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Alex967 - The Terrible Twins (mf/mm)

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 7:00 am
by Zek_
Alex967 - The Terrible Twins (mf/mm)

Wed Jul 01, 2015 6:49 pm

During summer I (10 years old at the time) had experienced several bondage games with my cousins Ian (10), Megan (10) and Peter (8) in which I ended inevitably tied up. These games happened mainly because we had a lot of free time during our vacations to do different activities including our games and because my cousin’s house (where I spent most of that time) was large enough for us to have some privacy without the adults meddling. Yet summer was almost over which meant that soon I will be spending less time at their house and more at school burdened by homework and social obligations that, although I didn’t resent, I knew it would leave little time for our games. My cousins went to the same school as I did so I would still be seeing them plenty of time yet I had the bitter feeling that it wouldn’t be the same.

As a way of saying goodbye to the summer, Ian asked me to stay at his house overnight and to my joy, my parents agreed with it

Of course being the last weekend before school started, Ian, Megan, Peter and I tried to stay up till late doing everything we forgot to do that summer like watching moves, playing videogames and fooling around but our ten year old bodies weren’t ready yet for sleepless nights, Peter was the first to fall asleep, all curled like a cat on top of the air mattress my uncles installed in Ian’s room whenever I spent the night with them; Megan soon followed wishing us good night between yawns and going to her room. Ian and I fared a little better lying on the opposite ends of his bed talking about life in general but eventually both of us succumbed too.

I woke up the next morning at eight to find Ian noticeably absent which was odd since Ian wasn’t precisely a morning person, I rolled over my side and smiled upon seeing Peter soundly asleep with half his body on the floor and the other half on the mattress; without wasting time I kneeled beside him and shook his shoulder trying to wake him up

"Whassgoinon?" he muttered half asleep. I chuckled at the sight of his face, his eyes seemed to be refusing to open and his messy brown hair seemed to be desperately asking for a comb

"Have you seen Ian?" I asked. Peter finally opened his eyes, realized that his brother was missing and shook his head; knowing my cousin he might be up to something no good. I told Peter to stay in the room while I went looking for Ian but upon reaching the door Peter stood up and dashed by my side excited at the prospect of an "adventure"

Being summer, Ian and I had forsaken pajamas choosing a more weather-appropriate outfit to sleep, just a pair of old cotton shorts and Peter, always wanting to emulate the grown-ups slept wearing the same.

Not wanting to wake up my uncles, we tiptoed down the stairs looking for any sing of Ian, we swept the whole ground floor but there wasn’t any trace of him "Maybe he was kidnapped!" said Peter unable to hide his concern for his brother

"Nah" I said trying to comfort him "No kidnapper would want that slouch!" yet despite my reassurances, there didn’t seemed to be any sign of my cousin, eventually, only one room was left unchecked: The basement.

I should mention that I never liked Ian’s basement, it was dark, cold and dirty, full of old furniture and the occasional spider crawling through the cracks in the walls and ceiling. Unfortunately for me, Peter insisted on us checking the basement so I had to swallow my fear and lead the way downstairs.

We hadn’t even reached the landing and I was already regretting it, the only light switch was at the bottom of the stairs forcing us to walk carefully so we won’t fall down and the dirt of the ground was sticking to my barefeet much to my discomfort.

No sooner did I stepped in to concrete floor that a water pistol was stuck on the side of my head

"Hi Ian" I said deadpan, the light were turned on and we came face to face with Ian and Megan, both of them fully dressed and aiming the water pistols at us

"Hands were I can see them and not a single word!" said Ian trying and failing to make a tough-guy voice "Try anything funny and you’ll regret it!"

Peter and I complied and stepped to the center of the basement "You’ll never get away with this!" I said trying to sound defiant "The police will be here at any minute!"

Megan and Ian chuckled "By the time they are here we’ll be far away with the money" she explained playing along. The twins produced some cord and Ian proceed to tie my wrist behind my back while Megan did the same with Peter, they placed a few strips of tape over our mouths and then, after making us seat on the cold concrete floor, they tied our ankles together

Peter and I could only sat there staring at our captors defiantly, the evil twins high fived each other pleased with their job "Come on Ian! They aren’t going anywhere any time soon" said Megan proudly but her brother didn’t moved. Ian just crouched in front of us

"Yeah…they aren’t going any time soon" with a mischievous grin he tickled our feet. As usual I chuckled and laughed under my gag but Peter gave out a bunch of angry groans and tried to kick his brother with his bound feet. This only prompted Ian to pin his brother against the wall with one hand while the other one ran mercilessly through his ribs and belly until Megan told him to drop it off. As he climbed the stair, Ian turned to us promising to be back soon to continue the torture.

No sooner they left us Peter started twisting his body so his bound hands were facing me, I soon caught what he was doing and did the same until my hands were grabbing his. I could fell Peter’s fingers finding the knot binding my wrists together and tugging at it until the knot became loose enough for me to get rid of the ropes.

Once free I turned around and untied Peter’s wrists, then we peeled the tape from our mouths.

We were looking forward to turning the tables in our captors as we were working on freeing our legs, discussing what we would do to them, especially to Ian. I was about to untangle the knot holding my ankles together when the door opened an Ian walked in and stopped abruptly staring at us bewildered

"You are not supposed to escape!" he exclaimed angrily

"It’s not my fault you did such a lousy work" I replied cockily. When I saw Peter slapping his hand over his forehead I realized I had just make things worse for us. Ian took my challenge and quickly retied our hands behind our backs and gagged us again with more tape but not content with that he wrapped more rope around my torso pinning my arms tom my sides and tied my knees together.

After doing the same to Peter, he unceremoniously shoved us to the floor, as he was hogtying us, Megan walked in stopping in front of us "What are you doing?

"Making…sure…they…don’t…escape…this…time!" Ian panted tightening our knots, he had this maniacal glimmer in his eyes that made me cringe realizing this time he was serious business "This happens when you messed with the Terrible Twins muahahahaha!" said Ian doing the best evil laugh he could muster

"We aren’t calling ourselves the Terrible Twins" Megan interrupted him

"But I like that name!" Ian exclaimed breaking character which sent Peter and me into a fit of giggles under our gags. Ian and Megan left the basement again but before climbing the stair Ian turned off the lights leaving us in complete darkness.

I glanced around at my surroundings, the piles of boxers and old furniture projected eerie silhouettes around us and the cold concrete floor against our exposed skin only served to enhance the atmosphere of our kidnapped scenario. Needless to say I was loving every minute of it, imagining that Peter and I had been taken away to a distant warehouse where we were helplessly waiting for our captors to return

I soon started the arduous job of breaking free but Ian had done a much better job restraining us this time. I could see Peter’s silhouette desperately writhing his wrist and ankles with little success in getting free. I rolled on my side and tried to reach Peter’s bound wrists but we had been placed too far apart from each other, the floor wasn’t smooth enough for us to crawl without risking scratching our skins and the hogtie prevented me from rolling around so I basically lied on my side with my back facing Peter.

Luckily for me, Peter had another plan in mind, although we couldn’t reach each other’s hands, he could lie on his side and lean his torso towards me far enough for his face to reach my hands. Soon I felt Peter rubbing his taped mouth against my fingers. Smiling under my gag I felt his face until I found the edge of the tape and pulled it off

"Great" Peter whispered "I’m going to try to gnaw your knots so don’t move" I laid still while Peter set to work on my knots, only letting the occasional grunt after he accidentally bit my skin. Untangling the knot around my wrist with his teeth took him far more time that he would have had he used his fingers but finally I was able to pull my hands free.

Once again I turned around and untied Peter’s hands and chest, then I rolled over so he could untie my own chest, once free I removed my gag and we set to untie our legs.

This time our captors didn’t show up to interrupt us and soon we were enjoying our newfound freedom. I fumbled around until I found the light switch and turn in on. Once light had flooded the room we stared at each other and promptly burst into giggles

Peter looked terrible to say the least! His hair was tousled, his face and body were covered with grey dust and grit and there were red marks were the ropes had been. Judging by his reaction I didn’t look any better.

After calming ourselves down, we went upstairs ready to get back at our captors; we found them on the living room watching TV with the water pistols laying on the coffee table, upon seeing us both dropped their jaws down

"WHAT THE HELL?" Ian exclaimed "How did you escape?"

"It doesn’t matter" I replied grinning "What matters now is that we are going to capture the Terrible Twins and deliver them to the police right Peter?"

"Yeah!" he said picking up the pistols "so raise your hands and surrender Terrible Twins!"

"Stop calling us that!" Megan exclaimed annoyed yet she lifted her hands as a sign of surrender; Ian on the other side wasn’t having any of that

"I demand to know how did you escape!" he angrily stomped his foot on the ground "I won’t give up until you tell me how!"

Our argument was cut short by the arrival of my uncles who were pretty much shocked at seeing me and Peter’s raggedy appearances which we promptly waved off by claiming we had been playing on the basement. With the adults wandering around the house, our bondage games came to an end for that day and we were forced to settle with more "conventional" activities (not that we regret it since they were funny nonetheless)