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Joseph : 01 - Tying the Girls of my Life (m/f)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 4:47 am
by Canuck100
Joseph's stories
01 - Tying the Girls of my Life
Story index at the bottom

By Joseph

Sunday January 9th 2000 04:16:52

I have been reading your website for several months and have found it to be wonderful. I was introduced to the site by a lady friend, more about her later. I wanted to post some of my experiences and later my lady friend will be posting hers. I'm helping her to write them and we should be done soon.

I realized at about 8 years old that I was very interested in tying up girls. A neighbor girl, Michelle, was a little over a year younger than I and two grades behind me in school. She was very pretty, even as a youngster, and was the ringleader in any game that led to someone being tied up, usually herself.

As we got older and others lost interest in the games she and I began to play more privately. I had a tree house very high in a large maple tree and it was a delightfully cool place on hot summer days. My sisters never climbed up to it so it was fairly private. Michelle spent many afternoons tied up for hours while I read comic books or did art work.

In the fall after I turned thirteen we moved to a neighboring town and the distance proved to be fatal to our relationship. Especially after her mother found a letter she was writing to me describing the things she missed doing. Michelle was 12 when we moved and could already pass for much older as well as being wise beyond her years. The last summer of games in the tree house had taken a more sexual tone with some making out and a few quick feels.

I still saw Michelle at some sports activities between our schools but the magic was gone and she had a new boyfriend, I sure did envy him. Interestingly Michelle disappeared only to re-surface years later engaged to an old classmate of mine. We met at a cook-out and managed a few minutes alone during which she told me she remembered every detail of our childhood games. I've never seen her again.

When we moved we lived in a new subdivision that was the border between our town and some large farms. Sitting between us and the farms was a large forest with a deep ravine nearly in the middle of it. This was of course the place where many games were played by the area kids. Alas, I found no one with any real interest in tie-up games even though I made some new friends.

While myself and a neighbor boy were exploring in the woods one fall day we met 2 girls we had never seen before. Seems the two sisters were the subject of a custody battle and had just returned to live with their mom after two years away. Their mom owned a strip of the large woods leading from the housing addition to the large horse farm on the other side. They were re-acquainting themselves with the woods and meeting all of the new kids in the area.

Jen, the older girl, was pretty, brunette, and 13 (a year younger than me). Cindi, the younger, was 11 and still a scrawny kid compared to her well-built sister. We talked for a while and then had to go home for lunch. My friend was going away for the afternoon but I arranged to meet the girls in the woods again later that day.

Hoping for a break-though in my dull life I stuffed several lengths of rope in jacket pockets that afternoon. As we walked in the woods I managed to turn the discussion to a recently released movie with a very good tie-up scene. Luckily the girls had seen it also. Although I'm fuzzy today (nearly 35 years later) how it actually fell into place I ended up with Jen hog-tied. After letting her struggle a while I released her and we jumped Cindi, Jen was anxious for revenge as Cindi had been laughing at her. This began a series of meetings where we would meet in the woods after school.

Cindi would go on to the fences of the horse farm where she could spend hours petting the horses. Jen and I would go deeper into the woods where we had discovered a small clearing along the ravine. The clearing was walled on two sides by the steep walls of the ravine and had only one hard to locate entrance. It had a small tree within the clearing that was a perfect tie up post. Jen spent many hours tied up here until the approaching cold weather cut off the games. We had to content ourselves with seeing each other at school. Jen's mother would not allow me (or any boy) near their house.

Spring bought a renewal of the games and by summer we were seeing each other in the woods at least every other day. We had found a place to hide our tie-up toys in the rocks of the ravine so we would not be seen carrying our equipment. We were constantly adding to our cache and as I think back today I'm amazed how much stuff we had. I could have tied up and gagged six girls at the same time. Jen was always adding something.

One summer day as I was untying Jen from the tree, she leaned forwarded and kissed me on the cheek. I was surprised but turned to her and returned the kiss. This led to our ending our tie-up sessions with quite a bit of kissing . Often I would untie all but her hands and with her hands secured behind her back we would make-out for long periods.

One day she spent a long time rubbing against me as we kissed and I finally realized she was not wearing a bra. My tentative feels were met with eager enthusiasm and the relationship notched up to new level. I'll end my discussions here as it goes beyond the theme of this site. The relationship came to an abrupt end when her father regained custody in late summer and they moved out of state. Her mother sold the property and by the next summer homes were being built in our secret place.

A new dry spell began that was not to end until I was in college. But those stories will go in the college section.

After several relationships I married a girl who showed an interest in bondage activities but has run hot and cold towards it for the last 25 years. (Mostly cold). I had an affair with another young lady that lasted for several years but things went really dry after that.

About a year ago I met a single mom about 10 years younger than me with two teen-agers. She and I have much in common and another affair has begun. I was over at her house a few months ago helping with a PC upgrade she was doing when I discovered your site in the history of her browser. We had several discussions and have added some games to our relationship. She then told me the story of tie-up games with her children (Peter, 19, and Kim, 17) that go back 6 years. I have convinced her that this story should be shared and it is almost ready to post. I'm hoping I can talk her into it. She and I do need to remain very anonymous and she is extremely worried about this.
I hope I have not rambled on too much. I've been writing some more detailed accounts of some of the events I listed here and some others and will possibly post these if there is interest.

Joseph's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section