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Dan Dare : 02 - Jimmy's Story (M/m)

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:44 pm
by Canuck100
Dan Dare's stories
02 - Jimmy's Story
Story index at the bottom

By Dan Dare

Monday March 6th 2000 10:16:05


I recently posted a story about my first organized tie-up game since my own childhood, with my 12 year old son and a bunch of his friends, in which I ended up playing C & R.

During this game I met one of my son's buddies, Jimmy, who was on the opposing team.

Having been a tie-up enthusiast since I can first remember, this game (and several more which took place at my house that school holidays) brought back a flood of memories from my very happy and care-free childhood, in a 50's era when there was no shame or guilt about tie-ups, even in front of adults.

During the game in question, I captured Jimmy, who seemed to derive something more from being tied-up than did the rest of the kids. He was something of a purist and objected strongly when I initially started tying him up in a loose and symbolic way, insisting that I did a proper job.

I am not into exotic or erotic bondage and, it will be noted, I try to avoid use of the word "bondage" in my stories.

I also detest the very thought of adults involving themselves in kiddy games for the purpose of sexual self gratification.

Back to Jimmy.

A couple of days after the game I posted, Paul (my 12 year old son) asked if Jimmy could stay over for a couple of days. Having obtained the permission of his parents, I consented and the two boys spent the night and next day together, mostly riding Paul's Moto X bike.

On the second night, after supper and a couple of hours of TV, Jimmy came up to me and asked me to tie him up any way I liked and leave him tied up for the whole night.

When I emphatically refused, he said his father did it all the time and he enjoyed it.

The hairs on the back of my neck prickled and I started to gently and discreetly question him about what he had said. Jimmy just kept saying that he loved being tied up and his dad was the only person that could do it properly.

In a blinding flash, I recognized myself in this open-faced little boy. For me, tying-up, especially when I was the subject, had been a sexual turn- on from the age of 4/5 years old. It didn't matter who tied me up, male, female, adult or child - it just had to be tight and inescapable.

It occurred to me that the only difference between me and Jimmy was that I had lived my childhood tying-up pleasure in an age relatively free of adult predatation (I grew up on a farm, surrounded by loving parents, aunts/uncles, brothers and family friends.

While I KNEW Jimmy's needs, I felt an obligation to warn him of the dreadful perils of trusting people, particularly in the highly vulnerable situation of physical restraint.

I chatted to Jimmy for hours, trying to explain the dangers to him, without frightening him or alienating him to his father. Amazingly, he completely accepted my counseling and, somewhat grudgingly, also accepted that there was no way I would tie him up unless it was with his friends and as part of a game.

Some couple of months later, I met Jimmy's father and had the whole thing out with him. It turned out that he was well aware of Jimmy's tying-up needs, often tied him up but never for more than half an hour at a time and ALWAYS as part of a group game with other kids.

Needless to say, I felt pretty bad about the confrontation and I apologized, red-faced and ashamed.

Jimmy's dad and I ended up close friends and he and I, plus my son AND Jimmy, are regular drinking companions. (the "kids" are now 19)

such is life.

Dan Dare

Dan Dare's stories
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