James : 03 - Beth and I (m/f, f/m)

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James : 03 - Beth and I (m/f, f/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

James' stories
03 - Beth and I
Story index at the bottom

By James

Sunday February 11th 2001 01:47:55

Hello everyone it's James. Here's my fourth story. But first I've made one change since my last story.

I showed this story to my sister, she like it a lot, but she didn't like the name Emma. She suggested her friend's name, Bethany. So Emma now becomes Beth.

Side Note: Jodie and I use our real names in these stories. My sister and Jodie's brother did not wish to use their real names.

Onto the story.

It was early on the Wednesday morning; I was lying around half asleep in bed, thinking about what happened on Monday (see my prev post dated 29 Jan 01). The scene that kept running around and around in my head was me seeing Beth appearing outside the bedroom door as Jodie and I were playing a tie up game.

At about 8:30, I heard the front door close, and I presumed that my mum had gone to work. I got up, and opened up the blinds in my bedroom and saw mum's car reversing out of the driveway. She saw me and I waved goodbye to her. She waved back and drove off.

I did the usually routine in the bathroom, and I headed to the kitchen to get myself some breakfast. And just my luck, there was no more cereal left, so I had to settle for some toasted bread and butter.

I settled down in front of the television and watched Good Morning Australia; a pretty dull talk show that shows the same segments over and over again.

They were showing a leg shaver segment, which I'd seen at least a dozen times, when Beth strolled into the room. She sat down next to me, and complained, "Where's all the cereal gone?"

"I don't know, there wasn't any left when I woke up"

She looked at the TV and said, "Why are you watching this?"

"There's nothing else to watch"

Beth grabbed the remote from my hands, and turned off the TV. "Well, come outside with me, you can help me practice my goal keeping."

She grabbed my hand and pulled me off the couch and half dragged me into the backyard.

Beth played soccer for the school, and she was the goalkeeper. She let through five goals on the weekend, and her coach wasn't too happy about that.

Our backyard wasn't all that big, but there was enough room for us to set up a net, so Beth could practice. The net was made using a few wooden planks and a canvas.

I looked at Beth and saw that she was still in her PJs. I suggested that she should get changed and agreed. I was also still in my PJs and I thought that I'd better get changed as well.

I changed into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. I put on my runners and decided to forego the socks today. Beth came out in basically the same thing, except she had her white socks on.

She tied her hair in a ponytail and put on a pair of gloves. I threw the soccer ball at me and told me to start when I was ready. Me not being much of a soccer player, I usually throw the soccer ball instead of kicking it.

She managed to save the first couple I threw at her, but then she missed about five in a row, which made me laugh a little. She noticed this and was a little annoyed.

"You think you can do better? Fine, let's see how well you do, you cocky little bastard." she challenged me.

There was no way I could refuse her challenge, so I accepted it. She took off her gloves and shoved them into my hand. I put them on and took to my post as goalkeeper. I noticed that the canvas was getting a little bit worn, and there were a few holes staring to emerge.

As I turned around, Beth fired the soccer ball straight at my chest and before I could react, I found myself flat on my back in the back of the net. Beth burst out laughing, and I regained my composure.

"Not fair! I wasn't ready," I complained.

'Well, you should"ve been. A goalkeeper must always be ready for anything." she laughed again.

I threw the ball back at her, and she fired in another one. I managed to save this one and triumphantly threw my hands in the air. But that was the highlight of my goalkeeping stint, as I let through another seven or eight in a row, before I gave up.

"Not easy is it. That'll teach you for being cocky," she teased.

I looked a little dejectedly at Beth, and we switched back to our normal roles. She managed to save about three quarters of the balls I threw down before dad called out for Beth from inside the house.

We ran into the house and found Dad in the kitchen. He reminded Beth that she had soccer practice today at 10:00, and that he was giving her a lift when he went to work.

Beth obviously forgot; as she rushed into her room to get change into her soccer uniform. She came back fully dressed in her soccer outfit (red shirt, white shorts, red knee high socks and soccer boots).

Dad finished drinking his coffee, and I was left alone by myself. Soccer practice was due to finish at noon, and she was going to take the bus home, which would take about half an hour.

I turned the TV on, and found someone telling me about the wonders of some new mop. The phone rang about twenty minutes later, and I answered it. It was Jodie.

She rang to invite me over to her house next Monday. I said yes, and asked on Beth's behalf, if she could come too. She was a little hesitant, but said yes.

She told me that she played another game with Mark on the Monday night. They'd acted out a scenario where Mark was an evil villain, and Jodie was a nosey little junior detective who got found out, and was given the right treatment. She said that it was a little difficult, as Mark had to assume two roles as villain and hero. She also said that she hoped to play it again on Monday when there would be more people involved.

I said that it was a great idea, and that I was looking forward to it. I told her about what happened in the morning and how Beth had kicked my arse in goal keeping. Even Jodie laughed at me when I told her.

She suggested that we could make a little tip up game out of it, whereby the winner is the person who scores the most goals out of ten, and the winner got to tie up the loser. I told her that it was a good idea, but I would always be the one who would end up being tied up.

She said that instead of playing a soccer game, we should play something that we were both good at. I didn't know any sports that we were both equally talented at, so Jodie recommended something other than sports. I thought about Monopoly, which was the only board game we had at home (!), but that would've taken too long.

Jodie then came up with the idea of playing a card game or some sort. I said that the chances were about 50-50 of me winning, and I told her that I really wanted to tie up Beth. She suggested that I rig the card deck so that I would win every time. She told me that Blackjack was the easiest game to rig.

Basically, all I had to do was to rig the cards so that I would get a high total with my two cards and so would Beth, but my cards would be higher than hers, and Beth's would be high enough so that she wouldn't ask for a hit.

It was getting close to 11:30, so I finished off my conversation with Jodie, and got started with rigging the deck. I rummaged through the house for about fifteen minutes before I could find a pack of cards that still had all 52 cards in the pack.

After a bit of trial and error, I finally managed to rig the deck so that I would win every game. I carefully placed them back into the pack, and left it on the coffee table in the lounge area.

It was almost 12:30 when I finished, and Beth would be home soon. I quickly got lunch prepared (microwaved lasagne) and waited for Beth to come home.

She arrived just as lunch was ready. We settled down at the kitchen table and finished the lasagne quickly, as we were both very hungry (a breakfast of a slice of bread isn't very filling).

Beth got changed out of her soccer uniform and back into what she wore that morning, minus the runners. I cleaned up the kitchen, and we both ended up on the couch in the lounge.

I told her that Jodie had invited us both to her house on Monday. Beth asked me why Jodie had invited her and I told her.

She got rather excited after hearing my response, saying that she was very eager to play another tie up game after so many years.

"Jodie suggested that you and me play a little game before Monday, just to refresh your memory." I told Beth.

"Oh goody!" she clapped her hands. "I doubt I could've waited until Monday to play. So, what are we going to play?"

"Very simple game. Five hands of blackjack, winner is the one who wins the most hands. OK?"

She looked a little puzzled, but agreed to play.

I grabbed the cards that lay on the coffee table, and dealt to myself first, then Beth. Like I envisaged, she asked to stay. I stayed as well. She showed her cards, totalling 18. I showed her mine, and Ace and an 8. 1-0 to me.

The second game was similar, she had 18 again, and I had two queens. 2-0 to me.

The next game, I decided to deal her first, and she obviously won. 2-1 to me.

The fourth game, I dealt myself a Blackjack, and Beth two royals. Whoops, 3-1 to me.

"Well, I guess I win, three games to one." I said.

Beth threw her cards up in the air, she looked a little disappointed and told me that she would rather do the tying, but I won the match (albeit unfairly), so I got to tie her.

I picked up the cards and put them back into the pack.

"I guess I have to be tied up, huh?" she said quietly.

"I guess to." was my reply.

"Well, let's get on with it." she said impatiently.

Now, we didn't have much rope at home, all we had were little bits of clothesline lying in the garage.

I told Beth to wait for me in her room while I went to the garage to get the rope. Like I said, there wasn't much, in total I found about three metres of rope lying around the garage. I grabbed all of it and went to Beth's room.

She was sitting on the side of her bed waiting for me. She propped up as soon as she saw me. She spread out her arms and said, "Well, I'm all yours."

I told her to turn around and put her hands behind her back. She complied and I tied her wrists using one of the smaller lengths of rope. It only went around her wrists three times, but I thought that it was sufficient. I tied it nice and tight, and asked her to test it.

She gave a little tug and said, "Nope, can't get free."

Satisfied with her response, I took the longest piece of rope and used it to tie her arms. It just managed to go around her body twice, but it looked a little uncomfortable, so I asked Beth if it was alright. She nodded, and said that it was fine.

There was only one more piece of rope left, and that was for her ankles. I helped her to sit down on the floor next to her bed. She kindly put her ankles together for me (how nice!), and I tied them together with the final piece of rope. It went around her ankles twice, and looked to me as though it was tight enough.

"OK, I'm finished now. See if you can get loose." I said.

She struggled for a while before saying, "How am I supposed to et out of this?"

"This isn't like when you played when you were eight, welcome to the big league!" I joked.

"Haha, very funny." she said sarcastically.

"Well, I guess I'll leave you alone now." I said walking out of the room.

"Hey, wait a minute. Haven't you forgotten something?" she queried.

I was puzzled. "I don't have any more rope if that's what you mean."

"No, no. What's to stop me from yelling out for help, huh?"

"Oh." I finally caught on. "Are you sure you want me to gag you? After all, this is your first time in a while."

I had thought about gagging her, but I decided against it since this was her first game in about six years. However she insisted.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Just get on with it." she persisted.

We didn't have any of that black electrical tape that Jodie had, so I asked her if I could use one of her soccer socks. She said yes, and I went over to her drawer. I picked out one of the long red socks, and closed the drawer.

I walked over to her and put the sock close to her mouth. "Open up" I asked.

She opened her mouth and I slotted the sock in and tied it behind her head. I left her alone and had walked out the door when she yelled at me again.

"Hey, this thing isn't very good?" Beth yelled out. It was slightly muffled, but you could make out what she was saying.
I went back to her, and pulled her gag down to her neck.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"This gag doesn't work very well." she complained.

I was a little surprised that she would make this comment. "What do you want me to do about it?" I asked her.

"I don't know, you should know more about it than me."

"Well, Jodie usually uses tape, but we don't have any of that stuff at home."

"Then try putting the sock over my mouth instead of putting it in my mouth."

"Alright, if that's what you want." I undid the gag and retied it over her mouth. "Is that better?"

She tested it out and nodded. You could still hear her speak, but it was more muffled than before.

I left the room and was half expecting her to call me back again, but she didn't.

I went back into the lounge room and turned the TV on. There was still nothing much interesting on, it was mostly talk shows and black and white movies. I got bored after a while, and decided to have a little play on the computer.

I walked past Beth's room and saw that she was still sitting next to her bed as I had left her. She saw me, and asked yelled out for me.

I pulled down her gag, and she asked me for some water. I went back into the kitchen, grabbed a glass of water and went back to Beth.
I bent down beside her and slowly tipped the water into her mouth until she finished it. She thanked me, and I put the gag back on her.
I went to my room and turned on the computer. I started to play Doom, and I soon lost track of time. When I finally got tired of the game, I looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost 3.

Shit, I thought. Beth's been tied up for over an hour and a half.

I ran quickly into Beth's room, and found her lying on her side and fast asleep. I quickly knelt down beside her and slowly helped her up into a sitting position. Her eyes began to open, and when she saw me, she started shouting and yelling at me.

Now I'm in trouble, I thought.

I pulled down her gag, and she wasted no time in yelling at me.

"Are you deaf? Couldn't you hear me yelling out?" she was really pissed.

"No, I was playing on the computer." I said quietly.

"What are you waiting for, hurry up and untie me." she roared.

I quickly untied her. She tried to get up but couldn't. I offered her my hand, which she tightly gripped and helped herself up.
She did a bit of stretching before turning on me again.

"I am so pissed off at you. I can't believe that you couldn't hear me. I was calling out at the top of my voice, and you're room's just next door."
She pushed me and I fell back onto her bed.

"Look, I'm sorry. It won't happen again alright." I was beginning to feel like a kid after being scolded by a teacher.

I got up off her bed but Beth pushed me back down.

"You'd better make sure it doesn't happen again." Beth said sternly.

I thought about telling her about the cards, but I didn't want to upset her any more because she would blow her top if I told her.

It was about 4:00 in the afternoon when things had calmed down and Beth and I were back in the lounge playing cards again. We played Poker instead of Blackjack, and Beth was on a roll. She'd won about four or five games in a row, and looked to be in good spirits, so I decided to tell her about the cards.

"Um, Beth. There's something that you should know." I said.

With a smile on her face, she asked "What is it?"

"Umm, I sort of rigged the deck when we were playing Blackjack." I stammered out.

Her smile quickly disappeared, and her eyes widened.

Now I'm in for it, I though.

"What? You sneaky little bastard." she shouted.

"Hey, it wasn't my idea. It was Jodie's." I said, trying to defend myself.

"I don't care whose idea it was. You cheated!"

I couldn't think of anything to say, so I just avoided eye contact with her.

"Alright! That's it. Come with me." she said grabbing my arm and forcing me off the couch.

She dragged me into her room and pushed me down onto her bed.

"Stay there till I get back." she ordered.

I dared not go anywhere, but I knew what was coming. Beth came back with the three pieces of rope that I'd used on her.

"Turn around." she commanded.

I quickly lay down on my stomach and put my hands behind my back. She tied me in exactly the same way as I had tied her; hands behind my back, ankles tied and arms tied to my chest.

She went over to her drawer and pulled out another one of her long red socks. She placed it over my mouth and knotted it at the back of my head and said, "Don't bother calling out, because I'm not going to listen."

She shut the door behind her and left me.

I decided not to make an attempt to get free, because it would only further infuriate my sister, who was already close to boiling point. So I just lay there and waited for Beth to come back and untie me.

Time passed, and it was getting close to 5:00pm and mum would soon be back from work and I didn't want her to see me like this.
I began to get a little worried as the clock ticked past 5:00. My fears were soon put to rest when Beth finally opened her bedroom door.
However, she didn't untie me, she just sat down on the bed next to me.

She said, "Now before I untie the rest of you, you have to promise me that you'll never play a dirty trick like that again. Agreed?" I nodded.

She continued, "And promise me that you'll never leave me tied up for that long again. OK?" I nodded again.

She untied my ankles and my arms, before making me promise her again. She untied my wrists and I undid the gag.

There were a few rope marks around my ankles and wrists, I gave them a good rub before they went away. Beth packed away the rope, and we again found ourselves in the lounge room.

Mum came home a short while later, and asked us if we had a good day. We looked at each other and said yes.

She then disappeared into her bedroom. Beth and I watched TV for a little while before she went with mum to do the grocery shopping.

Nothing much happened for the rest of the week, I went out with a few friends to see a movie, and Beth had more soccer practice to go to (the finals were held on that weekend. The team got through to the final, but lost 4-1).

I was just looking forward to Monday.

That's a story for next time and I hope you enjoyed reading this.


James' stories
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