Snapshots (*/*, various)

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Snapshots (*/*, various)

Post by Canuck100 »

Snapshots are meant to be written descriptions of bondage incidents we've seen, but not participated in.

Here are a few :

Three boys about 9 (all unknown to me). Two of them were carrying coils of rope at the marina. The third, about to be seized and tied up, dashes over to me, grabs both my pockets, and clings/hugs for dear life. The other boys retreated. My temporary guest looked up, sheepish, and ran off the other way.

Four yr old boy running around at family party letting people use his toy handcuffs behind his back. He was demonstrating how fast he could get out by pushing the button. Then one guest put both the lad's wrists into one cuff. He was one surprised kid when he couldn't get loose.

Eight? yr old boy inviting everyone he ran into to tie him up. A particularly strong 'tie up jones.' He came over to me, straddled the picnic bench, put his feet up, put his wrists on his ankles and said 'tie me like this'. Yikes. I declined but another person obliged with a half-hearted effort.

Two ten? yr old boys riding on the same bike. The driver standing up on the pedals while he pumped them. The boy in the rear was seated on the seat, hands tied behind and tied down to the back of the seat. Feet dangling. (Pre helmet days) Happily riding home for further fun I guess.

Seen last week: in a schoolyard, two 10 y.o. girls using their winter scarves (yes, we are already wearing them up here!) to tie the hands of a boy in his back and to blindfold him. Couldn't hear what they were saying, but the boy was clearly enjoying the attention he was getting. Once he was tied up, they tickled him, but he got free after a minute or two. He chased the girls in the schoolyard and tickled them back.

This is only one snapshot, but one time in 5th grade, our teacher, a really nice and funny person was teaching us about history, focusing on slavery, and as an example, he actually bound together the hands of this one girl. This was one I had a gargantuan crush on, so all the better. <<>> I'll try and describe the scene in best detail I can. All Mr. Roach did was tie her hands together at the wrist, very typical tie, palms clasped together. He only did it for a few minutes, he didn't really struggle, but was in shock of course, going "Hey!" but she played along, with a bit of embarrassment, grinning. The teacher asked, "How do you feel?", she replied "That I couldn't get out,".
Paul Melnyk

Two girls, 15 yrs, watching a detective show on TV. Heroine escapes from being tied to a chair. One of the girls challenges the other to escape and they take turns tying each other up.
Two girls, 17 yrs, playing with a pair of handcuffs. One cuffs the other and then loses the key. Long, frantic search before the key is found.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Friday March 3rd 2000 01:41:09

Some stories I found on the newsgroups
Here are a few stories I found on soc.subculture.bondage- bdsm:

It was lunchtime. I was in high school, waiting to go into afternoon classes. I looked over towards the Jr. High playarea, and say a group of 4-5 girls. They had found a piece of rope, and one of them was getting tied up. She may have been the oldest, because she was wearing a tightish dress. She was kneeling on the ground, and one of the others was tying her hands behind her back. The others were standing in front of her, taunting and teasing her. There was nothing she could do about it with her hands tied. The other girl tied her feet together (she was wearing black leather flat slippers, not heels but close) then pushed her over face down. She struggled in a hogtie for two or three minutes, and finally freed herself. As the other girls yelled "She's Loose!" she grabbed the rope and ran after them . ..

I have no idea what they taught me that afternoon!


Oh my! You've just reminded *me* of a story: My sister attended a Christian college in California, and when I was around 10 I stayed with her in her dorms for a weekend. As a joke on the philosophy teacher, my sister and her two friends tied me up with rope, then barged into his Saturday class, carrying me. I had been instructed to scream and protest loudly. They plopped me down in front of the whole class. I struggled quietly for a few moments to get loose--all in front of a class of about 30 people -- then my sister and her friends came back in, picked me up, and carried me kicking and screaming back out of the class. Gads! I'd forgotten about that!

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Post by Canuck100 »

Monday March 6th 2000 06:42:27


My first posting direct -

Came out of shopping mall with my wife and returned to the car: Big boy (16) sitting in the front seat of the car next to ours, tuning the radio (waiting for mom?). Little boy (12) on back seat, hands tied behind his back with cord dog lead, feet tied together with seat belt. Probably irritating big brother! If this works, I have many more. Dan Dare (otherwise nkown as Brian M)

Brian M
South Africa

Monday March 6th 2000 08:06:50


1. Two girls (10) and a boy, same age, in city center: one girl is wrapping yards of rope round the boy's upper body, securing him to a lamp pole. The other girl is methodically tying the boy's hands behind the pole. Pass the same spot about 20 minutes later - boy is still tied to the pole, looking bored. No sign of the girls.

2. Rail station platform: two boys (8), one handcuffing the other's hands behind his back with toy cuffs. Leads the prisoner off the platform.

3. Little girl (8), hands tied behind her, being led through park by rope tied around her middle by two boys, same age.

4. On my way to visit a friend in a big apartment complex. In the back yard, two boys (10) tied to railings, side by side, hands tied behind the railings. Two big boys (14) pretending to burn little boys chests with cigarettes. Little boys are laughing, so no real threat.

5. Holiday in Greece with my mother: in a park, three girls (12) chasing a boy (10). They catch him, tie his hands behind his back with pink ribbon and start tickling his ribs. Much laughter.

6. Family friends visiting. Their twin boys (9) tie my son (9) to pool slide - hands behind his back, with rope. They then tie his body to the slide with hosepipe. Game lasts 20 minutes before son gets free & runs off, hands still tied.

7. Back yard of apartment block - a bunch of girls (12) squirting boy (same age) with water guns. Boy's hands tied behind him with string - everyone laughing.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Friday March 3rd 2000 01:41:09

Some stories I found on the newsgroups

Here are a few stories I found on soc.subculture.bondage- bdsm:

It was lunchtime. I was in high school, waiting to go into afternoon classes. I looked over towards the Jr. High playarea, and say a group of 4-5 girls. They had found a piece of rope, and one of them was getting tied up. She may have been the oldest, because she was wearing a tightish dress. She was kneeling on the ground, and one of the others was tying her hands behind her back. The others were standing in front of her, taunting and teasing her. There was nothing she could do about it with her hands tied. The other girl tied her feet together (she was wearing black leather flat slippers, not heels but close) then pushed her over face down. She struggled in a hogtie for two or three minutes, and finally freed herself. As the other girls yelled "She's Loose!" she grabbed the rope and ran after them . ..

I have no idea what they taught me that afternoon!


Oh my! You've just reminded *me* of a story: My sister attended a Christian college in California, and when I was around 10 I stayed with her in her dorms for a weekend. As a joke on the philosophy teacher, my sister and her two friends tied me up with rope, then barged into his Saturday class, carrying me. I had been instructed to scream and protest loudly. They plopped me down in front of the whole class. I struggled quietly for a few moments to get loose--all in front of a class of about 30 people -- then my sister and her friends came back in, picked me up, and carried me kicking and screaming back out of the class. Gads! I'd forgotten about that!


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Post by Canuck100 »

Monday March 6th 2000 06:42:27
My first posting direct -

Came out of shopping mall with my wife and returned to the car: Big boy (16) sitting in the front seat of the car next to ours, tuning the radio (waiting for mom?). Little boy (12) on back seat, hands tied behind his back with cord dog lead, feet tied together with seat belt. Probably irritating big brother! If this works, I have many more. Dan Dare (otherwise nkown as Brian M)

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Post by Canuck100 »

Monday March 6th 2000 08:06:50


1 ) Two girls (10) and a boy, same age, in city center: one girl is wrapping yards of rope round the boy's upper body, securing him to a lamp pole. The other girl is methodically tying the boy's hands behind the pole. Pass the same spot about 20 minutes later - boy is still tied to the pole, looking bored. No sign of the girls.

2 ) Rail station platform: two boys (8), one handcuffing the other's hands behind his back with toy cuffs. Leads the prisoner off the platform.

3 ) Little girl (8), hands tied behind her, being led through park by rope tied around her middle by two boys, same age.

4 ) On my way to visit a friend in a big apartment complex. In the back yard, two boys (10) tied to railings, side by side, hands tied behind the railings. Two big boys (14) pretending to burn little boys chests with cigarettes. Little boys are laughing, so no real threat.

5 ) Holiday in Greece with my mother: in a park, three girls (12) chasing a boy (10). They catch him, tie his hands behind his back with pink ribbon and start tickling his ribs. Much laughter.

6 ) Family friends visiting. Their twin boys (9) tie my son (9) to pool slide - hands behind his back, with rope. They then tie his body to the slide with hosepipe. Game lasts 20 minutes before son gets free & runs off, hands still tied.

7 ) Back yard of apartment block - a bunch of girls (12) squirting boy (same age) with water guns. Boy's hands tied behind him with string - everyone laughing.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Thursday March 23rd 2000 09:54:52

Snapshot! Today!

Was on my way to the metro (subway, underground, the tube, whatever...) station when I heard a commotion behind me.

Teenage girl (15), with 2 other girls and 3 boys, coming towards me, trying to get free for her friends. She passed by me and I noticed that the sleeves of her oversized sweater were tied behind her back, like a strait jacket. Her friends tried to pull the hood of her sweater over her face and gag her with a woolen scarf, but she managed to get free and ran towards her house, a block away. She had to wait for her friends to arrive since she couldn't open the door by herself. They took her inside, where she was to have an unknown fate... 

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Post by Canuck100 »

Sunday March 15th 1998 11:16:00

One night, I was coming back from my girlfriend's dorm at 3:00 in the morning or so and I walked across the quad of the campus to see 20 or so girls tied to the various trees with many more girls running around.

I walked over to one of the bound girls and asked her what was going on. She said that it was an initiation for her sorority. The pledges with their hands behind their backs, and their ankles were tied and the excess rope wound up and down their body. The one I stopped to talk to looked stunning to say the least.

Just then, one of the girls who had been doing the tying saw me and ran over. She threatened to tie me up if I didn't leave, and then gagged the talkative little pledge with a scarf. I left, but let's jsut say that I hung out in the shadows for quite a while.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Monday April 9th 2001 09:23:16


I guess kids still play TUGs (Tied-Up-Games) after all! I was driving in a nearby town on some errands and stopped in a little parking lot. The weather was quite warm. There were houses across the street.

Suddenly, a boy in shorts and sneakers came running around the house, age about eight or nine. He was being pursued by 2 girls, one about his age and the other maybe ten or eleven. The boy's hands were tied behind him and his arms were tied to his torso with ropes around his chest. He was laughing. He was also outrunning the girls and, as he ran around the other side of the house, I could see he was pulling at the ropes on his hands, trying to get free.

I waited a few more minutes and he came around the house again, the ropes on his chest falling off, and when he got to the front yard, he pulled his hands loose and turned and started chasing the girls, who were squeeling and laughing. They went back behind the house again as I was reminded of my own adventures throughout childhood.

I waited around awhile but they did not return. I guess they finished their game in the back yard or in the house, if they finished at all.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Monday, October 28th 2002 - 01:35:56 PM

Some kids have all the fun

A few months ago (when it was still summer) I was out walking in the park near my home. AT one point I cut through a picnic area where some kids were hanging out. I don't know for sure but the all looked to be teenagers.

There werre 3 guys and 2 girls sitting around a picnic table having sodas and such. Off frome anouther ditection I saw this young couple walking toward them. As the pair got closer I could see the guy walking slightley in front of the girl, he seemed to have something in his hand. As the got even closer I could see the girl had on some kind of a collar (Turned out to be a dog collar) and what he had in his hand was a leash. He was just casuallly leading her along as if he were walking his dog. She Has long blond hair tied back in a pony tail and was wearing shorts , a tank top and was bare foot. As the passed where I was I could see she had her hands tied behind her with some sort of rope.

As they got to the table the others got up and greeted him but said nothing to her. One of the guys pulled some rope out of a sack and tied her elbows together. She then hoped up on the edge of the table while the guy tied her kneees and ankles together. They turned her over face down on the table and drew her legs up into a hog tie. One of the girls used a scarf to cleave gag her while the other girl tied her big toes together. WHen they were done they all sat down and started to eat their lunch all around her.

I hung out as long as I could but when I left they were still lunching around their hog tied center piece.

I need to get out at lunch time more often.

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Post by Canuck100 »

2000-08-18 11:36:14


This is the first time for me writing at this page. English is not my first language, I'm from Sweden.

At my second day at my new school (I've just started high school) I became witness to something "bondagy".

I saw a girl coming through the corridor with a very big armring I thought. I then realized it was a pair of handcuffs. A guy was holding the other end, and she was screaming something like "No! Please! Don't lock me up!", but he was just laughing. He found a metal pole (going from the ceiling to the floor), and locked her to it hands behind back. She started screaming for help, but everyone that passed just laughed. Even the teachers. I came back after about 5 minutes, and she was still there, but the guy just came back, and released her. She said something about revenge, and I really want to know about that, when it happened...

I hope you liked the story, if you did I can tell you that I never has been directly involved in any tying up, so I cannot write anything 'bout me...yet.

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Post by Canuck100 »

2000-09-12 05:27:18


I couldn't post this earlier, I'm offline at home.

I spent the last day of college term before the summer break with my boyfriend Jon, packing my stuff up and so on. Mid evening (sorry not sure of the time) we decided to go for a last drink at the local pub. Walking to Jon's car, we heard a commotion.

Across the car park and the campus green (about 75 metres away) we saw a dozen or so girls being tied to trees. A gang of 30-40 other girls were milling around. No idea what was going on - I've learned the hard way not to get involved!

When Jon dropped me off back at my hall, about midnight, the captives were still there. Most of the gang was gone, except for a group of 6 or 7 girls talking (guards, maybe?).

When Jon picked me up next morning to take me to the railway station to go home, they had all gone.

I've no idea what it was all about - just thought you'd be interested.


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Post by Canuck100 »

Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:08 pm

I'll start things off by telling you about a TUG situation that I witnessed a couple of days ago, and which reminded me of the whole "Snapshots" concept.

Snapshot #1 : TUG in the metro

I was riding the metro, minding my own business, listening to music on my Ipod, when suddenly a couple that was standing near the doors caught my attention: they were kissing passionately, in the middle of the rush hour crowd. Not something you see everyday.

Quick descriptions:
  • Him: about 18yo, was wearing jeans, a hoodie and a windbreaker jacket. Also wearing wool mittens, scarf, and a wool hat
  • Her: about 18yo, slightly taller than him, brunette with long straight hair. Quite beautiful. She was wearing jeans, a long red winter scarf and a wool hat (or tuque, as we call them here), and the kind of parka that the Arctic explorers wear (with the fur-trimmed hood), only in a shorter version (waist length).
So she’s kissing him - quite passionately I might say. She’s definitely the boss in the couple: she grabs his butt, draws him towards her, holds his face with her two hands while kissing him etc. You get the picture. They're completely oblivious to the crowd of fellow passengers. Actually, I think they enjoy the attention they're getting from most of the people.

In the course of their heavy-petting session, he tries to grab her butt, but she doesn’t allow any of it: she takes his wrists and takes them behind his back, holding them while kissing him. After a short while, he tries - not too hard - to break free, but she doesn’t allow it. She grabs one of his coat's drawcords (his coat had adjustable drawcords at the waist), and uses it to tie one of his wrists so his side. She does the same thing with a second drawcord, on his other side. So basically his arms are stuck on his side.

She's not done yet: next, she pulls down is wool hat over his eyes, almost covering his whole face. She takes her own scarf from around her neck, and lassoes him with it. She then pulls him towards her, using the two ends of her scarf, which she then holds behind her own back. Stuck against her, he has no choice but to return her kiss.

After a minute or of intense kissing, he asks her to untie him as they'll need to get off at the next stop. I hear her reply "no way, you're staying like this until we get to my home." And then she whispers "And even after".

They got off at the next stop. As the metro left the station, I could see her leading him by his scarf towards the exit. But he wasn't blindfolded anymore.

I would be quite curious to find out what happened when they got home!

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Post by Canuck100 »

Thu Feb 21, 2008 6:26 pm

This one happened in college. Remember those cramped dorm hallways and how you could see into every room when the door was open?

I was coming up the stairs to the 2nd floor, when I had heard a room door open. Just before I rounded the corner into the hallway, I heard a guy say, "Stay still. I'll be right back."

I rounded the corner. The guy was standing in the doorway of the room and had his back to me. He was walking out backward and beginning to shut the door.

However, before he closed the door, I could see a 20-year-oldish co-ed hogtied and gagged on the bed. She was only wearing her socks and underwear. She was laughing and clearly not in any danger. Her eyes met mine for just a brief moment. She was highly embarrassed.

The guy realized I was behind him and quickly closed the door. He turned around very startled and sheepish. I walked right by him, but was grinning from ear to ear.

"Don't sweat it, buddy" I said without turning around. "I envy you."

I kept on walking and he went about his business. I bumped into that same guy many times after that, but never saw her again.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Fri Feb 22, 2008 4:31 pm

This morning at school, a bunch of the 8th graders decided it would be fun to pick on a 7th grade girl. So they somehow got ahold of a roll of construction tape and taped her to the pole next to the main entrance. She was going to the toilets and as she walked back they ambushed her (she told me).

By the time I found her, she was crying and moving furiously up and down and sideways. I know the girl personally, so I comforted her and we talked it through with her teacher...

That's all I have for now.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Tue Apr 15, 2008 1:50 pm

Hey! I've been visiting this site for a while, I thought it would be time I'd start contributing, so I'll start by describing one of the first times I saw a boy tied up.

My friend Caroline and I, both about 12 at the time, were at our neighbourhood's arena to watch a hockey game in which her 14 yo brother was participating. To be honest, we were there mostly to watch her brother's friends - not so much the game itself. ;)

The game had not started yet, as we had arrived there an hour in advance. A practice had been scheduled before the game. We were sitting a few rows behind where the players' bench was located (hoping to get a good view of the boys!). We were busing chatting, waiting for the game to start, when we heard a commotion in the tunnel that went from the ice rink to the locker room.

The boys who were causing the ruckus eventually emerged from the tunnel, carrying a chair to which was duct taped a boy. He had been stripped to his boxers - or they had taped him while he was changing into his hockey gear. Generous amounts of duct tape had been used to tape him to the chair. His hands were taped behind his back (behind the chair, actually), and they wrapped duct tape around his chest, thighs and ankles. The only things he was wearing were his socks, his hockey gloves, which had been taped to his wrists, and a hockey helmet.

Seing us sitting a few rows above them - we were pretty much the only spectators so far - the boys decided to drop off their duct taped teammate in front of us. Now that he was facing us, we could see that under his helmet, they had wrapped duct tape around his head numerous times, effectively silencing him. Once they had deposited him on the ground, the boy started mmphing like crazy, moving around, trying to untie himself. With no success.

Laughing their asses off, his teammates left him there and returned to the locker room. Just before disappearing in the tunnel, one of the boys turned towards us and said "make sure he doesn't go away!"

Caroline and I looked at each other, not sure of what we should be doing - besides enjoying the sight of the bound boy.

Before we could approach him or do anything, the team coach emerged from the tunnel with a few of the boys, and told them "ok guys, you've had your fun, now bring him back inside and untie him". Unfortunately for us, they did take him away and went towards the locker room.

Nothing else special happened during the rest of the practice or during the game. After the game, Caroline's brother told us that it was this boy's birthday, and that they usually had a "special treatment" reserved for their teammates birthdays. And that if there coach hadn't been there, he would have stayed tied up until the start of the game.

Wew, I didn't think my "snapshot" would be this long. I'll have a few more to write, so I'll come back later. Let me know what you think!


Mon May 12, 2008 2:19 pm

Here's another TUG snapshot from my teen years:

I was hanging out with a few friends at the neighbourhood park, just sitting, chatting, playing frizbee, cruising boys, playing soccer - you know, hanging out.

Not too far away, I spot three boys, about 15yo (I knew one of them from school), wrestling with another one, who looked a little bit younger - maybe 12. It was hard to tell what they were doing exactly, but a few minutes later, when I looked again in their direction, imagine my surprise when I saw that the younger boy had been tightly hogtied using his long shoelaces (very long shoelaces were "in", at the time). They had also pulled his hoodie around his face tightly, effectively blindfolding him. The cords of his hoodie had also been wrapped around his head, cleave-gagging him.

His friends were now sitting around him, chatting, as if they didn't have a tied up friend in front of them. He struggled to get free, but didn't succeed at all. He remained hog tied for at least half an hour, until I had to go home - unfortunately it was already late and my curfew was approaching, but I would definitely would have liked to stay and watch them longer...

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Post by Canuck100 »

Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:32 am

)Okay this happened not long ago.

I was about 13 and everyone else was either 13 or 14. I was at my friends house and his sister was having a bunch of her friends over.

At somepoint we got bored so we went to see what the girls were up to. We looked out side and saw 4 of them chasing one girl, Steph (my recently ex girlfriend :( ) As we watched they caught up to her, quite an achievement cuz she was fricken fast and held her arms behind her. While two of them held her, one of them placed some duct tape over her mouth and the other one tied her arms behind her and her legs.

Intrigued by the situation but kind of worried that we would be caught snooping we decided to go back to playing Rock Band. After a while my friend was pissed that I was so amazingly good at Rock Band (not to toot my own horn but I have been told by many that I am pretty damn good at drums and guitar) so we decided to once again see what the girls were doing. We went back to their room and didnt find any of the girls except steph. Who was hog-tied on the bed in just her bra and panties with duct tape wrapped around her head. At this point we were extremely intrigued by the situation but just laughed and left.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:54 pm

I live in shanghai china soo i have a language class in mandarin(I'm leaving this year back to the states) But as I walked into the room and got my mandarin text books out i saw a girl walk in with her hands duct taped behind her back and some covering her mouth her friend yanked and out and she kind of moaned but then she went to her class i always wondered why that was...The girl is asian and around 5 ft. for no reason at all i thought this girl was a jerk...


Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:59 pm

When I was 15, my girlfriend's brother was at the school swimming team, he had a competition that day so my girlfriend took me to the pool to watch her brother, because of a problem with the time, we arrived 30 minutes early when the pool was still empty, since we didn't have anything to do we just sat and wait, after a few minutes a group of boys (they must have been 13 or 14 years old) appeared and went to the lockers, after about 10 minutes we heard some noises form the lockers and suddenly one of the boys appeared, his hands were ducttaped to his back, more tape had been wrapped around his ankles, knees, chest and head leaving him tightly tied and gagged, apparently he had been caught while changing to his swimming trunks since he was wearing only his boxers and one sock on one foot.

Suddenly, the rest of the boys appeared, all of them laughing, the tied up boy tried to hop away from them but they just grabbed him and throw him to the pool, with the water, he managed to rip the tape and finally reappeared shouting a lot of bad words, finally he got out of the pool and went to the lockers.


Sun Jul 27, 2008 7:49 pm

My first encounter with TUGs happened when I was aged about ten. One Saturday morning, I looked out the window and saw two kids in their mid-teens. She was my neighbour, Lynsey, a pretty girl with long blonde hair. She had babysat me a couple of times and I had a bit of a crush on her.
She was with her boyfriend. They were taunting and chasing each other and began playfully wrestling. Suddenly he grabbed her in a hug, forced her arms behind her back and tied her hands. They were too far away for me to see what he was using to bind her. He then dragged her over to the fence, secured her to the railing and began tickling her. She was laughing and begging for mercy. She was wearing a little sundress, and he started teasing her by fooling about with the straps and flipping up the hem, while she giggled helplessly.

This went on for ages, and I was especially intrigued that they were playing in the front yard in full view of everyone. I had seen people tied up on TV and in the movies, but this was the first time I saw it as a fun game. That’s how I got started in TUGs; although unfortunately I never had the opportunity to tie up the lovely Lynsey.

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