K.C. : More Good Times At College (M/F, M/FF, F/M)

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K.C. : More Good Times At College (M/F, M/FF, F/M)

Post by ffixwarrior »

K.C.'s stories
09 - More Good Times at College
Story index at the bottom

By K.C.

Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:22 pm

It was a very rainy April day when Anita and I were walking back from a lecture. She was wearing a white waterproof jacket over a green T-shirt, long black spandex pants and white sneakers while I wore a black T-shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers as well. Her black shoulder-length hair was tied back in a ponytail and she had a couple of raindrops on her glasses due to the wind and rain since my large umbrella wasn’t able to keep all the rain from coming at us.

We were heading back to her dorm since my roommates were around at my place and I wasn’t sure how they’d feel with all the PDA and bondage stuff that we did. Plus, her roommate, Kate, had a lecture at this time and wasn’t due back for 2 hours. However, her dorm was much crappier than mine since it was a shared room. The room basically only had: 2 beds, 2 wardrobes, 2 “mini-closets” (used for hanging coats or storing shoes, but behind a large curtain), 2 mirrors, 2 desks, 2 chairs, and a window. Pretty much your standard dorm room.

Once we got to her room, we both took off our soggy sneakers and socks and put them in the “mini-closet” and Anita hung up her jacket as well. We also placed our bookbags down near the door.

“So…are you ready to tie me up?” she said sexily, tiptoeing close to me holding her arms behind her.

“Well…first, you won’t be needing these,” I said, removing her glasses from her eyes and placing them on top of her wardrobe. I then gave her a long passionate kiss on the lips and gently pushed her onto her bed. “And yes, I’m ready,” I said to her with a smile.

I went over to my bookbag to retrieve the ropes that I had brought from my room and knelt on top of Anita, who had repositioned herself on her bed so that she was lying on her stomach. I then grabbed her hands and placed them behind her back in a criss-cross position. Grabbing a long length of rope, I wrapped it around her wrists horizontally about 7-8 times.

“So why do you like tying me up so much?” Anita asked, as I was cinching off her wrist bindings.

“Because I think you look hot when you struggle,” I said, whispering in her ear. I then finished the tie by tying a square knot on top of her ropes, followed by a second knot.

“Ooh…nice and tight. Unh,” she grunted, as she tested her bonds by wriggling her wrists in them. “Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be getting my hands free anytime soon.”

I watched her as she tried to probe her fingers back to feel for the knot that kept her wrists tied behind her. She was able to reach the knot with the tip of her finger, but I knew she wouldn’t be able to pick it loose with the way her hands were tied. Eventually, I shifted my position on top of her so that I was facing her feet. Taking another long length of rope, I grabbed her ankles and began to loop the rope around them about 9-10 times before I cinched it off and tied the knot at the back of her ankles (I figured I’d give her at least a chance to get out of her ankle bonds this time). However, I decided not to make it so easy by tying a second knot on top of it. Once I was finished tying her ankles together, I gave her bare feet a quick tickle with my fingers.

“Hey, no fair,” she said, playfully wiggling her toes at me before lowering them back down to the bed.

I got up off of her and knelt down behind her legs. She bent her legs again, anticipating what was coming next. I took a short length of rope and started to loop one end vertically a couple of times through her ankle ropes before tying the knot off behind her ankle ropes. I then took the loose end of the rope and passed it through her wrist bindings, pulling her feet closer to her hands until there was about 6-7 inches of space in between them. Finally, I wrapped the excess length around her wrist bindings before tying the knot. She gave a couple of tugs with her feet to acknowledge the hogtie she was in.

“There, see if you can get loose,” I said, rubbing one of her legs and giving her a playful slap on the butt. I then sat down on her desk chair and watched as she tried to escape.

“Heh, I’ll try,” Anita replied, twisting her head back to try and see how she was tied.

She resumed her struggles by twisting her wrists in their bonds to see if she could force them out. Realizing that this made no progress, she turned her attention to her legs, seeing if she could undo the knot keeping her ankles tied together, or at least undo the knot that kept her wrists and ankles tied to each other. She arched her back and awkwardly reached out with her fingers to search for the knots, occasionally brushing against the soles of her feet. Eventually, she found one of the knots and attempted to pick away at it. However, since her wrists were tied criss-crossed, she was only able to use one hand at a time to try and untie it. It was pretty entertaining watching her bend her legs and bring her feet as close to her hands as possible so that she could try and untie her feet.

Every so often, I would hear her mutter curses to herself when she would lose grip of the knot with her fingers. Also, she would stop to rest every now and then and relax her body before renewing her efforts to get free.

“Almost got it,” she grunted, continuing to pick away at the knots.

“Not even close,” I joked. “Do you need any help?”

“No, I’ve got it…actually, help me sit up,” she said.

I helped her up so that she could sit in a kneeling position, taking the strain off of her wrists and ankles. Once I helped her sit up though, we both heard a key being put into the door.

“I thought you said your roommate had class,” I whispered.

“I thought so, too.”

Just then, Kate had opened the door and walked in. For descriptive purposes, Kate was an English major, with shoulder length brunette hair and brown eyes. For this day, she also wore a rainwear jacket, white long sleeve shirt, gray sweatpants, and sneakers. She removed her shoes and jacket once she came into the room. She didn’t seem at all surprised, though, in seeing her roommate all trussed up with her boyfriend.

“Hey guys, whatcha doing? Looks pretty kinky…” she asked, curiously.

“Nothing, really. We were just playing a game, right, Anita?” I said, bashfully.

“Yeah…so how come you’re back so early? You’re not skipping class, are you?” Anita said, trying to sound casual.

“Nope. Well, we all waited for awhile for the professor to show up, but he never came. His TA came in and told us class was cancelled for today,” Kate replied.

“Ohh, lucky you,” Anita remarked.

“Yeah, it’s pretty awesome.” Kate then walked over to Anita to inspect her bonds. “Wow, you seem to be in quite a bind. Did K.C. do this to you?”

“Yeah, he tied me up to see if I could escape,” she said. I just shrugged my shoulders with a sheepish grin.

“Oh, my brothers used to do that to me too when we were kids. It gets pretty boring out in the ‘burbs. So we just made up a lot of games to play like cops and robbers and stuff/ Although I’ve never been quite tied up the way you are right now.”

“Oh, yeah, it’s called a hogtie. You pretty much have your hands and feet tied together so you can’t straighten your legs to stand up,” Anita said, pulling on her hogtie rope with her wrists for further effect. “See?”

“Yeah, but you gotta be like this to show the full effect,” I said, gently pushing Anita from her kneeling position back down to the bed.

“Hey!!! Oof,” she said, causing all of us to giggle.

“So why’s it called that? I always thought hogs were tied more like this,” Kate asked. She then laid down on her bed with her hands and feet in front of her to demonstrate.

“Yeah, you’re right. I don’t know why they call it that either,” I remarked.

“Good point,” Anita added in.

“Hey, can you tie me up like that too?” Kate said, after a moment of pondering.

“Are you sure?” we both asked her at the same time.

“Yeah, I’ve got nothing to do anyways till my next class, so this’ll kill some time,” Kate said enthusiastically. “It doesn’t hurt, does it?” she then asked Anita with some concern.

“No, not really,” she said with a nervous laugh. “Just don’t do it so tight K.C.”

“Ok, then,” I said and grabbed a length of rope to use. I placed her wrists behind her and firmly wrapped the rope around her wrists about 9-10 times, keeping in mind not to do it too tight. Once I got to the end of the rope, I decided to just tie off a square knot on top of her bindings. I then tied her ankles together by wrapping another length of rope around them about 9-10 times before tying a square knot behind her ankles. Taking the last length of rope, I hogtied her wrists and ankles together with about more than a foot length of space between them.

“There, how’s that?” I said, once I was finished.

“Pretty good, let’s see if I can get out of this,” she said with a laugh, wriggling her hands and feet as much as she could. I made sure that I tied her so that she wouldn’t be too uncomfortable, but also kept in mind to still wrap the ropes firmly around her limbs.

Kate tested her bonds slowly, first lifting her wrists and seeing if she could slip her hands free and doing the same with her feet for her ankle bonds. She then tried to twist her head back to see how she was tied. She also seemed to be getting used to the experience of being hogtied as she kept making the rope taut by pulling on it with her wrists and ankles. After a short period of time, Kate ceased her struggling.

“Unh, I don’t think I can get out,” Kate said, looking up at me from her hogtied position. “Can you untie me now?”

“Sure, does it hurt?” I asked, concerned that she wanted to be untied so quickly.

“No, but I just don’t wanna tire myself out before my next class,” she replied.

“So you feel ok?” Anita added in.

“Yeah, I’m fine, but it sure is a lot different from just having your hands tied together when I was kid.”

I undid the hogtie rope holding Kate’s wrists and ankles together and then removed the ropes around her wrists and ankles. Once she was free, she raised her arms and stood on her tippy toes to stretch out.

“Well, it’s good to be free,” she said, smiling. However, what she said next came as a surprise.

“Can I try tying you up in a hogtie now?”

“Uhh…I don’t know,” I said, looking over at Anita.

“Come on, it’ll be fun,” Anita said.

“Oh, all right,” I said and placed my hands behind my back.

Kate used the same ropes that I had used to tie her up. She took my wrists and placed them palm to palm with each other. She then wrapped the rope numerous times around my wrists before tying the knot off tightly. She then led me over to Anita’s bed.

“Scoot over,” I said to her.

“Easier said than done. Still hogtied here, remember?” she replied, jokingly. She then slithered her body to the edge of the bed next to the wall.

I then laid down next to Anita as Kate tied my ankles together and lifted them up to connect them to my wrists. Once she completed the tie, I tugged on the hogtie rope with my feet a little to see how much slack she had given me. I guessed that there was about a foot of space in between them.

“How’s that?” Kate asked.

“Pretty good, you must’ve learned how to tie well from your brothers,” I replied, squirming in my ropes.

“Yeah, they taught me a few things here and there,” Kate said. “Be right back.”

“Wait! Where are you going?” I asked, but the door had already closed. “She’s not going to leave us like this, is she?”

“No, Kate’s not like that. Plus, her things are still here,” Anita said, turning her head to me. “So how’s it feel to be on the receiving end for a change?” She then playfully nudged me with her bare feet by rocking her body.

“Ehh…I dunno, it’s different. So do you enjoy seeing me tied up as well?” I asked, nudging her back with my feet.

“Yeah, you look cute,” she said, scrunching up her nose at me. “I should tie you up more often.”

Just then, Kate had came back.

“Sorry guys, had to use the bathroom.”

“Hey Kate, can you untie me?” Anita asked. “I’ve got an idea.”

“Sure thing, roomie,” Kate replied.

“Wait…what do you have in mind?” I asked.

“You’ll see,” she said with a mischievous grin.

I then felt Kate plop down on the bed, behind our legs.

“Eww, your feet stink,” Kate said mockingly to Anita.

“They do not! They smell just fine,” Anita said, laughing.

“Hehe. Hey, where’d you get your leggings?” Kate asked.

“Oh, I got them at American Apparel. Why?” Anita said.

“Just wondering. They look nice on you,” Kate replied.


Meanwhile, I just put my face down on Anita’s bed, bored from all the girl talk.

“These knots are so hard to untie,” Kate remarked. “K.C. never lets you get away, does he?”

Both girls then laughed.

“Yeah, he ALWAYS keeps me tied up,” Anita said. I could feel my face blushing.

“Got it! Now, lower your feet down so I can untie them,” Kate said, having undone Anita’s hogtie rope I guessed.

Once her feet were untied, Anita stood up on her bed and carefully stepped over me back onto the floor. I watched her walk over to where my backpack was.

“Wait, I haven’t untied your hands yet, silly,” Kate said, getting off of the bed and walking over to Anita.

“I know, I just wanna see if we have something,” Anita replied, as she knelt down on the floor, trying to search through the backpack.

“Hehe, hold on for a sec,” Kate giggled, kneeling down behind Anita. She then began to work on the knot that held Anita’s wrists locked behind her back. Once her hands were free, she pulled out the roll of duct tape that I had brought in my backpack.

“Hey, what are you going to do with that?” I asked nervously.

“Ohh…nothing,” she said, ripping a piece off and sticking it over my lips. Smiling widely, she then grabbed a scarf from her closet and placed it over my eyes, tying a knot off behind my head.

“Let’s see how ticklish you are,” I heard her say, as I felt a finger poke into my side. I rolled over on my side in reaction, but then felt another poke in my stomach. As much as I tried to avoid her tickling, she always found an opening spot to tickle me, whether it was my sides, stomach, or feet. After a couple of minutes, she decided to give me a break.

“You’re mean,” I heard Kate say.

“Yeah, but he does this to me all the time too. Are you ready to be untied now, dear?” Anita said, running her hands through my hair. I nodded my head to indicate yes.

“Ok, I guess you’ve had enough for now,” she said, giving my feet one last tickle. She then began to work on untying the ropes around me. Once she finished untying me, all three of us headed down to the dining hall for a quick snack before Kate headed off to class, giving me and Anita a chance to finish our alone time together before Kate had come back.

College times were sure fun back then…

K.C.'s stories
Last edited by ffixwarrior 6 years ago, edited 2 times in total.