Viking : A simple scout weekend in February (M/M, MM/F)

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Viking : A simple scout weekend in February (M/M, MM/F)

Post by Soraka »

just hanging (M/M)

story takes place in february when i'm 18 years old, and starts at this school in a village where we were sleeping over. during this weekend we would basicly have some meeting about future scouting and then get out in the snow and have some fun.
i noticed that a lot of the small places in Norway has this school where the gymnasium is combined with the local theatre, so there is often a stage at one end, a lot of wooden ladders connected to one side of the wall, and the floor is usually filled up with stripes in different colors so you could play different kinds of sports games like basketball or football (note that since i'm an european, what i consider football is what the americans consider soccer).

also there was this room next to the gymasium where they stored sports equipments including jumping ropes. now most of the ropes where the regular sized kind, but i managed to find this long green rope (probably about 10 meters) and another REALLY long and kinda thick white rope.
i don't know exactly how long but it where able to stretch from one end of the room and to the other (following the long wall) and even go back some to.
i have no idea what the rope where meant for, but it was there and i discovered them first.
i thought for my self that this was to good to be true, and beside who would i tie up? i figured i would take it easy when it came to this kinda games for the weekend and just don't bother with it...
you think that lasted long?

before i knew it some other boys had discovered the ropes and where now fooling around and tying up eachother (badly) and suddenly one of them asked me if i knew any good knots.

"well, i suppose you already know the boatmans knot?" i said.
"yeah, do you have any that we are'nt using that often?"
"i can show you how to make the hangman's knot"
that seemed to exciting for them so i grabbed the rope and wounded it around itself a couple of times and pulled the ends so i got a loop with 13 knots above.

"there you go, a nice tie for the next halloween party" i give them the rope and first thing those dumb kids does is pulling it around each others neck.
"HEY HEY HEY!!! don't ever do that. you might have an accident" this i said by experience from that time Peter and i tied up Hanne and Peter took it a little to far by pulling the rope so she hanged by her arms and managed to get really hurt.

suddenly one of those kids called Oscar asked me "hey Steffen, you seem to know a lot about knots and stuff. you think could try to tie me up?"
i didn't know if he was just into a challenge to see if he could get out of my work but i figured that i might as well do it, after all he asked me in a polite way.

so mutch for not getting into trouble by tying someone up. i looked around and noticed the wooden ladders at the side of the long wall.
"i got an idea" i said and made him sit up against the ladder.
"hey you, may i borrow that white rope you got there?" i said to one of the kids who where playing with the long white rope.
"sure" he said and gave it to me. i started by making a new hangman's knot on each side of the rope, then i grabbed Oscar's left arm and pulled it to his side. the other kids started to see where this was going as i walked all the way the last ladder and pulled rope behind it.

i started to walk in the other direction with the rope behind the ladders and walked for as long as i thought it would reach. then i pulled it back in the front between two ladders and walked all the way back to Oscar and attached the other loop around his right arm. now he was sitting with both arms stretched out and not able at all to get out of the knots over his wrists without any help.

"wow, this is sick." he said as he tried to pull the ropes. the way he was tied up he could try to pull the rope as mutch as he wanted to, but that would only result in him pulling the rest of the body in the same direction.
"Steffen, hurry up and get Jen"
Jen was his older sister, i once again didn't know what he was up to but i just did as he wished and went looking for his sister.

"hey Jen, Oscar wants to see you" i said once i found her. she was right outside so i only had to go out the door to see her.
"why?" she asked at first then suddenly she blasted out "OH my GOOOD, you tied him up didn't you?"
"how the hell did you know?" it suddenly appeared to me that they probably where doing this a lot. i had been reading on this forum for a while at the time so i shouldn't really be surprised by this.

"where is he?" she asked eagerly with a big smile, almost like a kid on christmas waiting for to open the presents.
"he's right here" i opened the door to her and watched her get all excited.
"NAAAAAAAAAAHW, you got tied up again didn't you" she said in a really cute way.
"HAYA JEN!!!" Oscar said with a proud voice.
next thing i knew she was all over him and tickling him. now he was not gagged either by the time so he laughed out big time.
after a long tickling torture Jen left and the other boys suddenly said "we should play some football, Oscar can be the goal"
"what?" Oscar looked at them and laughing like if they where just kidding until he saw them place one ball each on the floor.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" was the next sound i heard as they kicked the balls towards him.

everyone missed (probably on purpose) and laughed a little, including Oscar himself
"very funny you guys, now just untie me alright"

they managed to undo the two knots and went back to fooling around again the way they did.
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Post by Soraka »

a challenger (M/M)

short after what happened in the first part all the youths on the trip would meet in a conference room to talk about future scouting. lots of boring stuff like who would be a good representation for our scouting area in the next big meeting (one area usually is buildt with groups from several towns or citys. and in our case it was groups from 7 different areas). or it could be about how we could spread the word to get more people interested in joining the scouts.

personally i never had any interest in any of this. i was a scout because i thought it was fun to explore nature, and meet new people.
anyway when this was all over, the ones who wanted to went outside in the cold snow. most of us was skiing or snowboarding while some others tried to build a snowman.
after a few hours i started to have enough so i went back indoor among some others to.

now the leaders where talking in the conference room, so when we first got inside the entrance hall we got told to be quiet or go into the gymnasium where we could be more active if we wanted to.
some of the kids did, but for some reason i was sitting in the entrance hall with Jen and Oddbjørn.

(remember him? been a while since i mentioned a story with that guy. so to clear things up Oddbjørn was a redhaired guy who took the same class as me on high school, and he was not the kinda guy that thought things through. but whatever he did, he usually meant it in a nice way and he was always up for a challenge).

anyway we talked about something, and somehow ended up talking about that i tied up Oscar.
"he just suddenly asked me to tie him up, i mean... is that a normal thing in your family?" i said.
"well, it happens" was the answer Jen gave me "hey, how about if you tie up Oddbjørn?"
i looked at Oddbjørn to see his respons "oh yeah, you think you could do that?"
that was my code. all i needed to do was get some ropes and start tying him.
"are you sure you want to do this?" i said.
"well, i'm kinda curious. i remember Peter tried to tie me up once but he kinda sucked at it, so i wanna see if you can give me a better challenge"

i went back to the gymnasium where the kids now where playing some kinda combination between icehockey and basketball. i have no idea how the rules worked at that but i didn't bother and picked up a purple rope that i found and a green one. i thought since Oddbjørn still was kinda new to this and i would tie him up for real i should at least not overdo the rope work.
when i met up with Oddbjørn and Jen they had already decided that i should tie him to a supporter pole in the entrance hall that was close to the door of the gymnasium and also close to the conference room where the leaders was sitting.

"okey, tie me thight" was Oddbjørn's response as he sat down at the pole. now he probably expected me to tie the ropes simply around him like they do on tv and movies. so when i suddenly pulled his arms up behind the pole and started to tie the purple rope around his elbows so they got attached to together he seemed to be in for a surprise.
"wow, what the hell are you doing?" he said "i thought you would wrap the ropes around me a couple of times so i got stuck to the pole!"
"yeah, if i did that you would only have to pull your arms out and you would be free" i said "trust me, this is more effective than the fictional stuff you see on tv"
his elbows where now tied together and to make sure he couldn't escape i tied the rope between so it went around itself aswell in the middle.

now i started to tie the rope around his wrist to make them secure as well. the green rope would be for the feets.
"hey, Oddbjørn... what if i started to tickle you right now?" Jen said.
"YOU WOULDN'T DARE" Oddbjørn's eyes widened and he seemed a little bit scared now as he already where unable to escape. i just kept doing my work as if nothing was going on.
"no... you are right" the redhaired girl said. "i should probably pinch you instead"
and suddenly before i knew it i heard a loud scream.
but not just any kind of scream, it was more like a growl.
a monsters growl.
i could feel the entire pole shake as Oddbjørn tried to fight against Jen's pinching. whatever knot i had used that day it was at least effective.
once again Jen pinched Oddbjørn in the stomach.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! STOP DOING THAT FOR F*** SAKE" Oddbjørn screamed louder than an F16 and kept coursing at her "YOU F***ING B*** STOP ******* ***** **** *** ******** ***!!!!!"
i just kept tying him as if nothing happened.

all of a sudden one of the leaders popped out of the door to the conference room "can anyone explain to me what in the wolrd is going on here?" she said.
"it's not my fault, she's pincing me and..." Oddbjørn started to say when the scout leader interupted and said "that does not matter, you are disturbing the whole meeting in here. quiet down or go somewhere else"

"damnit, i was just about to tie your legs" i said as i realised i had to untie he's arms again.
"it's your fault Jen, YOUR FAULT" Oddbjørn said with an angry voice "why the f*** did you have to do that"
Jen smiled and looked around as there was a couple of kids who had shown up wondering what was goin on.
"for the hell of it" she said.
i laughed a little and kept untying the ropes.
suddenly Peter showed up and saw us "pfff, like that would hold him" he said.
Peter was a competing kinda guy. he always wanted to show off and liked the idea of beeing better than anyone.
"why didn't anyone let me know that we where tying him up... i could have done a mutch better job"
i didn't bother with him as i finally freed Oddbjørn who said "yeah, i remember the last time you tried to tie me up. i got out in just a few seconds"
Peter seemed shocked as he said "that was just one time, and i didn't have all i needed to make it unescapeable"

that was probably true. when it comes to Peter he doesn't take no for an answer and he always likes to prove a point.
but he never feels sorry for other people but himself, and when it comes to him tying up others... the only way he can make someone not able to escape is by making it dangerously witch you all will get to know a lot better in my next and final part of this story.
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Post by Soraka »

unwilling victim (MM/F)

right after Peter had showed up we all went into the gymnasium again. a lot of people had started to come back indoor by now.
Peter had gathered himself some rope and wanted to try tying up someone to prove a point. he really wanted to show us that he could tie up someone better than anyone else.

"Peter, it's not that i don't think you can tie up anyone in a way so they can't escape. but the last time i saw you truing to tie up someone you tied they'r hands down in the crotch and led rope trough the back and then around the neck. you could have killed the guy if i didn't stop you back then." i said to him.

"Steffen, you are so stupid... can't you see that i know what i'm doing. and now i'm going to prove it" was Peter's response.

what the hell was the matter with the guy. oh well i thought for myself, i might as well have some fun and find someone to tie up too.
i looked around and noticed this little blonde girl at the age of 12 by the moment who i knew a little and i thought it was fun to tease sometimes. i decided to try tying a rope around her just to see her reaction.
i walked toward her and before i even made my move she turned around and noticed the ropes.
oh well so mutch for that. but before i knew it Peter now stood next to us as well. guess who he had decided to tie up now.

as i'm pretty mutch sure the girl in this story didn't like what happened that day i decided to give her a cover up in this story, so we just call her May.
when it comes to names of the people in my stories i'm mostly using they'r actual first name and won't mention the last name. the only times i choosen to have fake names are when i forgot the real names of the character, or when i told the stories about my niece because i know my brother is sceptical to sharing things over the internet and espacially if it involves the kids.
this time i decided to change the name of the victim because i really don't know if she would apricciate me sharing this moment. and i think she would have preffered if i didn't mention her real name even though it's a very normal name among the people of scandinavia.

Peter grabbed his arms around May and laid her down to the floor.
"hurry up Steffen, tie up her legs while i tie her arms" he said
i didn't really know what to do, she clearly said she didn't want to do this.
"no no no no no no, please don't tie me up, i beg you" she started to say.
"come one what are you waiting for" Peter said as he started to ready the rope so he could tie her arms.
"Steffen, seriously, i don't want to be tied up and i will never speak to you again if you help him"
with May saying that i knew for sure that she REALLY didn't want to do this so without thinking jumped straight at Peter and tackled him to the ground.

"thank you" i heard May say as i was wrestling with Peter. "you f***ing traitor" Peter said as i managed to roll him over onto his stomach and bent his arms behind his back.
Peter and i where equal in strength but i was heavier than him and had a good upper hand by that.
i started to stretch for the rope so i could try to tie him up to stop him.
but when Peter noticed that he said "oh no your not" and managed to free one of his arms. with the help of that arm he tried to push himself up from the floor.
the result of this made me loose a little balance and control of the other arm. no that he had both arms free he tried to crawl away from the situation while i was still sitting on him.

"wow, i can't remember signing up for horseback riding" i said as i made a little jump to make Peter fall back down to the floor.
Peter made this "UGH" sound as he got squised under me. i raised up and grabbed his left foot by the ankle and dragged him along the floor back to the ropes.
i grabbed a rope and started to tie them around Peter's wrist. of course he still struggled a lot so it was impossible for me to make a propper knot that would hold him down. after a long fight i had managed to tie the ropes around his feet's and arms in a hogtie. but i had a feeling that something was not right...

i was right, the ropes around his arms where not tied tigtly enough because of all the struggling he made.
so he was free again in just a few seconds.
by now i figured Peter most likely didn't bother with May any longer. so i didn't bother fighting him again.

this time i was wrong.
like i mentioned earlier, Peter never took no for an answer. so he went right after May again.
"seriously Peter, she does not want to be tied up and i think we should respect that" i said to him as he aproched her.
May was now up against a corner and had no where to run.

the way it seemed like now Peter had made up his mind. May would get tied up no matter what. we would do it his way or the highway.
"okey fine." i said "May, i know the guy a little too well. he is not going to give up on this, and if you don't let him tie you up he is most likely going to attack you and make it even worse"
Peter looked at her with this angry look, i don't know what had gotten into the guy. he was obsessed about tying her up.
"now, i'm not gonna tell you to just let him tie you up. but it might be better if you just got it over with, and let him get it out of his system"
i could see that she seemed sceptic at the whole thing "it's your own choice. and if you let him i will stay by and free you at once if it get's to bad"

"okey, let's just get it done so you can have it out of your system" she said.
Peter seemed really excited as he went for the ropes.

now suddenly something unexpected happened. Peter got himself an assistent.
he picked out a 14 year old kid called Thomas that had glasses and a bunch of zits. now he could be described as somekind of geek by the look, but his behavior was completely different.
they started by grabbing a green rope that was about 5-6 meters long. and i stood by to watch as they started to tie her hands crossed behind her back.
"OUCH! not so tight" i could hear May scream.
"Peter, be careful with her" i said, but neither Peter or Thomas seemed to care.
Peter the 19 year old African-Norwegian kept tying her arms while Thomas prepared the long thick white rope i had used earlier at Oscar.

Peter had already used half the rope to tie her arms together and he probably had knotted it at least 6 times already.
after he had crossed her arms and tied the rope both vertical and horizontal over her wrist he had led the rope upwards along her arms where he first sat a knot at one arm and the the other one. he kept building it upwards like this.
"Peter, i think that is enough" i said. i knew that these knots would be enough to hold her tied up for the rest of her life if he wanted to and continuing would just be a decoration with the amount of ropes.
"SHUT UP" was the response he gave me this time.

i have to admit, by now i started to feel a little guilt by the fact that i sorta talked her into this.
why did i do that? poor girl, she was only 12 years old and didn't even want this.
"Peter seriously, if you make it to tight she might get hurt"
"shut your f***ing mouth"
by now Peter had used the entire 6 meter long rope only on her arms and he still wasn't done.
now he and Thomas led May to one of the wooden ladders and pushed her back against it.
me and Oddbjørn stood by and watched the whole thing.
"is he nuts?" Oddbjørn said all of a sudden.
"i have a bad feeling that he is going to take it too far again" i told Oddbjørn as Thomas now where tying her legs to the ladder.

"Peter, if you tie her up the way i think you are going to it could turn really ugly"
"SHUT UP YOU ASSWIPE" came from Thomas this time.
they kept leading the rope between the steps of the ladder so it holded everything of May's body from her ankles and upward.
they where now reaching her stomach and still had a lot of ropes left.
Peter and Thomas kept giving the rope to each other trough the ladder steps so it would get easier for them.
i started get a little worried since they had already used 20 minutes at tying her up like this. they really used a lot of rope. and i knew that if something should happen so she had to get untied it would take a lot of time to undo all the knots and pull all the rope out from the ladder. and then we still would have to undo the rope around her arms.

"guys, it's enough. just tie on last knot and get over it. she can't escape from that"
"pfff, where did you learn to tie up people" Thomas laughed at me.
"yeah, no wonder everyone escapes when you tie them up" Peter laughed out.
they kept tying the rope the same way as they had the whole time.
"guys, i can't breath... seriously" May said with a low voice.
"uhh... i think it's enough now" i tried to tell them once again but as usual both Peter and Thomas just told me to shut it.

finally they ran out of rope and had to tie the last knot. May was covered all the way from her ankles to her chest with rope.
suddenly Peter bent down in front of her and said "HAHAH!!! see if you can escape from that blondie" he had this really big smile over his mouth.
May, by the other hand did not seem to enjoy this as she bent down her head and i saw a tear fall down on the floor.
Peter still smiling suddenly turned his mouth into a more or less O-shape as he said "HUH?" and seemed a little confused.

"that's it, i should have done this long ago" i said and pushed Peter at side. i started to undo the knots and pull out the rope from the first step.
"hey, what are you doing?" Thomas said
"BACK OFF!" i said as i looked at him with a really angry look "the two of you have done enough"
i kept untying her as fast as i could.

Peter and Thomas where now whispering about something behind me and suddenly they started to say things like:
"Hey Steffen. what did you tie her up for?"
"yeah, poor girl. you made her cry"

now this was starting to get annoying. a lot of kids where standing around us wondering what was going on here, and Peter and Thomas just laughed at the situation and joked about it.
i couldn't handle it. i really began to get angry at them.

Thomas now got a little closer to me and kept saying "what are you talking about? your the one who tied her up" in the most annoying tone you can imagine.
i turned my head towards him and said "another word from you and i am seriously going to hurt you"
"but it was you who tied her up, we all witnessed AUGH(!)"
before anyone knew it my fist was in Thomas's stomach. i Punched the guy and i saw some of the
audience get a little shocked by my reaction. i'm not proud that i punched him, but at the moment i didn't see any other salution to make him shut up.

i once again went back to untying May and didn't bother with some girls i heard whispering about something in the background. beside of that it was all silence. everyone knew that i was really pissed off by know and nobody dared to say anything as they where afraid i would go bananas at them.
finally after at least 10 freaking minutes i had gotten rid off all the ropes holding May to the ladder.
i was now going to untie the rope around her arms and i realized soon why she said she had trouble breathing.
her arms where BLUE!!!
Peter had tied the ropes way to thight. i hurried up and started to undo the knots as soon as i could. if we had a knife or anything i wouldnt have hesitated to cut off the rope even though it was school property.
but i didn't have knife at the moment so i just had to hurry up and undo the knots as soon as possible.
it was simple to undo all the knots but pulling out the rope for every time was the worst part as it took forever.
short while after i had started to get off most of the rope her arms started to get back to normal
(thank god).

finally after 5 minutes work i managed to get the last knot undone.
as soon as May where free i saw her run off to the girls room still crying, with some of the other girls that was there when it happened.

i felt some kinda guilt about this, and got to talk to her later.
turned out she didn't blame me for this and even thanked me for sticking up at the end when she needed.
but Peter by the other hand didn't seem to feel any guilt at all, and same with Thomas.

that concludes this story. so i guess i'll be writing again at some time in the near future.
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Post by I_Will_Tie_You_up »

We have much to thank Soraka for retrieving so many stories from the old site.
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