Viking: Rainbow Butterflies: The championship (Mf/ff)

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Viking: Rainbow Butterflies: The championship (Mf/ff)

Post by Soraka »

by viking » Sat May 17, 2014 10:04 pm
PART 1: arriving the championship.

i’m not used to trains. i usually drive by car, and whenever we head for a scout trip it’s normally by bus. it had been a long trip already by plane to Oslo Airport and i have to admit it was interesting to see how fast we travelled as every tree, building or anything else just passed by the window.
Tanja and Riley was sitting together two seats behind me, Kate was sitting with Sabella at the opposite side of the wagon with Tara and Ellie right in front of them. meanwhile i was sitting on the left side of the wagon with Meg who was showing me a bunch of pictures on her camera. everyone was wearing the scout uniforms, and the girls had the local scouts teams jackets over it.
«and here is a picture of my cousins Sara and Steve» she said and showed me a picture of a girl in her mid teens and a boy in his early teens.
«Sara and Steve?» i said «hey i know them, their mother worked at the daycare center i attended when i was a little brat».
«no way? my aunt was babysitting you?»
«it’s a small world» i said as the train reached Oslo city.
«woah, this place is big» Meg said as she looked out the window.
«yeah, i’ve been here several times but i think it’s ten years ago now since the last timel» i said as i looked at the bus schedule i had brought along on my iPad «we should be able to catch a bus that goes at 17:20».

i have to confess, i have never been as nervous in my entire life as i was that day. as soon as we got out of the train i had no clue where to go next, for the upcoming 3 days i was responsible for 7 girls that i had to make sure would make it without being robbed, raped, seriously hurt or killed. we were in the middle of the biggest city in Norway which i haven’t been in many years and i had no idea where anything was. as soon as we got out of the train and went to find the bus station my brain was locked into herding-dog mode and my eyes wandered all over the place to study the environments and keep track on the girls at the same time.
we eventually found our bus and now i just had to keep track on where we would jump off.
the bus trip felt like forever, but eventually the screen in the roof said the name for our stop and i told the girls to get their luggage and prepare to get out.
now we just had to find our way from the bus stop to the camping site.
«according to the map it should be by the fjord, so we should head for that direction» i said while i pointed across the street.

after some walking and a bit of confusion we finally found a huge camping site with a few tents standing. we had arrived earlier than most of the scout groups, it was thursday and most of the groups wouldn’t arrive before friday. i told the girls to wait while i brought Riley with me to find out where they would be camping.
we found the leaders base where a team of construction builders was setting the stage. i saw a man with his scout uniform that was giving instructions to everyone else around. as soon as he saw us he walked to me and Riley and introduced himself.
«Good evening, I’m Robert» he said as he shook my hand.
«hello, i’m Viking and this is the patrol leader Riley» i answered. turned out that Robert was the main responsible for the arrangements, he introduced me to another scout leader called Calvin who was the second responsible. Robert turned out to be an awesome guy and Calvin is today still one of the nicest persons i have ever met.

they showed us where to camp and i instructed the girls to raise the tent.
Tara took of her scout jacket and noticed that a lot of the dark blue fabric was stuck to her scout uniform «uh, Viking… do you have any advice for how to get rid of this?»
i had brought along 3 rolls of duct tape, main reason was for the orientation race so Meg and Kate could tape their shoes to the ankles (just like they had practiced in one of my previous stories) or in case we needed to fix something like if it should be a hole in the tent or similar. i would have one roll with me myself (just in case) while 2 of them stayed with the girls.
i opened one of them and told her to take of her scout uniform. she did like she was told and took of the green long sleeved shirt that was covered up in buttons and badges. underneath she was wearing a white t-shirt. «hold out your arm» i said as i stretched out the tape.
«how is that gonna help getting the fabric off?» she asked, but still did like i said.
i started to wrap the tape with the sticky side out several times around her right arm and then tore off the tape roll.
«now drag your arm over the scout shirt» i said.
she did and the tape pulled off the fabric «cool».
«you’re smart» Meg complimented me as the girls seemed amazed by knowledge.
«i told you, duct tape can fix anything» i said «Riley, we should look for the grocery store and get some food. Meg, you’re in charge while we are gone».
it took a while, but we eventually found a grocery store and purchased some food and drinks so we wouldn’t starve to death. after they had eaten i noticed a boy and a girl in their late teens that was walking around the camp, none of them had scout uniforms or scarfs so i figured they probably were visitors. suddenly they came to us and introduced themselves.
they were seniors at a high school nearby and was doing a school project for the media class and wanted to do a report on the scouts. Meg, Riley, Tanja, Sabella and i didn’t mind, so we agreed to do a interview with them.
meanwhile i noticed that Kate was yelling at Tara. i’m not sure what it was about, but i learned later that Kate tried to take a lot of responsibility even though she wasn’t in charge, and knowing Tara she probably had been up to something foolish. Ellie tried to be the peacemaker between them but it didn’t seem to help.

«so what are you doing in the scouts anyway?» the female senior student asked us as she held her voicerecorder up to record the interview.
«it’s so much fun, you should have seen the first aid challenge Viking and Olimar made for us during the nomination. they made it look like a car had crashed, and they were all covered up in theatric blood, it was so cool» Meg answered.
«and how did you become a scout leader?» she asked me.
«by a coincidence actually…» that was all i managed to say when suddenly.
«Viking, can we use some of the duct tape to teach Tara a lesson?» Kate asked me.
«yeah, sure…» i said.
at the moment i thought they were just screwing around, but i learned later that Kate and Tara had been arguing a lot ever since the patrol got nominated for the championship. if i had known how serious the argument between them actually was i never would have agreed to let her tie up Tara. it’s one thing when it comes to fun and games, but when it gets too serious it might be a problem.

as soon as i turned around Kate was wrapping duct tape around Tara’s wrist in front of her then started tying her legs too. Tara just responded with making animal noises and giving Kate a mean look.
Tara had pulled her scout jacket back on, so she was decently dressed. Kate completely mummified Tara’s legs with the duct tape and then started wrapping her upper body.
«okay, and now it looks like one of the scouts are getting in to a little sticky situation here» the female student said, still recording our voices.
«uh, yeah… that happens quite a lot» i said.
«WOHOO! somebody is getting duct-taped and it’s not me! hurray!» Riley shouted as she cheerfully ran toward the action.
«usually she’s the victim» i said with a low voice, then i continued «don’t use all the duct tape, you need it for the competition».
«i know, just chill» Kate responded.
when the male student started taking pictures of them i was glad this was just for a school project. i don't even want to know what the results could have been if this had gotten into the actual media...
knowing the Norwegian media they have a tendency to make everything seem a lot worse than it actually is.

Tanja and i stood behind while all the other girls was busy looking at Tara’s peril adventure.
«so does this happen quite often?» the female student asked with her southern accent.
«yup» Tanja said as she nodded.
Kate continued wrapping the tape around Tara’s upper body with her taped hands pushed up to her chest and now they made her sit with her knees up so Kate could tape them up against her stomach.
Tara was now sitting like a ball. she didn’t protest much as far as i could tell, but Kate still decided to gag her with 3 pieces of tape.
«that should teach you to listen» she said as she finally put away the duct tape.
«well we would like to have a picture of the entire group» the female student said «how about if everyone gather with her».
im’ not sure how Tara felt about being wrapped up in duct tape, after all she knew that we had to release her soon and she had agreed to be tied up before, but i did one mistake not checking with her if she was okay about them taking the pictures. after all she was gagged and not able to communicate properly so she wasn’t able to let us know if she was okay about it, even though the other girls agreed to be taken a picture of i should have asked Tara first if she was okay about it as well, but i didn’t think straight at the moment.
once again i’m really glad they only was doing this for a school project, if this had been the actual media i would have refused to be a part of the interview and denied them to take any pictures at all.

after the pictures had been taken the girls gave a good old fashion scout cheer into the voice recorder to finish the interview.
i told Ellie to cut free Tara, enough was enough and we should quit while it still was fun and games.
«oh… do we have to free her already?» Kate said disappointed.
«we got other things to do» i answered, Ellie had cut off the tape that held Tara’s legs toward her body. i helped Tara back on her feet and removed the gag.
«thanks a lot with sugar on top» she said with a smile.
Ellie was using her knife and started cutting free Tara’s arms and wrists when suddenly i heard her say «that’s my skin you’re cutting».
surprisingly Tara was just laughing about it.
she had been lucky though, it was only a scratch and not much blood coming out. but just to be sure i pulled out the first aid equipment and sterilized the wound before i added some bandage on.

the remaining of the day went much better, Riley and Tanja decided to test my strength and see if they could wrestle me down, but obviously a big bear like me who’s used to take a beating didn’t have a problem against two short girls that had never worked out in their entire life.
after that we just sat outside the tent for some time and talked about pretty much everything.
video-games, music, some of them mentioned their lame ex-boyfriend.
«you are so much better than the other leaders, they would probably have made a really big deal about every tiny little thing. but you are always acting so cool about things» Meg said.
«yeah, and you bought ice-coffee for us» Riley said while drinking some out of her cup.

«hey Viking?» Riley said.
«i’ll be old enough for the rover team after the summer vacation, and so is Michael my ex-boyfriend. could you do me a favor and wrap that douche up in duct tape? i really want my revenge on him».
«sure, that will be an honor» i said «i can tape his arms above him so you can tickle him»
«that sounds awesome»
at some point it was time for us to get some sleep. the day after would just be about relaxing so they could spare some energy for the championship.
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Post by Soraka »

PART 2: just chilling before the competition starts.

it had been very nice weather that night, so i had slept outside under the open sky. i woke up that morning by the sound of seagulls screaming at each other and the sunrise behind the mountains at the other side of the fjord.
i was about to at the clock to find out what time it was when i felt something holding me down.
as i looked down my sleeping bag i whispered to my self «what the hell?»
Tanja and Riley was sleeping right next to me, Riley had her head on my chest and Tanja had her head on my stomach. the girls had been using me as a pillow that night.
to think that they thought i was scary to begin with i said to myself «how the bloody hell did i become their teddy bear?»
i carefully pulled my right arm out from the sleeping bag and carefully lifted Riley’s head off my chest and then Tanja’s head from my stomach so i could get out of my sleeping bag.
it was 7 in the morning, so i decided to let the girls sleep for a little longer while i took a walk around the camp to find out where the leaders was supposed to sleep during the championship. i had some breakfast and returned to the girls tent. Tanja and Riley was still sleeping outside next to my sleeping bag, but the rest of the girls was in the tent.
when it was about 9am i saw a couple of cars arriving, some guy in his early twenties that looked like he could have been in a black metal band came out from the drivers seat and lighted a cigarette while he commanded a bunch of kids in their scout uniforms.

it was about time to wake up the girls, we needed to prepare ourselves for the weekend.
«Riley, Tanja, get up» i said i started shaking their shoulders.
«mmmph» i heard from under the sleeping bags.
«seriously, it’s time to wake up» i said, but no response… «you aren’t giving me any option here» i said and then i opened the zipper for the sleeping bags i managed to pull Riley out of her bag first and her sit up.
«no mommy, i don’t wanna go to school today» she said with very tired voice.
i got Tanja next but she just held the zipper back from the inside. «Tanja, you have to get up, NOW!»
i looked down her sleeping bag and tried to open the zipper in the bottom instead.
«good luck with that, it has been stuck for ages» she grumbled.
«i got my methods» i said as i pulled out my multi-tool knife and opened the plier that i used to pinch on the zipper and VOILA i got it open.
«how the f***did you…? won’t matter, i still wont get up» she whispered.
i gave her an evil look and said «oh yes you are» and then i used the plier to pinch her in the butt.
«YAAAAOOOUCH!» she screamed as she flew up and out of her sleeping bag, it was just like watching a cartoon.
«i NEVER expected you to do something like that» she said. she thought at first i had pinched her with my fingers, but i held up the plier and pinched it a few times to indicate what i actually did.
«and you didn’t» she said surprised.
«technically i did, but not the way you thought. now help me wake up the others»
«what about Riley?» Tanja said as she pointed behind me.
Riley was sleeping on the ground in her green wool clothes, using her sleeping bag as a pillow.
«are you for real?» i said as i grabbed Riley and lifted her up on her legs.
«nooooo… please… let me sleep…» she said as she stood half sleeping.
«you are just like your sister in the morning» i said.
«that was cruel of you to say» she seemed to wake up a little more now «i’m nothing like my sister».

eventually all the girls got up, had some breakfast and changed clothes. it was a warm day and all the girls dressed with jean shorts and sleeveless tops. meanwhile i was wearing a Slipknot t-shirt and black cargo pants, i also had my scout scarf just to indicate that i was here with the scouts.
we all walked to the village to purchase some items they needed for the competition, and stopped by the grocery store to get some soft drinks in the heat. Riley kept singing a song about tractors for the trip all the way to the village and all the way back.
when we got back we all just laid down on the grass outside the tent to relax and enjoyed the sunshine while drinking soda.
«for once i actually have the weather with me, usually when i’m traveling it’s raining no matter what» Tanja said as she stretched out her arms.
«Norway in a nutshell» i said as the seagulls flew over us and screamed «those birds are really starting to get on my nerves».
it was so hot my scout scarf started to itch, so i took it off for a little. suddenly Riley snapped it out of my arm and folded it around her neck instead.
«that scarf is only meant for rovers» i said as i reached out my arm to indicate that i wanted her to give it back.
«this makes me a rover, that mean i’m in charge now» she said.
«you better give it back» i said.
obviously she was not going to give it away that easily and got up from the grass we sat on and started running. well if that’s the way she wants it, alright, lets play Tom & Jerry. so i started chasing after her.
i was faster than her and started gain onto her, but she had a better stamina than me so when i almost got her she managed to outrun me again. we ran around half the campsite before she started running back to the others, there she threw my scarf to Tanja.
perfect, Tanja is a lot easier to catch. i ran after Tanja instead and managed to grab her within 10 seconds.

«now give me back my scarf» i said «you are getting your own rover scarf in 2 weeks anyway».
«nah, i think i’ll just keep this one instead» she said with a big grin on her face.
i tried to pull it out of her fist but she had a tight grab around it and i was still tired after chasing Riley.
i looked at the orange bag with the camp equipments, there was still a lot of duct tape in it and i knew that they wouldn’t need all of it. so i dragged Tanja toward it and pulled out the remaining of the roll that had been used the day before.
«last chance, and you know i mean it» i said holding the tape roll in my left arm showing it to Tanja that i held in my right arm.
she did not give me the scarf so i pulled her to the ground and started to tape her writs in front of her.
it was a short process and next thing i did was wrapping the tape around under her breasts so her arms got pinned down to her body.
«hey Viking, we would like to take a bath, can we go?» Ellie asked me in the middle of it all.
«sure, but you need an adult with you in case something should happen, so you can change to your swimming outfits but don’t dive into the water before i get there». i doubted that anything would happen, but i was responsible for them and didn’t want to take any chances.
i looked down at Tanja and said «now, will you give me back my scarf or what?»
she sighed «fine» then let go my scarf as i took it back.
«now where is the bone pin i use to attach it?» i looked at Riley who was standing in front of me «give it back, or you’ll end up like Tanja».
«but i wanna go and take a bath as well».
«then you better give it back» i said holding out my arm.
she gave me the pin back and went to the tent so she could change to her swimming outfit.

«Viking…» Tanja said with a careful tone on her voice «can you free me now? i did give you the scarf back».
i pulled out my knife from my pocket and started to cut off the duct tape «i’m gonna try not to ruin your clothes this time» i said, remembering back at the cabin when i accidentally managed to cut o hole in her sweater.
as soon as she was free she just stood there in front of me staring into my eyes. what’s gone into her? then suddenly she grabbed the pin around my scarf and pulled it off.
she was about to start running away but i managed to grab her at once and said «not so fast».
«okay, i’ll give it back, here you go» she said and gave it back to me.
«oh no, it’s not that simple» i said as i pulled her arms behind her back and crossed them «i’ll make sure you won’t steal from me again». i took the duct tape and taped her wrists behind her back and once again wrapped duct tape around her body, several times below her breasts so her arms got pinned to her body.
«why?» she said.
«i’m teaching you a lesson» i said «beside, i’m starting to think you like it when i do this to you».
her entire face turned red and she stood with her mouth open «what makes you think so?»
«come on, this is like the fourth time you provoked me when you know i will punish you by tying you up» i said «first you stole my iPad, you knew i would tie you up if i didn’t get it back. and now you stole my scarf. admit it, you think it’s fun».
she stayed silent for a little before she said «are you going to release me this time?»
«i’m gonna let you stay tied up, because you seem to enjoy it… beside, that should stop you from stealing my stuff».
she stared into my eyes once again and then walked toward the fjord where the others had went to bath. i put the roll of duct tape back into the bag and placed it in the tent and then went for the fjord as well.

by the time i got there Tanja was free and pieces of duct tape laid around them. the girls got to cool off in the water for some time before we went back to the camp again. the competition would begin in a few hours and by then the leaders would not be allowed to have any contact with the patrols as long as they competed to prevent cheating.
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Post by Soraka »

PART 3: the rap concert.

it was saturday, and the girls was halfway trough the competition by now. it was 6pm and so far i had only had contact with the girls 2 times by the day.
the first time Tara had refused to drink or eat anything so the girls had contacted the first aid squad and had them bring Tara to me so i could talk to her and convince her to drink and eat something. it was even warmer today than the day before, so i told her if she didn’t drink anything she might have a heat stroke and i didn’t want that to happen again. i’ve had to deal with that once before and it was no fun at all.
the second time i met any of them was during one of the competitions. the judges had asked me to help being a guard to prevent cheating. that was a simple job, just stand at one spot and look scary as hell while keeping order in the line up. the competition was a little more complicated, they had to build a boat, when all the competing patrols was standing in line with their boats for the judges to check on them i met Riley and Tara while they were in line.
«yep don’t try to mess with this guy, because he is really though» one of the female judges said to Riley and Tara when they were waiting for their turn.
«trust me, we know» Riley said.
«i’m their leader» i said.
«ah» she responded. i must have been the perfect guard, having a beard, sunglasses wearing cargo pants and a mountain camouflage singlet that was showing off my muscles and tattoos. i think most of the kids found me to scary to try anything.
anyway, it was now 6pm and i was sitting by the leaders café and watching as the rappers that would be performing later was doing a sound check.
some local scouts that didn’t make it to the championship but still attended to help out was sitting on a bench and admiring them.

«you see this kids, it’s not easy to be a professional musician. there is a lot of work to prepare a concert» one of the rappers said in to the microphone.
i’ll be honest, rap music is not really my thing. i don’t have any problem with it, if Eminem or something is played on the radio i don’t have a problem with that but it’s not the kind of music i listen to the most. i’m more into rock music, punk, grunge and heavy metal.
so obviously this was not as interesting for me as it was for the kids.
suddenly Tara came and sat next to me «hello Viking» she said.
«aren’t you competing?» i said surprised.
«they only had one task left and i got pulled off because i had no energy left to compete»
«did you remember to drink?» i said «it’s still kinda hot, so the lack of water in your body might be the reason why you are so tired».
«i drank a little after i talked to you, but now that you mention it i do feel a little thirsty» she said and then she looked up on the stage «oh my god, it’s them, it’s really them!»
Tara was a huge fan of the rappers that was performing, and being this close to them most have kicked her hormones up big time.
«i wish i could just go up there and talk to them» she said, even though she knew that was forbidden.
«Robert and Calvin asked me to stand guard during the concert, so i’ll be as close to the stage as i possible can» i said.
Tara stared at me and seemed a little jealous «you’re lucky».
«come on, you needed something to drink? lets get you a soda or something» i said as i stood up from the bench. we went and purchased a can of coke each and sat backstage afterwards and just talked for a while. i was allowed to be there since i was a leader, but the rappers had now gone into the VIP section so we didn’t see them again until the concert.
Tara opened up to me about a lot when we sat there, she told me about how she and Kate had argued a lot during the entire championship so far, also how the music from those rappers had helped her getting through a lot of her issues that she had struggled with.

couple of hours later the concert had started and i stood guard in front of the stage. the only thing i kept thinking about was that in exactly one week at the moment i would be in front of the stage in Donington Park as Iron Maiden would be performing. when the show was over i met Riley, Tanja, Meg and Ellie who came with me backstage. the rappers was busy signing autographs but we didn’t have any interest in them so we just did or own thing.
i would assume that Tara was in the line for getting a signature but i had no idea where Kate or Sabella was at the moment.
«how is it going so far?» i asked them, this was the first time i had the chance to have an conversation with them all day.
«the boat and the pinball game could have gone better» Riley said.
«yeah, i told you that i couldn’t prepare you for anything i didn’t know you would have. if i had known you would make a pinball game i would have showed you exactly what it is». none of them had ever seen a pinball game before. makes me feel old…
«but we did really good on the cooking challenge and the orientation, we got almost full score» she continued.
i gave them a thumb up, it was good to know that all the meetings i had with them before had been useful and not just a waste of time.
«so… don’t you want the autographs from the rappers?» i said and pointed toward the big line of people in front of the rappers.
«nah, they weren’t that interesting» Meg said.
«i bet Riley would like to meet them» Tanja said sarcastic.
Riley looked at her as if she was stupid and then asked me «can we wrap up Tanja in duct tape?»
«or how about if we do that to Riley» Tanja responded quickly.
«well, since you are mentioning it… i do have a roll of duct tape with me» i said and took a roll out of my pocket.
both of them started pointing at each other saying «take her, take her, take her!»

hmm, who should i go for…
«eeny meeny miny moe» i started saying pointing my finger between them, but before i even finished Tanja said «you should tie up Riley because i’m telling you to do so».
«hey, i’m the leader here, you can’t give me orders, just for that i’ll decide that you are the one that gets taped up» i said.
«what? no, wait!» Tanja said as i tore out the duct tape.
«we can do this my way or the highway» as i said that Tanja started running… «i guess it is the highway then». we started running after her but as soon as we got around the corner of the stage we didn’t see her any longer.
«she’s not that fast of a runner, where the hell did she go?» i said.
«maybe she… i don’t know» Riley responded.
all 4 of us must have looked like question marks as nobody knew where she could have gone.
after searching for 5 minutes we figured that it was hopeless, she could be anywhere and if we wanted her to come out we had to trick her.
thats when i remembered one of the stories i read on this forum some time ago about how somebody that played a TUG had split into two teams and one of the teams decided to trick the other team by tying up one of their own. maybe something similar would work now.
«this might seem like a strange idea, but what if we pretended that we gave up and taped Riley instead. if Tanja sees us maybe she would come out and then we can catch her».
i looked at Riley and she seemed to think about it for a little, then she said«it might work».
«shall we?» i asked.
«sure, we could give it a shot».

i decided that since this was just going to be for show we didn’t need to make much out of it, so i just taped her wrist in front of her a few times and then wrapped the tape around her body once.
«i don’t think we bother to put on a gag» i said.
then we kept walking around for some time and shouted for Tanja a few times, but no response.
suddenly we met Robert, the admin for the entire arrangement.
«hey, i’ll see you are having some fun» he said.
«yup» Meg and Ellie answered.
«i guess you learned not to mess with the leaders then»
«actually, this is a trap. we are trying to trick somebody else, so it’s kinda like a trojan horse thing» Riley said.
«really, well you guys just keep being creative» he said.
as we kept looking around i said «Robert is kinda awesome».
«yeah, if it had been any of the leaders at home they probably would have freaked out» Riley said.
«and Calvin is really awesome too, he let me borrow his car so i could get to the grocery store yesterday before they closed».
«hmm, that was a nice thing of him to do» Ellie said.
«you think Tanja could have gone to the tent?» Meg said.
«she might have, but i’m not allowed at your campsite to prevent cheating» i said.
«well i guess we could go and have a look, if she isn’t there we could come back».
«seems like a good idea».
as soon as the 3 girls walked into the campsite i turned around and saw Tanja popping out from a tiny hill next to the fjord. she came toward me and asked «where are the others?»
«looking for you at the campsite»
«oh, i was hiding by the bathing site»
«ahh… well we gave up on catching you a long time ago and ended up with taping Riley instead. i think she’s still wrapped up in duct tape».
«okay, i’ll just go after them»

at this moment i was sure that there would not be any more TUGs for tonight. but after a few minutes i saw Tanja returning from the campsite dragging Riley with her and both Ellie and Meg was following.
Riley was still taped up and Tanja seemed mad.
«you got to be F***ing kidding me, this is all you did to her?»
the smile on Riley’s face was epic, she was trying to avoid laughing as she knew that everything went exactly like we planned.
«i guess we could go the fjord, i think i saw a tree that would be perfect to tape her up against»
«come on Riley» Tanja grinned at her.
«oh no, you are going to tape me up even more? i’m doomed» she said. and what a terrible actor she was. to think that Tanja was so naive… then again, now i had the choice. stick to the plan or betray Riley.
«alright, do it» Tanja said as we got on the hill.
«with pleasure» i took the tape roll up, stretched out the tape.

who did i go for? find out in the fourth and final part of the story and the ending of my adventures with the Rainbow Butterflies.
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Post by Soraka »

PART 4: the last night with the Rainbow Butterflies
before Tanja realized what happened i had already managed to wrap duct tape around her body 3 times and still counted.
«NOOO! you tricked me».
i kept wrapping the tape around her until half her body was covered up and pinning her arms to her body. she didn’t stand a chance.
«alright Riley, you can break free now» i said.
Riley started to struggle in order to get the duct tape off.
«it won’t come off» she grunted.
«what? i didn’t use that much» i said. but seriously, i had not used that much duct tape on Riley, once around her body and 3 times around her wrist should have been easy to get off.
but since she had such a hard time getting out i took my knife and cut her free. sure, i could have used the remaining duct tape to tape up Riley even more, but i’m a guy who sticks to my promises, and i promised her that i only would tape her up so we could trick Tanja. i’m not that evil…

as soon as Riley was free i gave her the duct tape and said «you can have the honor of taping Tanja to the tree».
Riley smiled, not the usual kinda way you smile when somebody is nice to you. it was the kind a smile you give when you have a really nasty idea, like when you are about to do a prank.
she walked behind me, and i heard the sound of tape getting teared of the roll. she can’t be that stupid, does she really think she can trick me like that?
suddenly i felt something sticky on my left arm. out of reflex i lifted my arm up, turned around, grabbed Riley with my right arm and moved the left arm in a circle and used it to pull the duct tape out of her arms.
Riley was shocked and stood with her mouth wide open «what the f***, do you got some kind of duct tape radar build into your brain? how the hell did you see that coming?»
«instinct» i said. at this point i was considering to tape Riley up again, but i still decided to stick to my promise for now. if she tried that again though i would break my promise and completely mummify her.

meanwhile Tanja struggled against the duct tape, but for no use.
Riley stood next to me and whispered «can we try to tape Ellie together with Tanja?»
«sure» i nodded.
i stood ready while Riley went next to Ellie.
«why do you hate me so much» Tanja said. it was meant as a joke of course.
«oh we don’t hate you Tanja» Ellie answered «here i’ll prove it by giving you a hug».
«yeah, go ahead Ellie. give Tanja a big hug» Riley said and pushed Ellie toward Tanja.

sometimes accidents happens and they always seem to appear at the worst times. this was one of them, because as soon as Riley pushed Ellie she tripped and felled toward Tanja.
when i saw Tanja falling backwards i could feel my heart stop and the hair in my neck raising for 3 seconds. i was to far away to catch her and stop the fall and she was duct taped so she was unable to use her arms to gain the balance she needed.
«ouch!» she said.
«holy diver! are you hurt?» i shouted as i ran up to Tanja and gave her some support to sit up.
«i’m fine, but my head hurts a little»
i checked the back of her head to see if she bled or anything.
«oh my god, Tanja i’m so sorry» Riley said while holding her arms in front of her mouth.
«why did you push me?» Ellie said.
«i was going to… F***ING S***» Riley was by no doubt feeling guilty, she seemed like she was about to start crying.
luckily Tanja was alright, it was mostly the shock that got her and she didn’t get hurt. i helped her up and said «i think we should remove the duct tape»
«that’s not necessary, but i…» she didn’t manage to say more before we heard the trumpet blowing the signal for everyone to go to bed.
«F***, you’ll have to go back to your tent» i said.
«yeah, let’s go» Riley said still seemed to feel guilty over what had happened.
i saw them walk away while i went to my own tent.
«f***, i could really need a cigarette now» i said to myself.

the day after, i packed my own bag and tent as soon as i woke up. then i just went to the stage and waited for the competition to finish so i could meet up with the girls and leave. it was yet another sunny day by the Oslo fjord, and i had nothing to do for the next 6 hours.
when the championship was over i went straight for the girls camp with my own stuff and helped them pack everything. we knew that they wouldn’t win anyway so we had no reason to stay, and we had a plane to catch so we just hurried up and left as soon as we could.

finally after a long trip by bus and train we got back to the airport and checked in the luggage for the girls.
«alright, there’s your gate number» i said «we made it just in time».
as the girls walked in to the security i said good bye and turned around. i was not going home yet.
«huh?» they said surprised.
«oh, right. your staying. uh, good bye» Riley said.
the other girls said their goodbyes too as i walked out of the terminal with my bag.

it had been one interesting time i had spent with those girls. not just the TUGs that i have shared here, i had met up with them once a week for 2 months by now and i had never imagined that i would tie such a friendship with any of them. and even though i would no longer have anything to do with the rainbow butterflies, Tanja was still on the rover team, Riley and Sabella would come to the rover team after the summer vacation, and Ellie, Meg and Tara would be able to join for several other scout trips even though they weren’t old enough to be rovers yet. unfortunately Kate decided to quit the scouts after the championship, but there was also 6 boys that i knew about who would be joining the rovers by the fall.
when it comes to TUGs… don’t forget that i had promised Riley to tie up one of them already.

but that was after the summer vacation had ended, now the only thing on my mind was that in a few days i would get to see several of my favorite bands for the first time in my life.

the end…
or at least for the rainbow butterflies, i still got other stories to share of course.
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