Maxwell : 01 - What got me into being tied up (f/m)

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Maxwell : 01 - What got me into being tied up (f/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Maxwell's stories
01 - What got me into being tied up
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By Maxwell

Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:19 pm

I'm gonna start of simple, by sharing the thing that first got me into being tied up. It's an experience that obviously had a big effect on me, so I guess it's a good place to start. Unfortunately, it's not a sexual story, so that might make it a little less interesting. But for me, it's just how things started, so it holds a special little place in my heart.

The first time I got tied up I was like 9 or 10. It was by the girl that lived across the street. Her name was Melissa. Our parents were friends, and we lived across the street, so after school (it was like first or second grade, I think) we would play with each other. We'd often hang out in her room (I have no idea what we used to do -- don't really remember).

Well, one day we were hanging out in her room, and I was sitting in a big rocking chair that she had in there. I don't remember how or why it happened the very first time, but she took some ribbons out of her hair and tied my wrists to arms of the chair. I couldn't get free, and I kind of enjoyed the challenge of it. She then went to her drawer, got a few more ribbons, and tied my ankles to the chair. I still couldn't get my wrists free, so I was unable to free my ankles.

Nothing much happened with it. I guess she untied me a short while later, and it was pretty uneventful. Except for the fact that I really liked it. From then on, I would try to get her to tie me up. And she did, a few more times. I would tell her that I wanted to be an escape artist, and that she could tie me up to practice. I don't think she minded, but I don't think she loved it either. I do remember that one day she had tied me to the chair and her mom knocked on the door, and she threw a big bed quilt over me and the chair to hide us from her mom (who must have known I was under there, but just didn't know that I was tied up. But that's really as wild as it ever got.

I chose this as a place to start because it's where it started for me. Obviously this isn't where it ends. As I got to my early teenage years I found some other girls on my street and got them to tie me up. I even got Melissa to do it again years later when I was in high school. Then I went through a drought until my mid-twenties (about a year and a half ago) when I met a girl who genuinely enjoyed having me tied up and gagged, just as much as i enjoyed her doing it. So needless to say, i have some stories to tell.

Hope this is a good start. I know there's not much of a plot or a story, but it lays the foundation.....

There you go -- I shared a little bit -- lets all share a little bit, and make this dreambook really get going!!!


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