Princess Garnet : 02 - Sailor Scouts (m/ff)

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Princess Garnet : 02 - Sailor Scouts (m/ff)

Post by Canuck100 »

Princess Garnet's stories
02 - Sailor Scouts
Story index at the bottom

By Princess Garnet

Monday, April 29th 2002 - 04:39:06 PM

Story 2 - Sailor Scouts I - (Part 1 - "Setting Up")

Hello, everybody! I'm finally back! Yes, I can hear all of the cheering fans now! While I don't have as many fans as many of the long time posters of this board, I think I have my fair share! Thank you so very much! (by the way, all those that e-mailed me, I may have a little surprise for all of you soon...look for it!)

Well, now that that's taken care of...


Role playing has always been a thing of mine. Not only the role playing world as a means of acting, but also over the internet. You know, battle systems and all types of things. I got so engrossed that I just finished a 6,000+ page book (PDF format) describing my own system and guidelines. Crazy, isn't it?

Anyways, Jenna had come to visit over at my house for the day. I was 13 and so was Jenna. My dad was at work and my mom went out food shopping for a little bit. After a 10 minute fight with her, I finally got her to realize that I didn't need a babysitter since she wouldn't be gone all that long, anyway.

Jenna and I took this opportunity to set up another role playing adventure. Now, the details of the storyline are a little fuzzy in my mind, but I know it had something to do with a captured senshi. Realize, we didn't do this as a tie-up game, and this was not meant to be one, either. Anyways, we got into our costumes (which looked pretty accurate, by the way) and began our story.

About 20 minutes into the game, I got a call from my boyfriend (Grrr...interrupt me!) asking me if he could come over. Jenna was a little self-conscious about him seeing her in such a skimpy outfit, but she finally decided that it was okay.

I assumed that it would take him a good half hour to get to the house, so we continued to play for a while. Little did I know that he was a lot closer than I had realized...


With Love,
Princess Garnet

Princess Garnet
Kingdom of Alexandria


Wednesday, May 8th 2002 - 09:53:27 PM

Story 2 - Sailor Scouts I - (Part 2 - "Covert Operations")

Sorry it's taken so long to get back to share part two with you all!


As far as I remember, I was wearing a Sailor Venus outfit and Jenna was wearing a Sailor Jupiter outfit. Those of you who know about the sailor scouts will understand what the outfits look like.

Anyways, our plan was to play for another ten minutes and then to change into our casual clothing, since Jenna was self-conscious about my boyfriend seeing her in such a skimpy outfit. Apparently, he had been calling from the house next door. We were now upstairs in my room and I heard the door close downstairs. Figuring it was him, I bounced down the stairs and looked around...nobody. He liked to pull little surprises so I figured he was hiding somewhere. Don't ask me HOW, but he somehow must have went RIGHT PAST ME! How do I know?

Well, after searching for him for a good 5 or 10 minutes, I proceeded to go back up to my room only to find that Jenna had been tied face-down spreadeagle to my bed and gagged with a couple of socks.

"How did you get here so fast?" I asked him.

"I was next door, you---"

"Next door?! Why didn't you tell me?"

"You never asked."

Ah, that was something I got a kick out of. Now, you have to understand his smart alec attitude. I have somewhat of a sarcastic attitude myself. hehe! Sometimes I just drive people crazy with it! But overall, I think you can agree that I'm a very sweet person. :)

Anyways, by now I was a little steamed and I demanded that he let Jenna go. Jenna, strangely, was taking this very well. She laid on the bed very still, not making too much of any noise. Looking over at her, I asked her if she was okay. She nodded slowly and as I turned around to talk to my boyfriend...


Princess Garnet
Kingdom of Alexandria

Princess Garnet's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section