Tom Ford : 09 - The Unexpected Game (mm/F, F/mm)

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Tom Ford : 09 - The Unexpected Game (mm/F, F/mm)

Post by Canuck100 »

Tom Ford's stories
09 - The Unexpected Game
Story index at the bottom

By Tom Ford

Friday, June 7th 2002 - 02:02:56 AM

Spring - 1966
The Unexpected Game

In the last story, we played cops and robbers. The cops are I, Jay, Frank and David while the robbers are Andrew, Chester and Donald. We were able to capture Chester and Donald, but Andrew managed to capture all the cops, thus winning the game.

The week was quiet after that Sunday afternoon game. We concentrated ourselves in doing school stuff. Nobody planned any games that weekend and I mean nobody. We did not expect any tie-up game that Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday turned out to be a rainy spring day. It rained all morning so that none of our friends were able to come over. Afternoon was no better. It continued to rain. We were not able to meet our friends because of the rain. So my brothers and me decided to play without them.

Dad went out with Betty and Lawrence to some errand or something. All we know is that they won't be back till dinner. That leaves Mom, Andrew, me, Barney and John in the house. To pass the time, we decided to play cops and robbers. It would be Andrew and me as the robbers while the cops would be Barney and John. Now, since both were not yet nine years old (Barney was seven and John six), there would be no tie-up situations involved in our game.

The plot is simple. The robbers would go in to the bank (John's room) and rob it at night (meaning when the room is empty). Then the cops would chase us and try to get the money back and the bad guys either dead (when you get hit by a gun) or in jail (when the robber surrenders). When that happens, the cops win. The robbers win simply by shooting the cops dead.

There was no base this time. Andrew and I wore large handkerchiefs over our faces - like the one you see in westerns - where the nose down is covered and only the eyes are showing, forehead and hair are showing. We looked liked bad guys in a western, not a modern day bank robber, but, what the heck! We went up and at the dead of night, sneaked in the bank. We then proceeded to open the safe (John's drawer) and collected the cash (play money). We put the cash in a sack.

"Do you think this'll be enough?" I asked

"Well, with this much dough, we could live like kings!" Andrew said.

"As soon as we get to Mexico. Remember the cops are still after us after escaping from Alcatraz." I said.

Then suddenly, we heard police sirens (the cops' footsteps). We immediately grabbed the sack of money and ran toward the streets (downstairs).

We went to our hideout (the basement) where Andrew counted the money. I decided to come up and try to shoot some cops. I saw Barney and tried to shoot him, but he also saw me and we had a water gun fight in the living room. I went to Barney's room and hid behind the door. I waited for one of the boys to come in the room, and soon I heard the doorknob being turned. I soon grabbed the knob, opened the door wide open and shouted, "Put your hands up, or you're dead!"

To my surprise, the person who I confronted was not Barney or John or even Andrew, but Mom!

My mom is 30 years old, has light brown hair, blue eyes, and is 5'10". She was (and still is) a loving caring mother. I would not have been able to deliberately find a better Mom than she if I wanted to.

Our parents' attitude toward this game is that it is just another childhood games, like baseball or tag. Generally, they don't mind our games, just as long as nobody was hurt. And the only rule that limits our games is the rule that you are not allowed to tie somebody up if he or she is not yet nine. Besides that, we are left to our own devices, as long as we did our chores, study and did our homework and get A's and that kind of stuff.

I expect that she would just ignore me or smile at me and continue whatever she was supposed to do, and I expect to say sorry for saying and explaining it was just play. Of course, she knows its just fun, I just felt as a dutiful son to apologize and explain. Instead, she gave me a reaction that never in my wildest dreams I'd expect.

She raised her hands, and said in mock terror, "Please take whatever you want, just don't hurt me!". Clearly, she decided to play along with our game. At first, I could not believe my ears and just stood there, pointing my gun at her, but she snapped me out of it. "Aren't you going to rob me?" she asked.

"No, I already robbed your house!" I said as I lead her into Barney's room and closed the door.

"Please, what are you going to do with me?" she asked, still playing the part of the victim of robbery.

"Well, I don't know! I'm supposed to ambush John and Barney but instead got you.", I said, dropping out of my robber character.

"Tom, we've got the whole place surrounded. Surrender now!" Barney suddenly shouted from outside the room, "And you won't get hurt!"

"You'll never get me alive", I shouted back.

"Tom, if you hurt your hostage, you will never get out of there alive!" Barney responded.

What hostage? What is he talking about? Wait a minute, Mom! They must have seen what happened and have assumed that Mom is my hostage in the game.

"Oh Please don't hurt me!" Mom said, still playing the role.

I decided to play along.

"Stand up!" I told her and she obeyed. I stuck the gun at her back and told her to open the door.

"If any of you want her not to get hurt, put down your guns!" I ordered the cops.

They obeyed, and I led Mom to the basement.

"What took you so long?" Andrew asked after I returned.

I explained to Andrew what had happened.

"Please, take my money, my jewels, just let me go!" Mom suddenly said, obviously enjoying all this.

We were still arguing what to do, when she interrupted us and said, "Why don't you tie me up. Otherwise I would escape and tell the cops where you robbers are hiding." She suggested.

We were dumbfounded. We never expected this! But it hit me as a great idea. But Andrew had reservations about it.

"Are you sure, Mom?" Andrew asked.

"Do you want me to play or not? If you want, then tie me up, otherwise I would escape and tell the cops were you are!" she responded.

Of course we wanted her to play, even if we did not originally intend for her to join in our game.

I took a three-feet long piece of rope, and told Mom to cross her wrists behind her back. She did, and Andrew began wrapping the rope around her wrists. It seems to me that Andrew is more concerned the comfort of my mother's wrists than on doing a good tie-up job. I looked at the way he tied the wrists, and it was so loose that she could easily pulled one hand out of the ropes without any difficulty on her part.

"There!" Andrew exclaimed after knotting it off.

"I think you better tighten it Andrew, I could easily escape these ropes." my mother replied.

With, that, Andrew carefully retied the ropes and began to tighten it. With each pull of the rope, which tightens the binds, Andrew always asks Mom if it hurt, or is it too tight. Each time she answers no, he would tighten it a bit and then ask if it was too tight. When she finally said, "I think this is tight enough", Andrew then knotted it off with a simple square knot.

Andrew is usually extremely competent when it comes to ropes and knots. He usually ties it snug and tight enough for that person not to escape but always made sure it does not hurt the person being tied up or cut off circulation. But this time, he was so afraid of hurting Mom that he botched the first job, and in the second time, only succeeded after an endless questions of "Is it too tight?" or "Does it hurt?" or "Is it already tight enough?" while tying her up. Mom assured us that we should go ahead and tie it as tight as we want, and she would tell us if it hurt, but that didn't stop Andrew from asking all those questions. Given the fact that it is the first time we tied up an adult, a parent at that, and a female, made me more nervous. I would have reacted the same way as Andrew did when he tied Mom up. We would gradually acquire confidence in tying up adults and parents, but this is our very first time, and we were very afraid of hurting our parents. Still it was fun.

I then sat Mom in a chair, where I tied her waist to the back of chair. I took another piece of rope and tied her ankles. During the entire time, I kept asking Mom if it hurts or not.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Mom asked us.

"Like what?" Andrew asked.

"What if I scream or call for help."

"Oh!" Andrew said and took an handkerchief and cleave-gagged Mom. Cleave-gags are not really effective, but they look great. Besides, we do not want to use other forms of not too comfortable to the mouth gags on Mom - yet. Yet Andrew might be a little bit too concerned, for he tied the gag very loose.

"I think you better tighten it", Mom said.

Andrew tightened the gag and she seemed satisfied at the tightness of the gag, although she could still speak.

When we finished, Andrew asked Mom to test the bonds. She struggled while we watched. The ropes held. She was going nowhere.

After watching her for a while, Andrew and I decided to go upstairs and finish the cops and robbers game with Barney and John. We expected them to pounce on us when we emerged, and we were not disappointed. They pounced on us, but we easily shoved them back. Then the gun battle began. We hid behind chairs as we try to hit the cops, but they also hid behind chairs. Soon, our water guns were empty and the fight degenerated into one side trying to hit the other with pillows. We romped around the living room, we were soon wrestling them, and we soon had them pinned to the floor. Since we were not allowed to tie them up, we tried to force them to admit defeat. When they refused, we tickled them, until finally, they were forced to admit our victory, thus winning this day's game.

I went down to the basement to announce that since the cops are not after us anymore, we don't need any hostage, so we will release my Mom. But soon, I got another shock.

I went to the chair were Mom was suppose to be, but it was empty. I was surprised. How did she get away? I asked myself. Where is she? My second answer was soon answered when a hand was clamped over my mouth, and my Mom said, "I got you, Mr. Robber!" and pointed a water gun at my back.

She then released her hand from my mouth and told me to turn around. I turned around.

"Open you mouth", she said. I did and she placed a handkerchief in my mouth, and then tied a bandana over my mouth, preventing me from spitting it out. She then told me to turn around and told me to put my hands behind me.

I did, and Mom took a rope and tied my crossed wrist with it. She wrapped the rope around my wrists, vertically and then horizontally, and knotted it off. She placed the knot beyond the reach of my fingers. And the ropes are snug and tight, yet it didn't hurt or cut off circulation. I tested my bonds, and they held. She sat me on the sofa, where we waited for Andrew.

"Hey Tom, let Mom go. We have to clean the living room. It's a mess!" Andrew said as he opened the door. When he saw us, he just stood there, probably as dumbfounded as I was when I saw Mom free from the bonds.

"Andrew, its time for you to join Tom!" Mom said upon seeing my brother.

"But Mom, we've got to clean up the living room!" My brother protested. (Andrew is obviously trying to get to Mom's good side. The living room is a mess and we thought Mom would flip if she saw the mess. After all, what normal 10-year-old boy would voluntarily do some chores? And it is a good way to avoid being tied up. Even though we enjoyed being tied up, nobody of us would admit it.)

"Well, if you come down here and do as I say, maybe you won't need to clean the living room." Mom replied.


"No buts, just come down here!"

Andrew came down, looked at me, smiled, turned around and put his hands behind him. Mom then wrapped the rope, vertically then horizontally, same as mine, cinched the rope and knotting it off, again placing it beyond the reach of his fingers.

Andrew tested the bonds. Like mine, the ropes held.

"Mom, where did you learn to tie like this?" Andrew asked.

"Well, when we were your age, your father, Uncle Richard, Aunt Rachel, me and our friends used to play tie-up games just like you do now. Well, in playing all those years, we naturally acquired the knowledge to tie a knot and how to tie somebody up." Mom answered. "Now keep quiet. It's gag time for you!"

Andrew opened his mouth and a handkerchief was shoved into his mouth. Mom then tied a bandana over his mouth to hold the gag in place.

Mom then helps me stand up, and then gestured for us to follow her. We followed her up the stairs (while still bound and gagged), to the living room where she sat us on two wooden chairs. She then tied our crossed ankles and tied our upper bodies to the back of the chair.

"John! Barney! Come here!" Mom called.

Those two soon appeared, and was shocked to see us both tied up. Mom then said in a playful tone, "If you still want to see these two alive, clean up this mess."

My two little brothers seemed amused at this clever way Mom induced them to clean the room, and they began cleaning the living room. Of course, they took their time in cleaning it. It seems that when there is a bound person in the room, it would take you one hour to do things that you normally would do in fifteen minutes. Well, the work is deliberately slow, for they seem happy to see their big brothers tied up and helpless. Finally, after a very, very, very, very, very long time, they finished.

Mom soon untied us once she was satisfied the room was squeaky clean. She then gave us snacks and drinks to eat. We spent the rest of the afternoon either watching TV, or telling stories, Mom in particular recounting the days when she was a kid and played tie-up games.

This incident in that rainy spring afternoon is one of my memorable events of my childhood. It is one of the stories, which I can recount without using my diary. On that day, for the first time, I tied up a female, an adult, and a parent. For the first time, I was tied up at the same time Andrew was also bound. This is the first time I tied up my Mom. But this is not the last time, as you will see in later stories.

Our estimation of Mom increased dramatically after that incident. Of course, she was already extremely high in our estimates before that, yet it went up higher after because of what happened. For Mom not only approved of our games, but actually played the game too.

Well, that's the end of tie-up games for that weekend. The next tie-up game will occur next Saturday. During the next game, our old game of revenge and counter revenge resumed. What happened? Read the next part and find out.

Tom Ford

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Last edited by Canuck100 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by charliesmith »

Such an awesome story? Was the mom part of their games in any other chapter ? :) please let me know
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My ongoing stories:

Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Great family bondage story.
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Post by Nainur »

well, yeah I like those very much - if I call them 'good ol' days-stuff, I mean it absolutely as a compliment.
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