Rob : 01 - The "Joy" of being kidnapped (F/M)

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Rob : 01 - The "Joy" of being kidnapped (F/M)

Post by Canuck100 »

Rob's stories
01 - The "Joy" of being kidnapped
Story index at the bottom

By Rob

Wednesday December 29th 1999 03:19:39

I figured the title would draw some attention, but, in this case anyhow, truth is stranger than fiction...

This story takes place some years ago so some of the details will be sketchy, non-existent or uncertain. That means I will do the best I can. It's an interesting tale, one I still marvel at and wonder, myself, if it really happened...

While attending high school and college, I worked at a summer camp in the mountains of North Carolina, in the good ole USA. As often happens in such settings, strong and lasting friendships are formed, over the years. Sometimes some somewhat tentative and peculiar associations are formed too. One year (I spent nearly 12 at this camp) I met a young lady named Joy. Joy was from South Carolina, our "lesser" neighbor to the south. But I digress... Joy and I got along fairly well, but I now see that she made more of our aquaintance than I did. It will become clearer what I mean... At summer's end, toward the end of August, Joy invited me down one weekend to see her. I tried to beg off, but she would have none of it. When she got teary over the phone, well, I gave in. Never in my wildest imaginations could I conceived of what I was about to get into...

Now South Carolina is HOT in August, very hot. The air conditioning in my car had chosen that precise time to go on the fritz. So I dressed in a white t-short, red running shorts, socks and sneakers for the trip down. Joy was not only glad to see me, but, was equally overjoyed (no pun intended) to see me dressed like I was. I believe it served to complicate things later...

Upon my arrival, Joy and I just sat and talked for awhile, talked about summer camp, about school, about many things. During the conversation, she would occasionally reach down and stoke one of my legs now and then...nothing that caused any concern. Then, out of the blue, she asks: "You wanna take a tour of the apartment complex?" I shrugged. It wasn't my life's ambition, but not wanting to be rude... "There's a catch though," she said. I was perplexed. A catch? "You have to be blindfolded." I let out a laugh, then shrugged again. "Why not? Sounds like fun." And it did, actually. I had always enjoyed being blindfolded as a kid. No one had done it for awhile, but I believe I still had a fascination with it. Besides, my eyes were itching a bit from a mild case of eye strain (from the trip) and I figured the ole eyes needed a rest. Having them covered with a blindfold, for awhile, would probably feel pretty good.

Joy wasted no time in springing into action. It seemed she had planned this pretty well, as, in mere seconds, she whipped out a blue cloth already folded into a blindfold. I smiled slightly at the realization that I had been set up. Aw why not, I decided? What harm? I was about to find out...

Joy acted swiftly. Maybe she was afraid I would change my mind.

"Shut your eyes," she instructed me. I complied and in a moment, felt the cloth being wrapped around my eyes; I was plunged into darkness. I have to admit, it did feel pretty good.

"Too tight?" she asked.

"No," I replied then broke into a smile as she assisted me to my feet.

"Can't see can you?"

"Not a thing," I answered truthfully.

"Back in a second...." she said and I heard her walking away.

I just stood there, wondering what I was getting myself into. A blindfolded tour of the complex? Whatever did she- "Ready?" I heard her ask and then heard her footsteps returning. Didn't know why just then, but her voice sounded peculiar.

"I guess," I said and couldn't repress another smile.

"Good," she told me. "But now there's one more thing..." One MORE thing? NOW what? "Put your hands behind your back. please."

I balked this time. "What?"

"Put your hands behind your back," she said again, patiently.

I hesitated, then laughed and did as she asked. Why not, I decided? I felt the wrists being crossed and tied together.

"You giving me a tour or making me walk the plank?" I said, my smile widening, somewhat out of amusement and a little out of amazement. She was tying my hands behind my back.

"I wanna make sure you behave on this tour," she explained as I felt my hands being tightly secured into place. Whew, I decided...this girl knew her knots. For a few moments, I began to feel a little anxiety. Here I was, blindfolded, with my hands tied behind my back by a girl I didn't really know THAT well. By now I had figured out that I had been royally snookered. Tour? Naw. She used it all as a ploy to tie me up and blindfold me. Now what??????

I decided to maintain my cool even though every instinct in my body told me to try and free myself. I just stood there, quietly, while Joy finished securing my hands behind my back. Whatever she was up to, she had me now. I couldn't see a thing and knew, from the tightness of my bonds, that I couldn't get my hands loose anytime soon.

"I guess that oughta hold you," she said with some satisfaction.

"It will," I said, a slight smile returning to my lips.

"No tricks now," she said and gently took one arm and started guiding me forward.

"Tricks?" I laughed. "You're the one whose tied me up and blindfolded me." Then she laughed, an almost maniacal laugh, and I began to wonder if I had just made a serious mistake. I chose not to resist. What could I do? I could hardly run away in my condition. She had been clever, I decided, in blindfolding me first...

I heard her open a door and she guided me forward. I felt air rushing against my bare legs and I guessed that we had just stepped out of her apartment. Where in the world was she taking me?

"I got a question," i finally said. "How can you show me anything if I'm blindfolded?"

Again there came that laugh and I had a real sense that I was in trouble deep. I repressed another urge to try and free my hands. I doubted I could do it anyhow. Not yet.

"I'll just tell you about things and you can imagine them," was her reply.

"If my hands weren't tied, I could feel them," I suggested, knowing full well that now that she had me tied up, there was NO way she would untie me. She had me right where she wanted me and there wasn't a thing I could do about it...

Things had begun to get a little tense. Joy was obviously having a good time. Me? I had started to think that I was REALLY being kidnapped, that this was no game. The events of the next few hours would serve to convince me even more.

"Now stand still," she commanded after we had traversed a few flights of stairs. least they felt like stairs.

"Where am I?" I finally asked, straining to see through the inky blackness and seeing only dark. Whew! She knew how to blindfold someone!

"I will be right back," I heard her say, without responding to my question. I started to reply then thought better of it. Better to just stay calm, I had decided. She was already stirred up enough, and didn't need any encouragement.

I heard faint footsteps moving away and I guessed that we were on or near some grass. I gingerly reached out with one foot and felt around, smiling sheepishly as I did. For the first time it occured to me that I probobly looked a little ridiculous standing there, dressed in t-shirt, running shorts and shoes, blindfolded and my hands tied behind my back. Where WERE we? From the sounds I guessed that we were in the parking lot where I had first pulled in. What was Joy doing? Better yet, when would she come back?

There was something a little disconcerting about being left alone, blind and my hands bound tightly behind me. If we were in the parking lot, what was to keep someone else from driving up and snatching me FOR REAL. And being dressed the way I was, I didn't doubt that could happen. I had begun to regret wearing what I had, having little doubt that my appearance had somewhat spurred Joy into doing what she did. The shorts were a bit short...

Again I felt around me with one foot and then the other and then tentatively tugged on the bonds that held my hands. I couldn't budge them. Durn blindfold!! I couldn't see anything!

"Hey, you little stinker!" I heard a voice say. "You trying to get loose?!" Joy had returned and I hadn't heard her. I couldn't repress a laugh. So I was a little stinker, now? No one had called me that since I was a kid.

Her calling me a "stinker" rather broke the tension somewhat. I was actually glad to her again. I sensed Joy moving around behind me and checking my bonds, then my blindfold.

"I can't see a thing," I assured her, breaking into a smile again. I actually felt relief. If I were going to be kidnapped, I preferred it be with someone that I knew, at funny as that sounded.

"Where are we?" I repeated my question.

"Now I can't tell you that," she replied and her voice had that funny edge again. "Cmon stinker!" she said and started leading me forward again. I laughed once more and felt the tension ease a yet more. I decided it was time for some honesty.

"You're kidnapping me, aren't you?"

"You guessed it!" she chirped.

"I thought so," I said, breaking into a wide smile. For some bizzare reason, just hearing her admit that made me feel more at ease. "Pretty clever...."

"What?" She was leading me forward rather rapidly now and my blindfolded feet were having a time keeping out of each other's way. She seemed to be in a hurry to get wherever we were going.

"Pretty clever," I repeated."...getting me to let you blindfold me and all. You had this planned didn't you?"

"That's what you get for wearing those sexy shorts!" she told me with that maniacal laugh. I stumbled on something and nearly fell.

"Hey! Take it easy!" I said. "I'm blind you know."

"Yup," Joy said with obvious satisfaction in her voice, "I know." She led me a few more feet and then stopped. What NOW? I once again sensed her checking the bonds that held my hands behind me, retying them a bit. I did not struggle or resist. She obviously knew what she was doing and I wondered, to myself, if she had done this kind of thing before. I sensed that I had not been her first "victim."

I had, by then, decided that I would offer no resistance, that I would not attempt to free my hands or peer through my blindfold. I would let Joy have her fun. Besides, I suspected that I couldn't get free even if I tried and, I guess I was reluctant to find out. So I didn't.

I heard a car door open. So that's where we were... There were a few moments of silence as I sensed Joy fumbling with something, and then I felt something being wrapped around my head, over the blindfold. She was reinforcing the blindfold with something, a bandage of some kind. In moments, what little light I saw was blotted out and the darkness was absolute. I couldn't resist a knowing smile. Pretty clever. I was no Hercules, but Joy knew that if I chose to resist, that I could easily escape from her. She had left nothing to chance. So long as I was tightly bound and couldn't see, I couldn't do much of anything. Yup. I was dealing with an expert.

Moments later, I heard another car drive up. I tensed a bit.

"What you got there?" I heard another female voice ask. She whistled low. "Look at those sexy legs!" Joy laughed and I felt her pat me on the legs.

"I caught me a good one," she said. Then both girls laughed. The anxiety returned. Oh no. After several moments it became apparent that the two knew each other and after another minute or two, from hearing them chatter, I realized the extent of this whole plot. Joy had an accomplice! Another car door opened and I was gently, but firmly slid onto a car seat, apparently in the car that had just arrived. I was tongue tied! What was going to happen now???????

I guess, in a way, I did give my consent. I didn't resist when she asked to blindfold me and tie my hands and I sure could have. Like I've said, she had it all very cleverly planned out. Taking a tour blindfolded? That shoulda tipped me off right away, but you know, I suspect that even if she had told me, up front, that she was going to blindfold me and tie me up, I likely wouldn't have said no. I just didn't realize the extent of what was going to happen until I was bound, blind, and quite we will see as my story continues....

So I found myself seated in the back of a car, or some kind of vehicle. Joy slid in next to me and patted me gently on one bare leg.

"It's gonna be okay," she assured me. I strained to see but saw only blackness and my hands seemed bound tighter than ever. The car lurched forward and I heard a car door slam. I was being spirited away, somewhere, I knew not where.

"He's a good looking one," the female voice in the front of the car said, "the girls will like him." I turned my head in the direction of the voice, but said nothing. I felt Joy pat me on the leg again, sensing my mounting anxiety.

"It's gonna be okay," she said again, in a soothing tone I had not heard until that moment. Gonna be okay? That was a good one. Here I was, blindfolded and my hands tied behind my back, in a car going...who knew where?

We drove on in silence for what seemed like a long time, the car swerving and taking sudden turns. Unable to steady myself with my hands, I nearly tumbled over. Joy pulled both of my legs onto her lap and held on to them. It seemed as though they were trying to disorient me, but why? I wouldn't know my way around that area even if I weren't blindfolded! Then the car slowed and I felt it go over a bump and come to a stop. The engine was shut off. Wherever we had been going, we were there now.

The sudden silence and lack of motion were more frightening than the ride. I felt Joy pat me on my legs again, "It's okay, stinker," she said. I couldn't resist a slight smile at the use of that name again.

A car door opened and I heard shouting. The smile vanished in a nano-second and I tensed. Joy swung my legs to the floor and after a few moments of indecision, some hands swung them out an open door and assisted me to my feet. My knees nearly buckled and those same hands caught me. There seemed to be a sea of those hands, propping me back up.

"He's cute," a voice I had not heard before said and there were several giggles. Children!

"He's wearing shorts," another voice, a younger sounding one said and there were more giggles. My anxiety skyrocketed once more. Where was I? The voices were all female. Some sounded like they were teens or, at least, pre-teens. My blood ran cold. There I was, bound and blindfolded, dressed in running shorts, and surrounded by a gaggle of young girls, many of whom were likely experiencing that old hormonal surge known as (cringe) adolescence. I braced myself for...I knew not what... "

I am convinced that there is a higher power and that He has a sense of humor. There I was, a summer camp counselor, a teacher-in-training, captured and surrounded by children and I was absolutely at their total mercy. I felt them swarming around me, chattering with excitement. One actually put her arms around me as the "mob" started to guide me somewhere. Where was Joy? Suddenly I was missing her again. She was probably watching the whole event with amusement. I didn't know whether to laugh or panic.

Again I tried to peer beneath the blindfold and again I was frustrated as it fit snugly over my eyes, keeping me seeing anything.

"Where are we going?" I finally shouted above the din and there was a wave of excited giggling. Bad mistake, I decided. I did NOT want to get this mob anymore excited than they were. The next thing I knew, we seemed to be entering a building of some kind. I tripped and nearly stumbled over the threshold.

"Go easy with him girls,"I heard Joy tell them. I wanted to second the emotion but kept my cool and said nothing. Someone was checking the bonds that held my hands and doing some serious retying. I stood very still, offering no resistance, wondering what they planned to do with me but afraid to ask...

"Sit down, please," I heard a gentle, young voice tell me. That sea of reaching hands helped me to the floor, where my back was propped against a wall and my legs stretched out in front of me. I strained again but could see nothing but darkness. I dared not try to free my hands with this many watching. I sensed several of them sitting down around me and then felt a pair of steady hands grasping me legs just above the knees.

"Now you behave yourself for these young ladies," Joy told me. I just nodded and said nothing. Then is got rather quiet...

Everyone just sat in silence for several minutes. I could even hear my own heartbeat, thumping in my chest. No doubt all the girls were just enjoying the sight of me sitting there. One of them started lightly rubbing one of my bare legs.

"Where am I and what are you going to do with me?" I blurted suddenly, surprising even myself. There came a wave of giggles again. Now I had done it. Was I to be the subject of some insane torture session? At times like that, I wished my imagination wasn't so fertile...

"We're just gonna visit for awhile," I heard the female voice I recognized as the driver of the car.

"Can I at least see who you are?"

"Oh we can't let you do that," Joy told me and there came another wave of giggles.

"You can't see us but we can see you!" one of the young ones laughed. I was sure they were having the time of their lives. One of them was playing with my knee now. I struggled to stay calm.

"If I promise not to take off my blindfold, would you at least untie my hands for awhile?" Another waves of giggles.

"No," Joy told me. "We gotta make sure you'll behave."

"But I will," I pleaded. But it was all for nought.

In awhile, Joy and her friend went somewhere, leaving me to be guarded by the juvenile mob surrounding me. THAT scared me some, but my captors were actually very decent and gentle to me, even giving some water to drink. After a time my jangled nerves calmed some and when I became more relaxed, the young ones seemed to as well. One of them did use one of my legs for a pillow and I felt another one leaning on my shoulder. We walked for awhile. Some of them seemed to wander away and then return, but I was never left alone.

During a time when there were only a few sitting with me, one of them, she sounded like was maybe 10 or 11, offered to free me if I promised to tie her up if she did. I calmly replied that nice people (meaning big people) didn't tie up little girls.

"But why?" she asked.

"We did it to you." I thought a moment.

"That's different," I finally said.

"How?" she asked, insistent. Good question, I thought to myself, but said nothing. As badly as I wanted to get free, I wasn't going to tie up a little girl. No deal.

The older "girls" returned after awhile.

"You mean you haven't gotten yourself free yet?" Joy laughed.

"I told you I would behave myself," I reminded her. And so I had. Don't know how long I sat there bound and blindfolded but it was several hours at least. Strange how at no time during that day did I feel the urge to use the restroom. Stress? Who could say? At the end of the day, the brood loaded me back into the car, still tied and blindfolded and returned me to Joy's apartment complex. Late that night, Joy at last took off my blindfold. My vision was bleary for a few minutes. She left my hands tied behind me. After exacting a promise that I would do her no harm, she untied me. If felt strange to have the use of my hands again after so long.

I stayed the night, but left the next day, saying I had some work I needed to catch up on. Joy seemed to understand. I never did see any of the brood that had held me captive (except Joy) and maybe that is better. They sure seemed like a wild bunch and, as I have said many times, I suspected I was not their first or last "victim." I later found out that I was correct. More on that in a moment. I only heard from Joy once more that year. She didn't return to the summer camp the following summer. Rumor had it that she had gotten herself into some trouble. It seemed (or so I heard) she pulled the same prank on a high school cheerleader, a girl this time, and the girl's parents didn't take it so calmly as I did...

The End

Rob's stories
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