nicole. She tried the ropes out and quickly found how little she could move. I finally shifted my attention to my feet. There was quite a bit of slack in the coils around my ankles. The problem was I still couldn't pull my legs out directly. The knot had gotten pretty tight and I couldn't pick it loose. I was trying to pick the knot loose when Kristen came over. She knelt down in front of me.

"Here, my fingers are smaller. Let me give it a try." Kristen offered.

I gave up on my efforts and leaned backwards. I shifted my attention to the two girls struggling on the floor. Neither of them were going to wriggle loose anytime soon. I felt the ropes on my feet loosening. Kristen had gotten the knot out and was undoing the center cinches. I decided to just let her finish the process. Then I felt a jerk and my ankles were drawn back together. Kristen had pulled the loops surrounding them quite snug again. She was working the slack out of them. Then she started rewrapping the center. My first instinct was to struggle. But, I didn't. I let her finish retying my legs before putting the knot back into place. I looked over at her.

"Sorry, but I don't want you to go home yet." She offered with a sly smile. "I guess I should have done a better job the first time."

"It's cool, at least you let me get my robe off. I was getting pretty hot with it on." I replied.

Kristen dug a longer piece of rope out of Jeremy's stash. She began to circle around me slowly. She reached for one of my hands. I decided to make it easy on her. I brought my arms around behind me and crossed my wrists. Kristen wrapped my arms horizontally with the rope several times. Then she did them vertically as well before tying a knot. I pulled against the ropes. They held pretty snug. Apparently she was paying attention to Jeremy and my games.

"I like your jammies by the way. They are pretty cute." Kristen commented as she began pushing me forwards.

"Yeah their pretty comfortable. I think they used to be Mary's." I replied.

Kristen pushed me forwards down onto my stomach. Then she dug another piece of rope out of the bag. She put me into the same hogtie as I had done on the other two girls. Mary tied me up quite a bit growing up. But, I didn't get put in a hogtie often and it was too fun an opportunity to pass up. Once Kristen tied the last knot I gave the ropes a few good pulls. Everything held pretty tight. I wasn't going to wriggle out of this any time soon. I watched as Beth finally got up off the floor and made her way over.

"Well, it looks like you are pretty good at that." She commented looking at Kristen and then down at us. "I wonder if they are ticklish."

Beth and Kristen started for Tina first. She was the obvious target since she didn't have attached feet on her pajamas. Kristen grabbed Tina by the shoulders and held her. Beth started tickling Tina's feet. Tina started out giggling quietly as it began. She wriggled around in the ropes but didn't make much of an attempt to evade. Beth continued the assault. But, it didn't accomplish much in the way of a reaction. Tina was ticklish, but not overly.

"It's not working." Beth commented looking down at her captive.

"Maybe we should try her sides too." Kristen suggested.

The girls pulled up Tina's shirt a little to expose her tummy. Kristen straddled over her and began to dig in with her fingers. Beth resumed attacking Tina's bare feet. This approach began to get the desired result. Again Tina started off with a quiet giggle. About a minute or so later she was laughing pretty hard. The girl tried pretty hard to roll away and escape from her attackers. However, the hogtie was quite secure and she met with minimal success. Kristen and Beth continued the tickle attack for a good 3 or 4 minutes. At that point Tina was laughing pretty hard and begging for them to stop. I finally decided to interject.

"Hey, that's enough! Take a break and let her catch her breath." I shouted at the two girls. To my surprise Kristen and Beth stopped. Tina had rolled from her stomach onto her side. She was breathing pretty hard at this point. She was out of energy and out of breath. Kristen took a moment and pulled Tina's pajama top back down.

"If you wanted a turn Sean, all you had to do was say so." Beth replied as the two girls got up from where they had Tina. As the two girls approached I realized my mistake. I pulled hard against my ropes. But, Kristen had done a fairly secure job binding me. By the time they arrived I quickly learned I couldn't move at all. Both of the girls knelt down on opposites sides of me. Beth tried to tickle my feet. But the white no slip bottoms were too thick for that to have any affect. So, the girls resorted to what had worked on Tina. They pulled my pajama top up to my armpits and went to work on my sides.

When I was 12, I was very ticklish. It only took them about 30 seconds before I was laughing a whole lot harder than Tina had. I struggled quite hard against my bonds. However, a hogtie directs all your effort in trying to separate your hands and feet. I couldn't pull loose from any of the ropes. I was pretty much stuck while the girls continued their attack on me. Tina laid their and watched as the situation escalated. I think she was just glad they had left her alone for a little while. I was laughing pretty hard by this point. I tried rolling back and forth. However, the girls pinned me down and there wasn't much I could do about it.

About 6 minutes into the session, I warned Kristen that I felt like I was going to throw up. That stopped it at least for the moment and the girls backed off. I laid on my stomach panting pretty hard. I was tired and completely out of breath. Beth and Kristen got up and made their way over to Nicole. By this point she had moved about 20 feet from where she was when this started, despite the hogtie. Beth tried a few avenues of approach. But, Nicole’s pajamas were a one piece with built in pajama feet. So, there really wasn't a good way to tickle her without unzipping them. Something that Kristen and Beth apparently weren't willing to do. They did drag her back over to where the rest of us were.

"So, now what?" Kristen asked.

"Could you untie us please?" Nicole asked sounding pretty polite in her voice.

"Nope, I like having you secured like that." Beth replied. "It keep you out of trouble."

"There's a movie on channel 43. I was going to watch it with Mary before you girls tricked me into coming over here." I explained. (Again, I don't remember what it was)

Kristen just shrugged and turned on the television. The movie was about half way over. But, still it was better than nothing. Kristen left Beth to keep an eye on us. At the first commercial she went into the kitchen to make some popcorn. She had one of those older air poppers and I heard it come to life. It took about 10 minutes and two popping before Kristen returned. She had a huge plastic bowl full of popcorn with Butter and salt on it. She set it on the floor next to us. With that done. Kristen set out trying to make us a little more comfortable for the movie. She went to the sofa and brought back a couple of pillows. She propped one up under Nicole's head on the floor.

Kristen also undid the hogtie rope that secured Tina's hands and feet together. This allowed the girl to get off her stomach and sit up. She offered me the same courtesy, but I declined. I was enjoying this situation quite a bit and wanted to stay put a bit longer. Nicole wasn't given the option. She kept Tina's wrists and ankles bound however. We spent the next hour or so just lying there watching the movie. Kristen and Beth fed the three of us popcorn a few pieces here and there. Nicole and I struggled quite a bit, but escape wasn't happening.

When the movie was over, the girls finally untied us. They got Tina first, myself second and Nicole last. Afterwards, there wasn't much left to the story you folks would find interesting. I told a ghost story I had heard at a scout camp out. Then we headed off to bed in our sleeping bags. The girls went upstairs to Kristen's room to sleep. I stayed down in the living room on the sofa. That about wraps it up.

Well, that about wraps this story up. I hope you all enjoyed it. Comments are welcome. My question to all of you is what type of story would you like to hear about from me next? I don't have as many instances to tell as my sister. But, I probably have at least 2 dozen experiences I remember well enough to put into words. I know there was some interest in some of the experiences that happened between Mary and myself. However, you folks have to remember there is a large gap in the ages in my family. Mary was a senior in high school at the time of this story. I have two more stories I remember from my younger days with her I could tell here. Most of what I remember happened to me as a teenager.

Most of the time frame of those stories, Mary was over 21. So, I don't want to post them here and violate the rules about youth and adult tie ups. I have a few stories that happened between Jeremy, Kristen and myself. I also have a few stories with my younger siblings. I have a few self-tugs. Finally, I have my experiences from the Boy Scouts as well. So, let me know what from those categories you would like for my next story. Thanks for reading.