Mason : 13 - Kristy's First Time (M/F, F/M) - Mason's Adult Experiences

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Mason : 13 - Kristy's First Time (M/F, F/M) - Mason's Adult Experiences

Post by Canuck100 »

Mason's Adult Experiences
13 - Kristy's First Time
Story index at the bottom

At last I got lucky. I've just tied up one of my best friends Kristy earlier today. (I've changed all names just to protect the innocent) Wow! I'm still feeling very good about myself - it had been such a positive experience for both of us and we both enjoyed ourselves very very much. I apologise if this posting is slightly off topic. Because Kristy is 22 and I am 31, it hardly qualifies as 'childhood' bondage. However since Canuck has stated that it is OK to post such stories as long as they are consensual and non-sexual, I will do so. I think it's a tale worth telling. It might even inspire others to go out and do the same thing - I certainly hope so.

I first met Kristy at university last March. Just to digress a moment, university always commences at the beginning of March where I live, "Down Under" in far away Australia. Australia is a beautiful country, a sunburnt country. It is a land of golden beaches and sparkling blue seas, lovely bikini clad girls, the unspoiled green rainforests of the hinterland and dry desiccated deserts dominated by that mighty monolith, Ayers Rock, the great-red-sacred-rock of ancient Aboriginal mythology.

In Australia, university traditionally runs over two semesters. I first met Kristy in one of my first lectures, very early on in the first semester, last March. It later transpired that she was not only taking all the same final year classes that I was but also most of the same tutorials as well. Therefore we could not help but to get to know each other. Eventually over time, we become very close friends. At the university I attend, we typically complete most assignments in small groups or pairs since the idea is to encourage and foster teamwork in preparation for the time we graduate and enter the workforce.

As luck would have it, Kristy and myself sat next to each other in the first tutorial. (Actually, I had already contrived to sit next to her in that first tute, since I liked the look of her as a person) We more or less "hit it off" straight away, so to speak. Therefore when our tutor asked us to pair off for one particular assignment and form groups of four for the other, Kristy and I naturally teamed up together for both. Along the way, we not only worked well together but also realised that we enjoyed each other's company very much. We discovered that we had lots in common, including a shared sense of humour etcetera.

Since then, our friendship has grown stronger. We sit together in lectures and study together, as we are doing now in preparation for our final examinations, which are now looming large and horribly on the all-too-near horizon. (If all goes well, we should both graduate this year) Not to worry, we both expect to do well. And no, I am not taking time off my study to write this little epistle. I'm doing it in my free time!

Kristy is a full fee paying overseas student from England. The old and ancient enemy with whom the Aussies are about to do battle with on the cricket field for that quaintly named perpetual trophy, the "Ashes." Because it is her final year, Kristy is extremely anxious to do well because she is getting very homesick for her beloved 'merrie' England and her family and friends. For all that Kristy has come to love Australia, (especially the weather and mild winters!) our relaxed lifestyle and way of living, she says that England is still her natural homeland.

A description of Kristy is in order - At around 5'6" in height, she is of average height and has a wonderfully slim build with small breasts and narrow hips. Slim she may be, but she is not anorexic. Anything but considering the way she eats! Kristy has that lovely peaches and cream complexion only Pommy girls seem to have. (Sorry Gillian! But that's what we call English people down-under in Australia - we call them 'Poms' or 'Pommies' as in the plural) Kristy also has a wonderful warm and caring nature - she is very easy to talk to. That's one thing I like about Kristy very much - she is a very open minded and understanding person - we can talk about most anything. In the relatively short time (9 months) that I have known her, I have come to like and trust her very much. With the bright and bubbly personality and sunny smile that Kristy possesses, she is always fun to be around. All in all, Kristy is a thoroughly nice, intelligent and mature person.

I had also known that I wanted to tie her up for somewhile - maybe even to convince her into tying me up. I had often wondered what she would look like tied up and gagged. There have been more than a few occasions that I'd fantasised about tying up Kristy. Sometimes, I wonder what Kristy would have said if she had but known the direction my thoughts used to take in some of our more boring lectures - and there were plenty of those… Some of these lecturers could really drone on and on and on. I've got one lecturer (taking Asian law) who is especially boring. Two hours without a break is agony.

The trick was how to get her to agree to being roped up.

Knowing Kristy as well as I do by now, I was aware that if I could just get her to agree to being tied up, she would probably enjoy the experience, such was the nature of her happy fun-loving personality and apparent willingness to try something new. I couldn't exactly tell her that I enjoyed 'bondage' as such for that would have introduced a very sexual element into the whole thing. While I knew that she would sit down and listen to me, I also realised that it would not extend to her allowing me to tie her up. Or vice versa, for that matter. A more subtle approach would be required, if I were to get my girl, in a manner of speaking.

I don't know where I got the idea from but I decided to hire a copy of that well-known video, "Bound" which is a cinema noir drama/comedy film starring the lovely Gina Gershon and watch it with Kristy. (I am quite sure that most of the people who post here would have heard of Bound…) Certainly not for the acting or the plot - it's memorable solely for the unforgettable opening scene where Gina is found bound and gagged in a closet. One of my all time fave movies…

My original plan had been to take the video around to Kristy's place and watch it with her, after which I would pass comments such as, "It was lucky it wasn't ME doing the tying or she would never have escaped!" Or, "If that had been me, I would have escaped so easy…" Then wait to see what her reaction would be like and to take it from there. In the same way a trout rises to the fly, I hoped that she also would rise to the baiting and challenge me to tie her up to see if she could escape. Of course, I would have some ropes conveniently to hand in the boot of my car….

Kristy rang me at around ten in the morning and wanted to know if I would like to come around to her place to go over our lecture notes together and see what we needed in the way of notes as we had both missed a couple of lectures during the lecture for various reasons (Yes, I will be honest and admit that we'd skipped our share of lectures during the semester! We'd just get the notes from Counter Reserve in the library afterwards. How lazy of us… It was our lecturers fault for being so bloody boring) I agreed to come over at one or so-ish.

I finally arrived late at around 2 or so (the parking can be terrible around where she lives in one of the inner suburbs close to our university.) The grey ghosts (parking officers) are also absolutely ruthless when it comes to fining offenders. No prisoners! Cold-hearted and implacable, they are fair dinkum meaner than any angry Jurassic tyrannosaur could ever be. No way I wanted nor needed an expensive fine I could little afford - especially on my still very limited student income.

We spent the next couple of hours just sorting out our lecture notes, doing some photocopying at the shop just around the corner from her place and chatting about our essay due in 2 weeks time as well as the exams, which also begin around the same time (my first exam is on the 11th of November, one day after my birthday…) Kristy's flat mate, Melissa came in at around 3 or so and chatted with us before leaving to go to her work at four. We also finished re-organising our notes at the same time. Now, normally I like and enjoy Melissa's company but on this occasion, I was quite glad that she had had to go to work for I wanted to put my plan into effect and see what transpired.

Basically, I had decided to modify my original plan a little and simply tell her how I had seen this video called "Bound," the one starring Gina Gershon with THAT scene in it. Because I did not want to make it too obvious what I was really up to, I first mentioned another video that I had actually watched lately. (called " The Hitcher." It is a horror drama movie - it is very good, if a little overly violent at times) Then we talked a little more. At last I brought up the subject how I had also recently seen this other movie called "Bound."

I explained to Kristy about what kind of movie (comedy/drama) and what it was about before ever so casually mentioning the opening scene, which had Gina Gershon bound and gagged in a closet. "It had this really unusual beginning where Gina Gershon is found all tied up and gagged in a closet," I said. I also mimicked how she had been tied up by placing and crossing my hands behind my back and bringing my feet together as if I had been tied up so that Kristy could not possibly miss the point!

After explaining the movie to Kristy we chatted a little more before I brought up the subject again. I joked how I could have done a much better job of tying up Gina and how if that had been me I would have escaped so easy! She laughed. I continued to relate to her little about some of my earlier tie-up experiences, especially the time my Scouting mates had tied me up hand and foot and would not let me go for at least an hour (future story to come one day) By now Kristy was really interested in what I had to say and she cracked up laughing when I told her about the Scouts.

Mind you, I went about it in a very oblique fun sort of way - I never once referred to the word "bondage" (Unfortunately, thanks to various media beat ups, Pommy sex scandals and a generally uneducated ignorant, intolerant section of the population, bondage does carry some very negative connotations) I certainly never mentioned how much it turned me on to be tied up.

I went on to explain that I was also a keen fisherman and how I needed to know my knots when tying line onto fishhooks just in case I encountered that elusive Big one. Suddenly Kristy leapt off the large armchair she had been reclining in and went around to the kitchen just next to where we were sitting. Because it was an open-plan flat I could see her bustling around opening and shutting drawers in the kitchen area from where I sat on the ottoman nearby.

"What on earth is she doing?" I wondered. Suddenly, I realised with a white-hot flare of excitement that she might actually be searching for some rope. I certainly hoped so! And she was too, without even telling me why she got up so suddenly. The amazing thing was Kristy had gotten that interested in my stories and just joking around to the extent that SHE was the one who got up and hunted around the flat for some rope. (even before I had even suggested I tie her up or she tie me!!) She was only able to find one rather short piece of cotton sash cord about 5 feet long but it was long enough for my purposes.

"I want you to show me how you tie these knots" Her exact words. Next it was, "Tie my feet!" And she reclined on the chair, offering her ankles to me to be bound. Without further ado, I accepted her offer to tie her feet together. Kristy commented that it looked pretty inescapable before saying, "Tie my hands! Show me how to tie my hands together!" Getting better all the time.

Kristy then offered her hands in front of her, palm to palm to be bound. "No. Behind your back!" I said very firmly, leaving her in little doubt that I meant what I said. She hesitated. "Behind your back!" I repeated, "Because its harder to get out that way!"

After a brief further moment of indecision, Kristy turned around, back facing me and crossed her hands behind her back. It's hard to describe how I felt at the time. Elation certainly, mixed with a touch of wonder that Kristy trusted me to the extent that she would let me tie her up alone together in her flat. Melissa had only just left for work so she would not be back for hours. Kristy was alone with only me for company. I felt really touched that she should trust me so much

I thought I had died and gone to heaven as this very attractive girl presented her hands, to me for binding. Needless to say, I tied her hands behind her back very securely; so securely it took Kristy less than 30 seconds to realise that she really was tied up with no chance of rescue.

In case anyone is interested, this is how I tied her hands. I placed them palm to palm and took the rope she had given me. I doubled it and looped it around her tiny wrists, before passing the ends through the loop and back the other way around her wrists. There was only enough rope to make two wraps before cinching it tight (to prevent slippage) I passed the two ends through the 'anchor' loop, which is simply the original loop that I had passed the ends through before beginning the wrapping. The next step was to cinch her bindings tight - the anchor loop allows you to begin cinching the ropes securely but not so tightly as to cut off the circulation. I passed the rope ends between her wrist bindings, bringing them around in opposite directions to each other which I repeated once before knotting the ends in a reef knot on the upper side of her bonds between her wrists well out of reach of her already questing fingers. It was a deceptively simple but very effective tie. Positively inescapable but very comfortable for the 'victim.' This technique can be repeated at ankles, knees, elbows etcetera. I actually learned this from Harmony's "Bondage life" Magazine. (They had run a series on tying up techniques a number of tears ago)

I have to admit that Kristy looked great sitting there, with this huge smile on her face, her hands tied together behind her back. I wished very much that I had had enough rope with which to tie her feet together but I had to make do with what was available. After all, SHE was the one who got the rope out without any prompting from me. Mind you, it was still a very positive beginning - Kristy was clearly enjoying herself very much, the way she was happily talking and laughing while she was having her hands tied together behind her back.

After only a minute or so, once Kristy realised I had not been exaggerating about my tying abilities, she asked me to untie her. I would have loved to have left her bound for a bit longer but I did not want to upset her so I untied her hands. Almost as soon as I had untied her hands, Kristy said that she had let me tie her hands behind her back because she trusted me. I felt so flattered when she said that.

After I had untied Kristy's hands, she said that she wanted to have a go at doing the tying. I could hardly believe it - here she was, asking to tie my hands together behind me with absolutely no prior coercion from me at all whatsoever. I asked her if she wanted me to explain how but she said, "No, I'll have a go!" I have to admit that it was such a good feeling, the way the ropes tightened around my wrists as Kristy drew my hands together and began tying them, palm to palm as I had done just earlier. It took her several minutes and a lot of inexpert fumbling to tie them together. Finally, Kristy pronounced her satisfaction by saying, "There - get out of that!" I won't forget the big shit-eating grin on her face as she said so. She was obviously really enjoying herself by now.

Kristy wasn't smiling quite so broadly seconds later once I had freed myself - it was the work of seconds to locate the knot and to work the ropes loose. After commiserating Kristy on her failure (ok, so I teased her just a little!) she asked me if I could show her how to do it right. Naturally, I was only too happy to continue my "Bondage 101" classes with this delectable young thing - I asked Kristy to put her hands in front of her, palm to palm. I bound them together as before, except for slowly and carefully taking her through each step of the tying. I explained the importance of knotting everything out of reach of the fingers because that was the most vulnerable point.

Practical classes over, it was time for Kristy to sit her final examination in tying someone up.

Her next attempt was much better but I could still reach the knot a bit. I was on the verge of unpicking it while teasing her that I would escape from this one just as soon when, to my great surprise, she suddenly grabbed at my wrists and retied them much more tightly and securely than before. This time she took greater care to place the knot well out of reach. It didn't take me long to realise that I would not be able to untie myself. What a fast learner! This time she finally had me!

I put on a show for her benefit, trying as hard as I could to get at the knot and get free but to no avail. Meanwhile, Kristy leaned back in the chair, enjoying herself immensely, clearing admiring the way she had so successfully turned the tables on me and tied up her erstwhile classmate.

All along, we joked and laughed, making the whole thing a very light hearted fun thing. While I was still tied up, I told Kristy how I used to play tie up competitions with one of my best mates, Richard. I told her how we used to pretend that one or other was James Bond or some very Bondian villain such as Blofeld and his furry feline companion or the cool suave Scaramanga from "The Man with the Golden Gun." I explained how the fate of the world used to rest on James Bond getting free before he got blown up. I told Kristy that I had been "blown up" quite a few times!! (i.e. I could not untie myself to get free) That made her laugh. She boasted, "Well, you have been blown up this time!!" I agreed whole-heartedly.

After 15 minutes or so of happy struggling, I finally admitted defeat. A beaming Kristy untied me. We didn't talk much about our little bondage "scene" afterwards, instead chatting about inconsequential things. I didn't want Kristy to think that I was fixated on this tie-up thing

My guess is (I have not asked her yet ) that she has never experienced being tied up or tying somebody else before - her inexperience and lack of knowledge really showed. Though Kristy is a very intelligent person - there has to be a fair chance that she knows what bondage is, or at least heard of it. I'm going to ask her but not just yet.

I am really looking forwards to a possible encore performance but I will not rush things. Best to wait for a little while until I have seen her once or twice without incident so as not to make it too obvious just how I would like to spend my leisure time with her… Some time soon when I go around to her place for study, I'm going to bring my rope collection over. I'm hoping very much that she will let me tie her up for real - nice and tight this time! The way I see it, now the initial trust has been established and also because she enjoyed herself so much the first time, she'll play along. My plan (after we have finished studying) is to stage a kidnapping and say to her that "I am going to kidnap you now and tie you up" (I still need to buy a small water pistol for this! Something that is obviously tongue in cheek.) Hopefully she'll play along - Knowing her, I think she will too! Knowing Kristy like I do, she will want to tie ME up afterwards

Unfortunately, I never got my wish.

Kristy has now completed her degree and is holding down a good job in England.

Mason's Childhood Bound Stories
Mason's Adult Experiences Mason's stories were retrieved from the Internet Wayback Machine

More about Mason - how he got into TUGs, also on the Internet Wayback Machine
Last edited by Canuck100 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Thank you for finding and reposting these. Mason’s site was one of the best on the internet. I hope he is doing well, wherever he is and is tied up tight.
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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