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Jack : 01 - Sophomore Years in Texas (F/M)

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 3:28 am
by Canuck100
Jack's stories
01 - Sophomore Years in Texas
Story index at the bottom

By Jack

Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:45 pm

I had my first "true" bondage experience when during my sophomore year of college, in the early 60s. I say my first true experience because while playing games like cowboys and indians, cops and robbers and war-type games, I always contrived to be the unlucky one who was captured and tied up by the enemy. This desire of mine to be bound started so early in my youth, about 5 to 6 years of age, that it could not have had an overtly sexual connotation.

During the early part of my sophomore year at a university in Texas, I met and subsequently moved into an apartment with Sharon, a young woman who was a year older than I, to the great consternation of my parents and school authorities. Yeah, believe it or not it was a really different world back in the ancient times, especially in a bible-belt state like Texas. For the times, this was scandalous, in itself. I was also under the watchful eye of the athletic department of the college, due to my being there on a football scholarship.

Sharon and I were at home one Saturday night, watching a movie on our old black and white TV, in which the male star of the movie was tied and gagged by a female villian, and kept in this predicament for quite a long time. I was trying with all my might to hide the fact that this was very interesting and terribly exciting to me. I felt the need to hide my interest and excitement because I thought that if Sharon knew about my secret desire she would think I was weird or perverted, and that would be the end of our relationship. Sharon looked at me and asked something on the order of, "That excites you, doesn't it?" I felt my heart beating so fast that I thought it must surely be audible in the room. When I said nothing, she took my hand and said, "It's okay, sweetie, that's exciting to me, too." I swallowed and gasped out a question to her, "Have you ever tied anyone up before? Do you really know how to do it?" She laughed and said, "I grew up on a ranch with three brothers. We played all sorts of games where one or the other of us got tied up. Of course I know how to tie someone up, and if I do say so myself, I'm pretty good at it. Ask my brothers. They were never able to get loose when I tied them up. Would you like me to keep you tied up for awhile?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This was my dream come true. I expected Sharon to burst out laughing at any moment and tell me that it was all a joke, and that I was a pervert. Instead, she kissed me lightly on the lips, took my hand and said, "Come into the bedroom. I promise I won't hurt you or keep you tied any longer than you want." I arose and allowed her to lead me into our bedroom. My knees were so weak that they felt like water.

"We don't have any rope or anything", I protested. "Oh", Sharon said, "There's always something around. Why don't you take off your clothes and wait while I find it." I removed all of my clothing down to my underwear and waited as she had instructed, all the while not believing that this was actually happening to me. I was wild with anticipation. She left the room and returned with a coil of clothesline rope which she used to bind my wrists tightly behind my back. Moving me onto the bed and placing me face down, she lashed my legs ankle to thigh, effectively hogtying me. She finished by fastening my wrists to my ankles and pulling my elbows severely behind my back before knotting the rope. My elbows would not meet because my wrists were bound in a crosswise manner and my shoulders were too wide; but they felt as if they were only a few inches apart.

I began to struggle against the ropes and soon realized with a rising sense of panic that I was not going to be able to escape. The feeling of panic was soon replaced by a feeling of excitement and pleasure so intense that I became light-headed. For the first time in my life I was under the control of another person. Giving up control meant also meant having to give up responsibility for the outcome of this process. Whatever happened was going to happen quite in spite of anything that I did. That was probably the most freeing experience of my life.

I remained bound until about 2 AM, when Sharon said that she was going to have to untie me or else I would be so stiff in the morning that I couldn't move. When she released me and we got into bed and turned out the light, I moved up against her side. She stretched out her arm beneath my neck and I put my head on her shoulder. I took one of her hands in both of mine and felt her arm protectively around my shoulders. I fell instantly asleep, feeling secure and fulfilled as never before.

This was not the last time we played bondage games. Before we drifted away from one another, I spent many enjoyable hours inescapably bound and gagged, secure in the knowledge that she would not hurt me. My wish for anyone who shares my need to be made helpless is that they have someone so gentle, kind and accepting in their lives.

To look at me no one would ever guess that I love to play the submissive role in bondage scenarios. I am a very successful businessman, have earned the rank of black belt in two different martial arts and still participate in boxing and kick boxing. I have also raised children who know nothing of their dad's kinky life. I still play these games with my wife, but, as they say in the movies, "That's another story."


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