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Lisa : 02 - Lessons from Lisa (F/F)

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 4:24 pm
by Canuck100
Lisa's stories
02 - Lessons from Lisa
Story index at the bottom

By Lisa

Saturday, April 13th 2002 - 06:43:01 PM

Lessons from Lisa

It had been a fun, relaxing day of shopping that afternoon. My girlfriend, Kelly, and I had spent a rainy afternoon at the mall. Just the usual: shopping, girl-talk, and gossip. Earlier that day, we had taken a drive out to Niagara-on-the-Lake. For the occasion, we had put the top down on the BMW, enjoying the cool afternoon air blowing through our hair. I had put a CD in the stereo, and we listened to it over the sound of the engine. It was early May, and the signs of a pleasant summer approaching could be felt in the air. The last traces of snow had disappeared weeks ago, and nature seemed to be coming back to life in that special way of this part of the country.

I gunned the engine and took the turn off from the highway and drove towards my townhouse. My domicile was located on a side street in a pleasant, tree-lined neighborhood. It was fairly small, but I had it cozy. And in any case, it was better paying a mortgage than rent.

I dropped the car into second and swung into the driveway. I activated the electric soft-top and popped the trunk release. Kelly and I gathered our shopping bags and headed towards the front door. Once inside, I headed towards the fridge. "Want a Coke, or something?" I asked my friend.

"Do you have Diet Coke?" Kelly put down the last of the bags and came over to see what I had. "If you don't, then that would be fine. Thanks."

I poured us each a drink with ice cubes and we took it into the main room. I switched on the TV and thumbed through the guide. We watched some fashion programs, followed by some situation comedies. Finally, we decided to watch one of my taped movies. Looking through my collection, I came across Whispers In the Dark. I had seen it a couple of times myself, however Kelly had never seen it. Just your basic psychological thriller. Annabelle Sciorra was a criminal psychologist who had a dangerous youth as a patient. At some point in the movie, he broke into her apartment and tied her up. She was in a secure hog-tie and tightly gagged.

"Looks like she's really in trouble, doesn't it?" I commented, lounging on the sofa.

"Yeah, it does," Kelly replied. "I don't think she'll be going anywhere for awhile." She suddenly smiled. "I guess he took lessons from you."

I looked over at my friend, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"Well, do you remember that night when you had Steve all tied up like that? I thought that he was almost going to cry before we were through with him."

Kelly was referring to a Halloween party she had held (Halloween Hogtie, November-October, 2001). As you recall, dear readers, I had to tie the poor guy up so I could enjoy the rest of the evening without his harassment. I hadn't thought about it in months. "I couldn't believe how tightly you had him bound. I mean, he was completely at our mercy!" she continued. "I wish I knew how to tie a guy up like that."

"Why would you want to know how to tie a guy up?" I looked at her with mock seriousness. "You're not being bothered by anyone, are you?"

Kelly smiled at this. "I wouldn't say I was exactly being bothering, but do you remember Glenn?" Glenn was Kelly's current boyfriend, and although I had only met him once, a couple of months ago, I remember him as being a nice guy. She continued, "Well, we were over at his place a few nights ago, and we got talking. He dropped the hint - get this - that it would be really fun if I would tie him up. Can you believe it!"

"So did you?"

"Well, I was really taken by surprise. I didn't know what to do." She laughed. "Guys just love that sort of stuff, don't they?"

"I think Steve enjoyed it at first." I joined her in laughing. "That is, until he realized he would be spending the evening that way."

Kelly was starting to look thoughtful. "You know, Lisa, you had quite lot of experience with this sort of thing from your babysitting days. So I was just thinking, maybe you could show me how to do an effective hog-tie. We could take turns tying each other up. It would really be fun!"

I looked at my best friend in astonishment. Little did I know how the afternoon would turn out . . .

To Be Continued (very soon!)


Lisa's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section

Re: Lisa : 02 - Lessons from Lisa (F/F)

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:33 pm
by Canuck100
Monday, April 29th 2002 - 05:23:08 PM

Lessons from Lisa

It had been a fun, relaxing day of shopping that afternoon. My girlfriend, Kelly, and I had spent a rainy afternoon at the mall. Just the usual:

"So let me get this straight - you want me to teach you how to tie up your boyfriend?" I looked at Kelly with amazement. "Are you sure this is what he wants?"

"It sure is!" Kelly exclaimed. "Glenn has bugged me about it several times. The thing is, I want to be able to do it right the first time - securely and safely. I don't want him to be disappointed. This guy is really a dreamboat."

I sighed. "Well, it's been some time, but I think I can still show you the ropes." I smiled at the inadvertent pun - "Show you the ropes". Get it?"

"Okay, enough with the wise talk. I got a relationship at stake here." Kelly looked thoughtful for a moment. "Do you have any rope we could use? I don't want anything too abrasive? I wouldn't want any rope burns on my gorgeous legs!"

Kelly had been a cheerleader in high school, and later on when she was at university. Her athletic figure was the result of many years of practice and working out at the gym. Of the two of us, she was the more extroverted. Whereas I was content to spend an evening at home reading a good book, she would be out every night at a sorority party, or bar hopping with her cheerleader friends. One time, when we were at a bachelorette party for one of our mutual friends, she flashed the hunky stripper. Kelly and I were about as different as two friends could be in certain ways, yet we had always been close for many years. I sometimes think that it is the differences between us which actually complement us.

Of course, this afternoon was different. I being the so-called expert in bondage, Kelly was now relying on me to show her the way. "I think that I have some nylon rope in the garage." In addition to my love of sport cars, I also enjoyed many a summer afternoon on the lake. I loved sailing, and had a small sailboat - a brand of high-performance boat known as a Laser - berthed nearby at the local marina. As anyone involved in sailing knows, rope in required for the tying up and rigging of a sailboat, and also for the cover used in the winter months. I had a series of lengths of rope in the garage, the longest of which was nearly a hundred feet. Perfect. I think.

I slipped back into my heels at the entranceway and went through the door which led directly to the garage. It was a single car garage, and when I didn't have the car parked in it, found it useful for storage. I reached around for the light, and suddenly the garage was bathed in light from the single, overhead bulb. I looked around. Hung on the far wall were the ropes. Reaching over some boxes I had yet to unpack, I grabbed them and headed back inside.

Kelly was lounging on the sofa, sipping the last of the Diet Coke, and idly watching the TV. "Okay," I said, slipping out of my heels. "I got the ropes. We'll go upstairs and use the bed. It will be safer and more comfortable that way."

Enthusiastically, Kelly put down her drink and we both proceeded upstairs to my bedroom. My townhouse was small, but nicely laid out. The master bedroom was located over the garage, and had a nice view of the lake. Best of all, it had a walk-in closet. Perfect for a fashion fanatic like myself.

Kelly picked up one of the coils of rope. "Okay. Let me tie you up first. I'll try a hog-tie, just like you put Steve in on Halloween."

With that, she walked behind me, and crossed my wrists behind my back. She started to wrap the coils around and around my wrists, diagonally, and then tied it off. I tested her work. Not bad, but I probably could escape eventually. Next, she took another length of rope and started to wrap it around my upper body, going above and below my breasts. After tying that off, she told me to sit down on the edge of the bed. Kelly then tied my ankles together with the final rope, then continued onwards to my knees, snugly tying then together just below the hem of my skirt.

"Lie down and roll over, please." Kelly helped me lie down and roll over so that I was lying face down on the bed. Taking the end of the rope that was binding my knees, she brought it up, passed it through the ropes around my body, and then brought it down to my ankles. She pulled my feet back until my feet were almost touching my hands, then finally tied it off at my wrists. "There, that should hold you." She stepped back, pleased with her work.

"Don't get too smug, yet," I replied, testing my bonds. I wriggled back and forth, trying to find some slack. My legs were tied pretty securely, so I went to work on freeing my hands. Since my arms were bound to my sides, I couldn't move my hands too well. I struggled some more, trying to find an avenue of escape. My best bet was to work on the ropes tying my arms. I wriggled my shoulders up and down. The ropes slipped down my arms. Slightly.

It eventually dawned on me that since my ankles were tied to the ropes around my body, I could try and straighten my legs and pull them down. I flexed the muscles in my thighs, while trying to squeeze my arms against my body as much as I could. At first, nothing happened. Kelly stood grinning, satisfied that I would never escape. Gradually, I could feel the ropes sliding down my arms until they were around my waist. I now had some leverage to free my hands. Kelly's smile slowly disappeared. No longer in a hog-tie, I could twist around and see how my hands were tied. The rope was looped diagonally around my wrists, but not cinched. Excellent. First rule of bondage 101 - always cinch when tying to prevent coils that can be worked loose. Kelly had failed the first test of Bondage University.

It took about half an hour, but eventually I managed to find and work a coil loose from around my wrists. I was on my way to freedom. Before long, I managed to free my hands completely! Triumphantly, I rolled over and sat up. I started to work on my legs. Before long, they were free, and I stood up and let the coils of rope slide down my body and onto the floor.

Kelly was nonplussed. "I thought I really had you there, Lisa, girl."

I laughed. "If you tie Glenn up like that, he'll dump you for a girl who really knows how to tie a knot." I winked good-naturedly at her. "Someone like me, perhaps." I gathered up the ropes at my feet, and untangled them. "Okay, Kelly, let me show you how it's really done."
