Viking : Blind Orientation (Mf/f)

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Viking : Blind Orientation (Mf/f)

Post by Soraka »

by viking » Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:32 am
this story is mostly about people being gagged, but it will result in somebody getting tied up as well in the end.

it was in the middle of september last year and time for another meeting with the rover team.
Rodney was sick that day, O-B was lazy and Sabella had her reasons, but beside of that everyone had showed up.
today i had a very unique and special plan prepared for my scout group.
they would be going out for an orientation race while being handicapped.
i had decided that i would split them up in 4 teams, on each team there would be at least one blind person that the team mate(s) had to guide around. anyone else on the team would be unable to speak.
i don’t remember why i split them up in 2 teams that had 2 members and 2 teams with 3 members. it would have been possible to split them up in 5 teams but i decided for some reason that i can’t remember that i would only have 4 teams.
i only had one map, and the ones who weren’t blind would have to study the map and guide the blind person over there without being allowed to communicate at all, meanwhile the map would stay behind with me.

first team would be Michael and Stanley.

second team was Tanja and Eire.

third team was Shaun, Jennifer and Larry.

and the fourth and final team was Riley, Joe and Olaf.

Michael helped Stanley with his blindfold and i prepared the duct tape he would have over his mouth.
same thing for all the other teams, Eire, Larry and Olaf got blindfolded as well and then i added a piece of duct tape over everyone else’s mouth.
«alright, the duct tape won’t exactly stop you from talking, but i will be able to tell if you have cheated when you get back to me» i said «because if anyone speaks the tape will loosen up».
Michael got to study the map first while i gave Stanley a hint that he would have to remember and give Michael so he would know what to look for when they reached the destination.
at each post they would find a letter that they would bring back and figure out the word i was looking for.
Michael had studied the map and grabbed Stanley’s arm and started dragging him along.
«oh, are we going? cool, so where are we heading?» Stanley said as he got dragged away.

next team, i showed Tanja the map and she would have to study while i gave Eire the hint for where to look, but i sent them to a different post than Michael and Stanley.
same thing for Shaun and Jennifer, they would study the map together and i told Larry what to look for, then sent them off to a different post.

now it was Riley and Joe’s turn to study the map, but unlike the other blinds Olaf decided that he also wanted to study the map even though he couldn’t see a thing.
«so where are we going» he said as he popped in between his team-mates «are we going here?» he suddenly pointed his finger at a random spot on the map that was laying on the hood of my car.
«or here? or here? or are we going here?» he kept saying as he pointed at random spots, sometimes he didn’t even point at the map, he just pointed outside and pushed his finger at the hood of my car.
«this place seems nice» he said as he pointed at another spot.
Riley had enough of Olaf’s stupidity and slapped his arm several times as she shouted through the tape over her mouth «FAFF OFF!»
«Ouch! that hurt!» Olaf said while rubbing his sore arm.
i couldn’t help but laugh, it was just to hilarious to witness the outcome of this.
«Olaf, come with me» i said and took him away so his team-mates could study the map without him disturbing «this is your hint, now remember it. look for a red light».
«okay» Olaf answered then suddenly shouted as loud as he could «GUYS! HE SAYS WE HAVE TO LOOK FOR A RED LIGHT!»
«you were not supposed to tell them yet, but okay» i said and sent him to the other two so they could bring him to the post.
«so were are we going now? Riley, is this your hand? then this must be Joe’s hand. so how far have we reached by now?» i just heard Olaf keep talking nonsense and asking questions that his team-mates wouldn’t be able to answer anyway.

the fourth team had the shortest walk for now as they just had to walk up the hill behind my car, a pole with a red light was at the top of the hill and that’s where they would find the letter they were looking for.
they came back after 5 minutes and showed me the letter they had found.
«good, i’ll just have to double check your gags and then i will send you off to the next post» i said.
after i had checked the duct tape i sent them off to the next post which was the same as Tanja and Eire had been sent to.

now it took a while before anyone got back, it started getting dark and i was alone by my car.
i had nothing to do really but sit in my car and think about things.
after a while i saw a flashing light coming from the beach. i knew that it was Michael and Stanley as everyone else had been sent to a post in the forest somewhere.
«alright you are back» i said.
«i need a new gag» Michael said «i’m sweating off the duct tape i have over my mouth».
i got my roll of duct tape out of the car and was ready to prepare a new gag for Michael.
«by the way, here are the letters» he said and gave me 4 pieces of paper that all had the letter F drawn on to them.

«you took all of them?» i asked.
«yes, wasn’t i supposed to do that?»
«no… it was supposed to be one for each team» i said trying to stay calm «well, can’t do anything about that. i’ll just have to give away those letters to the other teams when they come back».
i added new duct tape over Michael’s mouth and showed him the next spot on the map he would go for.

it took a long time before the next group returned, but eventually Riley, Joe and Olaf came back.
«what the hell?» i said. they went to the same post as Tanja and Eire who had left a long time before them.
«okay, i’ll just have to check your gags» i said «and Michael was so kind that he brought back all the letters from his first post. so you only have one more to visit» i kept speaking while i studied the tape over their mouth and showed them the final post they would look for.

once i had sent them off i saw Tanja and Eire returning as well.
«that took some time» i said «everything alright?»
Tanja showed me her gag that was about to fall off her mouth and i carefully removed it.
«Eire is driving me F***ing nuts!» she shouted «she keeps talking and talking and talking and talking! i swear she’s got F***ing mouth diarrhea».
«oh, come on» i said with a cheering tone «she can’t be that bad».
«and all she keeps talking about is how she is afraid that some moose might chase us, and to make it even worse, some guy who was taking a walk passed by us and she started screaming when she heard him because she thought it was the moose. and just to make it even worse again, that guy who passed by us was our geography teachers! it was so embarrassing!»
«okay, enough now. you are supposed to be silenced» i said and placed a new strip of duct tape over Tanja’s mouth.

i gave her the letter that Michael had brought back and showed her the next post.
Eire told Tanja the hint i had given her and she looked up at the hill top where the flashing red light was.
i could see them from my car, Tanja made Eire sit down on a rock and started running up the hill alone.
«Tanja? where did you go?» Eire said from where she sat blindfolded «Tanja? did you get eaten by a moose?»

Tanja managed to find the piece of paper that carried the letter N, then she ran back to Eire.
as she ran down from the hill in the dark Tanja tripped on something and felled forward making some kind of squeaking sound through her gag. when Eire heard the bump of Tanja’s fall and the noise she made Eire quickly jumped up and screamed in fear «WHOA!!! MOOSE!!!»
once again i couldn't help but laughing while Tanja stood up on her feet once more, grabbed Eire and dragged her back to me.

i finally showed them the last post on the map and after Eire and Tanja had left i was once again alone.
i still had not heard anything from Shaun, Jennifer and Larry. also it had been a while now since i sent them to their first post.
also it was starting to get really late now, the meeting was supposed to be over in 30 minutes.
finally i saw a flashlight from the forest, it was Shaun’s team that came back, but without any letter.
i allowed them to remove the gags so they speak.
«we couldn’t find anything, it was impossible to figure out where it was hidden» Shaun said.
«aha, well… you still have the time to get another post, so if you go for this place» i said and pointed at the map.

after i had sent them away Riley, Joe and Olaf came back from the same post, same result of course. maybe i should have picked a different place to hide the paper pieces.
«we didn’t find it» Riley said after i had allowed her to remove the tape over her mouth «but we think we might know what the last letter is».
it was an obvious word i had chosen, and only missing one letter they should be able to guess it right.
«okay, you are still unable to speech, so what you will have to do is write the letters with your fingers in Olaf’s hand so he can spell it and tell me the right word».
«okay» Riley said and placed a strip of tape over her moth again.
they started with the first letter, writing the shape of an F in Olaf’s hand.
«uh… the letter is…» Olaf said while they tried to inform him «F!»
Riley continued with the next letter and Olaf once again focused on the shape forming in his hand.
«that’s an… I!» he said «no wait, F!»
next letter came up «V? is it a V?… no, N, it’s N!».
final letter «O? no… D? D!»
«alright Olaf, and what does that spell?» i asked him.
«uh…» Olaf stood still for a few seconds and tried to think «f… i… n… d… FIND!»

i removed his blindfold and allowed Riley and Joe to remove their gags too.
«congratulations» i said as i handed them the award, a large milk chocolate that they could share.
Michael and Stanley came back while the winning team was enjoying their award.
«i guess you guys won then» Michael said as he removed his gag.
«yup» Joe said while he put a piece of chocolate in his mouth.
Tanja and Eire came back too by now and watched as the winning team ate the award.
«by the way Riley» i said «do you remember that you lost a certain bet the other day» i said.
Riley swallowed her last piece of chocolate and said «i had hoped that you would forget».
the weekend before we had been on a scout trip, i had made a bet with Riley that she would not be able to get through the entire weekend without eating any kind of candy or sweets. she failed after only a couple of hours and if she lost i would get to wrap her up in duct tape. thing was, for once i did not bring any supplies that could have been used for TUG during that weekend, so i would have to wait for the next opportunity, which would be right now.

i took the roll of duct tape out and said «but i’ll be nice to you. instead of wrapping your entire body up i will just do your wrists».
«oh so now you got duct tape» Eire said «on the trip we had this weekend we had a leak on the roof in the bus and the one time we needed Viking's duct tape he didn't have any».
Riley held out her arms in front and while i was taping her wrists together and answered «how was i suppose to know that the bus would leak? we went for a trip to the zoo and later to a swimming pool. of course i didn't expect us to need duct tape».
a van approached while Eire answered me once more «but you always bring duct tape!»

the van that arrived was the twins father who was here to drive them home. Larry, Shaun and Jennifer was still not back from their post and the twins dad had to be up at 4:30 in the morning because of his work, so he was hoping that we would have been done by now.
«crap, can somebody call Shaun or anyone on that group and tell them to just hurry back?»
i didn’t expect them to use that much time really. getting to the post should have taken only 5 minutes, even though Tanja and Eire spent a lot more time, but that turned out to be Tanja who had taken the wrong direction at a spot so they had to walk back.
while we waited for the last team to return i opened the trunk of my car so i could put the scarves and the duct tape that had been used back.
Riley was standing right next to me, still with her arms taped up in her front.
«do you want me to cut you free again so you can go home as well?» i asked her.
«i’m not in a rush, i have to wait for Shaun, he has a memory stick for me with a bunch of Doctor Who episodes» she answered.
«you’re a fan of doctor who?»
«yeah, are you?»
«i haven’t seen that much of it, but from what i have seen it seems okay».
as i was about to close the trunk Tanja suddenly came by and said «wait».
she grabbed the roll of duct tape and stood behind Riley. what is she up to?

suddenly she stretched out the tape and started wrapping it around Riley’s upper body.
«Tanja! what the F***?» Riley moaned.
Tanja didn’t say a word and just continued wrapping the tape around Riley.
«god dammit» Riley whispered as she stopped struggling and just let Tanja finish what she had started.
her entire chest was covered up with duct tape when Tanja gave me back the little that was remaining on the tape roll.
«sorry Riley» Tanja said «but i figured this might be my only opportunity to get back at you from the championship».
«a tooth for a tooth, i guess that ’s fair» Riley said and sat down in my car trunk.
«so how long do you think it will take before Larry get’s back?» i heard a voice say from the van that was parked in front of my car.
«i don’t know, they should have been here for at least 15 minutes ago. i hope nothing bad have happened» i answered and walked up to the van.
«yeah, like i said, i have to wake up at 4:30 in the morning to get to work, and it takes an hour drive to our home, so it would have been nice if you could stick to the schedule».
as we talked we spotted a couple of flashlights in the woods.
«that might be them over there» i said.
and it sure was, Larry had the scarf removed from his eyes so he could see again and the other two removed the duct tape from their mouths.

Larry and Olaf got into the van as fast as they could and said good bye. i went back to Riley who had laid down in the car trunk, still wrapped up in duct tape.
«so, who won?» Shaun asked.
«we did» Riley replied from the trunk «do you have the memory stick?»
«oh, that’s right» Shaun said as he fumbled in his pocket and pulled out the memory stick «here you go».
he gave it to Riley who grabbed it with her tied wrists and smiled back to Shaun «thank you».

something was going on here, the way Riley and Shaun looked at each other… i had seen that look before. also they had gotten suspiciously well along lately ever since the accident Shaun had during the video marathon.
«well, the meeting is over and most people have already started heading home, shall i cut off that tape?»
«sure» Riley responded. Shaun got onto his bicycle and said «see you later» while he took off.
since Riley was living in the same direction as me i gave her a ride home as soon as everyone else had left.
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Post by harveygasson »

Cool story
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