Sarobah : 01 - The Adventure Begins (mm/f)

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Sarobah : 01 - The Adventure Begins (mm/f)

Post by Fordman »

Sarobah's stories
01 - The Adventure Begins
Story index at the bottom

By Sarobah

Note: This story was recovered from the old site and edited for spelling and format to improve the reader’s experience.

Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved being tied up. I enjoy the exhilaration and the feeling of helplessness that come with being bound and gagged and blindfolded, but not because I’m masochistic, weak and docile.

What I like is the struggle, the test of strength and endurance, whether it ends with the sweet savor of success or the bitter taste of defeat.

So my mission in life has been to get the men in my life to capture me and tie me up. I don’t make it easy, and it isn’t always a simple thing to achieve. I have never met a guy who didn’t get a kick out of tying up a girl, but many seem to worry that it’s too kinky – as if there’s something wrong with that.

Therefore, I am usually the one to take the initiative. Going up to a guy and saying “Hi, I’m Sarah, please tie me up.” doesn’t always work, so I put a lot of planning and imagination into my games. The result is that I have been tied up more times than I can remember. I have tied up a few girls and a guy or two, but I prefer to be on the receiving end.

It was my brother who started tying me up, when I was about thirteen years old. He is two years younger, and back then was about half my size; so it did not happen without the willing co-operation of his big sister.

It was a summer afternoon and I was sunbathing by the pool. Alex and his friend Cody were fooling around nearby and decided to “capture” me. I was bored, so instead of telling them to go away, I played along. They chased me around the yard, finally cornering me near the back fence. Alex pulled my arms behind my back and Cody put me in a headlock, and they marched me up to the side of the pool. They were thinking of tossing me in, but I objected. So on the spur of the moment, I told them they could tie me up instead.

While Alex went off to find some rope, Cody kept watch over me, to prevent my escape. In fact, I could probably have prevailed over both the boys, if push had come to shove; but I waited compliantly for my brother to return. He tied my hands behind my back and they ordered me to kneel. Cody bound my ankles while Alex gagged and blindfolded me.

They pushed me onto the ground, and I rolled about, struggling in my bonds. The gag came loose and the blindfold fell off, but I couldn’t free my hands and feet. Every so often, one of the boys would throw water on me or torment me in some other way, like flicking me with my towel. I yelled and swore revenge, and they just laughed and carried on.

Even when the focus of interest is a tied-up girl in a bikini, eleven-year-olds have short attention spans, so they eventually tired of their sport. At last freed from my bonds, I went back to my sunbathing and the boys disappeared inside to watch television or play computer games, or something.

I might have forgotten the episode, except that a few days later Alex reminded me of it. He was trying to have some fun at my expense, but it had the opposite effect on me. All I could remember was how much I had enjoyed myself.

The next opportunity for Alex to get revenge on sister Sarah for insults real and imagined came on the occasion of his birthday party, a couple of months hence. He had a keen interest in the Middle Ages, so the party had a mediaeval theme. The guests came in costume, most of the boys dressed as knights, the girls as ladies of the court. Alex, always the individualist, was a monk.

When the party was in full swing, our parents retreated indoors, leaving me, a venerable 13½ year-old, in charge, assisted by my friend Susan. Everything was running smoothly, until Maid Marion (aka me) started to get bossy, at least according to the Mad Monk who decided the Maid needed her comeuppance. So in his capacity as a man of the cloth, my brother organized a witch hunt. Gathering his flock, he denounced me; and despite my avowals of innocence, he demanded that I undergo trial by ordeal. Not really to my surprise, I found myself submitting without further protest.

Alex ordered me to take off my scarf and belt, which I handed over. He tied my hands behind my back with the scarf and looped the belt around my neck to make a halter. This he used to lead me through the jeering mob to the edge of the swimming pool. This was an interesting reprise of that first encounter, and I was sure that he was not going to throw me in.

Nevertheless, I stayed in character and confessed to my crimes. Thus, to shouts of “Burn the witch!” I was marched to a corner of the patio and secured to the post.

Alex assigned the task to a couple of girls, who did a first-class job. They untied my wrists and pulled my arms behind the post before binding them again. I offered no resistance. The tethering rope was taken from my neck and used to tie my ankles. This was so I couldn’t lash out when they began torturing me with some fiendish tickling. My face was smeared with birthday cake and I was sprayed with water. I giggled and squirmed and called down curses upon my tormentors, and had a thoroughly good time.

Disturbed by the noise, my mother came out of the house to check on us. She looked at me, bound and laughing and covered in mess. She frowned, then shrugged, said “Carry on,” and went back inside. We carried on.

Susan proved to be not such a good sport as I. She had given me some very strange looks as I was being tied up; and when the mob turned on her, she threw up her hands in defiance. Since there was really nowhere to go from there, after a while I was released and the party went on with more conventional games.

Those incidents were the start of my tie-up games. They’ve yet to end.


Sarobah's stories
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Post by qarlcue »

Thanks for recovering this. I loved Sarobah's stories from the old site of her (mostly) true experiences of tie ups with boyfriends, her brother, and other friends. Sarah is super intelligent, a great writer, and has a dry, and affectionate sense of humor. She's both fiercely proud, but appealingly self-effacing at the same time. I miss her stories, her wit, and her insightful opinions in diverse forum discussions. Wherever she may be these days, I wish her well!
The kid in church that giggled at the song, "Bless'd be the tie that binds..."
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Post by Canuck100 »

qarlcue wrote: 4 years ago Thanks for recovering this. I loved Sarobah's stories from the old site of her (mostly) true experiences of tie ups with boyfriends, her brother, and other friends. Sarah is super intelligent, a great writer, and has a dry, and affectionate sense of humor. She's both fiercely proud, but appealingly self-effacing at the same time. I miss her stories, her wit, and her insightful opinions in diverse forum discussions. Wherever she may be these days, I wish her well!
[mention]qarlcue[/mention] my pleasure! I'm glad this gives me the occasion to read her stories again.
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