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The Unknown : 01 - The First Time I Was Tied-Up (ff/m)

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:23 pm
by Canuck100
The Unknown's stories
01 - The First Time I Was Tied-Up
Story index at the bottom

By The Unknown

Monday, July 1st 2002 - 02:32:49 AM

The First Time I Was Tied-Up

Before I start, I'd just like to say that this is a VERY long story, but it is 90% true (I'll admit I made up a lot of the dialogue), so only start it if you feel like you are up to a good read. Also, just so you know, this story involves two girls (my sisters) tying up one boy (me). Just thought I would clear that up early for anyone who is interested.

When I was eleven, I was subject to an abduction at the hands of my two sisters, one who is a year older (who we will call Torrie) and one who is a year younger (who we will call Sarah). I then played a couple of tie up games with them over time, which I intend to share if all goes well with this story.

Tom Ford's story about being bound and gagged by two girls over a TV show (well not REALLY over a TV show, but whatever) brought back specific memories of my own childhood, including the first time my sisters kidnapped me at the age of 11 in 1989.

I think that the main contributing factor to my sisters and I not getting along, was our age difference- it was too close. Girls and I didn't get along, and we constantly bickered and argued. We fought over the remote control all the time, we fought over using the bathroom- we simply fought over anything that we could find to fight over. It was mainly me vs. my sisters, but they fought each other on occasion too. Anyway, one day, I pushed them over the edge.

I'll now take a minute or two to describe my sisters. Torrie is tall (now she is 5'9", but I don't know how tall she was back then, just tall) while Sarah is shorter, but not too short (again she is now 5'5" but I have no clue how tall she was then). Both are far from fat, but definitely aren't skinny. Kind of curvy I guess (although Torrie much more so as she was 12 and Sarah was only ten). Torrie has long brown hair down to her waist, while Sarah has blonde hair to her shoulders. Both have brown eyes. I think anyway. Neither is ugly, although they aren't particularly good looking. Pretty average looking, I guess.

To this day, I don't know if they planned it before hand, or if it just came about, because it could have gone either way. As it was, on a Friday night in September of 1989, I was abducted.

We were sitting around watching a TV movie I think. I was being my obnoxious self, as usual, while the girls were particularly quiet. Some mushy scene came up in the movie, which I objected to, and opted to change the channel. Sarah told me no, and Torrie joined in soon thereafter. I ignored their protests and changed the channel. Torrie waited until I got up, and then changed the channel back. I waited until she sat down, and then went up to change it away.

This went on for quite some time, as neither of us seemed to realize the cycle was repeating itself. After I changed it for about the fourth or fifth time, Torrie got mad.

"If you change the channel one more time, I'm going to hogtie you!" she screamed.

I was slightly intrigued by this, a little offended, but not the least bit scared. I was intrigued, mainly because I saw this as an opportunity to tie her up in my defense, while I was offended in the sense that she actually thought she could tie me up.

"Please. I would LOVE to see you try," I snarled. She got up to change the channel back. As soon as she had done so, I got up to change it again, when...

She hit me from behind, like a full-on body tackle. I really didn't expect her to do anything that rash or gutsy, so I was taken by shock, as I tumbled to the floor like a sack of old potatoes. After another moment of surprise, I leapt into action. We wrestled around on the floor, trying force each other into positions where we could subdue each other.

To say I underestimated her was an understatement. I could have taken her probably- with difficulty though, if it hadn't been for Sarah.

"Sarah, help me!" my older sister called. The youngest didn't take long to respond, as she leapt into the fray. Together, they were too much for me, and forced me onto my belly, and pinned my hands behind my back. I was helpless. I didn't say anything- to admit defeat would be the utmost in humiliation. So I kept my silence. I struggled lightly though- I figured that if I were somehow able to free myself I could rectify this situation.

"What should we do with him?" Sarah asked her older sister. She seemed awed and excited by the scenario.

"What I said I would do, and what we should have done a long time ago," Torrie explained calmly. "Get the old clothesline from the basement," she instructed Sarah. Now I knew I was in trouble. I really didn't want to be tied up, and was getting nervous. They had practically succeeded. What was I going to do? My mind raced in search of a possible escape.

"Oh c'mon," I said as cheerily as I could muster. "We can always just talk out our differences," he said with a smile. She didn't seem impressed.

"I think we're beyond that," she stated coldly. I decided I probably wouldn't be able to reason with her, so I figured with Sarah gone to look for rope, I should make my move for escape now. I shifted my weight rapidly and yanked, trying to pull my wrists free as hard as I could. She reacted well to the shift, and placed all of her weight down on my hands, pinning them, and me, down.

"I don't think so," she said with a fair amount of smugness. "You're not going anywhere,"

I thought of how bad this might be- my friend Toby had been tied up by his twin older sisters, and they had put make-up on him and taken pictures. I was hoping against hope that this wouldn't happen to me. One time humiliation is bad, but pictures capture the memory- surely a memory I didn't want captured.

"How about I make you a deal?" I said, in an attempt to pour on the charm. After my escape attempt, I doubted she would release me, but I figured it was worth a shot. "I clean your room and do all of your chores for a month?" Even punishment like that wasn't as bad as being tied up by my sisters- something they wouldn't soon let me forget.

"Oh- after what I'm planning for you, you'll be begging to do all of those things!" she insisted. Now I was a little scared.

"I'm here," Sarah gasped as she arrived in the living room. She dropped a huge wad of coiled white clothesline on the floor- more rope than they could possibly use on me- I hoped.

"Here, give me some rope, and help me hold his hands while I tie them," she instructed my younger sibling. Sarah walked over and sat on my back (which almost stopped me from breathing) and pressed all of her weight onto my arms, holding them there.

Torrie then wrapped what must have been the clothesline around my wrists, very tightly. She bound the cord quickly, but tautly, with an expertise I wouldn't have expected. Long after my wrists were secured together she continued to yank and work on them, so the knots must be intricate, I figured.

After what seemed like forever, she stopped. I tested my bonds as she stood back to admire her handiwork. Sarah gasped in surprise and excitement.

"Wow, look at all of those knots!" she said with enthusiasm. Yep, apparently I was correct. I struggled to see how many knots were there, yanking at the tie, and groping for the securing knots with my fingers. There seemed to be a lot, but I couldn't feel where they ended- just a large mass of hard, knotty rope.

I noticed that Torrie seemed to get enjoyment from my struggling and helplessness, so I stopped immediately. There was no need to indulge her and make this experience any more memorable and fulfilling than it was already going to be. The clothesline was scratchy and uncomfortable, and chaffed my wrists. I considered complaining about this to Torrie, but I figured she wouldn't care, and it would actually make her happy, so I kept my mouth shut.

"Well, looks who's tied up," Torrie said with satisfaction. "Now we need to hogtie him though, so he can't go anywhere," she explained to Sarah. I was hoping she might have forgotten about that, and just been content with my current predicament. Apparently not.

Torrie and Sarah moved down to my ankles, and continued to bind them. I didn't resist them, as I had already been physically overpowered my two girls- I needed no further embarrassment in that department.

They held my socked feet together and continued to wrap the scratchy clothesline around my ankles. It was a good thing that I had pants on, or I might have found myself even more uncomfortable. They bound my ankles just as tightly though, if not more so, than my wrists. Just like with my wrists, the heavy knotting followed the tight wrapping, and I soon felt myself bound hand and foot with clothesline, in a helpless state.

"Now for the hogtie," Torrie said triumphantly. She pulled my legs up, and pulled my wrists back. She couldn't make them touch, but pulled them very close, right up until I made a soft grunt of pain, at which she chuckled happily. I couldn't feel the tying of the hogtie, as she didn't tie wrist to ankle directly- it was more of my wrists mass of knots to my ankles mass of knots. This didn't seem to take her quite as long, however, as she finished in about a minute, at which point I was hogtied, and thus, completely at their mercy.

Sarah giggled like she was drunk with giddiness. "This is so cool... He's like, our prisoner," she said with a broad smile.

"Oh shut up, you little..." I normally would have verbally abused her, but she didn't give me the chance. She shot her hand out, and slapped it over my mouth, silencing me. I wasn't ready for this enforced silence, so I continued to talk into her hand, emitting only garbled mumbles.

"Aw... Hush now," Sarah said menacingly, as she squeezed her sweaty palm over my lips. I managed to contain my rage somehow, honestly I don't know how, but I knew I would have to. Having my little sister shut me up against my will and mock me while doing it was more than I could bare.

After ensuring I would remain silent, she removed her hand, and smiled at me in an evil way. "This is tearing you up- being out captive, isn't it?" she questioned. I was inclined to give her a piece of my mind, but knew if I did, she would just clamp her hand over my mouth to render me silent once again, so I decided not to give her the satisfaction. I kept my mouth shut.

I pondered for a moment how I managed to get myself into this situation. If I had just left the TV alone... It wasn't even like there was anything I wanted to watch, or what they wanted to watch was so bad- I was just being my annoying self, trying to bust their chops. And look where it had brought me.

"Well, I suppose at this point we can watch what we want to watch without further interruption," Torrie announced. She and Sarah went over to sit on the couch (I think, I couldn't see them) and continued to enjoy the show. As bad of a situation as I was in, I figured I might as well watch the movie, I figured.

Well, I tried that, and it didn't work out for me. So I decided to ridicule the movie, no matter what they did in retaliation. Maybe a handgag would be worth it if I was able to get in a few ribs on this movie.

"You've got to be kidding me. I'd rather watch a marathon of grass-growing, paint drying, and..." I wasn't able to finish my sentence before Sarah leapt from her position on the couch to smother my mouth with her hand. I continued to grunt despite my position, to bring the point across that I was through with this movie, but it didn't seem to affect Sarah very much. She was smiling, while keeping a finger to her lips.

"Ssshhhhh! Hush little baby, don't say a word," she whispered.

"Mmmmmmmmmppphh!" I roared. Her hand kept me from saying anything distinguishable, but I made sure my grumbled moans were loud.

Torrie was obviously very annoyed by this as she lurched forward, down to the ground where I lay, hogtied on my belly.

"Listen to me very carefully- in ten seconds Sarah is going to stop covering your mouth. If after that point, you decide to open your big, fat mouth one more time, I will gag you faster than you can say 'shut up'," she snapped. I knew she was serious, so I kept quiet, letting out one last grunt into Sarah's hand right before she removed it. Torrie's enforced dominance wasn't nearly as annoying as Sarah's smug smiling- after years of being told to 'shut up' by her big brother, she was forcing me to do just that. It made me sick.

I decided that I didn't want to be gagged- I was afraid of what awful thing Torrie might use to shut me up- so I decided to remain silent. It was pretty late now- I thought it was anyway, so I figured they couldn't keep me hogtied for much longer. My wrists were aching from the clothesline, and I was in pain now. I wanted to be set free desperately.

Well, it was getting late, so mom would be down here any minute to...

MOM! How could I have forgotten about mom! She was upstairs, in her room, most likely. I knew I had to yell to her- after the way Torrie had been talking she might be my best chance for freedom. At first I figured that I would calculate the best time to call out for help, but my instinct and realization made me shout out without thinking.

"Mom! HELP!" I bellowed at the top of my lungs. From my hogtied position, I couldn't see if Torrie or Sarah were moving to stop me, but it didn't matter- I needed to scream for help anyway. "Mom! Help! Help!" I screamed. "Help..."

CLAP. Torrie's hand smacked down over my lips roughly. Unlike Sarah's hand, hers was cold, and rough, but just as tight and silencing.

"Apparently he didn't listen to my advice, did he, Sarah?" my older sister asked.

"No, he certainly didn't," my younger sister agreed with a smug smile.

"Sarah, go into the pantry. Open the drawer next to the phone. I think I saw some tape in there," Torrie instructed. My younger sister obliged and scampered off, ready to find the tape that would surely be used to seal my lips. I gave Torrie the fiercest look I could from over her silencing hand, but that only made her smile. Silently I prayed that my Mom had heard my pitiful screams- maybe she would come down to investigate and find me in this position, at which point I would be freed. Hopefully that was what would happen.

"Mmmpph!" I growled into Torrie's hand. At this she only squeezed her palm tighter over my mouth.

Moments later Sarah came running into the room, a roll of masking tape in hand.

"Mmmpph!" I grunted.

"That's right, that tape is for you!" Torrie said mockingly. She then instructed Sarah to tear off three strips of the tape. She took the first strip with the hand that wasn't clamped over my mouth, and prepared to gag me with it. She quickly unclamped my mouth, grasping the other edge of the tape with her second hand. Before I had a chance to scream out, she pressed the strip of tape down, tautly over my lips.

I had a quick sniff of the tape's adhesive as it came down onto my lips- it smelled like glue, almost. The feeling of tape over your mouth is one that is unique- the strange restricting sensation of having your mouth sealed shut is one I love now, but at the time it just made my furious. Torrie took the next to strips of masking tape and criss-crossed them, making an "X" which she then pressed down over the first strip, the three pieces of tape gagging me tightly.

"Mmmpph!" I growled, to the delight of my captors. The gag kept my attempts of speech muffled, but I knew deep down that I could get it off if I really needed to- it was only masking tape. I didn't think my sisters knew this, however, so I counted on that in case they decided to leave me to my own devices later.

I now lay hogtied and gagged in front of my sisters. I could tell that they were thinking evil things, and suddenly became afraid of what they might do next. With my mouth gagged, I was completely venerable to awful think the might have wanted to do to me.

"So what do you think we should do with our little prisoner?" Torrie said, with what I can only guess was a coy smile on her face.

"Mmmpph!" I tried to say "nothing" into my gag, just for kicks, but the muffled grunt was all that came out from behind the masking tape.

Sarah chuckled at this. "I think his feet need a good ticking!" she said with a vindictive hint in her voice. This scared the daylights out of me.

"Good idea!" Torrie exclaimed. Clearly she hadn't thought of this (why, I don't know) and clearly she was excited by the idea. Without hesitation I heard them both sit down, and I felt my socks removed with one quick motion.

My bare feet protruded into the air, and I was waiting for the attack to come- clenching my teeth together behind my tape gag in anticipation. It must have only been a few seconds, but it felt like eternity while my bare feet were held their by the hogtie, ready for the attack - And then it happened.

I'm extremely ticklish, and to be honest I don't like being tickled, even to this day. While just like most of the posters on this website tickling would become a routine part of our game, I am unlike most of the posters in the respect that I hate to be tickled. I just hate it. Like I said- I'm extremely ticklish, and those two things don't go hand in hand. I'm one of those people where you just wiggle your fingers as if you are about to tickle them and they clam up and start to laugh. Unfortunately, when you are hogtied and gagged, it's difficult to do both of those things.

Their fingers tickled my feet savagely and mercilessly- and there was nothing I could do about it. Their fingers and fingernails groped at the soles of my feet, brushing back and forth in the typical tickling motion, and it was more than I could take.

I began to rock back and forth on my belly (being hogtied that was the most I could do in terms of resistance) while I howled into my gag in laughter. The masking tape wasn't all too strong, and I knew if they kept this torture up I would soon wear through my gag, and that's what I was hoping. My screams of laughter and agony (I hate being tickled) were muffled by the gag, which seemed to bulge off my face as the breath that wanted to escape from my mouth couldn't. I began to shake as I fought my bonds, trying desperately to find a way out, but they held fast, keeping me at their will. I originally planned to keep my gag on until they left me alone, but I needed to do what I could in order to get this gag off, now.

I reached my tongue forward in my mouth, allowing it to run along the edges of the inside of my mouth, trying to wet, and thus loosen the adhesive on the tape. It tasted simply foul, but it did the trick, as the tape seemed to pop right off of my mouth. It still clung from one edge of my upper lip. I would have screamed to high heaven if it hadn't been for the relentless tickling- still, I tried to do my best.

"Mom! Hahahahaha, Help! Haha, please, mom! Haha!" I knew I didn't have much time before they re-gagged me, so I tried to make the most of it, but their fingers continued to tickle away at my feet, keeping me from crying out to the best of my ability. I was trying so hard to scream out, but I was laughing so hard that my own laughter and gasps for breath seemed to be stopping me. Tears had formed at the corners of my eyes, and I was absolutely desperate for escape. The tickling abruptly stopped, and after catching my breath, I tried to scream out for Mom, but a hand clamped over my mouth quickly.

"Mmmpph!" I said into her hand, which held tightly over my mouth.

"Well it looks like the masking tape wasn't enough to keep his big mouth shut," Sarah said, with a hint of disappointment in her voice. I would have retorted, but she was silencing me anyway. Besides, I was now sweating profusely, and breathing heavily through only my nose. I continued to pant as I tried to catch my breath.

Torrie looked like she was in some kind of deep thought. She suddenly brightened- I was afraid of anything that got her excited at this point.

"Dad's got some duct tape out in the garage!" she said with a broad smile. "That's really strong, it will definitely keep him quiet!"

"Mmmpph!" I grunted with some fright and disapproval. I was really nervous now- I knew that duct tape was really strong, and I had heard it could even take off skin, and that it really hurt when you took it off. I was now wishing I had just kept the masking tape on and liked it- now I was facing something much more sinister. At my pathetic attempt at letting her know how I felt, Torrie gave me a quick, evil smile. She then turned to my younger sister.

"Okay, keep him quiet, I'm going to go get the duct tape from the garage," she instructed. Sarah nodded gleefully, grinning down at me. I closed my eyes and ignored her- how did things get to such a bad position? Torrie ran off, heading outside to the garage to get the tape, while Sarah continued to gag me with her sweaty, clammy hand.

"You must really be mad. Getting tied up by just a couple of GIRLS," she said with a smile. "Well, it looks like you underestimated us, buddy, because you are the one who is tied up!" I could barely listen to her mindless drivel, but seeing as I was hogtied, she was in the position of power, and I had no option but to listen to her flap her gums about "girl power" or something of the sort. I tried to ignore her, but it wasn't working, so I decided to hum loudly, seeing as that would let her know that I wasn't interested in whatever the hell she had to say.

As it turned out, she wasn't a fan of my humming and ignoring her. She gave me a scowl, and promptly reached over, grazing her left hand over my bare feet, at which I giggled uncontrollably. My giggles were, of course, stifled by her clammy hand, a soft "Mmmpph," was all that emerged. She wasn't trying to torture me, only silence me, exerting her power. I took her advice, listening in silence as she started talking about how in the future, women would rule the world. I was almost hoping Torrie would get back soon with the duct tape.

It didn't take her all too long before she arrived- the large roll of silver duct tape in hand. She seemed extremely pleased with herself, and very excited- either because she finally had an instrument to truly shut me up, or because she had one that would cause me pain. She probably liked the combination.

"Got the duct tape!" she said cheerily. I did my best to give her a dirty look.

"Excellent!" Sarah said. I think they were enjoying this too much. Torrie then triumphantly grasped the edge of the tape on the roll and began to stretch out a length of it, making the same sound of the tape leaving the roll. Once the strip was about six inches long, she brought it to her mouth, and used her teeth to cut it, at which point she put down the roll, holding the strip of shiny silver tape up to the light. She moved forward, down to where I was, ready to force the tape over my mouth. Sarah removed her hand, ready for my older sister to tape it up- but she didn't.

"Wait... Here, hold this," she said, handing the wide strip to Sarah. Sarah seemed just as confused as I was- what had stopped her from proceding with the mouth taping? It didn't matter, whatever it was, it had to be good, I figured. I figured wrong.

She reached over and grabbed one of my socks that had been disgarded right before the feet tickling. She began to ball it up, and I knew what was coming. I clamped my mouth shut as tightly as I possibly could- there was no way she would stick that dirty, sweaty, stinky sock into my mouth. Once again, I was wrong.

"What, you think you can stop me? Please. Sarah, tickle his feet!"

My mouth shot open on instinct as I prepared to protest this, even before the tickling ensued. This gave Torrie more than an ample opportunity to force the sock into my mouth. The disgustingly damp cotton sock made its way past my lips, and I almost felt as though I was going to throw up. It felt absolutely sickening, and my tongue wasn't nearly strong enough to stop it. She used her fingers to continually force the sock into my mouth, packing it in tightly. The sock was lodged in my mouth now, and it almost made my choke. I screamed in anger and protest, but all that came out was a shockingly soft "Mmmpph," much more muffled than the tape had muffled me.

"Now THAT's a gag!" she said triumphantly. "Looks like he finally put a sock in it, huh Sarah?" she added. She and Sarah laughed at this, but it sounded like a fake laugh. I think they were just pretending to laugh to get under my skin- which they were doing an adequate job at.

"Here, give me the tape," Torrie instructed. Sarah complied, handing my older sister the strip of tape that she had already cut. She took it by each end with each forefinger and thumb, as she held the strip right in front of my mouth menacingly. I had tried to get the sock out of my mouth as soon as she had stopped packing it in, but at this point I knew it was helpless. She pressed it down tautly, the wide strip of silver clinging to my face as she did so. It's tight adhesive stuck down tightly, and was holding my lips together- sealing my mouth shut.

I knew I was helplessly gagged, but I figured I might as well test it- I tried to scream at the top of my lungs. All that came out was the soft "Mmmpph," once again.

"Perfect!" Sarah said with a grin. Torrie smiled in agreement. "Yep, nice and quiet. Here, give me the tape," she replied. Sarah handed Torrie the tape, and my older sister continued to tear off another wide strip of duct tape. She continued to press this strip down as well, only harder and longer than before. I let out a soft grunt at this, and she grinned again- she was really enjoying herself here. She continued with this, tearing off strip after strip, the familiar "rip" sound of the tearing duct tape echoing through the living room. She continued to layer the tape down over my mouth, plastering my face shut.

After my mouth was fully sealed with what had to be at least eight strips of tape, Torrie put down the roll and exhaled with satisfaction. The tape seemed cold against my face at this point- the constricting sensation of a tight tape gag was also cold with the shiny, metalic sensation added by the duct tape.

"Try to say something!" Sarah ordered with enthusiasm. I ignored her. She reached over and ticked at my feet.

"Mmmpph!" I squealed into the sock packing and duct tape. Barley any sound came out, and they seemed to derive pleasure from this.

"Well, he's hogtied, and completely helpless. His mouth is gagged, he can't say a word. How about we have a little fun with him?" Torrie asked with an evil grin. Sarah nodded vigorously. I knew I was in trouble, so I started to struggled and "Mmmpph," into my gag then, fighting the uncomfortable, scratchy rope and the thick, silencing gag.

The tickling then ensued.

To say they were barbaric would be an understatement.The tickling was harder than before- more like an attack then mere tickling. It just kept coming, it was so harsh- it sent my entire body writhing for freedom, but in my hogtied form, there was nothing that could be done. My wrists and ankles bucked back and forth, trying with all their might to escape the bonds, but the ropes were strong and the knots were tight, and I just felt my limbs begin to become enflamed with rope burn.

I screamed wildly, my laughter felt like it was exploding from my chest- but barley any sound came out. The sock kept my mouth full, forcing my tongue down, and absorbing the sound from my voicebox, keeping the sound from escaping. The several strips of duct tape, in turn, were effective in keeping my mouth shut- sealing my lips together, keeping me from spitting out the sock. I was completely helpless as the tickling was relentless. I was desperate.

I struggled and struggled, fighting for freedom like their was no tommorow. I thought I was going to die, my body was in that much agony. I hate being tickled. I was sweating worse than ever, crying like a baby, and I felt like it was only a matter of time before I wet my pants. I screamed as loud as I could into my gag, one last time.


Behind my panting and uncontrolable laughing/moaning, I could hear their laughter- and I could hear another voice.

"And just what do you girls think you are doing?"

My two sisters let out concurrent gasps of shock, realizing out mom was right behind them. The tickling stopped right away, and I let out a grunt of relief.

"Mmmpph!" I exclaimed, as I rolled back and forth on the floor.

"Untie him this instant!" my mom ordered. My sisters complied immediately- they knew they were in trouble, and they knew my mom meant business.

They were taking awhile to undo all of the knots, but I didn't mind. I was now able to catch my breath, and calm myself down- it was easy to do so with my mom right here to oversee things. Slowly they undid the knots, while my mom bent down to remove my gag. Slowly and carefully she peeled away the tape, trying not to hurt me. After it was all gone, she removed the soggy, dirty sock from my mouth.

"Girls, this is disgusting! How could you do this to your brother?" my mom exclaimed. "Are you okay?" she then asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I mumbled. My speech was strange to hear after being gagged so long in one way or another, and my mouth had started to cramp after having the sock packed in it for so long.

"We're sorry," Torrie mumbled as she undid the last knot, untying my wrists.

"But he was being a jerk!" Sarah blurted out.

"Sarah Louise Hutchinson! Shut your mouth right now. We'll have none of that- nothing he could have done could have justified this!" she exclaimed. (By the way, that name is made up) It felt good to have the same thing said to Sarah that she had been saying to me all night.

All in all I was happy to be released, and as soon as I went to bed, I was planning my revenge.

We would play many more tie-up games. If you liked the story and/or want to hear more, please let me know so I will post other tales of tie-ups. As you can see, my stories are long, so I won't post again unless I think people are reading- it takes me awhile to write these.

I hope you enjoyed my story! :-)

The Unknown

The Unknown's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section

Re: The Unknown : 01 - The First Time I Was Tied-Up (ff/m)

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 2:11 am
by sockgaggedsissy
Loved it!