Viking : How we celebrate a birthday on a scout camp (M+F+/M)

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Viking : How we celebrate a birthday on a scout camp (M+F+/M)

Post by Soraka »

by viking » Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:41 am
i diceded to jump over to my teenhood and tell about one of the most interesting scout camp i ever been on.

once every year, the ymca scouts all over the world (as far i know) celebrates st. george. the scouts where i'm from would do this by having a camp named up after him.
now on in Norway YMCA and YWCA is combined together in one organisation. i was 16 years old at the moment but turned 17 the same year, wich meant i was a rover by now. if you don't know what it means it is the oldest members between the age 16 and somewhere in the 20.
in the rovers we are also old enough to be our own leaders witch meant one of us would take care of everything instead of having an adult around.

about the same time as the camp our leader would turn 18. in Norway that's really big because that means you are old enough to get the drivers license or buy alcohol that's not above 21%, but not at the same time of course. easy said, you are an adult on the papers.
now the rest of the rover team including me, had planned this for weeks. we would celebrate his birthday during the camp by kidnapping him.
we had figured out everything. the responsible adults were okey with it, we got the keys to a small house of some kind that would be used later during the camp for some other stuff the leaders have planned, everyone had masks or scarfs to cover our faces, and of course A LOT of ropes and duct tape.

we started to prepare ourself around 10:30 pm, some other scouts at our age that came from other areas started to wonder what we were up to but they would have to wait a while before they could know since we did'nt want anyone to spoil the surprise. we all got togheter down at the cabin (or house or whatever i should call it), and finnished the last preparation.
one of the other guys called simon was going to trick our victim somewhere outside the camp area where we would wait for them. all we waited for was simon to send a text message on our cell phones.
during our waiting fredrik (one of my best friends) told me to please not overreact or anything and try to stay calm. i have tendense to do that sometimes, and if i did we would be busted for sure.
at same time some of the girls where talking about how exciting this would be, and Kent was practicing to use a lassoo on another guy.

finally we got the text message from simon that theye were on the way.
fredrik and kent would be in charge of the operation and told us to move on. we went outside and hided at the side of the road, while kent and fredrik moved a little farthert up the road and hided behind some trees. now all we had to do was stay quiet and wait.
after about 5 minutes simon finally showed up with our victim. everyone was masked and prepared, waiting for fredrik to give us the signal.
maybe i should describe what our victim looked like for those who like to know, he had blond short hair, was at least 180cm tall, big shoulders and blu eyes. i think he was wearing jeans and a black sweater.

everyone started to run toward them, simon pretended to be surprised and started to run and scream for help while thorstein our victim just stood there giving us this "haha, very funny you guys" look. i remembered to not overreact, but kent on the other hand... he chased simon and started to scream "GET THE **** BACK HERE YOU SON OF A ****, I'M GONNA CATCH YOU! WHY YOU, JUST WAIT!". and thats how our plan of a surprise it's just us ended.
but even though we got busted we still wanted to complete the rest of our plan.
we where all over him, 3 persons on his legs, 2 others tying his arms and someone blindfolding him. right before the blindfold covered his eyes i ripped off a piece of duct tape so the last thing he could see was that i would place it over his mouth.
suddenly a van showed up and made a turn right next to us and stopped, just like we had planned. we opened the door and pushed thorstein into the back of it. there was only 3 seats in there, all in the front including the driverseat. i jumped in the back together with fredrik and another guy i don't remember for sure it was, and brought with some more ropes and duct tape to secure him even more. we looked at the scout leader in the driving seat who told us to hurry up. two other scouts took the passengers seat right next to him and we shut the door. the leader accelrated and we took off to someplace in the local area and just turned back so it would feel like we went far away.
at the same time the 3 of us in the back holded on to our victim.
"you are having a lot of fun now, or what?" he muffled through the gag. we still wanted to keep it up, so fredrik gave me a silenced signal to hand him the duct tape and started to gag him some more.

when we returned to the cabin everyone including simon was waiting for us. thorstein was not that kind a type you could just throw on the shoulder and carry around. everyone had to help carry him inside. our leader would leave the rest to us and reminded that we had to be back to the camp by 00:30. when we got inside we put him in a chair and took another length of rope to secure him to the chair. then we turned on the lights, removed our masks and his blindfold.
thorstein gave us a confused look, even though he knew it was us he still wondered what the heck was going on.
everyone just looked back at him with a big grin while kent turned on the stereo we hooked up. suddenly a really childish version of happy birthday started and everyone was laughing while thorstein started to look like some kind of question mark.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" everyone was shouting and started to untie him. we had mixed some non alcoholic drinks (after all it was still a scout trip) and just chatted with each other for a while.

the day after i was talking to this girl i knew from another district. she was 15 at the moment and wondered what was going on the previous night.
i told her the details about everything and all of sudden she just popped out "wow, it sounds so fun to kidnapped, seriously i just love being kidnapped, you got to kidnap me"..................................

i felt like my brain jumped out of head and crashed somewhere. i had no idea what to say, and it took me at least a minute to respond. she was wawing her hand in front of me to see if i was still alive before i could respond "okey, i will kidnap you".