Tom Ford : 33 - Capture the Flag (m+/m+)

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Tom Ford : 33 - Capture the Flag (m+/m+)

Post by Canuck100 »

Tom Ford's stories
33 - Capture the Flag
Story index at the bottom

By Tom Ford

Friday, August 16th 2002 - 06:37:20 AM

Summer - 1966
Capture the Flag

We played cops and robbers during the Friday of the second week of our vacation. Frank, Andrew and Jerry were the cops while Donald, David, Robert and I became the robbers. Angela was the bank teller. We successfully robbed the bank and took Angela hostage in the process, but although we caught Frank, Jerry and Andrew were able to capture all of us winning the game.

We planned to go to the mountains to play a game Andrew had planned. Angela wanted to go, but Andrew, by some clever ruse, was able to sneak all of us to the mountain and one of the plateaus on Saturday afternoon without her. Since she did not know where in the mountain we went, she was again excluded from our game.

We went to the plateau where we played our first treasure hunt game. As I said, it is large. The new game is Capture the Flag. There are two teams, one carrying one red and one black flag and the other a blue and white flag. Each team were to plant the black or white flag anywhere in the plateau, as long is it is in plain sight. When one spots the flag of the others, you must plant your flag beside the other flag and then carry the opponents flag and plant it in a designated location agreed before the game. The first one who plants the flag in the agreed area does not automatically win. All must check if your flag was planted on the place where you took the opponents flag. If the flag was still there, you win. If not, then it becomes a contest to find that flag, and whoever finds it wins.

To make it clearer, let us suppose one team has a black and red flag. Now, he plants the black flag someplace for his opponents to find. Then he finds the white flag of the opponent. If he finds it, he takes the white flag, and plants the red flag in its place. You then take the white flag to the agreed location and wait. Once all of you are in that location, you would go to where you planted your red flag. If it still there, you win. If not, you must again find the red flag. Whoever finds the red flag wins.

You can capture and tie each other up during the game to buy as much time as possible. However, you cannot torture that person to obtain information. And there is a catch. Once you tied somebody up, you must make sure he can escape. Otherwise, if it he cannot escape, the game would be a tie instead and, all your team will be tied up an extra hour after the game as punishment. And one more thing. When you capture somebody, you must not take away his flag. Doing so would penalize your team by making it a tie if you win, and your team would be tied-up for an extra 1 ½ hours as punishment.

Another thing, once a blue or a red flag has been planted, the other team cannot uproot it and hide it. If, for example, when you return to where you took the black or white flag and find it missing, you can tie up your opponents as guarantees just in case they hid the flag (because it is very difficult to prove that they indeed hid it), and so buy time for your team.

We divided into two teams, by coin toss, as usual.

Andrew - heads
Tom - tails
David - tails
Donald - heads
Frank - tails
Jerry - heads
Robert - tails

And so David, Frank, Robert and myself comprised one team, while Andrew, Jerry and Donald comprised the opposing team. Also by coin toss, we gained the black and blue flag, while they got the while and red flag. Andrew took from his backpack four huge handkerchiefs, colored red, black, white and blue. And David took four poles about three feet long, and we tied the handkerchiefs to it. We took the blue and black flags, while they took the red and white.

We agreed that the spot we were standing right now would be the location where we would go after finding each other's flag, then we went our separate ways. David, Frank, Robert and myself walked to the northern part of the plateau, near the edge, then planted the black flag on a mound twenty feet high. We then split to cover to more ground, David and I comprising one group, while Frank and Robert comprising the other, to look for the white flag of our opponents. We walked through the western part, while Frank and Robert walked through the eastern part.

We were walking for a few minutes when I heard footsteps and voices.

"You hear that?" I asked David in whispers.

"Yea. Sounds like footsteps, and voices!" David replied.

"I wonder who could that be?" I asked.

"I don't know. Shhh, prepare your guns! Let's hide on those bushes!" said David. We went to the bushes and listened in and waited. The footsteps became louder and louder. So did the voices. As it became louder, it became clearer. The voices are the voice s of Jerry and Andrew.

"Nah! Barney and John are not that stupid!" I heard Andrew assert.

"How about Harvey!" Jerry asked.

"He's not so bad. I think he's - wait a minute!! Be quiet! I think I heard something!" Andrew responded.

"You think - " Jerry asserted.

"Keep it down. He might hear us!" Andrew said. Then their conversation became so low I couldn't hear it. I for myself was chuckling, for we already heard them long ago. We kept absolutely quiet to make sure we were not discovered. Jerry is carrying only a red flag, indicating that they had already planted the white flag on the ground somewhere. Andrew is holding a loaded gun on each hand, so we must be careful of our moves. They moved closer and closer to our positions, us not knowing whether or not they knew of our whereabouts. We waited to be discovered and readied our own guns for such an occasion. Fortunately, they didn't discover us, and walked pass where we were hiding. We then took our opportunity.
We then jumped from our hiding places and fired at their backs. It was a perfect shot. Both of them were hit straight at the back, and both were thoroughly surprised. And according to the rules of the game, they were caught fair and square.

"Gotcha!” I shouted.

"Damn it! I knew I heard something. Damn!" Andrew cursed.

"Well, here we go again!" Jerry remarked after both of them raised their hands in surrender. "Remember, you must tie us in such a way that we can escape, or you won't win!"

"We know. We know! That is why we had prepared something special for you!" David replied.

Andrew and Jerry just laughed at it. Anyway, David took a length of rope from his pocket, and I took their flag. David pulled Andrew's arms behind him, and wrapped white cotton rope around his wrists. I wonder what David could be up to now? He tied it snug around my brother's wrists. As usual, he tied it competently, and all knots are beyond reach. He used a simple square knot. David then wrapped rope around Andrew's waist, cinched it and knotted it off. He tied the loose ends to the wrists, pinning his wrists to his back. He finalized it by tying rope around his upper body. David then proceeded to Jerry and did exactly the same thing.

"Let's hog-tie them here!" David proposed.

"Don't you dare make us lie on the dirty ground! Or you'll regret it!" Jerry shouted.

"Don't worry. Well hog-tie you to the nice, cool, grass. I'm sure you'd enjoy it!" I replied.

"Oh no you mmmppphhhh!" Andrew replied, but before he could finish, I shoved a clean handkerchief to his mouth, then David duct taped his mouth, sealing the handkerchief in his mouth. We then gagged Jerry the same way. We then led the two to a grassy spot, where we blindfolded them.

"The grass is cool here!" David remarked, trying to scare our captives.

"Yea. I think it will take about a minute before those bugs would come crawling up their skin." I added, which caused the two captives to violently flinch. They mmmppphhhed a lot, trying to protest. What those two didn't know is that David brought out from his bag two sheets of cloth, which we laid on the ground. We were not that cruel to let them lie on the bare ground. We pushed them so that they were lying on their bellies on the ground. David then hog-tied both of them. We then removed their blindfolds.

"Fooled you, didn't I?" David boasted.

Both Andrew and Jerry just groaned in their gags. David and I just laughed and laughed. The look on their faces was just priceless.

"Well, gotta go. Well, I hope you figure out how to get out of there!" David remarked. We then planted the red flag beside them and left.

"Can they actually get out of there?" I asked David.

"Sure. I placed the knots on the rope hog-tying them (meaning the rope connecting their ankles and wrist) on the front side of their ankles so they can reach it with their fingers. Don't worry; I didn't make the knots complicated. All they have to do is undo they're hog-ties, then hop toward each other, and untie each other's knots. Simple, isn't it?" David explained.

"If they figure that out, that is!" I retorted back, and we both laughed.

"But seriously, I think your brother will figure it out! I've seen him in action in our games too many times to doubt it." David added.

"You're right. My brother's one hell of a son of a gun! Yea, he'll figure it out. But for Jerry, I don't know. He probably won't figure it out without Andrew's help. He's too inexperienced. That'll probably buy us more time that if Donald is the one tied up instead of Jerry!" I said.

"And speaking of Donald, don't you think there is a good chance of him finding Andrew and Jerry and freeing them?" David asked.

"Probably not. He'll be caught by Robert and Frank before he could find Andrew and Jerry!" I replied.

With that, we spent about 45 minutes looking for the white flag. We found nothing until we bumped into Robert and Frank.

"Had you any luck?" I asked.

"Nope! No flag! How about you? Any luck?" Robert replied.

"No better luck than you guys had! No flag either!" David asserted

"Did you find Donald?" I asked.

"No sign of him either. What about Andrew or Jerry?" Frank asked.

"Oh, they're all tied up right now!" I replied.

We agreed to split up and continue looking for the flag. We decided to cross our teams. Robert went with me this time while Frank went with David. It proved to be unnecessary, however, for after walking to the southern edge, just a few seconds after we split, at plain sight beside a cliff, is the white flag. We eagerly removed the flag and planted our blue flag in place. Robert shouted to Frank and David, who, although they are quite far, they are still within shouting distance. After a few minutes, both of them arrived. We shouted and jumped at our triumph, but we must still plant the white flag at the agreed location, which is at the center of the plateau, and claim our victory. And there is still the distinct possibility that Andrew, Jerry and Donald might have beaten us.

I considered these possibilities, and I decided to take the flag, and run like hell to the center. So holding the flag and nothing else but my backpack, I ran and ran, with my companions behind me carrying the guns. It proved to be a big mistake, for as I was running, Andrew suddenly and without warning stepped in my path, pointed his gun at me, said, "You're dead!" and shot me in the head. It happened all too quickly, for I was still running when I was hit, and then Andrew stepped back. I was beaten, but my companions at the back are not. A gun battle ensued. Because I had been hit, I have to sit down and wait for one side to win. Well, Andrew then directed his fire at Robert who was hit right after shooting Andrew, but Robert's aim was just two inches from Andrew's face. Robert's out. Frank, however, managed to take out my brother, who shot him in the back right after Andrew was able to take out Robert. So Andrew's out. Jerry then stepped and hit Frank in the forehead. Frank's out. David, who was in the rear, then pointed the gun at Jerry's temple seconds after Frank was taken out.

"Drop you're weapons!" David commanded. Jerry, perhaps realizing he was beaten, threw away his gun. On Jerry's other hand is the black flag, indicating they have found the flag, but they have not planted it on the agreed location, and it became a race of who will plant it there first. By Jerry's surrender, it ensured us our victory.

But at our moment of triumph, Donald stepped out of nowhere and shot David in the back, without any warning. That dashed our hopes for any victory. So David, Robert, Frank and I, otherwise our whole team, was at the mercy of our opponents - Andrew, Jerry and Donald.

"Nice timing, Donald. Nice to have you back!" Andrew told Donald.

"Guess I arrived not a moment too soon!" Donald boasted. "By the way, nice work on the flag!"

"Yea. You two." Jerry retorted. "By the way, where the hell have you been this past hour or so. We've been looking for you like crazy!"

"Doing the same thing as you guys were, looking for the black flag, and you guys. I roamed this plateau, and found nothing, until now that is!" Donald retorted back. "What happened to you guys?"

"We were caught and tied up, but escaped!" Andrew asserted.

"Did you have a hard time escaping?" Donald asked. And Andrew and Jerry narrated the entire episode. They seemed to have escaped the same way David intended them to do, although they did it in a shorted time span than we intended.

"Well, any bright ideas on how to tie those four up! They need to escape, you know!" Jerry asked after telling the story.

"We could tie them up like they tied you up!" Donald proposed.

"Nah! I've got a better idea!" said Andrew with a fiendish tone. The look on his face and his expression told me we were in big trouble.

"Hey, we could just wait here and let you plant your flag. We won't race you, we promise!" I said, in an effort to dissuade them from tying us up.

"Then you don't have to tie us up!" Robert added.

"Save your breath. They still would tie us up even if we were on our knees begging1" David remarked with cruel candor.

"You know better Tom!" Frank rebuked. "You shouldn't give Robert here some false hope!"

"Enough already. Now it's only fair that we get to tie you once we got you. Any complaints?" Andrew asked.

"Since there is none, then let us begin!" Andrew said, and then took two long pieces of rope. "Tie them up the usual way, just don't tie up their feet and legs, but leave Robert. I've got something special planned for him!"

And so Andrew took the flag away from me, and planted it beside us. He also took my backpack and placed it on a pile with the other backpacks. He then made me stand up and ordered me to put my hands behind me, and cross it palm to palm. Of course, what could I do but comply? So I did as I was told. He then began working on my wrists, and after wrapping it several times, he cinched it and knotted it off. He then wrapped rope around my waist, cinched it and knotted it off, then tied the loose ends on to my wrists. He then tied my upper body, further pinning my arms to my sides. I tested the ropes, and they were all secure and snug. All knots are beyond my fingers. I knew then that I wouldn't escape without help. Donald tied Frank, while Jerry took care of David. They were basically tied the same way I was tied up. Next he took a sock from his backpack, and told me to open wide. I knew better than to resist, so I reluctantly opened my mouth wide open, and he inserted it. The sock was clean, but it is huge and filled my mouth. He then prepared the duct tape.

"Close your mouth." he ordered me, which I did.

He then wrapped the tape around my head. Frank and David were gagged with a cloth tied around their heads. He then made me sit on the grass and tied my feet with rope. My ankles were crossed, making hopping absolutely difficult.

"Jerry! Donald! Bring Frank and David under that tree!" Andrew said. Jerry and Donald then brought both of them under the said tree. Andrew then tied one end of a very long rope to Frank's waist. He then flung the other end of the rope over a branch of a tree, and Jerry took he other end of the rope and tied it to David. So even if their feet were free, they still won't go anywhere. Then, to further immobilize them, Andrew, Jerry and Donald tied them back-to-back. They tied their wrists together with duct tape so that there is no chance for them to pick each other's knots. Then they tied their elbows together then finally their upper bodies. They didn't bother to tie their legs, feet or ankles. They didn't need to. They just won't go anywhere.

All this time I kept wondering what type of escape are they going to provide us? At the rate they're going it looks like none at all! After taking care of Frank and David, they turned their attention to Robert, who as you remember, wasn't tied up yet. Robert just sat at a rock, watching the entire process. I kept wondering why the hell he didn't just run with the flag. Then I remembered. I wouldn't have run if I were in his shoes, nor for that matter any of us would. We played much value on winning, and done anything to win, but just as long as it is within a framework of the rules. Cheating is despised, and breaking the rules is frowned upon. But anything is permitted as long as the basic rules are followed, and right now, he's only option (according to the rules at least) is just to wait he's turn, for any other course of action will break the rules.

They led Robert to a tree whose trunk isn't that wide, and you could put your arms around it. They made him stand so that he's back is leaning on the tree, and they pulled his arms behind the tree, and they tied it at the wrists. They then tied his upper body, form his chest down to his waist, to the tree, pinning him further. They then gagged him by shoving a clean brown handkerchief to his mouth, and sealing it with duct tape. They didn't bother tying his feet. Like Frank and David, they didn't need to tie his feet.

Now it's my turn. I guess it would be my job to free the others. By the looks of it, Robert, David and Frank are stuck. They untied my feet, and walked me to a nearby shed. There, they tied my ankles, but not crossed. I guess they intended me to be able to hop. Then they hog-tied me on the floor. They then left the shed, closing the door. Now is my chance. I tried feeling for the knots on the ropes holding me in a hog-tie. Bingo! Just as I expected it! The knots were on the front side of my ankles, so I can feel it. I started tugging at it. And as expected, the knots were simple but tight. It took me twenty minutes just trying to undo the knots. But when they were finally released, it was a released. I rested for a minute to recuperate my strength which I expended trying to undo the knots.

I then attempted to stand up. In my bound and gagged position, it is very difficult indeed. It took me ten minutes of hard grueling work but I finally did it. Good thing that my ankles were not crossed. After resting for another minute, I then hopped to the door. I tried reaching for the doorknob, but my fingers barely touched it. However, after much exertion, and sweat, I was able to turn the knob and the door opened. Now comes the hard part. I have to hop about thirty yards to where Frank, Robert and David were. It was difficult, and I nearly got discouraged. But I was determined to do it. They probably have won the game, but still, I wanted to get out on my own. So I started hopping. The hopping was no walk in the park. I can only hop slowly and not in great bounds, because I don't want to fall. Boy, you think hopping in the house is hard, try hopping in the woods. There are holes, mounds and bushes that I have to contend with. And the ground is not as level as I would like it to be. Finally, nearly one hour later, I reached my destination.

I then hopped to a tree and rested. I am covered with sweat by this time, and breathing heavily. I decided to survey the situation to determine what to do. Frank and David are out, for all their knots are securely tucked in between them. That left Robert. After about ten minutes, I hopped toward Robert and looked for knots. I can see that the knots of the long rope wrapped around his upper body were all at front. They were simple square knots, but there are about seven to ten knots I have to work with. So I started. I hopped so that my back is facing Robert's front, and I started feeling for knots. Robert quickly caught on and started mmmppphhhing when my fingers are near a knot. So, after twenty minutes and lots of hard work and frustrations, I was able to undo all the knots and the long rope were now on the ground. I then hopped and tried feeling for the knots on Robert's wrist, which was easier. Soon, I was able undo the knots and Robert was free except for his gag, which he immediately removed.

"You're amazing, Tom!" Robert exclaimed to me. I just mmmppphhh. He then took my cue and untied me.

"You're great! How the hell did you do that?" Robert said.

"I know, I know!" I retorted back. "But untie them. I have bigger fish to fry!"

"Okay!" Robert said. "Where are you going?"

"Just go to the agreed location after you untied them!" I took the white flag and ran like hell toward location. Call me crazy, but to me there is still a hope, however faint, that Andrew, Jerry and Donald haven't yet planted the flag. But as I saw the location, that hope too was dashed. Andrew, Jerry and Donald were sitting around the planted flag, signifying they have won. I stopped just a few yards away from them, too tired to continue, too frustrated to try.

"What took you so long?" Andrew shouted, then they all laughed. "I told you he would escape."

"Okay guys. But you haven't won yet. We must still look and find if the red flag is still where we planted the black flag!" I asserted.

"Yea, but the game is already in the bag." Jerry replied.

"We'll see who's going to have the last laugh!" I said.

"We will, for if the red flag is still there, we win. If not, we can tie you up again until we find it, and so, we win no matter what!" Donald asserted.

I would have responded but Frank, David and Robert arrived. They then congratulated me on my escape. We then went to the northern edge of the plateau and what I saw dashed the last of my hopes. On top of the twenty feet mound is the red flag of the other team planted firmly on the ground, proudly waving, as if to salute the victory of our opponents. There is no doubt that they won. We congratulated them on their win - hey, we're all good sports here you know, and we all played by the rules - and they also congratulated us on out escape feat. We then took the blue flag - it is still we're we left them, on the southern edge near a cliff, then we chatted and played non tie-up games for a while, then went home.

The next tie-up situation happened the next day, Sunday. It is very unusual because it involves our parents. What happened? Read the next part and find out!

Tom Ford

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