Cacofonix : The Run (m+/mm)

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Cacofonix : The Run (m+/mm)

Post by TightsBound »

--Written by Cacofonix on the old site. Unfortunately I did not retain the original title.--

One of the ordeals of the school year was the cross country run. It took place at the start of Autumn term and every boy in the school had to take part. We had to run through the woods, across fields, then back up the hill to school. It felt like miles.

It was a sort of tradition that some of the older boys would tie up a few younger boys in the woods. It was just a game. No one was tied up who really didn’t want to be. Who tied up who was usually agreed beforehand. I think boys threatened with being tied up looked forward to it as much as the tyer uppers.

No one ever stayed tied up for long. They weren’t gagged. Just tied to a tree or something. They could shout for help and other boys would untie them.

This year would be a bit different though. In a previous story a bully bound and gagged me and left me tied to a tree. I had to be rescued. He didn’t get into trouble for it, because I didn’t tell on him. I couldn’t really, I had let him do it. Word got around that you could tie me up and even gag me without getting into trouble.

Some boys from the year above me told me they were going to tie me up on the cross country run. They didn’t say they were planning to gag me as well, but I knew they were. They had given me fair warning. If I didn’t want to be tied up I only had to avoid them.

I was too excited to sleep much the night before the run. I was a bit scared at the thought of being left bound and gagged in the woods, but I think I was more afraid that I would lose my nerve, back out of it and miss a chance of being tied up.

At the start of the run I made sure I was near them, to make it easy for them to nab me. I could hardly wait.

At last, when we were well into the wood they did grab me. I was dragged off into the undergrowth, well back from the path, to a small clearing behind a big hedge. I didn’t resist when my arms were yanked behind my back. I felt weak the knees watching them pull lengths of rope from hiding places under their shorts and t-shirts.

I think they tied my elbows together first, then my wrists. My arms were roped down around my chest and stomach. They put my legs side by side and tied them together just above the knee. Finally they tied my ankles together. I was pretty much immobilised. They had tied me tight.

It must be hard to hide a roll of gaffer tape under your clothes, but someone managed it. So they were definitely going to gag me. I hoped they did it properly.

I needn’t have worried. One boy had brought an extra pair of socks to gag me with. He stuffed one of them all the way into my mouth. I had mixed feelings about being gagged with a sock which had been hidden down another boy’s running shorts, but it tasted clean. And it made a good mouth stuffer. My cheeks were bulging.

They taped me up with nice sticky gaffer tape, wrapped tight over my mouth and round behind my head and back over and over. I counted about ten turns. Job done. I was now helpless.

They sat me down on the ground, tightly bound and gagged.

Another boy from my class had followed us to watch me being tied up. His name was M. We weren’t friends, but he was Ok. He was often in trouble for smoking cigarettes and that sort of thing.

One of the older boys said “Let’s tie up this hero too”, meaning M.

M was up for it. He put his arms behind his back without even being told. They told him he would have to be gagged too. There was no point gagging me if M could shout for help. Alternatively they could take him back up to the path and just tie him to a tree. No gag. As long as he promised not to help me when he was rescued.

M said he didn’t mind being gagged. Good boy.

There was a lot of rope. I think someone must have stashed some there in advance. M’s wrists and elbows were pinned behind his back and his body and arms tied tightly with rope. They stuffed the other sock in his mouth and taped him up with gaffer tape like me. Then they sat him down next to me and tied his knees and ankles.

I really liked watching them bind and gag M. I had never seen another boy being tied up before. Now I had him sitting next to me, tightly bound and gagged, and me equally helpless. There was a “What have I got myself into?“ look on both our faces. We knew that we were going to be left in the wood like this and there was nothing we could do about it.

Before abandoning us, they lay us down on the ground and rolled us together so we were on our sides, face to face, pressed close. They tied us together like that. We were both small boys and about the same height. So they could tie us chest to chest and waist to waist. They tied our thighs together and then our lower legs. They had M’s ankles a little higher than mine so that his feet rested on mine. They secured our ankles and feet like that.

They ran off laughing and left us like that. Tightly bound and gagged and tied together so close that our noses touched. One boy said we looked as though we were kissing. How embarrassing.

I had been looking forward to this moment for at least a week. To be helpless, bound and gagged for real. It never seems quite such a good idea when it actually happens though. Not immediately. I temporarily came to my senses. I had let myself be left tied up and gagged without any idea of how I would get out of it. What was I thinking?

We were really tightly tied. Escape was unlikely. It was obvious that our best hope was to get help from someone before the run was over. They started us in groups, so there were still plenty of people running by on the path. We were too tightly gagged though. There was no hope of anyone hearing us. They were making too much noise, running an panting.

When the last few stragglers went past I thought there might be a chance, but they didn’t hear us mmmphing either. If they heard anything at all they wouldn’t have known that it was a couple of little boys bound and gagged behind a hedge. It would just have seemed like the sort of odd noise you hear in the woods.

We had got ourselves into a real predicament. Everyone had got a bit carried away I think. They had tied us much too tightly. They had wanted to do it for real. To make sure we had no chance of struggling free. We were gagged too tightly. They had wanted to make sure we couldn’t get help. It was a bad idea to leave us alone in the wood. We shouldn’t really have let them do it to us either.

M had got more than he bargained for. He had thought we would be able to escape. He imagined himself wiggling round and, with his hands tied behind him, untying some of the knots binding me. He had not banked on us being roped together face to face with our arms tied away behind our backs so we couldn’t do anything. Tied together as we were , we couldn’t roll around and find a sharp root to try to cut the ropes with. We couldn’t coordinate any efforts because we were gagged so tightly we couldn’t say a word.

Although I like being tied up, I can’t help struggling. There was no give in the ropes tying us though. They were pulled tight enough to hurt, cinched and double knotted. It was obvious that no amount of struggling would loosen any of them. With our mouths gagged, stuffed, sealed and taped up tight we could hardly make a sound. No escape. No rescue. We could only wait to be found. However long that took.

Needless to say, I wasn’t entirely disappointed to have not been rescued yet and to be unable to escape. I had been bound and gagged really well. Those boys had done a good job. It felt fantastic and I liked not being able to get out of it. I liked not having a choice.

Luckily, M was as excited by all this as I was, but it was still a bit embarrassing to be tied together as close as this. We were both red in the face. With our noses touching, I could feel the heat off M’s face and the hot breath from his nostrils. We avoided meeting each other’s eye.

Now that all the runners had gone past we really were alone and helpless. Because of the cross country run, the usual dog walkers and strollers were steering clear of the wood so there was no chance even of anyone stumbling upon us. We were helpless, lying tightly bound and gagged in the middle of an empty wood. There was nobody within a mile of us.

I wondered how on earth we were going to get out of this. Obviously we would be found eventually and it never occurred to me that we would come to any harm, but I thought it might take a while.

It would take at least an hour for everyone to finish the cross country run. How long would it take them to notice we were missing? What if they didn’t? Even if one of the boys who tied us up came back to untie us, he would have to wait until school finished. I couldn’t see that happening though. The way they had tied and gagged us so tightly and hidden us away showed they wanted us to stay like that. If they did come back I doubted it would to untie us.

I had an after school club that evening, so I wouldn’t be missed at home for hours. Then what? Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if the police were called and search parties arranged? I would be in so much trouble. That thought made me panic a bit. Suddenly I wanted to get out of it, but struggle as I might, I was still as tightly tied as ever. M wondered what was up, but I couldn’t tell him due to being all gagged and taped up.

I soon calmed down. I was sure we would be missed from school and they would look for us, though it would take them ages to find us hidden in dense shrubbery. A normal person might have been perturbed, but I was very excited by the thought of having to lie tightly bound and gagged in the woods all afternoon.

Eventually we were found by our form teacher Miss B. Our absence had been noticed and she had come to look for us. She found us quite easily, possibly acting on a tip off. She was not pleased.

“I have a good mind to leave you like that”, she said.

That gave me a thrill. I liked being at her mercy. She stood over us, wearing a black tracksuit, white trainers and a pair of tight fitting brown leather gloves.

She peeled off her gloves and tried to untie a couple of the knots binding us. Her fingernails were short and the knots were tied too tight, so she had to give up. She stood up, pulled on her leather gloves, and stomped off back to the path without a word.

I don’t think she would have left us gagged if she had known we each had a big sock stuffed in our mouth. I guessed that she had gone to get something to cut the ropes with. I hoped so anyway. Not that it wasn’t exciting to be abandoned again and left helpless, tightly bound and gagged.

Miss B returned with a pair of scissors after about half an hour. She had had to go back to school for them. She cut through the wrist and elbow ropes then left us to extricate ourselves from the rest of the rope and tape binding us. She told us to see her back to school.

Two boys being tied up and gagged and left in the woods by older boys sounds like bullying. Miss B knew we had cooperated though. She had seen me bound and gagged for a game before. So she kept it quiet about. The story was that we had used the cross country run as a cover for playing truant. We got a week of detention, but it was worth it.
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Millennial Club
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Post by MaxRoper »

Good story. I'd take a week of detention for that sort of thing any time.
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