Rob B : 01 - "Let's Tie Him Up" (fff/m)

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Rob B : 01 - "Let's Tie Him Up" (fff/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Rob B's stories
01 - "Let's Tie Him Up"
Story index at the bottom

By Rob B

Saturday October 7th 2000 07:11:06

Part I

My name is Ron. I've been a fan of this site for a couple months now, and one of the previous posts in the archives inspired me to tell my own story of being tied up by 3 of my female friends in high school. The story reminded me a lot of mine - it was in February about two girls (Jamie and Lisa) who bet a guy they can tie him up and he can't get loose. Remember? Anyway, mine is similar (although doesn't involve a bet) and I have the feeling it is a somewhat common childhood/teenage theme among those who have been tied up.

Here is some background - I'll set the scene. This happened a few years ago in high school. I hung out with a mixed crowd (guys and girls), but this day I was at my friend Robin's house (female) and there were 2 other friends there, both girls - Kori and Lee. We were all 17. It was a torrentially rainy spring day and we were hanging out with nothing to do.

People on this site seem to always try to mention what the people involve looked like and were wearing, so here goes my best recollection. Robin had long brown hair and was beautiful. She had on a short-sleeved button down shirt (like a dress shirt), grey sweat pants, and white socks. Lee was a short, perky blonde with kind of frizzy hair past her shoulders - she was very cute. She had on a purple Izod shirt (these girls all loved that GAP, preppie look), striped pants, and purple socks. Kori I had a huge crush on - brownish blonde hair, long legs, deep brown eyes, very slender and lean. She was from the south and spoke with a slight accent. I really had a little thing for her. She also had on an Izod (that's how I remember) and blue pants and grey argyle socks. I had on a concert t-shirt and jeans. I was the only one with shoes on.

We were flipping around the channels. Kori sat next to me on the couch, Lee and Robin were stretched out on the floor. I had the remote. We were very bored until I saw that a Clint Eastwood western was on - "Outlaw Josey Wales." One of my favorites and I told them to watch it. I was getting into it, but they hated it.

About an hour in Robin grabbed the remote from me and turned the TV off in disgust, saying she couldn't take any more of it. I told her it wasn't for girls, I guess, and made fun of them for that.

Kori said, "That's like an hour of my life I'm never goin to have back. I should charge you for it." She kicked at me playfully and I laughed.

"Girls just don't understand classic movies."

Robin said, "We don't understand bad movies. We watched your awful movie for an hour and I'm more bored than ever!"

"Well, think of something to do," I said.

Next Lee stood up.

"We should make you sit outside for an hour - that'd be more fun for us than that awful thing you just made us watch."

"Stop complaining," I said. "If you're all so bored, think of something. Anything! But your complaints do nothing for me."

Kori swung both her feet up and kicked at me again, on the arms.

"Maybe we should throw him outside."

We all jabbered about this for about a minute. Then Robin said, "I have a better idea. Let's tie him up!"

"Yeah right," I said.

"Tie him up?" Kori said.

"Do you have rope?"

"My Dad's got a whole bunch in the garage for camping. Want me to get it."

I still hadn't moved, because I didn't take this as a threat.

"Do what you want. But no one's tying me up."

"Is that so?" Lee said.

"Get him, Kori!" and she pounced on me. Kori did the same - the 3 of us wrestled on the couch while Robin ran out to the garage yelling, "Hold him down while I get the rope!"

We wrestled and they didn't really have much of a grip on me, but I was a little off guard Kori was now holding one of my arms pretty tight while Lee sat on my stomach. A minute later Robin came in with several lengths of rope, dropped it, pulled on my free arm (it was hanging off the couch) and yanked me down to the floor. Kori fell my by head and held onto my other arm, while Lee stayed on top of me and basically rode me down to the floor. It hurt and I was now at a serious disadvantage. Kori was above my head and put her knees on both my shoulder, pinning me kind of painfully. Lee stayed on my stomach. Robin took one of the ropes and tied it around one wrist, which was pinned over my head by Kori.

"Turn him over!" Robin told Kori.

"Lee, if he resists, punch him in the stomach."

I did as they tried to flip on my stomach, and Lee delivered a hard punch right to the middle of my stomach. It knocked the wind out of me and after that I was rolled over pretty easily. When they got me to my stomach, Lee put her knees on the backs on my legs, which hurt. Robin and Kori tried to pry my hands behind my back, but I resisted.

"Knock it off! Come on, this hurts!" I said.

"This isn't going to work."

"Shut up," Robin said.

"Kori, if his hands aren't behind his back in 10 seconds, pull his hair as hard as you can."

"Okay," Kori said, grabbing my hair near my forehead.

"Sugar, I think you should do as your told."

I resisted still and Kori yanked, causing me to yell and give in.

"Okay! Okay! Just stop!"

Robin had my hands tied behind my back in about a minute, and then they turned me over again. Kori held down my shoulders with her hands.

"Lee," Robin said, handing her some rope.

"Tie his feet."

"He's kicking me!" Lee said.

"Take his shoes off," Robin ordered and sat on my legs.

"He won't dare. Will you?"

I gave up. Lee slipped my sneakers off and tied the rope around my feet. Then another. Then they all got off me, hopped to their feet, and looked at their work while I rolled around with my hands and feet tied.

"Isn't he cute?" Lee said.

"What's the matter, Ronnie? You're not gonna let 3 little girls tie you up, are you," Robin taunted.

They all laughed and Robin fortified the bonds with a rope around my chest and then my upper legs. Then they propped me up on the floor against the couch.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"We told you," Robin said. "We're bored. No other reason."

"Will you please untie me? You've proved your point."

"There's no point," Robin said, while Kori collected my shoes and wallet (it fell out of my pocket in the struggle) and watch and tucked them into her backpack. My car keys were still in my front pocket.

"We were bored and felt like tying you up. So we did. Untie you? No no, Ronnie. You're not going anywhere."

"What should we do with him?" Lee said.

"I don't know yet," Robin said with a grin, crouching down and looking me in the face. "My parents are gone until tomorrow. Let's throw him my closet until we think of something."

"No!" I yelled and thrashed some more while they dragged me into Robin's bedroom (it was on the same floor).

My struggles did no good and I continued to yell.

"Kori," Robin said, "there are some long bandanas in my top drawer. Get them out."

Kori did and brought one pink and one red one over. Robin crouched down and rolled them tight in her hands.

"Guess we have to gag you," she said, and forced the first one over my mouth. Then the second. My yelling was now muffled.

They forced me into the closet, which Lee and cleared the bottom out of. Kori was laughing hard as they all stood in the doorway of the closet, looking down at their helpless prisoner, bound and gagged.

"Can he breathe like that?" she asked, still laughing.

"He's fine," Robin said.

"It's just a gag."

Then Robin waved with her fingers. "Bye bye. See you in a little while, when we decide what to do to you."

They closed the door as I tried to scream, "No!" I heard the door being locked and lots of giggling.

"Leave him in there, the brat," Robin said, their voices trailing away.

I was now bound and gagged and locked in a dark closet. I tried to kick to loosen the ropes, but there wasn't much space. I wondered how this happened - How did they do this? 3 girls tying up a guy? I couldn't figure out how this happened - how I let this happen. I writhed around for a few minutes, but I realized it was hopeless. I gave up and slumped against the closet wall, trying to loosen the gag with my teeth. That didn't work either. A few minutes passed. Then the door opened. It was Kori, who started laughing all over again.

"Hi honey," she said, dripping that southern accent.

I grunted.

"What, no hi for me?" she teased. "Oh, you can't say hi with a gag in your mouth, can you, sugar?"

I grunted again.

"We need your car keys. Lee needs to get her overnight bag. We've decided to have a sleepover! You're car is blocking hers, so we need your car keys."

I said nothing.

"I'm going to take your gag off and you're going to tell me where they are, okay?"

I nodded. She knelt down and slipped her fingers under the gag, sliding it down around my neck. I gasped for a second and then thanked her.

"Now, where are the keys?" Kori asked, kneeling on the closet floor next to me.

"Why don't you untie me and I'll move the car myself?"

"Sugar, if you don't tell me, I have to gag you again and then go tell Robin you're not cooperating. Do you want to deal with her again? Look, tell me, and if you promise not to shout, I won't gag you again. You really have no choice."

I thought for a moment and realized she was right.

"They're in my pokcet. My left pocket. Now you promised, Kori. No gag!"

"I sure did," she smiled and reached her fingers into my pocket, giggling. I laughed and winced at the sensation and she pulled them out. I really kind of enjoyed that part.

"Now, remember our deal," she said, hopping to her feet and closing the closet door.

I heard her yell, "I got them!"

Ron B

Saturday October 7th 2000 08:16:18

Part II

So I'm bound and gagged in the closet for a while and now the door opens and it's Robin, smiling wickedly at me.

"Hello there, can you come out and play?" she asked, reaching down and grabbing and pulling me out of the closet. I tried to resist and was writing around at her feet when she put one of her feet right over my mouth. Her white socks were dirty, but I couldn't do anything about it. She stood there with her foot on my mouth and glared at me.

"Who took your gag off? You or Kori?"

"Kori" I said, muffled my the sock.

"Well, I have to have a talk with her," Robin said. She took her foot off my mouth - which I was glad about - crouched down and slid the bandana gag back into my mouth. "If this comes out again, I take these dirty socks off and gag you with those. Do you understand!?"

I nodded.

"Good," she said, snickering. She grabbed my feet and dragged me out into the other room where Kori was. She was sitting stretched out on the couch.

"Ronnie's ready to play with us," Robin said, dropping me to the floor and then shoving me against the couch, so I was sitting up against it. "And by the way Kori - no one takes his gag out without permission. He is my prisoner - you are my helpers, but he is mine. We'll kidnap him and bring him to your house one day and you can make the rules. But he is mine here and I say we gag him."

"Oh, my house?" Kori said with a smile. She was always smiling. "How about next week, honey? Is that okay with you?" And with that she slid her grey-socked foot onto my face and kind of rubbed it around. "It's nice having a man at your feet."

Ron B

Saturday October 7th 2000 09:40:37

Part III

So there I was tied up and Kori's feet with her grey socks in my face. I tried to squirm but all I could do was whimper.

"Kori, do you want to have some fun with our prisoner now?"

"I sure do," she said, continuing with her foot on my face. "Don't complain, sweetie."

"Yeah," Robin said, kneeling down next to me. "I told him if that gag comes out again, he gets worse."

"What's worse?" Kori asked.

"I gag him with my dirty socks!" Robin said wickedly.

"Gross!" Kori said with a laugh. "Honey, you better do what she says. If Robin wants you gagged, you better stay gagged. You don't want her socks in your mouth, do you?"

I grunted. It was about all I could do.

"Now," Kori said. "What do you want to do to him."

"I should tell you something about Ron," Robin said.

I should point out that I'd known Robin most of my life. She knew most of my secrets, including my crush on Kori. I was suddenly terrified she was going to tell her.I tried to scream to stop her, but Robin had gagged me tightly and it was no use.

"Well, Kori, the thing about Ronnie is..."

"Yes?" Kori said, hopping to her feet and standing in front of me.

Robin crouched down in front of me.

"He," she told Kori," is INCREDIBLY ticklish!"

I wasn't expecting this. Now I was scared for a different reason. I tried to get away but Robin grabbed me and forced me out into the middle of the floor, where she pinned me down and sat on my legs. Kori couldn't hold her excitment.

"Ticklish! He's ticklish! Oh my God - that's awesome! I love tickling," Kori said, returning her socked foot to my face. "Where are you ticklish, sugar?"

"Everywhere!" Robin said and started wiggling her fingers slowly in the air. Kori joined her and crouched down next to my bound body. I thrashed to no avail as they got closer and closer.

"My cousin and I once held down my little brother and we tickle tortured him so bad he was crying! We got into such trouble!" Kori said.

"No one's going to get you into trouble today, hon. Let's tickle him to death - STARTING NOW!" Robin yelled, and both of them touched their wiggling fingers onto my ribs and stomach and started tickling me like there was no tomorrow. If I rolled left, they would tickle my right side, and vice versa. Kori seemed to do it with devlish glee, digging her fingers into my ribcage and armpits before hopping up and moving to my feet.

"I'm gonna take his socks off and tickle his feet."

"Good,"Robin said, moving to my stomach. "Then his ribs and armpits are all mine." And she sank her fingers deep into my armpits while I felt tears in my eyes. I was almost out of control.

Kori had peeled my socks off and thrown then aside and stated fingering the soles of my feet, first slowly and then quicker. She tickled in between my toes and then around my ankles for several minutes. I was being tortured!

"I've never seen someone so ticklish!" Kori squealed while Robin tickled my neck and I panted for mercy. "Robin, did you ever tickle anyone with your feet?"

"No," Robin said, without stopping. "Does it work?"

"You won't believe it! Can I do it to him?"

"Of course!"

Kori got to her feet and Robin moved up and sat on my chest, leaving my ribs open for assault by Kori's feet. But Kori paused.

"I wonder if I should take my socks off, or tickle him with my socks on?" she asked.

"Try both, sweetie," Robin said. "Take your socks off and see how your bare feet do. Then I'll do it with my socks on. Okay?" All the while she had her fingers in my armpits and I was in agony.

"Okay," and Kori slipped off the grey argyle socks and tossed them onto my face. "You think this is torture? Wait until my feet get you!"

And she dug her bare feet into my ribs, prodding me with her toes and kneading my ribcage. I bucked so hard I almost threw Robin off me. It was the worst tickle-torture I ever felt. Afterwards, they traded places and Kori held me down while Robin sat on the couch and kept her socks on and tickled me through the socks. I was in such hysterics that I finally got the gag out and Kori grabbed one of her grey socks, put it in her hand, and placed in over my mouth.

"Robin told you - if your gag comes out, you get gagged with socks. But you're lucky - my socks are clean. Keep tickling him, honey! He loves your toes!" She held the sock on my mouth with one hand and tickled me, one armpit at a time, with the other. Tears were running down my face.

Finally Robin stopped tickling me with her feet and they stopped the torture. I screamed and Kori took the sock off my mouth. I was laughing and crying at once and begging for no more.

Ron B

Saturday October 7th 2000 10:03:23

Part IV (Conclusion)

Finally, Kori and Robin's tickle torture had stopped. I lay on the ground for several minutes composing myself while they sat on the floor next too, cross-legged, with very little sympathy.

"I have never met anyone so ticklish in my life," Kori said, putting her socks back on.

"Yeah, ever since we were kids," Robin said. "I used to keep him in line by tickling him. Right Ronnie?"

Just then the door opened. In walked Lee with her bag of night things. About an hour had passed since she left. She put her stuff down, kicked off her shoes, and padded over to us in her purple socks. She sat down next to me as well and saw I'd been crying and was still laughing.

"Oh my God!" Lee said. "What did you guys do to him?"

"We tortured him," Robin said.

"How'd you torture him?"

"We tickled him to death!" Kori said, laughing some more. "It was awesome. We tickled him so hard he cried."

"How come you didn't wait for me? I want to tickle him too!" Lee snapped. I tried to roll away but Robin held me down.

"I think our prisoner here can take a little more tickle torture. Whadda you think, Kori?"

"Yep!" Kori exclaimed, moving down to my feet. "We'll hold him down, you tickle him, Lee. He's ticklish EVERYWHERE!"

"Is that right?" Lee taunted, standing over me wiggling her fingers.

Here we go again.

I tried to scream but should have known better. Robin forced the bandana gag back into my mouth and held down my shoulders, while Kori sat on my feet. "Go for it," she told Lee

Lee gave me a fierce, unmerciful tickling on my ribs, armpits, stomach, and chest while Kori tickled my feet some more and Robin tickled my neck. I was in hysterics all over again.

"Tickle him with your feet, Lee," Kori yelled. "It's the best!"

"Really," Lee said getting up and planting her purple- socked feet into my ribcage. The tickling continued and I screamed myself hoarse under the gag and finally she stopped. Robin took my gag out and I panted for several more minutes.

Robin looked at me and sighed, "I don't think Ronnie liked our tickle torture."

"Oh, he loved it," Kori said, getting closer to me. "Right?"

I shook my head and said nothing.

"Say you love it," she said sharply, "or we'll tickle torture you all over again!!"

"Okay! Okay! I love it! I love it! Now please untie me. I can't take any more of this!"

"Not so fast," Robin said. "Before we untie our prisoner, he should find a way to thank us for showing mercy on him?"

"What'd you have in mind?" Kori asked with a grin.

"He's going to kiss our feet!" Robin declared.

"No," I said, "please don't make me. Just untie me."

Then Lee said, "You kiss our feet or we tickle you some more. Your choice."

So what was I to do? They made me kneel in front of them and lined up in a row, six technicolor feet under my face - Robin's feet in white socks, Kori's feet in grey argyle socks, Lee's feet in purple socks. I bent down and gave each foot a peck. They squealed with delight.

"Okay, we'll untie you now," Robin said, taking the ropes off my chest.

Kori untied my feet and Robin untied my hands. I just laid on the floor for a while, trying to compose myself and feeling really jumpy, while they all laughed at me. Kori even came over and said she was going to tickle me again, but I hopped up and she just giggled. She gave me my shoes, wallet, and car keys back.

"We have to do this again, Ronnie." Kori said. "I just HAVE to tickle torture you again."

"Yeah," Robin said. "Hey, we're not bored anymore. Guess we found a cure for boredom." I said no way and left a few minutes later, going back home and collapsing on my couch. My parents were out and I was home alone for a little while. I thought about the whole ordeal and laughed a lot. WHat else could I do?

Well, that's the story. Hope you liked it. I'd be happy to hear any comments.

Ron B

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Post by milagros317 »

Oh, how I wish that I had had three friends like Robin, Kori, and Lee when I was 17. :D
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by Tugs4fun »

Agree Milagros! I first read this story in canucks old site, still one of my favorites! love the basic line “Let’s tie him up!
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Post by sensitivefeet »

Really the kind of friends you can rely on: always ready to overpower you, tie you up, gag you and mischieviously tickle you... Is there more to friendship than that?
Remind me: once hogtied, just before I placed the ballgag... you said:"Please, anything but the feet"?... Good...
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