Dan Dare : 04 - Beach Liaison (f/m, ffm/m)

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Dan Dare : 04 - Beach Liaison (f/m, ffm/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Dan Dare's stories
04 - Beach Liaison
Story index at the bottom

By Dan Dare

Wednesday March 15th 2000 06:54:53

Beach liaison

By the time I was 11, thanks to my big brother, I knew what a fetish was and I was aware that I had two - smoking cigarettes and being tied up. The second of these had dominated my life since I can first remember and, also thanks to my two brothers, Cam (now 13) and James (14), had been richly fulfilled for many years.

As the youngest brother, I was usually the "baddy" in the endless cops and robbers games we had played prior to our family leaving the farm we had lived on all my life and moving to the city a few months back.

The move had coincided with Cam and James going to boarding school, which left me alone in a new and strange environment. I went to the local junior school where I was finding it tough making friends due to my classification as "farm boy" and, in truth, my difficulty in adjusting to city life.

We had moved to a big house on the beach some 10 miles out of the city in a small and rather exclusive suburb and most of the kids who went to my new school came from wealthy families and were pretty snobbish.

An exception, however, was a cool looking girl called Elane who lived a few houses down the beach from us. She was 13 and lived with her divorced mother and brother aged 12. Elane and Mark, her brother, were "seniors" in our school and, as such, did not deign to associate with juniors like me.

One Saturday morning I was walking home from the corner store when I saw Elane, Mark and another girl, sitting on a grass bank, deep in conversation. As I approached where they were sitting, Elane, much to my surprise, greeted me.

"Hi, Brian, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, I guess" I replied, "What are you doing?"

"We're just going to our den - want to come?"

Did I want to come! - does a one-legged duck swim in circles!

"Sure", I said.

"Just one thing", Elane said, "You have to get blindfolded - cause it's secret and we don't know you all that well yet".

"OK", I replied, "that's cool".

Elane got up from the bank and came over to me, pulling a big, crumpled handkerchief from her jeans pocket. Walking round behind me, she pulled the handkerchief over my eyes, knotting it tightly at the back of my head. When I was completely blinded, I felt my arms being drawn behind me and my wrists placed together, one crossed over the other. A familiar and delicious sensation!

Next thing, I felt something like thin cloth tape being wrapped three or four times horizontally round my wrists. The bond was then drawn a couple of times between my wrists, securing the bond tightly and immovably. The girl definitely knew how to tie someone up!

I was gently led by my captors along the grass verge beside the road towards the beach - I could feel the short, recently mown grass tickling my bare feet. A short time later, my feet told me that we were on the beach.

We walked for what seemed to be about 15 minutes before my head was pushed down and I felt undergrowth brushing my naked legs and arms. We were going into the "forest" of coastal bush which was a feature of the area. I was then man (or girl) handled into a sitting position, by back against a small tree. Someone tied my legs together at the ankles using the same soft thin ribbon which Elane had been used to bind my wrists. I felt almost complete.

Then the handkerchief that blindfolded me was pulled off and I could see my surroundings. I was in a small clearing in the thick bush, sitting under a slender but stout tree, Elane, Mark and the other girl whose name I had overheard as Eve, sat on the white sand in front of me.

"Welcome to the den", Mark said brightly. "Sorry about tying you up, but this place is mega-secret".

"That's OK", I replied, "I don't mind being tied up".

Elane said "that's good, because you have to stay that way as long as you're here. You can come here any time with us, but you can't ever know where this place is, OK?"

I said OK and shuffled into as comfortable a position as my situation allowed. I was breathless at having been "kidnapped" by folks I hardly new, as well as by the prospect of being tied up - not only for a reasonably lengthy period, but possibly on a regular basis! I looked at my feet: my ankles had been tied together, parallel, in a tight hand-cuff style, with a rugby boot lace. Obviously, my tightly but not painfully bound wrists had been tied with another similar lace.

I looked at Elane: Though I was too young to have any really serious sexual fantasies about any girl, there was something about her which sent a thrill through my body and settled into a swarm of butterflies doing aerobatics in the pit of my stomach.

Elane got to her feet and bent over a back-pack which I hadn't noticed before.

"We're just going to get something, Brian, You be alright by yourself for a few minutes?"

"Sure", I said: now the butterflies had turned onto a fiery inferno. I hoped they couldn't see my heart pumping.

She took a 6 foot length of cotton wash line from the back-pack and tossed it over to Mark.

"Tie him to the tree - make sure he can't escape".

Mark got up and moved behind the tree against which I was leaning. Drawing my elbows together behind the tree, he tied them together, pulling them about six inches apart. No way I was going to escape from that, even if I wanted to, which I didn't. My hands were pressed to my back by the tree trunk while my elbows were tied behind the tree, tightly but not uncomfortably. I was stuck for the duration.

The trio then all departed down a single path through the thick bush. I was alone. Securely bound to a tree by three kids I scarcely new, was the most thrilling sensation I had ever experienced. I had no idea where I was, nor how long I was going to be there.

About 15 minutes later they all returned, evidently from Eve's house as she had changed from the sweater and jeans she was previously wearing to shorts and a tank-top. She looked very cool, but nowhere close to my Elane; the first girl who had ever set fire to my lower regions.

Elane and Eve took up their previous positions in the little clearing, sitting about 6 feet opposite me, while Mark untied the rope securing be by my elbows to the tree.

As I slumped forward, relieved of the strain on my arms, Mark strolled back to where the girls were sitting and sat down..

There I sat for the next 4 or five hours, leaning against that tree, hands tied behind my back, ankles tied together, just talking to Elane, Mark and Eve, watching them smoke cigarettes and joking with eachother. Eventually, we started walking home along the beach, my hands still tied behind me. As we passed Eve's house, she left us with a cheery wave. Elane and Mark took me up to where I lived, untied my pretty lifeless hands and turned to go home.

"See you next Saturday", Elane called over her shoulder!

I met up with my new friends on a regular basis and spent many hours with them, my hands always tied behind my back the whole time and my eyes blindfolded during the walk to and from the den. Eventually, after about six such episodes, all pretty much the same, I was accepted into the gang and we had a lot of fun over the next few years playing adventure games and tying each other up.

Dan Dare

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