infmed88 : 06 - Study session (ff/m)

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infmed88 : 06 - Study session (ff/m)

Post by Soraka »

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06 - Study session
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By infmed88

by infmed88 » Tue Sep 27, 2011 7:16 pm

Hello again everyone, I've been pretty busy with college all week and then work on the weekends, so lets see how much of this story i can push out tonight. This particular story is one of the earliest times I've been tied up, back when I was around 12 or 13. For the sake of information, I was about 5'4 90lbs, dark brown hair, wearing jeans/red t shirt/white sneakers. My step mom being around 5'7 with brown hair also wearing jeans and a blue tank top....and i guess a C cup for those of you who care. Continuing my pre/post story ritual, I'll just throw out there that I love getting any kind of feedback from you guys, be it positive or negative. Via comments, email, yahoo messenger, PM, what have you. I also promise to post a story of me actually getting revenge one of these days.

So way back in the day, before me getting tied up became a normal occurrence, I had a history of getting lack luster grades in school. I would consistently ignore homework and was satisfied with pulling C's and D's in all of my classes. Mom would always give me hell about needing to start taking school seriously before transferring over to high school where the grads would actually start to matter. Much to her chagrin I largely ignored her, preferring to spend my time watching TV or playing video games to studying. Things came to a breaking point when my first semester report card arrived in the mail, filled with the usual C's and D's i had always been content with. I knew Mom had something planned when she called me into the kitchen and sat me down in one of the chairs.

"Sit down right there and don't move, I'll be back in thirty seconds."

" What's going on?" I asked as I watched her calmly leave the room, showing no signs of anger or frustration.

I heard her foot steps as she reentered the room, fully shocked when my arms were suddenly pulled behind my back and felt some kind of rope being looped around my wrists, "Mom what the heck are you doing?!"

Without pausing her work on my wrists she replied with, "I've warned you I don't know how many times about your grades, so if you're not going to study on your own we're going to do it the hard way."

I tried standing up before she could finish tying my wrists together but was forced back down into the chair by her hand pressing down on my shoulder. Once my hands were secure she moved on to my elbows, remaining silent as I tried to bargain my way out of my worsening situation. After binding my elbows together she reached around in front of my face and began stuffing my mouth with one of her socks, effectively stifling my protests. Mom kept her hand clamped over my stuffed mouth as she walked around in front of me and sat down in my lap, keeping me pinned down with her body while holding a roll of duct tape in her free hand. I made my best attempt at shaking my head and telling her to let me go, obviously to no avail.

"Ssshhhh. No more talking."

After peeling the tape from the roll with her teeth, she began liberally wrapping it around my head, ensuring that her sock would be staying lodged in my mouth for the duration of our study session. Mom wrapped the tape around my head roughly ten times before she was confident I had been limited to timid protests. Dismounting from my lap she knelt down in front of me and began tying my ankles to separate chair legs, then my knees, and finally thighs. I could only glare angrily at Mom as she joked of how I was unusually quiet at the moment, eliciting a barrage of gagged shouts from me. I looked down at my body as she began winding more of the white rope around my chest, wondering how in the hell she was this good at tying knots like this, then looking back up at her and made it as clear as i could that I was not happy with what was going on.

"What was that honey? Oh don't worry we'll start studying soon enough."

My chest having been cinched tightly to the chair, my only option for significant movement left was jutting my hips out in a futile attempt at escape. Even that option was taken away when Mom used the last bit of rope to tie my waist down to the chair, leaving me with my hands, feet, and head to flail around in anger. I gave her the most evil look I could muster as she stood in front of me with her hands on her hips, sizing up the quality of her work while grinning down at me.

"Oh don't you even give me that look, you've brought all of this on yourself. Maybe now you'll start bringing home A's and B's hmmm?"


"You're right, we should get started. Now which books did you bring home with you?"

I jerked around violently as I studied the ropes criss-crossing my body, trying to work the sock around in my mouth. After a few brief moments of digging through my back pack Mom pulled up her own chair to the kitchen table and set my English book down onto the table. I tried telling her that she didn't even know which classes I had homework for, or even what the homework was supposed to be, but of course that message was a garbled mess that only succeeded in putting another grin on her face. Mom opened the book to a random page and began reading, raising her voice to drown out the sound of my gagged protests and the squeaking of my chair as I jerked back and forth. She stopped reading and leaned over towards me, grabbing my cheeks with her hand and forcing me to look at her.

"Sweety, if you don't hush up and stop squirming around like you've got ants in your pants then we're going to be here all night. You don't wan't your sister to get home and see you like this do you?"

I shook my head in an adamant 'no', knowing my step sister Katie would be back from her volleyball game in a few hours and not wanting to deal with her crap in my current state. Letting out a heavy sigh I stopped trying to talk through my gag and waited for her to continue on with what was the most boring English class i had ever been forced to sit through.

"Good boy."

For the better part of the next hour I remained silent as Mom droned on, limiting my struggling to just flailing my hands and feet around in the air. My focus would shift between Mom, looking down at her handiwork wound all over my body, and the slowest moving clock in existence. The hour had just barely passed when she stopped reading and closed the book, then hopped over to my lap and folded her arms saying, "By now I think you've gotten the point of all this. I don't know what you're supposed to be studying, but I do know you'd rather be doing it without me helping you. right?"

I nodded by grunting affirmatively, trying not to glance over at the clock while receiving what was one of the first of many 'lap lectures' Mom would give me. Having her straddled on my lap was making me fairly uncomfortable, and was causing me to wiggle around quite a bit as she continued lecturing me about how important it was to get good grades in school. If she asked me a question and I didn't respond she would just grab my face and nod for me, then scoot up further onto my lap causing me to writhe around even more. After what seemed like half an hour she was still going strong into her speech, ignoring my struggles beneath her, when headlights flashed through the kitchen window and a van pulled into our driveway. Mom stood up from my lap, giving me a welcome reprieve from having my personal space violated, and looked outside saying, "Oh, Carol just dropped off your sister. I'm going to go chat with her real quick, don't go anywhere."

I was now shouting into my gag again, shaking my head 'no' while twisting and thrashing around in my bonds as much as I possibly could. I began trying to scoot my chair out of the room, not wanting to be the first thing someone were to see if they came into the house. At first I was scooting my chair slowly and carefully, not wanting to tip over, but as I heard the van door outside slide open and slam shut, I decided 'to hell with the tipping over' and tried jumping my chair as fast as possible out of the room. I hadn't even made it halfway out of the kitchen when the front door flew open and there stood Katie in her volleyball uniform (blue numbered jersey w/matching shorts) with her jaw dropped in an astonished smile.

"Oh my god!"

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Post by Soraka »

Katie stood in the door with her mouth agape, watching me give up on scooting my chair out of the room. After a few moments of silence she entered the room and began to slowly circle around me with her hands on her hips, eyeing me up and down. I tried convincing her to let me go, but she was too enthralled with what she was seeing to pay any attention to my garbled demands. After pulling three laps around me, Katie began asking questions while poking me in the ribs and under my arms, causing me to yelp through my gag and twist violently back and forth.

"Did Mom do this too you?"


"Well I think she did an awesome job!"


The more she would laugh the more I would shout through my gag, and the more I shouted through my gag the more she would laugh. It didn't take her long to notice the English book sitting on the table next to me, and it took her even less time to figure out Mom had been 'tutoring' me. Continuing to act as if I wasn't furious from being tied and gagged, she saw my bag and began digging through it, finding and pulling out the only other book I had brought home with me and setting down on the table.

"I'm guessing Mom already helped you with your English, so I'll help you with Math since it's the only book left in there. Don't worry though I'm really good at helping people study!"

I replied in the only fashion I had been able to reply all night, by shaking my head and jerking against the ropes wound all over my body as much as I possibly could. I didn't expect my unintelligible threats or my angry squirming to change anything, I just couldn't get over the fact that my younger sister was actually getting away with doing this. I could still hear Mom's voice outside, and it didn't sound like she was anywhere near finished talking to her friend. So I settled back into my chair and just glared at my sister while she thumbed through the book, as if she actually cared about finding the right section to teach me.

"Oh, before we start, let me tell you about our game tonight!"

I groaned loudly while rolling my eyes, wiggling my feet around and rocking my chair back and forth to get away from Katie. I didn't get far before she sat down on the chair with me, preventing me from scooting out of the room and away from her annoying voice. Once I was stuck beneath her, I listened to how her team had completely destroyed the opposing side, using volleyball terms that I'm still ignorant of to this day. I tried getting her attention several times by grunting or bucking around under her, but she just kept going on and on about how good their team had played that night. I was forced to endure another ten minutes of her ranting before Mom finally came back in the kitchen from outside, and even then she just crossed her arms and leaned against the front door, watching as I patted my hands against the back of the chair and rolled my eyes at my sister's directionless monologue.

After spending another five minutes smirking at my obvious dislike for what was happening, my mom interjected with, "Ok ok Katie, as much as Matt would love to hear more about your game tonight he's got a little more studying to do."

"Can I do it!? I've already got his Math book out and everything see!?"

Looking at my sister's hopeful expression then over at me shaking my head and still trying to buck her off, Mom replied with, "As long as you actually go over the book with him, don't just talk about your day."

"Thanks Mom," Katie exclaimed before grinning at me and adding, "I'll make sure he learns ton of stuff."

Mom took one last look at her immobilized son and gleeful daughter before leaving the kitchen. Once she was out of sight Katie gave me an extremely evil grin and asked, "So are you ready to learn Matt?"

I soon learned what she was talking about when she began digging her fingers into my sides, causing me to laugh loudly through my gag and thrash around with her still seated on my lap. I cursed Mom's thorough rope work in my mind as I leaned and jerked every possible direction I could in an attempt to get away from Katie's digging fingers. She worked her fingers up and down my stomach and chest, periodically digging into my exposed armpits before moving back down to my ribs. Had it not been for Mom cinching my hips tightly to the chair I probably would have managed to buck my sister from off of my lap. After the first five minutes of non stop tickling I could no longer even make an attempt at talking through my gag, seeing as how I was barely managing to breathe.

"Admit that I'm way cooler than you! And that girls are better than boys!"

I tried nodding my head in agreement, willing to do anything to make the tickling stop, but Katie refused to stop tickling even for me to admit defeat. My only hope at this point was that Mom would hear the commotion down stairs and come investigate, and that's assuming that she'd even put a stop to it. It was another fifteen minutes of me desperately wiggling around under my sister before she finally stopped. I had laughed myself into tears and my chest was heaving up and down as I tried to catch my breath. My hopes for an end to the torture died when she knelt down and began untying my shoes, looking up at me with that same evil smile from before.

"I still haven't heard you admit how awesome I am yet. Once you learn that girls are better than boys I'll tell Mom i finished helping you study and you'll be free to go."

"GGRRMMMPPPHHH RRMMPPPHHH!" I let out my best attempt at gag talking the words 'girls rule', but I was doomed from the start.

Ignoring my admitted defeat, Katie finished removing my shoes and dug her fingernails into the bottoms of my feet. I wiggled my feet around in all directions as I jerked and twisted in the chair, unable to control my hysterical laughter. I desperately wanted to tell Katie that I needed to pee, but between the soggy sock mashed into my mouth and my inability to stop laughing, there was no way that was going to happen. Instead she continued to dig into the soles of my feet, telling me to admit that she was better than me. She stared up at me with a massive smile on her face as I strained against the ropes for the next twenty minutes, and began her own hysterical laughter when she saw a wet spot rapidly growing the in crotch of my jeans. She ceased tickling me only because she was holding her own sides from laughing so much. I didn't even bother trying to hold some of it in, knowing that she would probably just tickle the rest out of me anyways I just sat silently and waited for her to stop laughing.

"Did you actually just pee your pants!? Some tough guy you are!"


After recovering from her fit of laughter Katie stood up in front of me with her fists planted on her hips, "Ok, so I think we can both agree that you've learned something today, right?"

Completely defeated, I silently nodded as my sister stood in front of me, proud of her second victory of the night.

"Doooooooo yoouuuuuuu admit that I'm totally cooler than you are?"

Shifting uneasily in my soiled boxers I again nodded obediently.

"Doooooooo you admit that girls are better than boys?"

Another obedient nod in addition to a heavy sigh.

Katie jumped up and down, celebrating what was to be one of her first victories against me in our sibling rivalry. Instead of untying me like I expected her to do, she just waved her finger at me in a goodbye and skipped out of the room, leaving me to call out to her from behind my gag. I continued to squirm around, forced to stew in my own defeat and my soiled pants, having made zero progress against the ropes tightly coiled all around my body. It took another hour before Mom came back downstairs to find me still thoroughly trussed up and gagged, the massive wet spot on my jeans still very evident.

"Did you wet yourself Matthew?"


"I'm sorry it had to be this way sweety, but you've learned your lesson haven't you?"


"Alright then, as long as you shape up your act then we won't gave to go through this again."

Wanting nothing more to shower, change my clothes, and throttle my sister, I let out another gagged agreement before I was untied, the study session finally over.
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Post by sockgaggedsissy »

This is great!
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

If this happened to me every day I would feel really depressed.
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