Sara : My First Story Here (m/f)

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Sara : My First Story Here (m/f)

Post by Fordman »

My First Story Here
By: Sara

Note: Story was recovered from old site, assembled from multiple posts, and edited for spelling and format to improve the reader’s experience.


First of all, let me introduce myself, you can call me Sarah. That will serve as my forum name and the name I go by in my stories. I am a long time reader and first time poster here on this forum. I come from a large and rather awkward family when it comes to the whole ideal of tugs. I had a ton of them growing up as a child, both as somebody who got tied up and somebody who did some of the tying.

I debated for some time whether or not I wanted to post a few of my experiences here. So, I thought I would share kind of my, "The first time I was tied up" stories. Actually, I am not sure if this was the first time I was tied up or not. However, it is the first one that I remember and what got me interested in the whole subject as a child.

It was the last 1970's, past 1975 but not 1980. I don't want to give my real age away. I have been around for quite some time. Back then, my family was still quite small. Just my parents who were still in their early 20's, my little brother Matt who had turned 3 a few months before this story and myself when I was 9.

My family would increase in size by another 3 children before it finished, but back then it was just the four of us. My parents were a bit on the weird side, they weren't hippies, but they were still young and not quite matured as much as they should have having two children so far. My father was a used car salesman plain and simple. He worked the normal 9-5 grind getting home a little before 6 most evenings. My mother worked nights as a waitress Sunday through Tuesday from 10pm to 4am. It was a complicated marriage but they got along fine.

I should note, that there are somethings that happen in my stories that other's might not approve of today. There was never anything sexual about them. However, these were different times and society housed different ideals on child raising. For example, when my brother and I would get into trouble growing up, my parents would sometimes spank us with a yard stick. It wasn't hard enough to do any damage, just enough to make you smart for 10 minutes and think twice before you did it again.

Today, that might get you arrested for child abuse, back then it was pretty common place. I can still remember going to school and seeing a wooden paddle hanging on the classroom wall. My mother has been dead for over a year now. My father is doing pretty well, but getting up there in years.

My parents saw each other in passing during the week and would try their best to spend time together on the weekends and when they could. Friday night was always one of those times. Every Friday from when I could remember back to back then, my parents would go out on a date together. They would usually leave our home around 7 and arrive back at 10 to 10:30. Usually, Matt would be asleep by then and they would get home in time to put me to bed if I wasn't already.

Friday, went through a certain ritual. I would get home from school around 3:20 or so in the afternoon and do homework or play for an hour or two. After that, my mother would make us an early dinner around 5:00 for my younger brother and me. Then, we went through what we called getting ready for the babysitter time. My normal bed time was 9:30 on school nights and 10 on weekends when I was 9 years old. My younger brother was usually asleep before then. He would usually tire himself out and pass out willingly long before 9 rolled around. Sometimes I would be asleep myself before 10 and sometimes I would stay up later. My mother never really made a big deal out of it as long as I was asleep by 11:00 which I always was.

Getting ready for the baby sitter time was just a movement forward of our normal bedtime routine. My brother and I would take a bath, brush our teeth, and change into pajamas for the evening. That way, the baby sitter wouldn't have to deal with any of that. We would be all ready for bed when he arrived and when we got tired or it was bedtime, he would just put us down for the night.

When I say he, I am referring to the current baby sitter that we had. I went through 3 or 4 of them growing up until I was 14 and began watching my younger siblings myself. The current one was a teenager named Jeremy from two streets down. I didn't know him or his family before he started babysitting us. However, his father worked with my Dad and it worked out well. Jeremy could use some extra money and my dad could use a night off.

I listened as the engine of my father's car pulled into the driveway. I had just climbed out of the bathtub and gotten dressed a few minutes ago. I was just finishing up brushing my teeth when the car pulled up. It was the second week of October, but I could be off by two weeks one way or the other not that is really matters. I slipped over to the bathroom window that overlooked the front driveway. Sure enough, Jeremy climbed out of the front passenger seat of my father's car. It would be the second week that Jeremy was babysitting us.

The previous week had been pretty fun on my side of things. Probably less on Jeremy's. My father payed him a dollar an hour for his services. That was a lot of money back then, especially for a 15 year old boy watching two children for an evening. I had made him earn every penny of it.

The boy was dumber than a box of rocks in my opinion. We had spent the night before playing hide and go seek. My little brother Matt didn't quite have the concept of the game down, but he knew how to go hide someplace. But, after about 10 minutes if you didn't find him, he would come find you. So, it turned into a game of Jeremy and Matt look for me. Jeremy tried hiding a few times, but I found him easily since he was such a large target. It had been a fun time on our part, but between my knowing every corner of the house to hide in, and chasing Matt around all evening we had worn the poor boy out. I clicked open the bathroom door and began making my way down the stairs.

I was about average in height for my age with blue eyes and a medium build. My hair was a shade between auburn and medium brown and I wore it loosely hanging down just past my neck. I kept enough if I wanted to make a pony tail, but kept it short enough that it wouldn't be troublesome.

I was dressed in a light red set of footed pajamas. One of those one piece fleece things with a zipper that went from the chin down to the waist in the front. It had rib nit cuffs, the little white skid resistant vinyl feet with the toe caps and a teddy bear applique on the front chest area of it. My mother believed in them quite a bit and I ended up wearing them from the start of October through the end of April. Both me and my brother did. I grew out of the habit about the time I turned 12, but that was still a long way off.

When I was younger, from when I was 6 to about the time I was 10, I went through a strange fascination with hats. My wardrobe normally included one unless I was at school or sleeping. During the warmer months of the year, I normally wore a baseball cap. During the cooler months, I wore a knit hat that added a rather mixed contrast to my current outfit. It was a white knit hat with a pink pompom up on the top of it. The side of it had short ear flaps that hung down slightly covering the sides of my head. Off of each of the ear flaps hung a short string that ended in another much smaller white pompom. They could be tied under the chin if you wanted the ear flaps on the hat to stay down. Looking at the picture of it now, it really is a stupid looking thing. I look like a Teletubbie, but back then I thought it was the coolest thing in the world.

I wore the hat with the ear flaps untied and the strings hanging freely from the sides of my head. I retreated from the window and hastened my preparations. A few minutes later I finished and made my way down the hallway to the kitchen to great our guest.

By the time I arrived, Jeremy was in the kitchen and already conversing with my parents. They were going through the normal check list of expectations and how they could be reached in an emergency. My mother reminded him where the first aid kit was and that the telephone number of the restaurant my parents were going too was in the fridge in case he needed to reach them. This was over a decade before the first cell phone came out. I rounded the corner and stood there looking up at Jeremy. He looked back down catching sight of me and returned my gaze with a warm smile.

"Alright Jeremy, we’ll be back at 10:00 or a little after. You should put Matt down around 8 or 9, whenever he tires out. Have Sarah in bed by a little before we get home or earlier if she gives you any trouble." My mother rattled off.

Jeremy nodded and gave a short reply. "Don't worry, last time we had a lot of fun. I am sure they won't give me any trouble."

My mother returned the nod and gave us a quick instruction to be good. Then after a quick hug and kiss goodbye, they departed leaving us standing there with our new baby sitter. The three of us listened as the engine of the car pulled away.

"So, what do you want to do tonight Jeremy?" I asked looking up at him. "Do you want to play hide and go seek again?"

The young man just shook his head. "I had something else in mind for this week. Follow me into the living room if you two would.”

I just lifted my shoulders and followed him. Matt was carrying a small sippy cup that my mother had filled with apple juice before she left. He was working on it slowly and just followed the two of us silently. I was really wondering what Jeremy had in mind.

"Can you two sit on the couch for a moment please while I get set up?" He asked looking over at the pair of us.

I took Matt by the hand and led him over the two of us just hopped down on the sofa. Well, I lifted Matt up then sat down myself. Jeremy walked over to the desk where my father kept most of the bills and a few office supplies. He reached around behind it and jerked something loose after a long effort. I just sat and watch trying to figure out what he had in mind. My imagination was soaring with different ideas, Matt's mind was probably occupied examining the floral pattern of our living room wallpaper.

Jeremy worked the item loose of the wall and dragged it into an open space adjacent to the sofa in the living room and began setting it up. The item in question was a playpen. My mother had bought it for me a few years earlier when I was a toddler and it still saw some use from time to time with Matt.

The playpen unfolded and went into the main shape pretty easily. When it was set up, it had 4 corner posts that formed a 4 foot by 5 and 1/2 foot box. The floor of the playpen sat on 4 corner posts and was raised about half an inch off the floor and padded. The top of each post was connected by a padded railing and a mesh wall went around the whole thing. It set up easily in a few minutes. Jeremy quickly snapped the last connector into place.

"Sarah, would you come over here please and bring Matt with you?"

I hopped up off the sofa and led my little brother along by one hand. The other one he used to drag the sippy cup along with him. My brother was dressed in an outfit similar to mine except his didn't have anything on the chest and was green in color. He padded along next to me quietly without saying anything. The two of us arrived at the playpen in about a minute.

Jeremy reached down and used his left hand to break the grip I had on my little brother. He reached underneath my brother's arms and lifted him by his arm pits depositing him into the play pen.

"Sarah, could you lift your arms up please?"

I did as I was requested, and Jeremy attempted the same lift he had on Matt. I was quite a bit heavier, but I stepped my legs up and worked myself in when I realized his intention of placing me inside the playpen with Matt. When my feet were on the ground, he released his hold on me. Then he stepped back and looked at the two of us.

"So, what are we going to play?" I asked looking up at Jeremy.

"We are not going to play anything Sarah. Well, at least I am not. You two are going to play in here for a few hours until bed time and I am going to watch some TV. You guys really wore me out last time."

With that, Jeremy made his way around to a nearby shelf and collected a few toys off of it in random. Whatever he could fit in an arm load. He dumped them into the playpen and then headed over for the television and the couch. Five minutes later he was watching TV with a bowl of pretzels and a soda and I was sitting in a corner looking across at my little brother. He had his attention divided between a toy truck and his cup of juice. To say the least, I was less than thrilled with the situation.

When Jeremy was sitting on the sofa again, I began to protest. I don't have a clue what I said. Mostly that I was too old for the playpen and wanted out. Jeremy responded by doing two things. First, he turned up the television. Secondly, he just ignored me. I pouted and threatened to tell my parents for about 20 minutes. He looked over his should once and commented that they already knew about his current plans. Then he returned to watching television. After another 5 minute or so, I tired out of complaining. It wasn't working. So, I decided to do something about it.

The walls of the playpen were just tall enough that my younger brother could get his eyes up over the bar if he stood on his tip toes. I wasn't so vertically challenged. It took a few minutes and a couple of tries, but I managed to pull myself over the edge of the playpen pretty easily and lowered my feet onto the floor of the living room.

Jeremy was invested in whatever he was watching at the time and completely unaware of my plans. I walked across the room and came up behind the sofa as silently as a tiger stalking its prey. Well, as loud as the television was, I could have taken a train to reach Jeremy and he wouldn't had known. I reached up on tip toe behind the sofa and brought my hands up over his eyes.

"Guess who?" I asked trying to get his attention. Given my brother's size and gender, his answer had a much greater than 50% chance of being correct. Jeremy jerked forward pulling away from my grasp and drawing me close to the couch.

He didn't respond verbally. He just stood up and walked around the sofa. The young man grabbed me gently around the wasted and lifted me as if I was a sack of potatoes onto one of his shoulders to support my body weight. He walked the dozen feet or so that he had to and plopped me down back in the playpen with Matt.

My brother had abandoned the truck and moved onto some blocks with letters on them. Then, Jeremy went back to his seat on the sofa. Well, I wasn't going to let this little setback slow me down. It took me another 2 or 3 minutes to mount the wall of the playpen again. Then, I came up behind him and the two of us repeated our last performance. This time he instructed me to stay put and went back to his television show.

Now, I was getting annoyed with Jeremy, but this was really turning into a fun activity. I decided to mix things up the third time. It took me a good 7 minutes for my third escape. First, I lifted Matt up over the edge and dropped him out. It was hard given that he weight almost half what I did, but he helped as best he could when he realized that I was trying to get him out of the playpen. Then, I escaped on my own the way I had the first two times. Then, I told Matt to go play in our room and went up to bug Jeremy again when Matt had departed. This time, he was less than a little unhappy with me. He turned around and looked me in the eye. Then, he realized that Matt was gone and he was doubly upset.

"Fine, you win, I want to watch the next 5 minute of this program, then you and I can play something if you want. However, I don't have the patience to chase Matt all over the house. That is why I set up the playpen in the first place. I wanted to catch this show, but it's almost over now. If you will go bring Matt back, we'll play something when you get back with him. Do we have a deal?" Jeremy asked looking down at me.

"OK deal, I'll go get Matt."

Jeremy nodded. I left the room content that I had outsmarted someone nearly twice my age. I was proud that he was stupid enough to believe that I would stay in that stupid playpen while he watched television.

The trip to our room was pretty short. I found Matt hiding under the bed. Apparently, he thought we were playing the same game as last week. He was definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed at his current age. I keeled down and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Found you." I commented and waited for him to emerge from his hiding place. "Come on, Jeremy says we need to stay in the living room tonight. That is why he set up the playpen for us." I explained extending my hand towards my younger brother.

He filled my empty hand with his sippy cup. "More juicy" He replied looking at me.

I could tell from the weight that there was a little left, but I decided to appease him rather than argue with him. "Come on, I will get you some more."

I took Matt and lead him along by the other hand into the kitchen. We made a brief stop by the fridge where I opened the door. There was a pitcher of apple juice on the second shelf. I worked the top of my brother’s sippy cup off easily enough and asked him to hold it still while I refilled it to nearly full. Then, I returned the pitcher to the fridge. Finally, I screwed the sippy top back on the lip of the cup.

Matt looked very happy. Then, I took him by the hand. The two of us made the 25 foot trip or so back to the playpen in the living room. I yelled over to Jeremy trying to be heard over top of the television. Apparently he heard me, because he got up and turned the television off. Then, he crossed the room and lifted Matt, cup and all, back into the playpen. My brother took his situation contently and seated himself working on his second cup of juice.

"All right, thanks a lot for getting Matt back for me. You did a great job."

I smiled back soaking up the admiration he offered. "Do you want to play hide and seek again?" I asked him.

Jeremy shook his head back and forth slowly. "No, I think we should play something else. After all if you are too old for a playpen, you are also too old for hide and seek. I know a game you have probably never played before. Would you like to give it a shot?" He asked looking down at me. He chose his words carefully trying to draw my interest into the matter. It worked quite well. My response was a quick yes.

"All right, the game is called magician and I will show you how to play in a minute. However, we need a few things first. Could you help me collect them, I don't know where everything is stored around your house?"

I nodded easily looking around the room. Matt was standing up peering over the edge of the playpen looking at the two of us. Again I nodded and told him I would be happy to help.

"OK, the first thing we need is a jump rope, do you have one of those?" Jeremy asked me.

"Yeah we have a couple of them in my room and in the garage." I replied to the inquiry.

"Is it the type with the little plastic tubes around the rope that make it click or just a normal one?" He asked.

I told him it was just a normal jump rope with two plastic handles on the ends.

"Good, that would be perfect for this game. Would you mind getting it for me? I will get the rest of the game set up while you're gone."

Again I nodded and began to depart for my room soon afterward.

This is getting long. I am going to divide the story here and continue it later this week. Thanks for reading.


Part 2

Continuing my story.

I returned promptly about 2 minutes later carrying the jump rope that Jeremy had requested. It was a pretty simple thing, about 6 or 7 feet long. The center of it was nylon blue rope about a quarter inch thick and there were two light blue handles on the ends of the rope to hold onto while I would loop it beneath me. I crossed the living room and saw my baby sitter standing there still waiting where I had left him. "Will this work?" I asked him holding up the jump rope in my hands displaying it for him to examine. Jeremy looked down at it.

"Sure, it will do just fine Sarah. Hand it hear would you?" He asked me politely.

I complied with the request quickly, eagerly awaiting to see what this game would entail. Jeremy took the rope from my outstretch hands and took hold of it by one end. He let the remainder of the length fall to the floor suspending it with one arm. The opposite plastic handle made a soft thud as it came in contact with the living room floor and the rest of the slack in the rope.

"Could you come a little closer please?" Jeremy asked.

I shortened the distance between us.

"Alright, hold your hands together cupped out up in front of you and close your eyes."

The instructions I had just received seemed simple enough. I complied, closing my eyes and holding my hands up together in front of me waiting for Jeremy to hand me something. I stood there for a good minute or two. I waited with anticipation wondering what kind of surprise he had in store for me. After all I was 9 years old and really quite gullible.

I felt something strange and it took me about a minute to realize that Jeremy was wrapping the length of the jump rope in circles around my wrists. I popped one eye open and risked a quick look, however, I quickly closed it again and just waited. I assumed this was part of the game and I was right. Jeremy wrapped the rope around my hands about 8 or 9 times. Then, he pulled it snug and knotted the ends of the jump rope together on top of the tie.

Once he was done with that, he circled around to my right side. Jeremy used one hand to grab my back and used his other arm to scoop my legs out from under me bring his arm to the back of my knees. He lifted me up supporting me at those two positions. Then, he walked over to the playpen where Matt was still residing and deposited me back inside of it. At this point I reopened my eyes realizing what had been going on.

"So, how do we play?" I asked looking up at him.

"Well, it's really quite simple, you stay here and behave. Meanwhile I go watch some more television."

With that, Jeremy left me where I was and went back over to the couch and sat down. Even after all of that, it still took me a minute to realize there was no game called Magician. It was just a trick from Jeremy to tie me up and put me back in the playpen with Matt.

Now, the only difference were my hands were tied together. I was 9 years old, I knew what it meant to be tied up from watching television. There were more than enough cartoons that made reference to the idea on at the time. However, this was the first time that I can ever remember being bound myself. I tried tugging on the ropes to begin with to attempt and free myself from them. I spoke out a number of one syllable grunts and moans as I worked against the rope's strength.

It proved to be a rather fruitless effort. The coils were drawn snug and the knot wouldn't let me go. I spent the better part of 10 minutes struggling and trying to free myself. It wasn't going to happen that way. Well, I wasn't about to let that stop me.

"Hey Jeremy, untie me this minute!" I yelled.

I don't remember the rest of what I said following that, but it was similar in nature and got the same response as my first complaint. Jeremy ignored me then, he got up and turned up the volume on the television to drown me out. Well, I decided that I needed to actually get out of the playpen if I was going to get his attention. As long as I was where I was, it was more than easy enough for him to just ignore me.

I walked over to the corner of the structure and began trying to mount a second escape. However, I quickly found a problem. When I got out the first two times, I had grabbed two of the walls and lifted myself up over the corner to escape from the playpen. With my wrists tied together in front of me there wasn't anything I could do in order to accomplish that goal.

Try as I might, I could not get a good enough grip to swing my legs over the sides of a wall and I ended up falling backwards with a soft thud into the playpen, much to Matt's amusement. I tried the same stunt again twice more but neither attempt ended any better than the first. I managed to catch myself from falling with my legs the second and third time, but I could not escape with my hands tied together in front of me. I sat back down in one of the corners with my legs crossed Indian style and started to pout. I was sitting there looking downwards all frustrated. Then, I noticed the knot on top of the tie.

I realized that if the knot was untied, my hands would be free and I could climb out of the playpen. I tried to get ahold of it to release it, but I failed outright. It was in a position where I could not use my own hands to release it. As I brought my bound hands up to my face, another revelation hit me. I leaned forward and bit at the knot using my teeth to try and work it free.

The process took a few minutes, but after some real effort on the matter, the knot popped loose and I was able to get more than enough slack to slide my wrists free of the jump rope. I left it on the floor of the playpen proceeded to the corner standing up again. Without my hands tied together, escaping was much easier and now I was back out of it again.

I snuck across the room back over to where Jeremy was sleeping and brought my hands up over his eyes again.

"Guess who?" I said again as I held my hands up covering his eyes. It was as victory taught more or less, however, if I had half a brain, I should have known to run and hide rather than annoy the baby sitter again.

"Why it's Sarah, my little Houdini." Jeremy commented taking hold of my wrists with his own and pulling my hands off of his eyes. Jeremy turned around and mounted over the top of the couch keeping hold of my wrists with his own as he went.

"We'll just have to make sure you stay in the playpen this time now won't we." He commented directing the statement in my direction. I suddenly realized my mistake in taking actions, but it was too late.

Jeremy dragged me back over to the playpen keeping his hands on my wrists as we went. I put up some resistance, but he was definitely the stronger of the two of us and I really wasn't fighting him. We were just playing more or less, he had no intention to hurt me. His grip was firm, but he wasn't squeezing me to the point it hurt or I wanted to break loose with all my own strength. I took a likely guess at what the outcome of this was going to be. To tell the truth, I wasn't all that opposed to however it would end up.

When we got over to the playpen, Jeremy released my right arm and reached down over the side of the playpen to retrieve the jump rope. Once he had accomplished that, he spun me around and brought my hands together. This time, behind my back.

I probably could have made it difficult for him to attempt this, but I more or less just let him. I put up some small resistance, but I was laughing out loud at the same time. The ropes went around my wrists identical to the first time. However, this time they were tied together behind my back rather than in front of me. With my wrists bound, Jeremy lifted me up again and deposited me back on the floor of the playpen next to my little brother. Then, he left the two of us alone once again and returned to his perch on the sofa.

Once he was gone, I began to test the limits of my new confinement. I found the same problems I encountered with my hands tied in front of me and two new problems. First, I couldn't reach the knot with my hands behind my back. Secondly, the first tie up had given me a much more free range of motion. A seated myself and struggled for a good 15 minutes trying to get loose. However, I failed out right and had to consign myself to my fate.

About 15 minutes later, Jeremy came by and took Matt off to bed since it was his bed time. I was left alone tied up in the living room in the playpen for a good 20 minutes while Matt was put down for the night. He didn't want to go since seeing me tied up was a rather interesting thing for a 3 year old. However, he went without much of a fuss after Jeremy offered him a cookie.

I just sat there and worked on trying to free my hands. At first, I had been rather upset at having my hands tied. However, it was turning out to be a lot of fun trying to escape from the playpen. Having my hands tied behind my back made it impossible and my new goal was to work on freeing my hands.

After Matt was put down for the night, Jeremy returned to the room and resumed watching the last 10 minutes or so of the show he was watching. I stood up and got my head above the top of the playpen so I could watch it as well. It was something that I didn't find particularly exciting. When the show finished, Jeremy clicked the television off and came over to where I was standing.

"Alright kiddo, I put your brother down for the night and he is finally asleep. Could you do me a big favor and keep the noise down so that we don't wake him up. I'll untie you and let you out of the playpen."

I just nodded. I had been tied up between the two situation well over an hour now and getting my hands free sounded like an inviting idea. Jeremy reached down and grabbed me under the arm pits. He lifted me out of the play pen and deposited me standing onto the floor.

Once I was clear of the playpen, he proceeded to collect the half dozen of Matt's toys that were still in there. Once he was done with that, he folded the playpen back up and placed it back against the wall. Once everything else was done, Jeremy came over and released the jump rope finally freeing my hands.

I wasn't mad at him at all. It had really been an interesting and fun evening. We talked for a few minutes about it back and forth. He apologized for tying me up and tricking me. However, he explained that last time I really annoyed him and he needed a night off from everything. Jeremy promised the next week when he came over we would play a game of my choosing to make up for this week. He also microwaved me a cup of hot chocolate and offered a chocolate chip cookie before sending me off to bed.

It had been a fun evening to say the least. At first, I was annoyed with being tied up. However, afterwards it had been kind of fun and challenging trying to escape. I let the matter sink into my mind as I drifted off to sleep, nice and warm beneath my covers.

That is the end of my first story. If there is a lot of interest in it, I will post a few more of them. However, well see what my time allows and whether or not you guys want any more of them.

Last edited by Fordman 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.

Post by freyjaceleste862 »

You could places your comments in italics--you did for some parts but missed others. Otherwise, it is nice.
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