Viking : The insane night patch (Mf/ff)

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Viking : The insane night patch (Mf/ff)

Post by Soraka »

by viking » Sat Dec 07, 2013 3:00 pm
hey everybody, it's been over a year now since i posted a story in the true story section and since then i have been trough a bunch of tugs and still counting. i thought it was about time to share them once again with you guys.
but first, i realize that it has been some time now since my previous stories so i will re-introduce myself for the newcomers that are not familiar with my stories.

you guys know me as viking and i am a dude in my twenties from Norway who's been paying attention to this forum since it was on the old Canucks page.
i am a typical metalhead/punker/old school rocker and have huge interest in video games and was born with skies on my feet.
at my spare time i am a team leader for the local rover scouts and that's where my upcoming stories comes in.

a year ago i was out of stories to share and had a lot to do when it came to work as well as i had the scout meetings and recently started a new band project, so i decided to take a break until i had more stories to share. meanwhile i shared a couple of stories in the fictional story section. some of them gained a lot more popularity than i expected while some of them didn't seem to be as interesting.
in the end i got tired of writing fiction and i simply stopped caring about them. but now i have a bunch of new true stories again and i will try to share them whenever i got the time.

the story i am about to share now took place about a month after my last story that i wrote over a year ago, but i decided to wait with sharing it for some time and now i feel like iv'e hold it back for long enough.

so here it goes, i hope you enjoy it.
The insane night patch.

like i said in the introduction the story takes place about a month after my previous story. just to make it simple i'll ad a link to it here, that way i also don't need to introduce every person in the story again.

it was in the middle of november and i was wearing the typical kinds of clothing that i usually wear, that means black pants and a rock-band merchandise t-shirt.
driving my grey Volkswagen up to the parking at the local gas station and ready to pick up O-B, a friend of me since high school. the best way to describe him? well… he's a lazy chubby slob with red hair and doesn't even know what size in clothes he should wear, often wears clothes that are a bit to small for him. but he's a very nice guy and fun to hang out with once he first gets out of the house.
O-B threw his stuff into the backseat of my car and sat down in front passenger seat. AC/DC was playing on the stereo and O-B greeted me a good evening.
we kept driving to the outskirts of town and picked up Tony before we kept driving to the cabin where we would be spending the night.

as we moved on O-B turned he's head around and said "Tony, may i ask you an embarrassing question?"
"sure…" Tony answered
"do you have any chewing tobacco with you?"
"NO!" Tony shouted in panic "i completely forgot"
"DAMMIT! so did i, i was hoping you remembered"
i just smiled and said "well, i'm just happy that i'm not addicted to that crap"

poor souls, how would they survive the night without any tobacco… well, that's not my headache i thought for my self as the two of them had stress all over their faces.
after 40 minutes we finally arrived the cabin. Karen, the main scout leader was already there with Tom and gave me the keys to the cabin "so where are the girls?" she asked me.
"Tanja and Eirin is coming by as soon as the movie they went to is over, the other girls had some other thing to do this weekend".
we agreed that she would be back around 12 o clock the next day as she got into her Caravelle and took off.
as soon as we got inside the cabin the first thing i did was lighting up some candles so we could see while O-B started to light up the fireplace. it was a really old cabin without any electricity. as you came in trough the entrance you had one door that went to a tiny kitchen, in the kitchen you had the choose between walking forward to a bedroom that had a bunk-bed or you could walk to the right into the living/dining room with a fireplace, 3 couches, a ladder that went up to an entrance shaped like a keyhole where the loft was and finally you had the door out to the balcony.

"i suggest that the girls gets the loft when they arrive, while you guys sleep here in the living room. i'll take the bedroom next to the kitchen" i told them. everyone agreed as we placed our stuff around the cabin. i placed my acoustic guitar on one of the tables and tried to figure out where to store most of the food.
it was not snowing yet but it was still rather cold outside so i decided to let the food that needed a refrigerator stay in the trunk of my car.
after a while my phone beeped, i checked the text message Eire had sent me saying <<we are at the village>>.
the village was a 5 minute drive away so now i just had to drive down to the village and pick up the girls, then we could finally begin.

i came back with the girls a little later, the cabin was beginning to get warm so i decided it was time to give some information now that everyone had arrived.
"to night we are going to be working with the insane night patch, it has several thing we are going to do and one of them is to turn around the time and use the entire night as if it was daytime. so we are going to start of the night by eating breakfast together, then i suggest we improvise what to do in order to stay awake before we eat dinner in the morning. the goal is to stay up until the sun rises, then we can get a few hours of sleep before Karen comes back tomorrow".

yes, this is actually a patch that the rover scouts can gain and attach to the scout uniform. another one we worked with was the sofa patch witch involved nailing a pair of skies to a sofa and take it for a ride in the snow.
anyway, we ate breakfast together and then… there was absolutely nothing to do.
i realized that this would have been a lot easier if they had been younger, because then i could let them play a game of some kind. but they where teenagers, playing games was to childish for them so the result was that we just sat in the coaches and talked about whatever there was to talk about.
thinking about it later it was not really such a bad thing after all, i mean i already knew O-B rather well and Tom had been on our scout group for over a year now. but the other 3 had just started as rovers, and this was the first step to actually get to know them.
after a couple of hours O-B got tired and went to his sleeping bag. the girls tried to put make up on him a couple of times but he always woke up.

after another while Tanja seemed to get bored as she started poking Eire.
"Tanja, stop… that's really annoying"
"make me"
hmm, maybe they where still a little childish after all. Tanja kept poking Eire for another 5 minutes "Tanja, seriously".
i just couldn't resist any longer and said "hey Eire, i do got some duct tape in the trunk of my car if you need"
Eire looked up at the roof and seemed to be thinking about it.
"sure" she finally answered.
i went outside and picked the remaining of the duct tape, also noticed that i had a lot of rope laying around but i decided to leave it for now.
as i got back and gave the roll to Eire, Tanja still didn't stop poking her. it was obvious that Eire had enough as she started to fumble with the duct tape and tried to tape it around Tanja's fingers.
"Tanja, hold your wrist still so i can…"
"you gotta try better than that"

i grunted and told Eire to give me the roll, and within a few seconds i had wrapped duct tape around Tanja's upper body below her chest so her arms got pinned to her body.
"aww" she sighed.
"there you go" i said, or at least i thought i had put a stop to her. i learned that Tanja is a very stubborn girl, and once she has decided to do something it takes a lot before she stops. she leaned over toward Eire and started to poke her again.
"Viking, she's still poking me" Eire moaned.
i quickly grabbed her wrists and taped them together with the rest of the duct tape.
"there you go" i said. so i had taped her wrists together in front of her taped her arms to body, but like i said Tanja is very stubborn as she stretched out her fingers and started poking Eire by bending her upper body forward and backward.
"DAMMIT GIRL, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO STOP?" i said. Tony and Tom just sat by and watched laughing over the whole situation.
she just grinned as she kept poking Eire.

you know what, i find it a bit weird that Eire didn't just move somewhere else. but still enough was enough, so i went into my car again and had a look at all the stuff in the trunk. i had a 20 meter long thick blue rope in case of an emergency like if i needed to pull up another car or if i needed somebody to pull up my car after an accident.
you never know.
and in this case it should be working just great.
i got back indoor and lifted Tanja up and pulled her over to the closest chair.
"noooo… i wanna poke Eire" she said.
"haha Tanja" Eire said while pointing her fingers toward us.
"comforble?" i asked as i had made her sit down in the chair.
she didn't answer me, just had an angry look on her face.
i started to tie the rope around her body and the chair several times and had a couple of rounds around her legs too before i tied them to the bottom of the chair.

there she was, all tied up with duct tape and rope. she didn't say anything so a gag was not really needed. beside, we didn't want to stop her from talking we just wanted her to stop poking.
it took a while before she said anything but when she finally spoke she said the most unexpected thing
"how come that it always is one of us you are tying up?"
she said what? this was the first time i ever tied her up, and the previous time when Eire got wrapped up in duct tape it was not even i who tied her. sure i am the one who gave them the role of duct tape but Tanja and Caitlin was the one who did most of the work.
before i managed to answer Tom said "because you are girls" followed by a laugh.
"that doesn't even make sense" Tanja said shocked.

i tried to have some more conversations with them during the next 10 minutes while Tanja struggled trough the ropes. Tom got tired as well and went into his sleeping bag too, witch mean it was only Tony and the girls left awoke with me now.
Tanja managed to get out of the ropes after a short time, the chair was wide so she didn't have to struggle that much.
but she was still wrapped up in duct tape.
i had to untie all the rope that was still wrapped around the chair but before i was even halfway Tanja had managed to move toward Eire again and was now poking her once more.
"alright then" i said and went to the kitchen and got a regular straight back chair that i brought into the living room. i moved Tanja over to it and started tying her up again.
"nooo…" she said while i started to tie the rope around her stomach and the chair.
suddenly she sighed and said "i give up".

the next thing that happened to me was something new that i never experienced before. for some reason this didn't feel right.
now that i thought about it she had been awfully quiet the whole time we had been here, and for some reason i started to feel like something was bothering her. not just the fact that we did this to her but something about the cabin… actually the whole place. she seemed to be thinking about something…
whatever it was it made me feel a little sad as well.

i started to untie the rope again and said "alright, i'm letting you go".
Eire seemed shocked "what? WHY?"
"i don't think she wants to be tied up, and we shouldn't force her into doing something she doesn't want to"
Tanja walked back to the couch and sat down next to Eire, i pulled out my knife and started to cut off the duct tape around her body.
"thanks" Tanja seemed a little relieved that i decided to free her but it was still like if something bothered her.
as i started to cut off the duct tape around her wrists i suddenly heard something rip.
"oops, sorry about that" i said as looked down at the arm of her grey sweater.
"you cut a hole in my sweater!"
"again, sorry i didn't mean to do it… but did i cut anything else? i din't cut your wrist or anything now?"
"no, i don't think so… so why did you let me go?"
"like i said earlier, i won't force you to do anything you don't like"
a little smile occurred on her face but it didn't last long.

it was one those awkward silent moments before i decided to grab the rope and started making a loop.
"what are you up to now?" Tanja payed attention to my rope work.
"i'm just practicing my knots, since i anyway got the rope here why not? this for an instance is one of my personal favorites, the hangar's knot"
Tanja looked at loop i had made with 13 knots around it and reached out her arm "can i borrow that for a bit"
i was sceptic but gave it to her.
"now i will get my revenge on you Eire" she said as she wounded the rope around Eire's neck.
"woah, be careful with that" i said.
Eire was once again in shock "why? what did i do?"
"you are the one who made him tie me up in the first place"
"but you tied me up previously, this was my revenge on you"
"i don't care" Tanja said and raised up from the couch and started pulling Eire with her.

"Tanja seriously, that might be dangerous" i said.
"don't worry, i won't kill her" she responded "i'm just taking her for a walk. come here little doggie"
Eire followed as Tanja brought her to the main entrance, opened the door, pushed Eire out and locked it with the rope still hanging in the door.
"help, it's dark out here!" we heard her shout trough the door.
Tony started to laugh hysterically by the whole thing.
"wait, i have an idea" i said as started to pull on my shoes.
"what are you planning to do?" Tanja questioned me.
"do not open the door, i'll walk out through the balcony door and sneak up behind her"
Tanja had a big smile now "awesome!"

as i walked around the cabin i saw Eire standing at the door trying to open it. she had managed to get the rope off her neck but didn't seem to notice me yet.
i was as close as i could get before i shouted "HELLO!"
Eire's reaction was something iv'e never seen before. she pushed her entire body up against the wall and screamed so loud i'm sure they heard her all the way back in our town.
"did i scare you?"
stupid question with an obvious answer, witch is kinda the reason why it seemed so funny at the moment.
"how did you get there?"
"through the back door, now come on let's have some fun with the others".
she didn't have any shoes so i carried her on my back to the balcony.
"now here's my idea. i'll go in first and pretend i didn't find you"
"that is going to be so much fun" Eire said, now it was her turn to give a big smile.

i did like we agreed and walked up to Tanja as i said "she wasn't there"
"she was gone"
Tanja opened the door and just like i said, there was no sign of Eire.
"what the fu… EIRE!!!" she shouted.

i decided it was time to go back to the balcony and tell Eire to end the joke.
as i walked outside i realized something… Eire was not at the same spot that i had left her.
where did she go? maybe she walked inside without me noticing. i looked through every room and up at the loft but no sign of Eire anywhere.
i walked back outside and looked around the cabin, even though she didn't have any shoes she could have walked around again.
nope, still no sign of her.
"what the hell" i said as got back inside. but this time i wasn't pretending, i really had no idea where she was!
"but where?" Tanja was just as confused as me. Tony by the other hand, he just sat in the couch and didn't say a damn thing.

okey, this had gone to far. i told Tanja the truth about how i had carried Eire around the cabin but now i didn't know where she was for real.
we kept looking all over the place as we kept shouting her name. maybe she had hidden in my car?
i went outside to have a look again, i searched my car but no sign there either.
now i really started to get worried, but i had to stay calm and keep my head cold.
"EIRE!!!" i shouted as loud as i could to see if i got any response.

you know when you are watching a scary movie about a bunch of teenagers who's camping somewhere out in the woods and then suddenly one of them disappears and everyone of them are getting killed by a mysterious masked person one by one?
it's one thing when you are watching a movie, but when something like this happens for real it's a whole different story.
"seriously, where the hell is she?" i said as i got back indoor again.
"i don't know" Tanja said even more confused than ever.
that's when we suddenly heard a noise.

"what the?" Tanja said and turned around.
we heard someone laughing under the dining table, as i looked under i saw Eire trying to catch her breath.
"there you are!" Tanja shouted to her
i looked over at Tony who was laughing his ass off in the couch, the bastard knew the entire time and the reason why he was so silent was because he didn't want to bust Eire's hiding place by laughing.
well i guess i got what i deserved, after all i was the one who took the joke to far in the first place.
but it was not over yet… i still had a 20 meter long rope laying next to me and i wanted to get back at Eire for what she put us trough.

next to the dining table there was a bench, i grabbed Eire and carefully pushed her down on her back on top of the bench. i grabbed the rope still having the hangman's knot at one end and looped it around her ankles.
"what are you doing?" she laughed.
"i'm gonna torture you"
"okey" Eire was still having trouble to stop laughing and didn't struggle much.
i tied the rope several times around her feet and cinched it, then threw the other end over the pole that went across the roof and pulled it so her feet stretched up in the air. i grabbed her wrists tied the rope around them and pulled her arms over her head and tied them to the bench.
"exactly how is this torture?" after all this time she was still laughing a little, and she was about to laugh even more.

"hey Tanja?" i said "is she ticklish?"
Eire's eyes widened as she realized what i was planning. Tanja just nodded with with a smile.
Eire was now laughing more than ever, she was REALLY ticklish.
i barely had to do anything before she spurted into laughter. she was shaking so much the entire bench was about to break underneath her. says a lot considering how little she weighs.
we didn't keep her captured that long though. after 5 minutes or something we decided to let her go.
i brought the rope back to my car and the remaining of the night we just talked about various things. as we tried to stay awake for as long as we where supposed to in order to gain the patch.
still i kept having the feeling that something was bothering Tanja. i didn't know why at the time but i had a feeling that there was something about this place that she just couldn't stop thinking about, and it was something sad.