Curbo : 01 - Forcing the R.A. to hang out with us (MMM/F)

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Curbo : 01 - Forcing the R.A. to hang out with us (MMM/F)

Post by Canuck100 »

Curbo's stories
01 - Forcing the R.A. to hang out with us
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By Curbo

2000-07-06 01:16:17

I have a short story to share, if you want to hear it. It was my freshman year at college and one of our friends, Wanda (about 5'4" dark hair athletic build) was an R.A. (resident assistant). Anyway we had all planned to watch movies in my room one weekend. Wanda cancelled on us because she had to make rounds. At first we didn't really mind but after two weeks we still hadn't gotten to hang out because of her RA status. So the four of us went to Wanda's room (which was on the floor above us) to see if she'd be available this weekend.

So as expected she told us that she couldn't goof off this weekend because of work. Through all of this my roommate (Jerry) was slowly pulling her hands behind her back. Now you have to understand, my roommate's a really touchy feely guy, so Wanda and the rest of us didn't really think anything of it. So we're standing there begging Wanda to ditch work and come hang out with us when all of a sudden Jerry whips this roll of ducttape out of nowhere and quickly starts to wrap it around Wanda's wrists. Cody and Josh followed his lead and produced additional rolls and going to work on her torso and ankles. By this time Wanda was saying things like "what are you doing!?" "Ha Ha very funny." and "Ok seriously guys quit it, I have to work tonight." Cody looked back and me and said, "Curb, can you shut her up or something?" Happy to oblige, I walked around behind her and clamped my hand over her mouth. At first she Mpphhed a little, but I guess she realized that she was beaten and settled down.

The guys wrapped her in tape for what I'd swear was about five minutes, when they were done she was mummified. Jerry walked over in front of Wanda and said, "Now, we're all going down to our room to watch some movies, any objections?" Wanda kind of whined a little then sighed and shook her head 'no'. "Ok then." Jerry said while he strolled over to Wanda's dresser. He opened to top he opened the top drawer (I'll never forget this) and pulled out a pair of white panties. Wanda went crazy, she even tried to bite me! She started struggling and I had to throw my arm around her torso to keep her from falling over. Jerry walked over to us and told me to take my hand off of Wanda's mouth. I did, and when I did, more profanity came from her mouth than I'd ever care to hear from a lady again. Jerry stuffed the panties into Wanda's mouth mid- swear and Cody wrapped some tape around her head twice. Jerry kind of snickered and said "ok, NOW we're ready to go." Josh threw Wanda over his shoulder and she kind of let out a yelp and we headed back to my room. We sat Wanda on the couch while we watched such bad cinema as 'Six string samurai', and 'Big trouble in little china'. While Wanda occasionally mpphed or tested the tape.

We let her go after the movies, and boy 'o boy did she give us a scowling. It's ok though, we're all still friends and every once in a while Wanda 'arranges' to be kidnapped. Peace, felons


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