Conner : 01 - Tied up at School (mm+/f)

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Conner : 01 - Tied up at School (mm+/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

Conner's stories
01 - Tied up at School
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By Conner

Monday, October 14th 2002 - 09:51:59 PM

Tied up at School

This is something I remember from about 10 years ago from when I was in the 3rd year at secondary school. A group of about 10 of us were playing a game of 'tag' during the lunch break. The girls were at a disadvantage because they had to wear skirts as part of their school uniform. One of the girls called Clare was struggling more than the others.

She was an attractive girl who was also very nice and got on with everyone. She was wearing a navy blue school jumper like the rest of us, a navy blue skirt that came to just below her knees and dark blue leg warmers over what I assumed were dark blue tights. Her skirt was very slim fitting, which showed off her great figure, but it also meant she had difficulty moving around fast.

After a while she was 'tagged' and so she had to try and catch someone. Like the other girls she used a hand to pull her skirt up a bit so she could move more easily. However she still couldn't run fast so after a few minutes she used both hands to pull her skirt up even more, so much so that I could see that she was actually wearing long blue socks with black tights underneath.

With her skirt pulled right up she eventually tagged me, although of course I half let her because like all the other boys we all wanted to be grabbed by her! I said to her something like "you only caught me because you hitched your skirt up!" to which she answered "well, how are you going to stop me pulling it up? You'd have to tie my hands".

I couldn't believe what she'd said!

"That's what I'll have to do" I replied. I quickly pulled my school tie off and used it to start tying her hand behind her back. Of course all the others came over to see what was happening and the other boys started joining in enthusiastically with their ties as well! Of course Clare protested but it was in such a way that we could tell she didn't mean it and was really enjoying herself. With a few minutes she was tightly bound with about 6 ties. Not only were her hands tied behind her back but she had ties wrapped and tied all over her upper body.

"Okay", we said, "we'll untie you if you can catch us". Of course there was no way she was able to catch anyone but it was a sight I'll always remember - an attractive girl, trying to run around in her tight skirt with her body completely trussed up.

After about 10 minutes the bell for the end of the lunch break rang so she said "okay you guys, I give up, you can untie me now"

"No way" we said "you didn't catch us!"

She started to struggle and try to get free but there was absolutely no way she could get loose. After a short while of watching her squirm and wriggle we relented and said we'd untie her. However when we actually tried to untie her we found that all the double knots we'd done when we'd tied her up had got even tighter due to all her movement and we couldn't undo them!

"Come on you guys" she said "We're trying, we're trying" we replied "don't struggle, it's making it worse"

By now everyone had gone into their classes for afternoon registration and we'd made no impact on un-tieing any of the knots that were binding her. We realised we'd have to go back to class before we were missed. One of the other girls leant us her jacket, it was a sleeveless type bodywarmer, and we did Clare up in this so it was more difficult to see she was all tied up.

Luckily we got back to class just before the teacher, so Clare sat at the back and when the teacher arrived she didn't notice anything amiss.

The next lesson was music. We walked Clare to music, surrounding her so no-one would notice that her arms were behind her back rather than coming out of the arm holes of the jacket.

She again sat at the back in the music lesson and initially the teacher didn't notice that one of her class was all tied up. In fact the first thing she noticed was that one of the boys in the class weren't wearing their tie. This made her take a closer took as the class to see who else wasn't wearing a tie when she noticed Clare at the back all bundled up in the body warmer with no arms showing. It didn't take her long to see what had happened, that half the boys in the class weren't wearing ties and one of the girls was all bound up with said ties.

She sent us all in to one of the music practice rooms and after about half an hour we had untied Clare and put our ties back on. Because Clare said it was a game and she hadn't minded, none of us got into trouble.

Anyway, that's the first time Clare got tied up. I'm sure she enjoyed it. It wasn't the last but I'll mention about another occasion another day.


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